Chapter 57: We are losing?

Chapter 57: We are losing?

Next day.

Yuetan Stadium.

The air in the stadium was tense. It was the calm before thestorm. Deputy Bureau Chief Xu Yan lead the Western District team into thestadium from the side gates. Across the field, the eastern district team, intheir red jersey, were doing their warm up. Xu Yan had a stern look on herface. She looked at every player on her team. "I will repeat this once more! Weaim to win! Do your best out there! Don't embarrass the Western Districtbranch!"

"Yes!" You'll discover the inception of this content at n0v@lbin★

Today's match was crucial, and many people from the branchbureaus were there to support their team. Tan Limei, Changjuan, and even OldYan were there. Guo Panwei and Zhuang Zhi were in the starting line up asusual. Maybe it was because Xiao Gao and another regular player were injured inyesterday's match, Guo Shunjie was in the starting line-up. The players tookoff their jackets and started their warm up on the field. Dong Xuebing and twoother reserves were standing behind Xu Yan and Li Qing, facing the field.

Deputy District Political Commissar Xu was standing about 10meters away from Dong Xuebing and the rest.

Deputy Chief Xu Yan stared at Deputy District PoliticalCommissar Xu coldly.

Deputy District Political Commissar Xu turned and smiled atXu Yan. "If your team prepared to lose?"

Xu Yan frowned. "This is the question I wanted to ask you."

"Hahaha, where did you get your confidence from?"

Deputy District Political Commissar Xu should have given herteam orders to win at all cost. The spectators could feel the tension betweenboth teams before the start of the match. The referee was still the samereferee from yesterday's match. When both sides were ready and in position, heblew the whistle to start the game.

The Eastern District Team kick off, and they immediatelybroke through the midfield defense.

Commissar Xu shouted loudly: "Attack! Put pressure on them!"

The Eastern District players were rushing forward. They didnot even care about their defense. Bang! A misjudged pass was intercepted byWestern District player from the branch's Commission for Discipline Inspection.But before his teammates could counter-attack, a boot with the studs facing himcame rushing towards him. He got a shock and quickly avoided that player. Inthe end, he lost control of the ball, and the Eastern District team got theball back.

The match was exciting.

20 minutes...

The Eastern District players were still tackling frombehind, aiming for the players' legs. They did not care even if they will getyellow cards or got sent off.


When the first half of the match was about to end, there wasa horrible shriek!

Eastern District team's no, 13 had elbowed one of theWestern District players in the back when they were fighting for the ball. TheWestern District player was sent flying on the pitch and could no longer get upon his feet!

The referee could not see what happened from his position,and he just awarded a foul. There were no yellow cards.

Dong Xuebing and many others saw what happened. Everyoneshouted: "That's a red card!"

The Western District players surrounded the referee: "He had elbowed him!"

"Are you blind? You did not see what happened?"

The referee stick to his decision and even showed the yellowcard to the player who scolded him!

Xu Yan had a terrible expression on her face. But sheremembered yesterday's phone call from her higher-up, asking her to think ofthe big picture. She took a deep breath and said: "Stop it and carry on withthe match!"

The first half was over. The Western District team got ayellow card, and the Eastern District Team got 4. The score was still 0:0/

During the half time break, a player from the PublicSecurity Sixth Bureau shouted: "Leader, they are playing dirty. Can this evenbe considered a football match?"

Another player complaint. "The referee is siding with them!There is no way we can win!"

Xu Yan frowning and not saying a word. She was also furiousby the actions of the opposing team. She suspects Commissar Xu did not want awin from this match. She was only aiming for a draw and wanted the WesternDistrict team to have zero wins from 8 games. She might also be trying to getthe Western District team to use up all their reserve players. This way, theWestern District team will have to play with lesser players!

Because of injuries, the Western District team only have 3reserve players today. Dong Xuebing was the reserve goalkeeper. With theinjured player injured substituted out before halftime, the Western Districtteam does not have any more reserve players except for Dong Xuebing. If therewere still players injured in the second half, goalkeeper Dong Xuebing mighthave to go on the pitch to play. A goalkeeper playing as a defender or astriker?

We are losing?!