Chapter 58: I will play

Chapter 58: I will play

The second half of the match started.

The Eastern District continued with their tactics. Otherthan those players who got yellow cards were played cautiously, the rest of theplayers were playing "dirty." Both sides were attacking. When the WesternDistrict players threaten them, the Eastern District players will purposelyfoul them. They pushed, tackled, pulled, and even hugged. They will do whateverit takes to stop the Western District from scoring a goal.

The Western District players were not playing to their usualstandards. Xu Yan, Dong Xuebing and the rest of their supporters were vexed!

Because her boyfriend was injured, Tan Limei was supportingher team angrily. "Western District! Go for it!" Changjuan and a few othergirls from the Finance Department were also cheering for their team. When theopposing team played dirty, they will curse and swear at that player.

15 minutes...

30 minutes...

There was no progress in the match. The score was still 0:0.

Will this game ended in a draw? That will be zero wins in 8games!

Dong Xuebing was no longer hoping for the other team to beawarded a penalty kick. Even if he had saved the penalty kick, the match wouldstill end in a draw. He was pissed by the Eastern District team and Deputy PoliticalCommissar Xu. He was hoping for a win.

Finally, in the last two minutes of the match, anopportunity arises for the Western District team!

Guo Panwei was long pass from the midfield had touched anopposing team player, and the ball fell in front of their team's striker. Noplayers were guarding him, and that striker turned and ran with the balltowards the goal. You'll discover the inception of this content at n0v@lbin★

Xu Yan jolt up and shouted: "Everyone goes forward andsupports him! Press forward!"

The Eastern District team's defense line had been moved upthe field, and the striker only has to face a defender. If he gets past thisdefender, he might score the winning goal!

The Western District team saw a glimpse of hope and rushedforward to provide support!

At the same time, Political Commissar Xu also shouted. "Stophim! Don't let him through!" The defender heard her orders and increase hisspeed. The small size striker moved the ball slightly to his left and wanted toget past the defender. But that defender ignored the ball and went straight forthe striker!

Crash! The defender crashed into the striker!

Ring, ring, ring... Xu Yan's mobile phone rang. She let LiQing take over and walked to the reserve bench to answer her phone. It was herex-husband, and also Deputy Political Commissar Xu's current husband. Xu Yanfrowned and answered. "Hello, what do you want?"

A man asked in a deep voice. "Where is my son?"

Xu Yan replied: "At home playing video games."

"Why are you letting him play video games again? I knew hewill be wasting his time when he goes over to your place!" The man growled. "Iwill be finishing my work early today and will fetch my son from your place.Tomorrow is Xu Yan's birthday, and he said he wanted to celebrate her birthdaywith her last week. He will not be staying with you this week. We shall talkagain next month."

Xu Yan tightens her grip on her phone: "What is the meaningof this? Our son must live with me for a week every month. This is what weagreed before we divorced! Why are you fetching him away after one day?"

"Didn't I said it is Xu Yan's birthday? Our son had agreed!"

"What has her birthday got to do with my son?"

"I don't want to argue with you! I will bring my son backlater! That's it!"

"You..." Xu Yan's ex-husband had hung up the phone. Xu Yanalmost threw her phone on the floor out of anger. Suddenly she swayed andknocked onto a pillar. She almost fell.

Dong Xuebing had been looking at Xu Yan and immediately ranover to help her. "Chief Xu, are you ok?"

Xu Yan did not reply and took out a half tablet of highblood pressure medicine from her bag. She swallowed the pill with some waterand sat there panting. Since the day Xu Yan (Deputy Political Commissar Xu)appeared, her life was turned upside down. Her husband was taken away from her,her family was taken away from her. Now, her son will be taken away from her.She got nothing left! All she had left was anger!

Before this match, Chief Xu wanted to win badly. But now...she could not even fulfill such a small wish!

This incident had wasted some time, and there was only lessthan 1 minute on the clock. No players on the pitch could score a goal, andthere were no players to substitute. Is there anything worse than this?

Xu Yan felt needleswere poking her heart when she saw the gloating Deputy Political Commissar Xusmiling at her.


She was defeated by Deputy Political Commissar Xu again!

Xu Yan laughed at herself and lean back on her chair.

Dong Xuebing could feel Xu Yan's helplessness feelings. Hecould not stand there and do nothing. He clenched his fist and said: "Chief Xu!Let me play!"