Chapter 834 Your Pain Is Their Tool.

Name:Devil Slave (Satan system) Author:
Chapter 834 Your Pain Is Their Tool.

Lenny's comprehension of the intricate dance of fate and destiny deepened.

Then again, it was time to confront the Undead Commander, an entity of considerable power and grotesqueness. He decided to momentarily immobilize Clawed with earthen electricity, a testament to his control over elemental forces, which was both strategic and indicative of his intent to unravel the mysteries of Clawed's existence at a later time. "I'll be back for you," he promised, a statement that hung in the air with the weight of inevitability.

Turning his attention to the Undead Commander, Lenny faced an adversary whose very appearance was a stark reminder of the unnatural forces at play. The Commander's physique, devoid of skin and laid bare in muscle and tendon, presented a visage of horror and power. The bright gleam of the purple invitation stone embedded in his chest served as a focal point, a source of his strength and, definitely his vulnerability.

The Undead Commander's recognition of Lenny was tinged with a mixture of respect and malice.

Driven to desperation, the Undead Commander launched himself forward in a last-ditch effort to alter the course of the confrontation. His muscle-bound hand, crackling with energy, cleaved through the air aimed directly at Lenny's face—a punch that carried with it the weight of his remaining hope for victory. But in the split second that it took for the punch to near its target, Lenny vanished from sight, an abrupt absence that spoke volumes of his mastery over incredible speed.

The Undead Commander, caught in the momentum of his failed strike, sensed the unsettling shift in dynamics. It was only when he attempted to regain his bearings, looking down to the center of his chest, that the reality of his predicament became apparent. The purple invitation stone, the source of significant power and confidence, had vanished. A slow, dawning horror took hold as he turned to find Lenny standing behind him, the stone securely in Lenny's grasp.

This moment marked the Undead Commander's defeat not just in physical combat but in the psychological warfare that Lenny had waged from the outset. The sight of Lenny, composed and holding the stolen source of the Commander's strength, was the final blow. The Undead Commander, a figure of terror and command, found himself kneeling on the ground.

He stretched his hand for the stone. Its glow reflecting in his eyes. "Don't! Please don't," he pleaded. Lenny raised a brow at him, "and why not?" "I... I... I only wanted revenge." The undead commander's voice cracked in fear. This was the very first time that he felt this emotion since he became undead. But it couldn't be helped. After all, Lenny was a formidable foe. "These DEMONS! They took everything from me. My family, my sense of self. And this world too. I only wanted power to make them PAY!" As he spoke, Lenny could see the truth in the undead commander's eyes as tears fell from them. Even the undead commander was smart enough to know that his pleading would not help, but still, as a last resort, he had to try. He had to try his best. Maybe, just maybe, Lenny would...

*WUSH!* Lenny activated his white flames and it burned the corruption in the purple stone. As it did, white flames suddenly appeared on the Undead commander's body. Lenny looked at him as he sighed, "Trust me, I understand your pain. But there are incredible forces at play here, and your pain is only their tool..."