Chapter 835 Father's Love

Name:Devil Slave (Satan system) Author:
Chapter 835 Father's Love

The Undead Commander's response was a raw outpouring of his motivations, a narrative of loss and vengeance. "I... I... I only wanted revenge. These DEMONS! They took everything from me. My family, my sense of self. And this world too. I only wanted power to make them PAY!" Tears, a surprising show of emotion from such a being, streamed down his face, revealing the depth of his anguish.

Lenny, in response, wielded his white flames, not as a weapon, but as a purifier. The flames danced around the purple stone, stripping away the corruption that tainted it. "Trust me, I understand your pain. But there are incredible forces at play here, and your pain is only their tool..." As the white flames worked their magic, the stone transformed, shedding its dark hue for the clear, serene blue of a sapphire. This act of cleansing released a miasma of red corruption into the sky, where it formed an eerie aurora, the wails of disappointed demon souls echoing within it before dissipating into nothingness.

"Leviathan Royal Family!" Lenny murmured, recognizing the source of the corruption, a revelation that hinted at deeper, darker machinations at play.

Lenny had already encountered them before he went back through time. Back then, he had stopped them too. Apparently, it was Fate for their machinations to never work.


Meanwhile several kilometers away, a particular witch rushed out of a mountain cave to look at the aurora in the sky. He was disheveled with black beards that looked more like a bird's nest. he was also very skinny like he had not eaten for days and his eyes were sunken in with dried lips. The moment he saw the aurora in the sky, he fell to his knees, "My lords forgive me...I have disappointed you. I have disappointed you..." he lamented, his sorrow giving way to a renewed resolve for vengeance, a chilling declaration of intent.

This was a witch, who was also a servant of the Leviathan Royal Family.

Vine suddenly took over the body, "you are so lucky you came, else, I would have skinned you alive." Although she threatened, she still embraced him tight.

Lenny suddenly remembered something and then he stood to his feet. "There is something I must tell you. If afterwards, you still want to have me, then I wont mind."

On saying this, he waved his hand, and the half cut of her father's head appeared on the ground. lady Vinegar looked at it and her brows creased tight. She could not help but stretch a shaky hand towards the head. She pulled it close to her chest in a tight embrace, and then tears fell from her eyes. Lenny sighed at this. This could not be helped. After all, he had promised the Governor that he was going to take his life. He had to keep his word.

Such were the values of a man of his caliber.

Governor Momoa like most demons, was a very terrible person. He had even sacrificed the lives of his own sons just for power.

But at the end of the day, he had been treasure to his daughter, as she had been to him. He had even been willing to share some of his power for her growth, and when he died, he had requested that Lenny be good to her. Lenny had had swears and insults as last words from his victims, but this was the first time that he had a request. And it was from a father for the love of a daughter.

He sighed....