Chapter 3: 、03

At 12:50 noon, it was the time when the sun was in full bloom.

The flashing red and blue siren pierced the sun and drove to the door of this deserted hospital.

Policemen in neat blue uniforms got off the police car and quickly pulled up a yellow and black cordon outside the hospital.

Soon, the police inspected the scene.

Nailed to the back of the door are only two heads hollowed out and filled with white wax. All the remaining body parts were brutally dismembered, broken into dozens of pieces, big and small, packed in black garbage bags like garbage, and abandoned in the corner, breeding countless corpse flies and maggots in the hot weather.

Everyone realized what a vicious case of murder and dismemberment this was.

There are a few police officers who have just graduated from the police academy this year, and when they saw such a tragic scene at first glance, they couldn't help it.

The female police officer with a ponytail looked as usual, commanding the scene in an orderly manner.

The captain of the team is Gao Mu, the captain of the Criminal Police Brigade, a senior police officer who was dispatched from the National Security Bureau half a year ago.

The National Security Agency is a myth in the minds of all police officers. So even though Gao Mu was dispatched and directly parachuted to the position of captain, no one in the bureau was dissatisfied.

Delegating from the National Security Bureau to the grassroots level is itself considered a different kind of demotion. Although everyone doesn't know why Gao Mu was transferred from the Secret Service, her ability is obvious to all.

After the scene was brought under control and the forensic doctor arrived, Gao Mu walked back to the police car.

In the police car, Zong Qi was obediently wearing a blanket and holding a mineral water bottle. Another auxiliary policeman was on the sidelines to understand the basic situation and provide him with psychological counseling.

Gao Mu stood not far away and watched for a while.

She is proficient in psychological profiling, and naturally quickly discovered that Zong Qi not only answered fluently, but also had nothing unusual on his face, at most he was a little frightened, far from leaving psychological trauma.

"We meet again." Gao Mu walked over directly.

Seeing this captain, Zong Qi felt very embarrassed.

He blinked, poked his hand out from under the blanket, and waved it up and down like a lucky cat, "Hi...what a coincidence."

It's not a coincidence.

Last time, last time, last time... In the two months since Zong Qi became the anchor of Tanling, he and Gao Mu had at least five face-to-face encounters.

"I heard from the operator that you had a brief confrontation with the killer?"

Zong Qi touched his nose and nodded.

Gao Mu looked him up and down, "You are also fate."

"If you still plan to do spirit exploration, learn more self-defense techniques when you have time."

Seeing the frail appearance of the black-haired young man in front of him, she looked back and took out a business card from her pocket, "It's not every time we encounter an accident that we can arrive in such a timely manner. I have met many victims , By the time they arrive at the scene, their bodies are usually already cold."

"It will take time for the 110 operator to get to the team. This is my police call. Next time you encounter danger, just call this number."

Zong Qi took the business card flattered, "Thank you."

Captain Gao is always serious and businesslike on weekdays. Although Zong Qi had met her several times, he had very little communication with her. He did not expect that the other party would take the initiative to lend a helping hand this time.

Zong Qi immediately began to reflect on the stereotypes he should not have had before. Sure enough, people should not be judged by their appearance, and a good person will not write that he is a good person on his face.


Speaking of this, Zong Qi finally remembered what he accidentally forgot just now.

He smiled embarrassedly, and turned back to the auxiliary police officer, "Officer, can you please charge me the phone bill?"

Two policemen at the scene: "..."

After Zong Qi reconnected to the Internet, boarded the live broadcast platform, and sent a message to the audience to report his safety, the forensic doctor came out from the abandoned iron gate with his assistant.

"Judging from the time of death, this is not the first crime scene."

After taking off the latex gloves and mask, the forensic doctor glanced at Zong Qi standing in front of the police car, and expressed his conclusion.

"Judging from the incisions, the murderer's cutting technique is very skilled, and the position of the corpse spots is biased. We are more inclined to dismember the victim after death, but we do not rule out the possibility that anesthesia or sleeping pills were used while alive. After drug testing, go to the dissecting table for further investigation."

The assistants packed the scattered tissues into body bags and carried them to the car in an orderly manner. Zong Qi remembered that the traces he saw on the ground during the live broadcast should have been dragged out by the murderer with a black bag. Hearing this, Gao Mu's face became more serious.

With such a big case and such cruel modus operandi, the murderer must have a certain tendency to perform and is quite confident.

She nodded: "Thank you for your hard work."

These few clues will be the key to solving the case in the early stage. However, more details will have to wait for further verification by the forensic doctor before a complete conclusion can be drawn.

For some reason, Gao Mu had a premonition.

This case may be difficult.

The criminal policemen continued to stay at the scene for investigation, while Zong Qi followed a team of auxiliary policemen back to the police station to take notes.

"Yo, it's you again."

Many policemen in the police station laughed when they saw him.

This handsome young man with a clean temperament visited their police station very frequently during this period, and he was basically familiar with the policemen who didn't often go out to work. Especially when he knew that the other party used to depend on his grandma for life, she was alone after her grandma passed away due to illness last year, and now she is working hard alone to support herself.

Zong Qi often finished his notes here, and he could also have a free boxed meal in the cafeteria.

Zong Qi also couldn't help showing a smile, saying hello one by one.

However, during the subsequent recording period, he found that he could not disclose any information about the "horror film director" system, so he gave up, and turned to pouring beans to explain what he encountered in this spirit exploration.

Although the journey was dangerous, at least he had never met the murderer face to face, and Zong Qi was not afraid of being retaliated against. Of course, if the other party finds his live broadcast room, that's another story.

In order to bring the murderer to justice as soon as possible, Zong Qi racked his brains to recall all the clues and details of the previous crime.

"The murderer's voice is very unique. His throat seems to have been burned strangely. If I can hear it again, I will definitely recognize it."

Zong Qi talked a lot, Zong Qi was a little dry mouth.

So he greeted the recorder who was sorting out the clues, and got up to get water outside the interrogation room.

"Huh huh huh..."

Pure water flows out, spirals and falls into the disposable water cup.

Looking at the water being filled, Zong Qi shook his head, sighed with emotion about his strange accident physique, then leaned against the wall, and turned on his cell phone again.

"Who would have thought that the spirit detective would encounter a murderer this time? It's so bizarre."

The journey was too hasty, and he didn't have much time to study this newly acquired mysterious system.

Zong Qi remembered that after completing the novice task, he not only got 100 points, but also got a big script of horror in a deserted village. So he went straight to the topic and clicked on the [Movie Script] column on his personal homepage.

There are movie posters displayed in this interface, and it is divided into two types: [Big Script] and [Small Script].

The poster that lights up in the big script is "Desolate Village", and the poster that lights up in the small script is "Psychiatric Hospital". In addition, the other posters are dim gray that cannot be opened.

A big script refers to a big-budget movie that informs the director of the schedule in advance, requires key [movie clues] to open, and selects actors to shoot.

Small scripts can be completed by the director alone and can be triggered at any time, just like when he accidentally encountered a murderous maniac while exploring the spirit, it was classified as a small script.

Zong Qi clicked on the big script column, and browsed the other posters displayed here with great interest.

The first poster showed a road with a pile of dilapidated buildings at the end, which seemed to be vehicles that had just been in a car accident. The blood dripping from the bottom of the car dyed the white speed bump into scarlet, and a looming shadow hangs under the trees in the distance, which seems to indicate that the accident is not normal.

[Big script, Route 44, not unlocked]

The second poster shows a long-abandoned school, covered in cobwebs and signs of debris. Mingming has been in disrepair for a long time and is deserted, but the lights on the seventh floor not far away are on, and shadows of people are reflected on it.

[Big script, Friendship Middle School, unlocked]

The only poster that lit up was a remote mountain village, surrounded by tall and dense towering trees, and in the distance, there were endless mountains. In the middle of this mountain village, a dry well was erected. Soaked black hair.

[Big script, The Horror of the Deserted Village, unlocked]

Zong Qi glanced at it and found that all of them are horror movies, which is very worthy of the name of this system. So he backed out resentfully, turned around and clicked into the column of employees under his banner.

This column is empty. The introduction on the side reads: [More specific functions will be released after signing the first employee]

Zong Qi exited here thoughtfully, and wandered into the points column.

This column is somewhat similar to the interface of an online shopping mall, with a wide variety of products displayed in it. But it's not quite right to talk about merchandise either, because there's nothing out of the ordinary here.

There are strange abilities such as [Opening Yin and Yang Eyes], [Opening Chakras], [Opening Practicing Physique], [Marrow Cleansing Meridians], and [Intuitive Strengthening], as well as [Hypnotism], [Corpse Charm], [Head Drop], and Acupuncture. 】【Accounting for things】【Enchanting Gu】functional props.

Interestingly, none of these items can be purchased directly, but can only be randomly selected.

It indicates that the rarer the item drawn each time, the higher the points needed for the next draw, which can be said to be well versed in the essence of card games and gambling.

Zong Qi watched with emotion.

Immediately below is the cash exchange that he is most concerned about.

The above shows that director points can be exchanged with real money at a ratio of 1:10.

Zong Qi: "...?"

Suddenly something was wrong.

He remembered the hundred-dollar bill that the system had given him a taste of before, and thought it was an incidental reward after completing the task. Looking at it now, it turned out that the 100 points that could be exchanged for a thousand dollars was his total reward.

"It's also picky enough."

Zong Qi shook his head and exited this tempting column, and was about to carefully check the director's authority that was unlocked when the mission was completed, when he suddenly saw a news push from the background of his mobile phone.

Today's headline news in Jiangzhou: A case of corpse mutilation suspected to have occurred in Zaohua Renxin Mental Hospital.

"There's news so soon?" Zong Qi wondered.

Generally, the police will not disclose the details of the case until the case is closed.

This news report was not long, and it didn't even write clearly about the cause and effect. It only attached a picture of the criminal policemen surrounding the incident, but even so, it was enough to cause panic among the public.

In recent years, the crime rate in Jiangzhou has been high, and there have been many homicides, but it is rare to see such cruel methods. What's more, the police report has not yet been issued, which also shows that the crime is still at large, and people are becoming more and more panicked.

While he was leaning against the wall to watch the news, policemen walked past him one after another.

"There are too many reporters and media outside, and it is impossible to get out of the gate."

"It's normal for such a big case to attract attention, but the murderer has not been caught yet, how did the information leak?"

The team leader sighed, "I don't know, the bureau is still investigating. This case is probably not simple, and it may have been leaked. Now these media like to attract attention, what can't be done... Wait for Captain Gao to come back Let's talk later."

"Oh, I hope it can be done quickly, I must have to work overtime these two days."

After listening to the police's discussion and watching the news, Zong Qi fell into deep thought.

The filming of his eye sockets continues, showing 21 hours remaining.

After tossing for so long, the number of surviving actors and the screaming value have not continued to change. The progress of the script has been pushed forward by 5% and stopped at 35%.

Zong Qi remembered that after he completed the novice director task, the system played a reminder.

He can choose to terminate the shooting anytime and anywhere, and the settlement will only be made after the shooting is over. In the same way, the higher the scream value and the progress of the script, the higher the settlement points obtained.

If you think about it carefully, it is not difficult to find that the essence of the scream value is that the shooting system encourages the director to die. So now he has no choice but to worry about the progress of the script.

So here comes the question, how can the progress of the script be made?

The 5% just now increased during the recording period. Is he needed to help solve the case?

Thinking of this, Zong Qi threw the paper cup after drinking water into the trash can, turned around and returned to the interrogation room.

The recorder was still sketching at his desk, so he was not in a hurry, so he just found a stool and sat down.

"How long has it been since the last case was concluded, and this is the sixth time I have made notes for you."

The recorder didn't raise his head, and continued to write furiously: "Little brother, you might as well think about not being the anchor of the detective, and come to our police station to work. I really don't have to worry about solving the case with you."

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha."

Zong Qi smiled and waved his hands: "You guys have to take an exam, but I can't do it, and I will stop eating when I meet the exam."

"Actually, you can also come directly to apply for the auxiliary police... Oh, but yes, it is very difficult to get promoted as an auxiliary police, and you have to take an exam in the end. Unlike the anchor, there is no threshold, and the upper limit is high. If it happens, you will be popular. gone."

"Don't say that. The police has always been a great profession in my heart. Not everyone has the courage to become a policeman to protect the safety of the people."

They chatted on and off until a ringing bell interrupted the conversation.

The recorder put down his pen and took out his police pass from his pocket.

"Captain? Ah... yes, still here."

He looked up subconsciously, his face changed slightly, "...Okay, I see."

When the recorder answered the phone, Zong Qi kept paying attention with his ears up.

In just a few seconds, the progress of the plot has moved forward by 5%. Zong Qi came to a realization, so he pretended to ask casually: "What's wrong? Is it Captain Gao's call?"

The recorder lowered his head, and couldn't see Zong Qi's expression from Zong Qi's perspective, only heard a vague "hmm" from the other party.

Maybe there are some new clues in the case.

Zong Qi didn't take this episode to heart.

Then he chatted with the recorder for a few more words, and found that the recorder was tight-lipped about the details of the case.

Also, the police will of course not reveal the details until the case is solved, which makes it difficult to implement the progress of the script.

Zong Qi was at a loss, and planned to give up in his heart.

Anyway, he has already completed the novice task and got the points. In light of this case, there is definitely a certain degree of danger in the shooting of the director system. To be cautious, it is better to accept it as soon as it is good.

After tapping the table with his knuckles a few times, the black-haired youth stood up from the chair.

The recorder who was still immersed in writing just now looked up suddenly, "Where are you going?"

"It's almost time to go home."

Zong Qi shrugged, "I haven't eaten yet, I'm a little hungry."

"I'll ask the kitchen to bring you a boxed lunch."

"Thank you brother."

Zong Qi struggled hard in the free lunch: "But I still have some things to deal with..."

The recorder's expression was cramped, and he spoke hastily.

"There are not many clues in this case yet. Captain Gao has collected the evidence at the scene and is on his way back to the police station. Some new clues have been found at the scene, and you, the witness, will be needed at that time." Help and identification."

New leads!

Zong Qi turned around quickly, with a sincere expression, "Brother is right, cooperating with the police is the duty of every citizen, and of course I cooperate unconditionally."

Although today's matter took up a lot of his time, Zong Qi also knew the importance of human life. Even because of the fact that the murderer almost took him with a knife, Zong Qi should fully cooperate with the police's investigation work.

He sat back and listened to the recorder dial the kitchen.

Silence returned to the interrogation room.

It's just that after doing it for a while this time, Zong Qi felt a little disobedient.

He is also a person who has come to the police station to take notes several times, and he understands all procedures very clearly. This unusual situation is obviously very strange.

Especially after seeing that the pen in the recorder's hand hadn't been touched for a long time, this slight violation became more and more serious.

After thinking this through, he stood up again.

The recorder put down his pen just as quickly, "Where are you going?"

Now even an idiot can see the problem.

Zong Qi didn't answer, and directly turned the doorknob of the interrogation room.

Can't turn it, the door is locked.

"You locked me up? Why?"

The black-haired youth turned around and stared at the recorder in front of him warily.

Considering that he is still in the process of filming the movie, plus the fact that he ran into a perverted killer earlier, Zong Qi has already imagined countless results.

The recorder smiled wryly, but touched the baton around his waist, "Sorry, I'm also following orders. You can't answer this question until Captain Gao comes back."

Just as they were confronting each other, there was a sudden unlocking sound outside the interrogation room.


The locked door of the interrogation room was unscrewed.

The captain in police uniform was standing at the door with a condensed expression.

Behind her, there are also criminal policemen with guns in their hands who are waiting in full battle. Their eyes are full of vigilance and defense.

In the next second, the heavy silver handcuffs fell directly and clasped Zong Qi's wrist accurately.

Gao Mu looked at him steadily: "The criminal suspect Zong Qi, you have been arrested."