Chapter 4: 、04

"The criminal suspect, Zong Qi, male, 22 years old, is a student at Jiangzhou University. Due to lack of credits, his graduation was postponed for one year. Now he works in the anchor area of ​​Tanling on the XX platform, and currently lives in Room 202, Building 3, Fuqiang Community, Shanxi Road, Nanjiucheng District There are two immediate family members, one disappeared fifteen years ago, and the other died of illness early this year."

"At 12:00 noon on the 21st, the criminal suspect entered Jiangzhou Zaohua Renxin Mental Hospital for a live broadcast of spiritual exploration. This is a replay of the live broadcast that we intercepted in the background of the platform."

It was night outside, and the police were sitting in the meeting room, and the projection video on the front screen was playing.

This time the case was serious, and I don't know which link made a mistake that caused the news to leak. In just half a day, this case attracted the attention of countless social media. Under tremendous pressure from many parties, the higher authorities set up a special investigation team and sent an agent from the National Security Bureau to assist in the investigation of the dismemberment case.

In terms of level, the agents of the National Security Bureau are specially appointed, and they directly take over the entire investigation team and become the first person in charge.

The black-haired young man on the projection is talking freely: "There was a confusing fire here twenty years ago..."

The detective and team leader who presided over the meeting pressed the pause button with a serious expression.

"This is the earliest video of the suspect at the crime scene."

"However, judging from the incriminating evidence we obtained at the scene, it is clear that this was just a slap in the face by the suspect. If there is no problem with this, we will move on."

Everyone in the task force looked solemn, and the tip of the pen rustled across the paper.

Gao Mu was sitting at the very front, with documents spread out in front of him, a pen in his hand, eyebrows furrowed high, his eyes glued to the photos of the crime scene like glue, on the back of the door The Ouroboros mark stayed on for an exceptionally long time.

The attention of this case is too high, they can only work overtime temporarily, so that Mingyue Gaoxuan is still working overtime here.

According to the clues obtained from the scene in the morning and the autopsy results given by the forensic doctor, the special case investigation team finally simulated the whole case before ten o'clock.

Unexpectedly, after DNA testing confirmed their identities, the police found that the two victims were not completely innocent. One had just been released from prison for having left a record for committing multiple underage girls. He was even traced back to be responsible for an unsolved murder case of his wife.

"Fallen Angel or the Ripper?"

There are also types of serial killers in general. Common ones include "Cannibal", "Black Widow", "Angel of Death", etc. Ripper and Fallen Angel are also one of them.

Serial killers of this type, fallen angels, usually think that they have a certain mission. The targets they choose to commit crimes are usually special groups, and they perform the duty of "cleaning up". The Ripper likes to destroy corpses on a large scale and is keen on performance art.

In view of the failure to obtain any information from the suspect population, this article was temporarily shelved, and the process of reviewing the case continued.

Soon, the task force working overtime simulated a simple basic process.

The murderer murdered the two victims with extremely cruel means, then put the corpses of each other into a black bag, and dragged them to the long-abandoned Zaohua Renxin Mental Hospital, which was in the last compartment of the toilet on the first floor He dismembered the corpse, poured white wax into the skull, and completed his "work".

After doing all this, he left the bathroom, returned to the door, turned on the live broadcast and entered the mental hospital again, made a proof of his absence, induced the audience in the live broadcast room, deliberately cut off the connection signal of the live broadcast room at a critical moment, and forged a A suspect who does not exist, then called the police and swaggered to the police station to make a statement, full of ridicule.

'It's really hard to tell from the outside, a young man with such a clean temperament is actually a murderer. '

‘It looks like a blank sheet of paper, but it is actually a heinous crime. '

While reviewing the video, the police officers present at the meeting were secretly startled.

If it weren't for the key evidence accidentally discovered by the forensic doctor, I'm afraid this case would have become an unsolved case. Among other things, the murderer's modus operandi and thoughtfulness are enough to make people shudder.

Even the accidents that Zong Qi encountered in several spirit visits before were picked up by the task force and classified as the murderer's cunning and treacherous mind, and he deliberately established a good relationship with the police to reduce his suspicion.

The detective sorted it out and made a final decision, "If there are no problems, these materials and evidence can be handed over to the court."

At this moment, Gao Mu finally raised his head. "There are a lot of unreasonable things in the review, including logical relationships with obvious conflicts, and problems on the timeline, all of which cannot be explained. It is unacceptable for me to close the case so hastily."

"so what?"

The detective standing in front of the screen gave her an indifferent look, "Evidence doesn't lie."

The evidence is overwhelming.

With the current evidence, the impossible becomes possible.

The other people in the meeting room watched their noses, noses, noses, and hearts, and kept silent, but their ears were all pricked up in unison.

Gao Mu was dispatched from the National Security Bureau, and Detective Liu, who is now taking over the case, is working in the National Security Bureau. Everyone was very curious about the reason why Captain Gao was demoted. They didn't expect to meet his former colleagues this time, so they were naturally curious.

Detective Liu's tone was sarcasm, without concealing his sarcasm: "Captain Gao, don't forget why you were transferred out of the National Security Bureau. In such a simple case with clear evidence, do you want to show the spirit of Sherlock Holmes?" ?”

Gao Mu clenched the pen in his hand without any trace, and said in a deep voice: "I was the person in charge before the case, and I have the right to interrogate the suspect in person to confirm whether there is any mistake."

"Then please feel free."

Detective Liu put on a half-smile: "Tomorrow at twelve noon, the evidence will be submitted."

"Finally, as a former colleague, let me remind you. Now that you recognize the sign, you should understand that I made the conclusion that the case should be closed as soon as possible. Even if it is handed over to the higher authorities, the same result will be obtained."

Faced with this dark organization lurking in the shadows, even the Guoan Secret Service has spent countless manpower to break into it, and can't catch any traces of the dark organization. The most important thing is to hand over and close the case quickly, otherwise... maybe Ushered in an unexpected reversal.

Because no matter how suspicious there are, there is no escape from the ironclad evidence.

Gao Mu pursed her lips, straightened her back and walked out of the meeting room.

It had been night for a long time, and the police station was quiet. It was off-duty time, and the police on duty at night were not stationed here. The corridor was quiet, except for the heavily armed police officers standing at the door of the interrogation room.

Interrogation of prisoners after detention is generally scheduled within 24 hours.

The task force at the other end was simulating the resumption, and this side was not idle, and the police officers were constantly sent over for questioning. However, the suspect was quite stubborn and refused to cooperate, and kept repeating his innocence, which has led to the stalemate until now.

The policeman in charge of guarding the temporary detention stood at the door. When he saw Gao Mu, he immediately stood at attention and saluted: "Captain Gao."

Gao Mu nodded: "The case is already in the process of closing the case. If there is no accident, it will be handed over to custody tomorrow. I will make a routine inquiry."

Hearing that the case was about to be closed, the two police officers breathed a sigh of relief.

The suspect's mouth is too tight. After seeing the evidence, he became emotional but refused to plead guilty. It is still useless to use emotion and reason. Coupled with the constant pressure from the task force and the media, everyone is exhausted.

"Everyone has worked hard, let's go to dinner first, I'll just watch over here."

"Yes, Captain."

She unscrewed the door and walked into the interrogation room without looking back.

Needle drop could be heard in the interrogation room.

There is only a glass partition, a few chairs, and a suspect who is handcuffed and sitting behind the glass partition.

After a day of interrogation, the black-haired youth looked obviously a little sluggish.

But even so, he didn't show any signs of calmness, and his pupils were filled with a cluster of flames that could not be extinguished.

After seeing that the person who came in was Gao Mu, the cluster of flames obviously sprang up a little, bright and angry.

"not me."

His voice was hoarse and full of determination.

Gao Mu stood where he was and sighed: "All the evidence points to you alone."

"There is a problem with the test results of the forensic doctor."


This is also the crux that Gao Mu sorted out.

There was a discrepancy between the criminal evidence collected at the scene and the autopsy results given by the forensic doctor. Although the discrepancy was small, it was indeed an unexplainable doubt.

However, based on these trivial and plausible doubts, there is no convincing power at all in the face of the existing evidence.

Because not only fingerprints were found on the corpse, but also on the murder weapon.

The fingerprints were exactly the same as those of the black-haired youth. This is ironclad evidence, irrefutable ironclad evidence.

Zong Qi clenched his fists tightly, and the iron chains on the handcuffs rustled with his movements.

"The forensic doctor forged the evidence, and I was framed."

Through the glass window, he fixedly looked at Gao Mu.

The young man's brows are firm and firm, and his eyes are full of bloodshot eyes.

But those eyes are very bright, surprisingly bright, like cold stars in the night, like the scorching sun in daytime, shining deep into the soul, making people dare not look directly at them.

The eyes are the windows of the soul.

Even if she doesn't know how to profile, she can easily see that these shouldn't be the eyes of a vicious criminal.

Gao Mu closed his eyes wearily, and when he opened them again, although he still looked as cold as ice, he was a little more determined.

"I believe you."

Zong Qi opened his eyes wide.

Since his arrest, everyone has regarded him as a certain suspect.

Even if Zong Qi emphasized countless times that he was still renting out the house the day before, he could still find out his travel information through a taxi, and even use his own personality as a guarantee, but it was still useless.

Zong Qi couldn't count how many times he said the words "I'm not guilty".

Everyone is persuading him to turn his back on the sea of ​​suffering, and to confess as soon as possible so that his sentence can be reduced.

Of course, such a bad case is a capital crime and a living crime is inevitable. It will definitely have to be reviewed by the Supreme Court.

Zong Qi was very clear, so he tried every means to communicate with the criminal police who came in to ask questions, but no one really wanted to communicate with him, and everyone who came in asked him the motive of committing the crime with a straight face.

Now someone is willing to believe him.

Zong Qi couldn't express his current mood clearly, and it took a long while before he uttered a dry thank you.

"No, this is my duty."

After making up his mind, Gao Mu didn't intend to stay any longer.

She looked down at the watch in her hand, and made a decisive decision: "The case was originally scheduled to be closed at 12 noon tomorrow. As the former person in charge, I will ask my superiors to delay the time for closing the case, and then re-appoint another team to organize the investigation again." .”

"Then... what if the investigation results are the same as those of the task force investigation?"

Gao Mu took a deep look at him.

"I will try my best."

She said softly, with a firm tone, "I swear by the police badge on my shoulder."


The interrogation room door was closed again.

In the quiet and empty corridor, Gao Mu stood on the spot like a statue, his hands and feet were cold, and he let out a long breath.

There was struggle, pain, and a hint of confusion in her eyes.

The forensic doctor who tested was a professor of Capital Medical University. He had worked in Jiangzhou for more than ten years, and he had a lot of contacts and status.

If the murderer is not the murderer, then who is it that has such a great ability to forge criminal evidence?

Without anyone noticing, who can easily replace an innocent person with a scapegoat?

No one knows what is lurking under the shadow of this city, whether it is the shadow seeping from Haizhou, or something bigger.

Even though it has just entered summer, the cold seems to invade from the soles of the feet, permeating through the limbs and bones, making people feel chills from the bottom of their hearts.

There were discrepancies between the autopsy fingerprint test results and the scene.

This is not the first time she has experienced the almost identical case.

This is the second time.

After Gao Mu left, Zong Qi sat back on the chair again.

The heavy handcuffs also swayed back with his movements, hanging between his legs, heavy.

More than ten hours passed, no amount of confusion and confusion gradually subsided.

Now he can sit down calmly and analyze the pros and cons of this weird case.

First of all, Zong Qi can be sure that the person who framed him is the murderer...and the mysterious organization behind the murderer. Their emblem, or some sort of signal, is ouroboros, perhaps.

The phone call the murderer answered in the bathroom gave Zong Qi a lot of information.

No wonder the murderer was so reckless at the time, he didn't even squat in the bathroom to kill him as a witness. It turned out that there was someone behind him, and someone helped to deal with the aftermath. Of course, the forensic doctor in the laboratory was the most capable of forging criminal evidence.

Zong Qi quickly used his brain and finally came to a conclusion.

An organization that can tamper with reality and turn black and white at will, it is hard to say whether the intensified pressure of public opinion is also from their handwriting.

What is certain is that since this organization is able to achieve this level, even if Captain Gao is willing to use his position as a guarantee to help him apply for a re-examination, it is impossible for him to let himself go, and on the contrary, it will drag down those who are willing to help him.

If he waited to die, Zong Qi would only be sent to prison. He can only save himself.

Then how should he save himself?

Zong Qi's gaze wandered around the empty room, and finally rested on his eye sockets again.

If conventional methods do not work, you can only try unconventional methods.

He has an unnatural system in his hands, so he won't be cornered.

[Remaining time for impromptu shooting: 14 hours and 20 minutes]

[Scream value: 110, "Mental Hospital" small script exploration progress: 45%, current number of actors: 1]

The police confiscated everything on him, including a mobile phone that could be used to contact the outside world.

But the program interface of the horror film director system on the mobile phone is just a carrier. Zong Qi can open the system panel that appears on the retina at any time with his thoughts, and this is his only way out.

He opened the director's authority interface with ease.

Zong Qi has come in and looked at this permission interface several times, but for some reason he has been unable to make up his mind.

There are a total of three director permissions. Except for the third permission, the other two permissions are only allowed to be used in the middle of filming.

[Director Authority 1: Probe Information]

[Director Authority 2: Absolute Immunity]

【Director Authority 3: Reshoot】

Zong Qi didn't quite understand the introduction of the first permission, it was clearly stated that he could check the actor's information.

Because there is only Zong Qi as the impromptu shooting actor, this permission has no use.

He has just completed the novice director's task, and the impromptu shooting has not yet finished, so naturally he can't get in touch with the things behind, so he can only put it aside for the time being.

As for the second permission, it is simpler and more rude.

Absolute immunity: During big scripts and impromptu shoots, the director will not be harmed by any ghosts.

Unfortunately, this permission is also limited.

First of all, the shooting process is only limited to big scripts and impromptu shooting. Like the impromptu short video shooting that Zongqi started this time, the system has a strict limit on the number of times. Additional times can only be obtained through director level upgrades, or movie script evaluation rewards.

In other words, if he accidentally turned on the small script without getting into improv, the immunity would be completely useless.

Furthermore, only ghosts are limited here. Encountering the perverted killer this time is still helpless.

By the way, there is a line of small characters at the bottom, which says Zong Qi's birthday.

Born on the Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, with a body of pure yang, it is difficult for a hundred ghosts to invade, but because of being born at that time, it has a special attraction bonus for ghosts.

Zong Qi: "..."

Thanks, didn't really want to verify it myself.

Whether there are ghosts or not is another matter. At this critical juncture, what Zong Qi cares most about is the third authority.

[Reshoot: When the performance of the actors or the script is not satisfactory, as the director of the movie, you certainly have the right to reshoot]

[Note: Because your director level is too low, there is only one retake for each movie, including impromptu shooting, and the time is 10 minutes]

[Additional note: Reshooting will greatly affect the direction of the movie script, which is related to the final evaluation. If there is a mistake in the middle, it may cause sudden accidental death, please choose carefully]

Zong Qi's worries have always been on the word "accidental death".

He didn't know exactly what the reshoots meant, or what the risks were.

But...after thinking about the pros and cons, he couldn't sit still.

Asking others is better than asking yourself.

At this moment, Zong Qi really thanked this mysterious director system from the bottom of his heart. At least it is there, and Zong Qi still has a chance to come back.

After making up his mind, he finally spoke.

"System, enable re-shooting permission."

The countdown on the retina stopped immediately.

[The re-shooting permission is enabled, please select the re-shooting time period]

In the next second, everything around Zong Qi was frozen.

All the backgrounds turned into large patches of condensed color, and finally dripped from the field of vision like mercury, spinning and starting to retreat.

The flying scene began to flow around him.

He saw Gao Mu walk in from the door for questioning, saw the police officer in charge of the interrogation stand up from the table, saw the evidence placed in front of him, saw himself handcuffed and taken into the interrogation room, saw the police officer They passed him in twos and threes leaning against the wall of the drinking fountain, and saw the police car roaring back from the entrance of the police station to the entrance of the deserted mental hospital... Time was going backwards as if nothing had happened, and no one noticed him.

Absurd and weird, like a bizarre dream.

Zong Qi was standing in the middle of this retrograde scene, his palms were covered with cold sweat.

Finally, he backed into an all-too-familiar place.

The toilet cubicle is cramped and narrow, and the flashlight emits a cold light that flickers on and off.

Outside the door separated by a wall, the sound of hammers beating on iron nails lasted for a long time, one after another, the head was nailed into the wooden board.

【You have returned to the designated plot point】

[Note: You only have ten minutes to retake. After the retake, you will return to the current time period. The subsequent plot will be deduced directly from the script and cannot be changed again, including possible death.]

【Countdown starts】

Zong Qi took a deep breath and clenched the Swiss Army Knife in his hand.

He went back to ten hours ago.

He still has the chance to redeem and change the future. It is also the last chance.