Chapter 10: 、10

Qi Ningzhou paced back and forth outside the apartment, feeling uneasy.

Zong Qi had been in for almost an hour, during which time the door was closed and there was no sound from inside, which made him feel very uncertain.

The other party is not only his new friend, but also his only friend.

The more Tianshi thought about it, the more nervous he became, and he couldn't help but go in with the mahogany sword to have a look, and was afraid that he would do bad things with good intentions if he joined in, so he couldn't stop for a while.

While he was struggling, the door was finally pushed open.

The unscathed black-haired youth came out of the door with a strange expression on his face.

Qi Ningzhou breathed a sigh of relief, "How is it?"

Zong Qi's expression was indescribable, "Master Qi's spell is very useful. The ghost has been weakened a lot, but it still can't be completely expelled."

Tianshi was not surprised by this result, "Well, in the final analysis, I am still not good at learning."

The black-haired young man carefully watched Qi Ningzhou from the corner of his eye, and was relieved to find that there was no doubt on his face.

In fact, it went a little too far.

Before Zong Qi went in, he was thinking about how to exorcise ghosts, but after he came out, he signed an employee to unite with the ghosts.

The system told him that they are now equivalent to the relationship between the boss and the employees, and the signed employees cannot harm Zong Qi, the boss.

It's so brave!

Before Zong Qi was still worried that if the female ghost in red was not completely expelled, he would have to give up here and find another place to live after the impromptu shooting. It's all right now, after signing an employee, I don't even need to look for a house.

How could Zongqi let go of such a good thing?

Qi Ningzhou didn't know anything about it: "Indeed, I can feel that the yin energy has dropped a lot compared to before, but it's a pity that the ghost is still a ghost... that's right."

He looked at Zong Qi, "Since the ghost has not been exorcised, do you want to find a new haunted house?"

Qi Ningzhou has already considered this question just now.

Although Zong Qi has the physique of being invulnerable to a hundred ghosts, such things still have to respect personal wishes. Since he is afraid of ghosts, he will definitely not be able to live in this apartment.

As a friend, Qi Ningzhou consciously took this matter onto himself. It's a pity that posting small advertisements in the streets and alleys has not had much effect recently. Apart from this unexpected high-priced commission, he has no other commissions for haunted houses.

So Tianshi began to seriously think about the solution, and worried about his friend's whereabouts.

"Oh, this one."

Zong Qi spread out his left hand, clenched his right hand and smashed it on the face of his left hand, "Actually, after going in for a while, I found that ghosts are not so scary when you can't see them hahahahahaha..."

Qi Ningzhou's doubts were also dispelled after he backtracked in his live performance.

As a celestial master whose job it is to catch ghosts, he didn't think there was anything to be afraid of ghosts, let alone an ordinary person who didn't open his yin and yang eyes, so he didn't feel confused when he heard this explanation.

The Celestial Master nodded, "Since it is possible to do this, it is of course the best. If it is you, you will live in it for about a month, and the ghost will be automatically saved."

Zong Qi smiled and said sorry in his heart.

He doesn't like to lie if he can, especially to a friend who genuinely cares about him. But... the news of the director system that he harbored must not be revealed.

Although after signing the female ghost in red, he thought about whether he could try to sign a human being, but making a movie means danger, and Zong Qi can't drag his friends into danger.

So, can't say. At least not yet.

"If you need anything, just call me."

Qi Ningzhou put the mahogany sword on his back again, " can also come to live in the Taoist temple where I am temporarily staying. The Taoist priest is very kind and will not refuse."

Zong Qi was flattered, "That's really troublesome, it's okay, I'm really not afraid."

Tianshi worriedly observed the expression on the face of the black-haired young man, and then left slowly after confirming that there was no problem.

Zong Qi watched a corner of the Taoist robe disappear into the elevator door, and then turned back to the apartment.

Before going in, he also cleaned up all the talisman papers at the door, otherwise it would look strange.

"Okay! For the next six months, this will be my residence!"

A moment later, Zong Qi stood in front of the large French windows of the apartment, opened his arms, looked at the sparkling sea below, and the small white sails floating in the distance, suddenly felt that life was beautiful.

Among other things, if he lived in this duplex apartment for half a year, he would definitely earn a lot of money.

The house is big, the transportation is convenient, the security is strict, and the most important thing is to live comfortably. The interior is full of high-end furniture, and the sofa is big enough to sleep four or five Zongqi in it. Even if he needs to clean up by himself, it can't eliminate his sense of happiness.

"Let's do hygiene together, Xiaohong!"

With this series of advantages, even seeing the female ghost in red floating in the air completely couldn't reduce Zong Qi's good mood.

There is no boss in this world who can't see his employees. So when he signed his first employee, the director system kindly opened his primary yin and yang eyes for him.

Now Zong Qi can fully see Xiaohong's appearance.

little red.

Zong Qi unilaterally chose the new name of the female ghost in red.

Zong Qi suggested very sincerely, "Xiaohong, when you are free, you can put your hair in front. You don't need to show your face completely, it will scare others."

The female ghost floating in the air stared at him with those pale pupils, and the carrion on her face rolled like liquid, making one's hair stand on end.

The black-haired young man repeated it several times, thinking that Xiaohong couldn't understand people's words, so he untied his hair and put it in front of his face to signal the other party to do the same, only then did he show a slightly contemptuous look.

Zong Qi: "...?" He was tricked.

It's not too smart to say yes!

That's right, right after the first employee was signed, Zong Qi's employees' column on the director's personal homepage was also fully open.

However, the system also politely told him that the director has far more authority than he imagined. Now, due to the lack of employees under his banner, he is temporarily unable to take full charge of a film shoot. He can only learn from the group first, find and excavate suitable actors, and wait for a certain number of actors to sign in, then he can choose the background to shoot the film himself.

Zong Qi is too familiar with this set of procedures. After graduating from the directing department, he has to study with the group for a few years before starting work alone. Zong Qi is not in a hurry.

After signing Xiaohong, the director's system informed him that the D-level employee did not have a horror movie actor system, so it was automatically bound, and the binding was still [horror movie actor ver2.0 employee version].

"So besides the horror film director system, there is also a horror film actor system?"

Zong Qi had suspected the existence of the actor when he first saw the director's permission, but he did not expect to get a clue here by accident.

He wanted to communicate with Xiaohong about the actor system and find out the difference between the two systems. Unfortunately, his newly signed employees didn't seem to like it very much. The red skirt swept away and disappeared into the air in an instant.

Coincidentally, at this time, the shooting time displayed on Zong Qi's pupils returned to zero.

[The time for impromptu short movie shooting is up, the current remaining times: 0]

[Your final value—scream value: 1050, "Mental Hospital" script exploration progress: 85%, number of surviving actors: 1]

[The rating is being settled for you, please wait...]

[Note: The ratings are divided into six levels: S, A, B, C, D, and E, and are calculated according to the three basic values ​​and the difficulty of the script. E grade is a failure in shooting, and S grade can get additional rewards]

[Rating for this impromptu short film shooting: B]

【You have obtained 500 points】

"Five hundred points, a huge sum of money."

Zong Qi's eyes lit up.

Converted into money, five hundred points is five thousand dollars.

But after witnessing the cruelty of this horror film director system, Zong Qi dared not exchange all these points into money at once. After all, the next time the store needs to draw exactly 500 points, if he spends all the money in a big way, the middle If you encounter any danger, the consequences will definitely be very bad.

Then again, today is only Wednesday, and the live broadcast platform will pay him the settlement on Friday.

Before that, Zong Qi was only worth a few tens of dollars, and he couldn't even pay the water and electricity bills owed by this apartment.

After hesitating for a moment, Zong Qi gritted his teeth and exchanged 100 points.

【Your exchange has been completed】

Sure enough, a bank transfer text message was sent to his mobile phone in the next second.

Not long after, the lights of the entire apartment came on. After being protested by Xiaohong, Zong Qi had no choice but to touch his nose and turn off the lights on the second floor angrily, and picked up the broom to work again.

Just as he was bending over to wipe the table, the piercing sound of the bell pierced the silent air.

Zong Qi took off his gloves, planning to hang up if he made a harassing call. However, in the next second, he immediately stood up after seeing the name displayed on the phone.

Nonsense, this call is from the Academic Affairs Office of Jiangzhou University.

If Zong Qi still wanted his graduation certificate, it was impossible for him not to answer the phone.

"Hello, is this Zong Qi? Remember to come to the Academic Affairs Division tomorrow afternoon to pay the restoration fee."

"Okay, thank you teacher."

Zong Qi hung up the phone, screaming in his heart that it was over.

He recalled his performance in the aesthetic appreciation class.

Firstly, I have never been absent from class, secondly, I have never played games, and thirdly, I am very active in class. At best, I can only say that I am not good at aesthetics, and I have a good relationship with the teacher.

Generally speaking, students who postpone their graduation due to lack of credits only need to take the professional course examination at the end of the semester. But what Zong Qi lacked was the credits of the practical class, so he had to communicate with the teacher in detail.

However, according to the tradition of Jiangzhou University, as long as you can show an attitude and hand in the report obediently for such things as practical classes, the teacher will turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye to pass.

"I hope it won't be too difficult. One year's delay is enough to make people tired."

The next day, Zong Qi slept late, took the subway to Jiangzhou University, and paid off his reconstruction fee.

Before going out, he also asked Xiaohong very kindly if he wanted to help bring something back, but in the end he was greeted with a "bang" when the door was closed by Yinfeng.

Alas, forget it, let’s buy some delicious food on the road. Let me be a good boss who is considerate of his subordinates.

Zong Qi put his hands in his pockets, thinking happily.

"Jingle jingle—"

When I walked out of the Academic Affairs Office, the bell rang for the end of get out of class. Not long after, a large number of students who had just finished class poured out from the various teaching buildings. Some returned to the dormitory after class, and some were going to the next classroom. There are dark heads on the road.

Now we are grasping the tail of summer, the sun is shining brightly, the hot and dazzling sunlight is projected from high above, and under the cover of cicadas and lush leaves, it falls to the asphalt road, laying out a flickering spot of light.

It fell between the young man's hair, blurring the blackness over his shoulders, and the white shirt on his body was also shining, just like his whole body, clean and transparent.

"Look over there, look over there, wow!"

"I haven't seen it on the confession wall before, I don't know which department it is from."

"Nonsense, he must be a freshman in this year's acting department!"

Looking at the slender figure from the back, many people thought of a piece.

Many of the students in the acting department are above the average in appearance, all of them are handsome men and beautiful women, and they are almost surrounded by school flowers every year.

Although the black-haired young man is good-looking, he is not considered the top-notch type in the general environment, but the clean and clear special temperament on his body is particularly prominent.

Zong Qi didn't pay attention to these whispers, and walked straight to the building of the Film Academy, unaware that the juniors and juniors had already impressed him as a freshman.

It's really strange that Zongqi was too busy for four years in university.

When he filled out his volunteers in the third year of high school, he only filled in the local Jiangzhou University, and gave up Capital University, which had a great hope of giving it a try based on his scores.

And because of his grandma's illness, he applied for day school, running between the hospital and school every day, and sleeping in a simple bed next to the hospital bed at night.

So after this calculation, except for showing up in the school classroom during the day, Zong Qi is basically not here at all other times. He did not participate in any club organization, and even various gatherings often ask for leave. It is normal that none of these students know him. Zong Qi himself, except for a few class committee members who often deal with, he can hardly call the names of the people in the university class.

Zong Qi knocked on the office door with anxiety.

"You little brat!"

When Cheng Xiu saw the person coming, he blew his beard and stared angrily.

The elderly professor had gray hair, but he was very energetic. He rolled up the paper and knocked on the head of the black-haired young man.

"Okay! I'll give you a chance to make up the exam, how dare you put pigeons on me?"

There are so many students in each class, and it is a major course that needs to be taken across majors. In most cases, professors who are rehired at an older age will not remember the names of the students.

But Zong Qi is really a sparkling weirdo. His weirdness is that he has no aesthetics. He is like a strange species mixed with human beings. He is very active in answering questions in class, and successfully makes Professor Cheng, whose memory is declining year by year, firmly remember him. His name looks familiar.

However, given his appalling grades in practical classes, familiar faces are useless.

Professor Cheng gave him a failing grade based on his own conscience, and then gave him a chance to make up the exam. According to the rules of Jiangzhou University, the make-up exam for practical courses only needs to be taken within one month of the start of the semester to pass the exam.

It turned out that it was a coincidence that Zong Qi happened to be in the hospital and gave his grandma a critical illness notice, so he didn't take the exam at all. If you miss the make-up exam, you will naturally need to retake it.

"Oh, teacher, stop beating, the child will be beaten stupidly."

Zong Qi's attitude of admitting his mistakes was very positive, covering his head with his hands, looking cowardly and obedient.

"I got it wrong, the child really got it this time!"

Professor Cheng really likes him.

The old man snorted coldly and stopped what he was doing.

In order to reduce the burden, Zong Qi receives a scholarship every year, and the teachers in the department know a little about his family environment. Seeing that he was unwilling to explain, the old professor knew clearly.

However, there is absolutely no possibility of changing the rules and regulations. If there is no make-up exam, the re-examination is a certainty, and the back door cannot be opened.

"Okay, okay."

The professor put on his reading glasses, took a piece of paper from the drawer, and signed it.

"Take this to the Fine Arts Department and find the newly transferred visiting professor from Capital University. You can follow him for the next semester and listen to his arrangements. This is the content of your practical course retake."

The visiting professor is different from the professor who is applying for the program, it is an honorary title.

Capital University is recognized as No.1 in the annual rankings, and it is obviously not easy to get the position of visiting professor. Either he has made outstanding contributions to the country and was specially hired from the National Academy of Sciences to assist in research, or he is a leader in a certain industry who has one of the best monopoly technologies, or he is a celebrity with huge influence in society.

"A professor from the art department?" Zong Qi curiously took the document.

This course is an aesthetic appreciation class. I can find a professor from the art department, and there is nothing wrong with it. But what he was curious about was why old man Cheng didn't take him personally, but let him learn from other professors instead.

The old professor frowned, "Take you another semester? You think I live too long, don't you?"

"But that professor is not from Bishop Art."

He muttered, and drove Zong Qi out of his office, "Go, go, no one can ask for this opportunity."

"Next time you come back, you'd better tell me the difference between Cézanne and Monet!"

The black-haired young man had no choice but to go to the art department with his reconstruction report and various documents at a loss.

Different from the modernist-style teaching building of the Film Academy, the Fine Arts Department building is full of post-modern atmosphere. The architectural style is not so strange as paradoxical. It deserves the name of Jiangzhou University's landmark.

"Ah? Looking for Professor Yu?"

Carrying a large stack of drawing materials, the teaching assistant who was about to leave the office was startled, "If you came last week, you might be able to see it. Last week, the professor's solo exhibition was held in the building."

Solo exhibition? Zong Qi was shocked.

Although Jiangzhou University is not as good as Capital University, it is still one of the top universities in China. Needless to say, the faculty is excellent. The art field has been ranked far ahead in the major year after year, and many professors are not small.

For example, Professor Cheng just now is the leader in the study of ancient Greek aesthetics in China. Another example is that many professors in the Department of Directing usually look indifferent. In fact, they are either retired directors or experienced behind-the-scenes practitioners with a huge network of resources that is staggering.

The Department of Fine Arts also has several masters who have won world-class fine arts awards, but it was Zong Qi's first time to be approved to hold a solo exhibition in the teaching building.

"Then can I trouble you to give me Professor Yu's contact information?" Zong Qi asked.

The teaching assistant smiled wryly and said that he was just an apprentice helping out in the department and had no such authority at all, and suggested that he go to the Department of Psychology to have a look.

"Teacher Yu is actually a professor of the Department of Psychology, so the studio is also there. If you are lucky, you may meet. But I can't guarantee it, because Professor Yu is not at school usually, and only comes during the public class every week."

Only then did Zong Qi know that the professor was not from the Department of Fine Arts.

He is a bishop of psychology, and holding art exhibitions is just a personal hobby. Occasionally, he will open some public classes in the art department. The time is free and not fixed.

Zong Qi was in awe.

Just from the description, you can tell that he is a very powerful teacher. Especially after hearing the teaching assistant say that Professor Yu is not only a criminal psychology counseling expert of the State Security Secret Service, but also well-known in the art world and a talented emerging artist, this cognition became more and more certain.

A professor who specializes in criminal psychology, with superb drawing skills.

No wonder Professor Cheng said that no one else could get this opportunity. This time, the old professor spent all his money trying to reshape his aesthetics.


From the Department of Directing to the Department of Fine Arts to the Department of Psychology, Zong Qi walked more than half a circle around the big school, and finally found the professor's office in the corridor on the sixth floor of the Department of Psychology.

The building of the Department of Psychology has not been newly built yet, and the enrollment has not yet been expanded. Classes are held in the old building and the lower floors. Looking at the past, the entire sixth floor is empty, the corridor is blank, and the doors on both sides are closed, only his echoing footsteps can be heard.

A name is posted on the door of the office, marking the professor of psychology.

"Yu Chenxue...?"

This name makes people feel very indifferent, high above the ground, and does not provoke the dust.

Zong Qi thought inappropriately.

He held out his hand, ready to knock on the door.


Unexpectedly, just as Zong Qi exerted some strength on the joints, the door suddenly moved back along with his strength, revealing a gap.

Didn't lock the door?

The black-haired young man froze for a moment, and asked softly, "Excuse me, is Professor Yu there?"

He asked politely three times, but couldn't hear any reply.

The hallway was silent.

Zong Qi looked down at the time.

Eleven thirty at noon.

At this point in time, the professors who have no class usually go to lunch, and they will not come back to continue their work until around two o'clock in the afternoon.

Zong Qi didn't have lunch, and he unilaterally agreed that Xiaohong would buy vegetables and cook for dinner.

Although the other party didn't express anything, Zong Qi, who pays attention to communicating with employees, is very concerned, and made up his mind to show off in front of Xiaohong.

Qi Ningzhou mentioned before that many ghosts like to eat people, Zong Qi finds it quite inconceivable.

They either just forgot, or they definitely haven't had much food from the flower growers. With so many delicious dishes, I still choose to eat them raw. I am really sorry, even Osamu Dazai would be speechless.

Zong Qi made up his mind and planned to put the rebuilt report and the documents he just got on Professor Yu's desk first, and leave his contact information, otherwise it would be no problem to stand outside and wait.

"Sorry, I came in first then."

He tapped lightly on the unlocked door.

What came into view was a clean and white studio.

One side of the studio was transformed into a huge floor-to-ceiling window, with bundled white blackout curtains hanging on both sides, looking across the lake, and half of Jiangzhou University was in sight.

Dazzling sunlight is reflected in the glass, cruising on the light-colored solid wood floor, and the central air conditioner operates day and night, and the light and dust are compressed into pieces.

The most striking thing is the paintings hanging on the easels around, most of which are mainly oil paintings, and there are also a few Chinese paintings on rice paper with swaying ink.

At first, Zong Qi was surprised that such a large office was not shared by several lecturers, but looked like Professor Yu's private studio, but when he turned his head, he was attracted by these oil paintings.

Of course, Yi Zongqi's aesthetics can't see any way. He only thinks that the figure paintings are very vivid, and the landscape paintings are very beautiful. Of course, there are some of them that look like just a few doodles with paint splashed on them.

The more you look back, the color of the picture gradually becomes more mottled and complex, and the brushwork also intentionally presents a rough texture, covering the heart with a layer of black veil, tearing the smooth skin, full of anxiety and contradictions, infinitely close to the stream of consciousness Expressionism.

Unknowingly, Zong Qi's breathing eased a lot.

He saw the last painting.

The huge oil painting almost occupied an entire wall, and the dark gray silk slipped from the frame at some point and was stacked on the floor, revealing the true face on the rough canvas behind it.

It was certainly a rather eccentric painting.

The golden wheat fields covered the bottom half of the linen, swaying with the breeze, without end. The sun is clearly hanging in the sky, but there are shining stars and black and purple swirls that only appear in the evening, like a deep night.

In the middle of the wheat field, a man in a brown suit was slumped down. He had high cheekbones, a bushy beard, and a gun in his hand, bleeding profusely from the bullet hole in his chest.

Obviously all bright colors are used, but because of the too weird painting method, it shows the creepiness that is incompatible with the content.

Despair, pain, madness, and death.

With just a few glances, a thin layer of cold sweat appeared on the back of the black-haired young man, and he trembled unconsciously.

However, his eyes remained glued to it, as if he was attracted by the painting, unable to recover, and didn't even notice the sound of the door being pushed behind him.