Chapter 11: ,eleven

The sense of this painting is really not very good, because under the strong contrast of the extraordinarily bright colors, it is hard not to be shocked at a sudden glance.

Zong Qi felt that he was mentally polluted, his thoughts were ups and downs, and he stared at the picture in a daze.

It wasn't until a bony hand stretched out, picked up the blackout cloth on the ground and put it on the easel, covering all the pictures, that the black-haired young man realized that he was already dripping with cold sweat.

"This is still an unfinished work, and there is no time for it to be published."

A pleasant male voice came from his side, like a cold spring in a mountain hitting a pine rock, deep and magnetic.

"Hold, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to break in."

Zong Qi stammered, but froze when he raised his eyes.

The person standing by the easel was thin and tall, his face was cut by the sun, and his white hair was tied behind his head, and the slender glasses chains were hanging down, which neutralized the femininity and coldness of his side face, and added a touch of abstinence and bookishness.

He was only wearing a simple white shirt, but his complexion was paler than the cloth, so white that it was sickly. The cuffs were rolled up to the elbows, which made the blue blood vessels on the arms shocking.

Even without self-introduction, Zong Qi automatically matched the name of the other party with the name at the door of the studio in his heart. Even if the other party looks so young that it is difficult to associate with the word "professor".


The man was the first to show a faint smile, dispelling the unreasonable disobedience.

"Hi professor, I'm Zong Qi from Class 2 of the 16th director class. I didn't hear a sound after knocking on the door, and the door was unlocked, so I took the liberty to come in and want to put this..."

The more he explained, the lower the voice of Zong Qi.

His face gradually turned red, and his heart roared with death.

Before entering, Zong Qi didn't expect that this was a private office. He was caught on the spot under such circumstances, and he wished he could get in through a crack in the ground.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't know that was your unpublished work."

The black-haired young man stared at the tip of his shoe and bowed ninety degrees in apology, raising the document in his hand above his head.

"It turned out to be the student that Professor Cheng mentioned."

The sound of the file being pulled out and flipped was close at hand, "It's okay, it's a work that hasn't been fully finalized, and some details need to be revised."

Oil paintings can still be covered with new oil paints and revised repeatedly even after they are finalized. As long as they have not been painted with varnish, it means that the work is still unfinished.

Zong Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and saw the white-haired man turn around and walk to the desk, "Please sit down."

He walked over cautiously and sat down, watching the other party put the tonearm on the vinyl record, and the golden gramophone in the shape of a trumpet flower began to emit the melodious sound of the violin.

"Teacher, I..."

"You don't need to use such a formal address." Yu Chenxue said: "Professor Cheng just asked you to follow me to receive artistic influence for a period of time. I don't have the right to score the final assessment of your aesthetic appreciation class. Strictly speaking, I don't Not your teacher."

"Ah, yes, Professor Yu."

Zong Qi quickly changed his mind, and watched the person sitting opposite push a cup of steaming black tea, with freshly cut lemons and sugar cubes on the side of the plate.

Yu Chenxue smiled gently, "Relax, you are too nervous."

For a while, the studio could only hear the intertwined performance of the violin and the clarinet, and the tinkle of the silver spoon hitting the bottom of the cup.

The temperature of the black tea was slightly scalding hot, and the wafting mist warmed the mind and allowed Zong Qi to relax his tense spirit.

Through the steaming mist on the tea surface, he secretly looked at the other side.

Few people choose to dye their hair pure white, because it is difficult for a slightly duller skin to control this tone, let alone keep it long.

Speaking of it, long hair seems to have always been the standard for artists. Zong Qi's own hair is just because he has been too lazy to go to the shop to cut it, so it's just annoying.

It is no exaggeration to say that he has never seen such a good-looking person.

If possible, Zong Qi would like to use the word "beautiful" to describe beauty. Beauty does not distinguish boundaries based on gender. What's more, compared to appearance, a man's noble and clean temperament is more eye-catching. Every inch is a gift from the Creator, so easy to see Incredible.

Under the cheerful tone of Mendelssohn Concerto in E minor, Yu Chenxue picked up the teacup.

"feel better now?"

Zong Qi touched his head in embarrassment, "It's much better, thank you Professor Yu."

"Now that you're relaxed, let's get started."


Undisguised doubts appeared in the pupils of the black-haired young man, and he sat upright instantly as if facing the dean.

Sensing his nervousness, Yu Chenxue laughed, "Don't be cautious, it's just a small test, which is related to the teaching mode of the next semester."

"it is good."

Zong Qi sat on the stool obediently, putting his hands on his lap neatly like a primary school student, with his back straight.

"I'm ready, professor, you can ask."

Although Professor Yu said that he is not responsible for the final grades of the practical class, nor can he decide whether he will fail the retake class, but Zong Qi has no doubt that he will not end well by fishing in troubled waters.

"it is good."

The professor of psychology bent his slender knuckles and tapped the table lightly, "What did you see in that painting just now? doesn't matter, you can say anything, you must speak freely."

An unexpected but reasonable question.

Zong Qi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

This kind of question, which is similar to looking at pictures and talking, has always been the basic question in aesthetic appreciation classes. In addition to other topics that extend to philosophy, practical classes often put a world-famous painting there for students to appreciate.

"Hmmm... the picture is bright in tone, but unexpectedly it feels depressing."

Zong Qi answered carefully, "At first glance, I even felt a little hopeless and painful, uh, even nauseated."

Yu Chenxue smiled as usual, nodded slightly, encouraging him to continue talking.

"Later I discovered that this disturbing element may come from the atmosphere of the picture, because those colors are stacked one by one, not to say that it is not neat, but a little crazy...but it is still pretty of."

After finishing speaking, Zong Qi felt uneasy.

Just like the writer's words, the artist's paintings can also reflect his own mental state. Of course, if the creator himself is aware of this and intentionally changes it, this law will not work.

Under normal circumstances, Zong Qi would not engage in low-EQ behaviors such as making unreasonable comments in front of the creators. Even if he did, it would be a big exaggeration of high EQ.

But maybe the temperature of the black tea was just right, the sunlight poured from the window onto the lines on the floor, and there were some just-right encouragements. In front of this professor whom he met for the first time, Zong Qi unconsciously confided his true feelings. It was nice to add a dry sentence later.

After hearing his answer, the studio fell into silence.

After a long time, the crisp sound of the teacup being lowered to the cup holder was heard.

"A very unique insight, Zong."

The lenses covered the color of the deep pupils behind him. The professor of psychology put his hands on the table and raised his eyebrows slightly. "The protagonist of this painting is Vincent van Gogh."

Zong Qi suddenly realized.

Because the aesthetics surpassed the times too much, Van Gogh was not understood during his lifetime, he was poor, and he only sold one painting in his life.

However, after his death, paintings were auctioned for sky-high prices. People praised him as a great artist, the pioneer of expressionism and the morning star of the nineteenth century.

He is best known for cutting off his own ear and shooting himself in the ribs in a wheat field while insane.

No wonder Zong Qi felt that the sky in the picture looked familiar, because it was somewhat similar to the famous starry sky in Van Gogh's painting. Including the madness he felt intuitively from the pictures, because besides being a painter, Van Gogh was often called a lunatic.

"That's why I am amazed by your conclusions. Few people can see these deep meanings from the picture..."

The words were interrupted by the sudden ringing of a bell.

The white-haired professor raised his hand, showing an apologetic expression, then turned around and walked behind the bookshelf in the studio.

Almost the moment he turned around, the elegant smile that the man deliberately pretended to restrain immediately.

Compared with the main hall with large floor-to-ceiling windows outside, the back of the bookshelf looks much darker. Under the warm yellow retro lighting, the rows of heavy books neatly arranged according to the initials on the dark brown bookshelf are illuminated. The bronzing letters are as shiny as fire, and glow in the dark.

Those who left stood in the shadows of the cubicle, their fingers sweeping from the Napoleonic Code to the Critique of Pure Reason, their jawlines cold and impersonal.

The person on the other end of the phone didn't look like a leader in charge of a huge organization, so he lowered his voice respectfully: "Teacher."

Zong Qi watched the professor leave, turned around and quietly squeezed a cube of sugar and threw it into the tea.

The white sugar quickly dissolves in the red tea, and together with the freshly squeezed lemon juice, it is sweet and sour, very delicious.

The new professor seems to be very talkative, and maybe he can try to concentrate and fix the practical class time later, so as not to delay his normal live broadcast and directing work.

Yes, Zong Qi quickly accepted his new career as a director.

Anyway, what not to do, this is back to my job, which is very good.

The melodious and soothing violin tunes still flow in the studio, and the sunlight is bright.

While drinking tea, Zong Qi squinted his eyes and opened the lock screen of his phone, a prompt popped up in the prompt box.

[Notice: The big script of "Desolate Village" will start filming at 9:00 am the day after tomorrow. The director is requested to submit the list of participating actors in the system software before midnight today. Points will be deducted for overdue penalty]

Zong Qi: "..." Why so fast!

He recalled his life-and-death struggle with a serial killer in the small script of "Mental Hospital", and was full of worries about the next big script.

I hope it's a supernatural film, at least with immunity.

The black-haired young man shook his head, shook his thoughts out of his head, lowered his head and opened the horror film director software.

The only poster that lit up in the big script movie was taken out separately and placed in the [Coming Soon] column.

【Title】: Scary Village

[shooting period]: 7 days

[Number of participants]: 7 people

[Can carry assistance staff]: 1 person

[Shooting pass conditions]: Actor's scream value is 5000, script exploration progress is 70%, and the number of surviving actors is greater than or equal to 3

[Junior directors can't choose the shooting identity, and are drawing the shooting identity of the scene...】

[The available identities are: actor, decent npc, villain npc, movie designer]

[Successful extraction: actor]

[Note: You can freely choose your identity when you become an intermediate director]

[Please wait a moment...the actor identity is being automatically generated]

【Actor code name】: (blank)

[Actor rating]: E-class actor (has not participated in major scripts)


Zong Qi filled in the words "beating a worker" for himself.

He didn't understand what the other identities were for, but luckily he didn't get it this time. When he gets it, he should be able to figure out the difference.

The speed of the system is very fast, and after one is confirmed, the next one is immediately connected.

[Director Q has chosen to participate in "Desolate Village" as an "actor", and currently needs to choose 6 actors]

[Reminder: Actors can be arranged to participate in large scripts, and the actors need to be paid after the end, and actors of different levels need to be paid different amounts of remuneration]

【Remuneration: Directing Points】

Soon, six grade options appeared on the screen of the mobile phone, namely S-grade actor, A-grade actor, B-grade actor, C-grade actor, D-grade actor and E-grade actor.

Among them, the remuneration of the S-level actors clearly marked that they need to pay 50% of the points obtained after shooting a movie.

It's okay for the director to pay the actors.

But this also means that if he chooses to hire an S-level actor to participate in "Desolate Village", half of the salary will have to be paid to the other party.

Zong Qi: "..."

Fortunately, he chose to be an actor just now, which perfectly saved one person's expenses.

It is absolutely impossible for Grandet to invite S-level actors like him!

He decisively turned his attention to the other levels.

The remuneration of each level is different, decreasing from top to bottom.

A-level 20%, B-level 10%, C-level 5%, D-level 3%, and E-level only need to pay 1% of the remuneration. In comparison, S-class actors are really precious.

"Six actors, then choose six E-levels, and make up six, six and six."

The stingy director Zong Qi thought so, and chose six E-level actor labels.

[The level of actors is related to the number of surviving actors in the end, it is recommended that the director choose carefully]

Maybe it was aware of Zong Qi's digging and searching, and the system gave a tactful reminder.

So Zong Qi had no choice but to delete the three E-level actors, and replaced them with a C-level actor, and two D-level actors. The settlement required a total of 13% of the film salary.

If possible, Zong Qi would like to let Xiaohong also take the role of an actor.

It's a pity that he thought about it seriously, and felt that Xiaohong might attack regardless of enemy or friend if he went crazy, so at most, he put Xiaohong in the position of assisting the staff.

Fortunately, the system told him that the reward points for assisting employees will be settled by the employee's actor system, and there is no need to participate in the entire filming, and there is no need to draw additional commissions from Zong Qi.

[Basic participation information has been filled in, is the recruitment announced? whether】

Zong Qi chose yes.

What he didn't know was what kind of storm this simple action would set off in another system.

[The credits will be released on time at 12:00 midnight today, and the "Director's Handbook for Beginners" has been put in your backpack, so stay tuned]

After doing all this, the black-haired young man put the phone back in his pocket, thoughtful.

He has almost figured out the rules for small scripts and impromptu shooting, but he really doesn't know anything about big script shooting. Including that actor system... there are others in the world with a similar system, that's for sure.

But why did the director system choose him?

Maybe it's because he's an unlucky directing student?

Zong Qi thought uncertainly.

Everything about the horror film system is shrouded in fog, as is that mysterious organization. The difference is that one can be his help when used well, and the other is a powerful enemy hidden in the dark that will open its fangs at any time.

Before you know it, the first movement in E minor has been played, and the steaming black tea is gradually cooling down in the air-conditioned room.

Just when Zong Qi was immersed in his own thoughts, the door that had been closed for a long time opened with a "squeak".

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry and kept you waiting."

The professor of psychology closed the door behind him and smiled apologetically at him, "Well, if there is nothing else, you can go back first."

"As for Professor Cheng's thoughts...I don't like regular narration, and I prefer to adopt a free mode. It happens that I need to attend an art exhibition next weekend, and I will contact you at that time, and I am wronged that you will become my assistant temporarily .”

Yu Chenxue blinked at him, "Compared to sitting in the classroom boringly looking at plaster paintings, this is of course a different kind of artistic edification, how about it?"

Zong Qi was stunned for a moment, then quickly stood up and bowed, "Of course, thank you professor."

After he left his contact information to say goodbye, his mind was still dizzy.

Zong Qi was flattered that he would get a flexible class time without any trouble.

According to the common sense, to retake the practice class, you have to take a period of time to come to the school to attend classes with the art students. However, now that Professor Yu has opened the mouth, Zong Qi saves almost half of the work, and to be honest, visiting the site is much more interesting than identifying various paintings in the classroom, especially if he has the opportunity to experience the profession of a painter’s assistant .

Professor Yu is really nice. Zong Qi couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He is not only a cutting-edge artist but also a professor of psychology at Capital University. He is so good-looking. He is talented, elegant and gentle. He is really appreciated by God.

In the melodious background sound, the white-haired professor slowly took off his glasses.

Eyes are the windows of the soul, just like many painters save their eyes for the last time when painting, they determine a person's temperament.

The pair of silver glasses with a long chain hanging in Yu Chenxue's hand has no prescription, and its only purpose is to camouflage.

Because after taking off the glasses, the pair of dark blue pupils that were intentionally hidden, so cold and inhumane, were fully revealed, which was very different from the image of the gentle and elegant professor just now, full of aggressiveness.

Normally, Yu Chenxue would not take off her glasses.

But this time...

He walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows and watched the leaving figure condescendingly.

Zong Qi would not know that as early as this morning, all his files from childhood to adulthood were sent to the table where he had just had afternoon tea, for this mysterious mentor standing on top of the Ouroboros organization to look through.

Both of his parents died, and he was brought up by his grandparents since he was a child.

Grandpa disappeared mysteriously when he was seven years old, and grandma was seriously ill in the third year of high school. In order to treat her grandma, she secretly sold the only old house left behind. Unfortunately, things backfired. The old man died when he graduated from university, and he has been alone ever since.

The following information is based on the replay of the listener, the whole process of single-handedly solving the serial killer in the Zaohua Renxin Mental Hospital that day.

Recalling the black-haired young man sitting on a chair and fidgeting, hesitantly saying that he saw madness in the picture, and carefully raised his eyes to see if he looked unhappy. Disappeared in an instant.

Kind, full of principles, always optimistic. Don't be afraid of any difficulties, and shine by yourself.

It is like a green and clean white paper that has never been painted with any color, waiting for the artist to dip the paint and leave traces on it as he likes.

It had been a long time since he had met such a lamb as he wanted.

Yu Chenxue thought happily.