Chapter 12: 、12

Early this morning, Zong Qi got up from the bed.

By the time he finished washing and getting dressed, and packed bread and water into his backpack, the pointer had just moved to six o'clock.

After all, it was the first filming, and even though the system said that the actors and directors were all provided with food and lodging, Zong Qi was sure that this package did not include supper. So just in case, he still brought two sets of simple change of clothes and food that can be used to satisfy hunger in an emergency.

"Xiaohong, go out!"

After finishing all this, Zong Qi turned around and greeted his only employee.

Perhaps it was because Zong Qi came back from Jiangzhou University yesterday, bought a lot of delicious food on the way, and cooked a table of delicious food, the attitude of the red-clothed female ghost towards him has changed significantly.

After enjoying Zongqi's delicious special medium-rare blood steak and delicious roast chicken, Xiaohong reluctantly agreed with her boss's decision to take her to the movie.

Sure enough, there are no people/ghosts that can’t be bought by delicious food. If there is, then let’s have an extra meal!

It's a pity that Xiaohong's throat was burned so badly that she couldn't communicate, otherwise Zong Qi could have asked her about the actor system.

"Ho **** ho **** ho **** ho."

After hearing the sound, the red dress swept lightly in the air for a while, turning into black mist and falling behind his head against his scalp. If you look hard at the ground, you can find that beside Zong Qi's current shadow there is a deep ghost that is so faint that you can't see the shape clearly.

Commonly known as - behind the spirit.

After returning yesterday, Zong Qi carefully studied the "New Director's Handbook" sent to him by the system, which contained many basic rules that directors need to know.

For example, the director's assistant is not allowed to appear in the camera. Zong Qi must be careful not to expose Xiaohong to the camera, otherwise points will be deducted.

Assistants can only play an indirect role and cannot directly affect the direction of shooting. So Xiaohong can only follow him with this kind of behind-the-scenes method. Of course, it is best not to be discovered, otherwise it will really scare people.

When stepping out of the threshold, Zong Qi could clearly see the edge of his own shadow dangling on the ground, flashing a double image, and seemed quite happy to go out.

According to what Qi Ningzhou said, such existences that turn into ghosts are generally earth-bound spirits, and unless they are tainted with their resentment and hunted for thousands of miles, it is difficult to step out of the haunted house.

This time I found out that I can stick it on the back of Zong Qi's head and go out. I can also know how happy I am.

Looking at Xiaohong, who looked completely different from yesterday's Gao Leng, the black-haired young man couldn't help but laugh.

He closed the door and pressed the elevator button happily.

"This is our first time shooting. Anyway, let's do our best together!"

The sky was cloudy and leaden, and it looked like it was going to rain.

[The designated location has been reached, the director's authority has been activated]

Zong Qi took several buses, and finally arrived at the shooting location of "Desolate Village" on time at 8:30.

This is almost a suburb of Jiangzhou City, surrounded by dilapidated old houses.

When he got out of the car, it was already drizzling outside.

Under the dilapidated platform sign, the yellow-haired man with a cigarette in his mouth glanced at him, "Newcomer?"

At this point in time, even the 996 social animals should drive into the city by car, and there are really few who are in a hurry to go out of the city. As one of the rare people, he stands out.

Zong Qi grabbed the backpack on his body and walked over cautiously, "Hello."

He saw the basic information of the person in front of him from the director system in his pupil.

[actor name]: Huang Mao

[Actor level]: D-level actor


It's really yellow hair. Zong Qi was ashamed.

But since he is a D-level actor, he must have acted in at least one major script.

Actors are different from directors. Without the invitation of the director, actors can only participate in big scripts, and cannot perform impromptu shooting or participate in small scripts. In other words, the latter two are the privileges that the director uses to earn points and collect employees.

"Are you actors too?"

Hearing their conversation, the timid blue-clothed man quickly said, with a hurried expression, "What the **** is going on! That app suddenly appeared on my phone, and then it asked me to come here today, otherwise ..."

Thinking of the scene of being crushed into a car accident after dreaming of failing to make an appointment on time for two consecutive nights, his fear rose uncontrollably from the bottom of his heart.

That nightmare was so real, even the touch of flesh and blood is still vivid in my memory. So if the nightmare would come true if it didn't come.

Not only the man in blue, but also a young boy with a pale face. On the contrary, the other girl in a white skirt looked much calmer.

They are all E-class actors like Zong Qi. In other words, they have never participated in big-script movies and are newbies who have just been bound by the system. It is normal for them to panic when encountering such a supernatural event.

"What are you panicking about?"

Huang Mao interrupted the man in blue impatiently: "Everyone is like this, and you are not alone."

As Zong Qi guessed before, besides him, there are many people in this world who have the same system as him.

It's just that what other people hold is the actor system, not the director system.

No one knows where the cast system comes from.

This mysterious horror cast system is like a nightmare. From the moment the application software appeared on the mobile phone for no reason, it was forcibly bound to the selected person.

The identities of the selected people are all kinds of strange, they come from all walks of life in society, including the helm of a large group company, ordinary unemployed and laid-off employees, and even college students who have not yet entered the society. It is like throwing a dice among billions of people. Random fetch.

However, after binding the system, they all have an additional identity-actor.

The system knows their lives very well, and this mysterious horror movie system will randomly select them according to their usual free schedule, and arrange different movies to participate in.

If you don't enter the group according to the information issued by the system on time, you will die in any possible accident within the next 24 hours.

But if it's just ordinary filming, it will naturally not make them feel so scared.

The source of the actors' fear is simple...this is a true horror film shoot!

There may be ghosts, wraiths, murderers and all the frightening existences in the filming. During the filming process, actors will also die due to various accidental reasons.

Once you die, it is a real death, and it is basically a tragic death.

"Wait, I have a question."

Zong Qi silently raised his hand.

He didn't intend to expose his identity as a director, but he wanted to figure out the difference between the actor and director systems, so he could only use roundabout questioning tactics.

"Is there any reward for finishing the movie successfully?"

"Reward? At most, it is to improve some basic physical fitness. After filming a movie, you will not easily catch a cold and get sick. It is better than nothing. Of course, if you can accumulate rewards, it is another matter. Actors above B-level may be lucky in the shooting Get some special props... But this kind of thing may not be encountered once in ten movies. Some posts in the forum cannot be unlocked if the actor level is insufficient. What rewards will the movie have..."

Huang Mao stomped out the cigarette butt, "In short, there is only one goal of shooting, and that is to survive."

After hearing these words, the blue-clothed man's face was as white as paper.

He clenched the umbrella in his hand tremblingly, so frightened that he was paralyzed.

Zong Qi stood aside, showing pity.jpg

Dare these people with the actor system not only to be forced to make movies, but also to be free workers? It's too miserable, the actor system really should hang street lights with the capitalists!

"Don't be afraid, everyone."

The man who had been observing but never spoke suddenly said, "Have you read the novice actor manual issued by the system? This is just a low-difficulty horror movie. As long as you act well according to the requirements, it is not difficult to survive."

He stood upright, with a cropped haircut, and he was a D-level actor like Xiang Huangmao.

At first glance, he looked more reliable than Xiang Huangmao, who looked like a street gangster, exuding a serious and upright aura.

Hearing that it was not difficult to survive, several people breathed a sigh of relief, and listened to him again.

"Since we are all actors in the same play, we will be colleagues for the next seven days. Let's get to know each other. My code name is repairman, you can ask me any questions."

Seeing the friendly olive branch thrown by the repairman, the tallest boy rubbed his head shyly, "My code name is Long Aotian... Don't laugh, I really thought I was the chosen one. "

When it comes to this Long Aotian is a little depressed.

He is a senior middle school patient, so when he was bound by the actor system, not only was he not afraid at all, but he was also extremely excited. Woke up early today and rushed here, only to realize that this is not a system that would allow him to get promoted and raise his salary to marry Bai Fumei to the pinnacle of his life.

"Anyway, the bosses must take me with me. I'm a nimble little brother, and I'm a thief. If the boss says I'm going north, I will definitely not go south!"

Because of Long Aotian's introduction, the gloomy atmosphere at the scene became a little more active, and several other people also briefly introduced themselves.

The girl in the white skirt said lightly, "My code name is Anna."

Her back was straight, taut with fear, but clearly learned posture.

Now, everyone's eyes fell on Zong Qi.

The black-haired young man was good-looking, and even Anna, who was equally outstanding, couldn't help but glance at him several times.

With just such a glance, the man in blue suddenly jumped up from the ground: "Why is it you, aren't you the anchor of the spirit-seeking live broadcast in the mental hospital?"

Zong Qi was puzzled: "It's me, how do you know?"

The man in blue faltered and hesitated for a while before saying that his code name was Master Wang at the entrance of the village.

Oh, the name Zong Qi has an impression.

It's a professional anti-counterfeiting anchor, and not long ago, he was splashing dirty water on the Internet.

Zong Qi showed a kind smile, "Oh, it's you, what a coincidence."

I don't know why, but Master Wang always feels that the moment the other party looks over, it seems that a cold breath is also staring at him.

He shuddered violently, only to realize that this beautiful black-haired boy had already looked away, "Hi everyone, my code name is Dagong."

Long Aotian burst into a merciless laugh.

Huang Mao rolled his eyes, "Smile, my code name is still Huang Mao, your uncle. Okay, I met a newcomer in the last movie and called myself Daddy. We beat him up before the end of the show. Pig head, anyway, after filming, they won't remember their looks, it's really profitable."

Now is a critical moment, and besides, Master Wang is also thick-skinned. He made up his mind that Zong Qi, a young anchor, can't do anything to him, so he hurriedly asked nervously: "What do you mean?"

"Literally," says the fixer, "after the film is done, we forget what the actors we filmed with looked like."

Long Aotian hesitated: "What's the use of this?"

"Yes, the system still protects the actors' privacy. Except for the shooting time, the identity of the actor will not affect your real life. You will know when the time comes. If you are really curious, you can log on to our dark net after the shooting Take a look at the forum, all of them are actors like us."

The repairman turned on the phone, "I don't have time now, I'll give you the URL after the movie is finished."

"Okay, okay, stop chatting."

Huang Mao interrupted their conversation: "Wait, it's already 8:50, why is there still one person not here?"

There are a total of seven actors in "Desolate Village", and there are only six actors including Zong Qi.

They didn't know, but Zong Qi knew very well in his heart that now only the C-level actor whom he hired with a huge 5% salary was left.

A group of people stood in the rain and waited until the last three minutes before they saw a black umbrella in the distance.

The person who came was wearing a long trench coat, and his appearance was ordinary, the kind that would be ignored on the street. However, the pair of deep eyes on his face were extremely energetic, which seemed to set off his sternness.

"Crow, C-level actor."

He nodded lightly, without any intention of explaining, he simply glanced at everyone and then looked away.

Pretty cool.

Huang Mao didn't speak, but the repairman went up and tried to have a chat.

The number of high-level actors is very small, and there is only one S-level actor, and there are no more than a hundred A-level actors. After all, B-level and C-level actors are the most.

D-level actors only need to act in one movie to be promoted automatically, but if they want to be promoted to C-level, they need to get no less than C-level evaluation in three movies.

It can be said that every level among actors is as difficult to cross as a gap.

The crow looked like no one should enter, and at most he nodded in response to the question.

As a last resort, the repairman had no choice but to turn around and pretend to ask casually.

"By the way, you all saw the movie from Recruitment, right?"

"Ah? What recruitment?"

The rookie actor looked bewildered. Zong Qi, who caught a glimpse of their expressions, immediately pretended to be dazed.

It seems that I really don't know.

"Haha, it's okay, just ask casually." The repairman turned a blind eye and didn't delve into the issue.

The Horror Film Actor System is a very simple system.

After the system is bound, it will only notify the actors to join the group at a fixed time. As for what movie to shoot, who the actors are partnered with or what level they are, these are all unknown.

However, all this was broken at noon the day before yesterday.

A notice suddenly appeared in the recruiting column, which had always been blank in the actor system.

【Published in Director Q: Actor Recruitment】

Recruiting film: "Desolation"

Number of actors recruited: 7

Recruitment conditions: unknown, not displayed

Undoubtedly, this recruitment swiped the screen of the entire actor forum.

Actors can only be notified by the system to make movies, and they have no autonomy. Now there is a recruitment advertisement that allows them to choose whether to participate or not, which is really surprising.

About five days ago, all the actors and actresses received the news that [director "Q" is in place] backstage.

This forum has existed for decades, and there are various clues covered in it, and it is no stranger to the horror film director system.

Even, the horror film director system is an unreachable altar in the hearts of all actors.

Because only S-level actors are eligible to apply for promotion to horror film directors.

However, there is only one known S-class actor. After receiving the system message that day, everyone took it for granted that the boss code-named "Artist" had obtained the director's qualifications, and they all got slapped in the face in the end.

It is precisely because of this that this recruitment announcement has attracted the attention of almost all actors.

It is clearly mentioned in the "New Actor's Handbook" that only the director can shoulder the responsibility of leading all actors to open a new world.

Although this sentence sounds inexplicable, there are all kinds of talents among the actors. They have already posted and analyzed it, and finally came to the most reliable conclusion.

—The director system must have permissions that the actor system does not.

As for what authority it is, I don't know. But what is certain is that the emergence of the director system can allow the actor system to play more roles.

Zong Qi may have been beaten to death, but he didn't expect that he just released a recruitment at random, which caused a storm in another actor's world, and took it out to interpret and discuss it word by word.

In the end, no one expected that the mysterious director only recruited one C-level, two D-level, and four E-level novices.

This simplistic configuration once again made the forum stunned.

According to everyone's logic, even if the person who can get the director system is not an artist, he is at least an unborn high-level actor. Such a high-level actor wants to make a movie, and the configuration should start with all A's.

But that's certainly a good thing, at least for the mechanics.

Remembering that after he was recruited, the Ouroboros organization, which has always been high in the actor world, also took the initiative to contact him and entrust him with the task, the repairman was full of anticipation.

Just handing over the surveillance records of the entire movie can get a full 10 million in cash, and if you can get any piece of information about the director system, you can get an additional 10 million, with no limit.

No one can refuse such a generous reward.

As expected of the Ouroboros organization, it is rich and powerful.

It's a pity that I don't know what information I can get from this movie with low-level actors. At least it is the first recruitment released by director Q, so there should be some clues.

The repairman's abacus clicked.

Just when everyone was thinking about each other, three minutes passed quickly.

The system prompts as scheduled.

[The time is up, the movie "Desolate Village" is officially launched]

As if responding to the system prompts, thick fog rose out of nowhere near the old bus stop sign, covering everything in whiteness, and the visibility was even less than five meters.


Accompanied by huge searchlights, a crimson old-fashioned bus came quietly through the fog and stopped in front of them without any mistakes.

"This..." Master Wang jumped up in fright, "I'm light, don't scare me."

【Actors please take the red bus to the shooting location】

As soon as the words fell, the crow silently put away his black umbrella and got into the car.

The repairman keeps his mission in mind, and is willing to spend more time to establish a friendly image in front of the newcomers: "Let's go, don't be afraid, the first act is generally not dangerous."

Zong Qi weighed his backpack and got into the car with Ling Xiaohong behind him.

The bus was very empty, except for the driver, there were only six of them for the time being.

After they all got into the car, the driver closed the door and drove forward unsteadily.

"This car should be going to the deserted village where the movie was shot, right?"

Long Aotian glanced at the direction and found that it was on the way out of the city.

The place where they gathered was already on the outskirts of Jiangzhou City, and if they had to go outside, they didn't know where to go.

"should be."

Huang Mao was a little absent-minded: "Blessings, I can draw a reasonable character card this time."

Both the director's handbook and the actor's handbook mention that every major movie has a three-act structure, divided into foreshadowing, development, and climax. The first act is the easiest, the third the most dangerous.

Actors make movies, of course, they have to act literally. Therefore, the characters and roles assigned to each actor are random.

Different from the director's clearance requirements, in addition to completing the performance, the actor also has a related value of [role performance value], the minimum is 1%, and the maximum is 100%.

The higher the deduction value, the better the actor is in the play, and the lower the performance, the unqualified performance.

The most important point - the higher the deduction value, the greater the possibility of surviving to complete a big movie. This is the point marked in red in the actor's handbook.

So no matter how outrageous a role they receive, the only thing the actors can do is to play the role well, and strive to win a chance in the next dangerous horror film .

[Character cards have been put into everyone's backpacks, please check carefully]

[Actors have ten minutes to read and discuss their roles, and after ten minutes, the first act will officially start filming]


Everyone's eyes were fixed, and they quickly took out their phones.

Zong Qi also held his mobile phone and stood in a blind corner without any trace, so as to prevent others from seeing the different director system on his screen.

Before that, he subconsciously looked to the side, but his pupils suddenly constricted when they touched a certain point.

He saw the always taciturn crow raised his hand.

He also saw a dark black Ouroboros logo tattooed on the half of the man's wrist where the cuff slipped off.