Chapter 13: 、13

What does the Ouroboros sign represent? No one knows better than Zong Qi.

All of a sudden, those dazed and angry people who were fighting serial killers in the bathroom and being framed by inexplicable? Countless emotions all surged up, and piled heavily in their stomachs.

Not only these, but also full of doubts and surprises.

Is this person in front of him a member of the organization with higher authority than Chen Hongyi? Did the Ouroboros organization infiltrate the actors? Or in other words... the inside of the actor is the headquarters of the organization?

The more Zong Qi thought about it, the more frightened he became.

A large part of the reason why he is not afraid of the Ouroboros organization comes from the director system in his hand,? This is his trump card.

It is no exaggeration to say that the items that can be unlocked in the system mall are endless, not to mention that he can also sign ghosts to work for him, and his future combat power is limitless. It can be said that as long as he is given time, Zong Qi doesn't care whether he is from the Ouroboros organization or the Ouroboros organization.

But now,? He saw the Ouroboros mark on an actor.

A telltale sign that even the serial killer he'd sent to the station didn't have.

The only thing that can be thankful is that he did not reveal his identity as a director in the mental hospital, so the appearance of this Ouroboros member is probably a coincidence, and it should not be possible to hunt down here.

Because the gaze stayed for too long, the crow who was looking down at the phone seemed to sense something. His sharp gaze cut away from the screen, and he accurately captured the gaze of the black-haired young man.


Zong Qi pulled out an awkward yet polite smile, and quickly lowered his head.

Soon, Long Aotian's exclamation broke the stalemate.

"Depend on!"

He stared at the phone, a little in disbelief: "No, how did I get a seventy-year-old man? How do I play this?"

The role Long Aotian drew was an old professor who was nearly seventy years old. He went to a deserted village to lead students to teach in the countryside. Because of a fall a year ago, it was quite inconvenient to walk.

"Haha, congratulations." Huangmao gloated: "This is really a lottery win, stronger than the **** I drew last time."

But the next second when he looked down at his character card, his face suddenly collapsed.

The repairman put down the phone first: "Have you finished reading it all? After reading it, check the character information, and pay attention to the secrets that are not allowed to be revealed on the card, otherwise the deduction value will be deducted."

Although the crow is the highest among the six people, he is too silent, so the repairman who seems to be very reliable becomes the temporary director in this shooting.

Repairman: "The character I drew and Anna are a team of boyfriend and girlfriend, and they will come to the deserted village to teach with the team."

Anna nodded: "I'm the repairman's girlfriend, and I'm three months pregnant. I plan to go back and get married after the end of this month's teaching."

Crow: "My role is the old professor's assistant."

Huang Mao: "I am a photographer for poverty alleviation missions, and I went to the countryside with the team to shoot."

Master Wang wiped the sweat from his brow: "I am a college student who came to teach together, and then I have a crush on Anna... This is information that can be said."

"Fuck, so exciting?" Long Aotian was dumbfounded.

Calculated in this way, he suddenly felt that his old professor role was more normal, at least not involved in these love and hatred.

"Normal," Huang Mao shrugged, "A lot of horror movies' rich codes are chaotic relationships and **** scenes, which is actually a good thing. It has one more feature, and it can increase the performance value when acting."

When they were introducing, Zong Qi's brain was running fast.

When he just turned on the director system on his phone, he found that his character card was only a short sentence.

[The director does not need to perform, just complete his own work]

In other words, Zong Qi only needs to play himself well.

What a great system! The black-haired youth burst into tears.

Although these old actors didn't reveal anything, they knew that the actor system was much more ruthless than the director system.

Knowing that it is not easy for him to work two jobs by himself, doesn't this open the back door for him?

However, I am secretly happy, and the necessary fooling is still indispensable.

Fortunately, everyone else has talked about their character background, and Zong Qi only needs to work on this basis and create again.

"I am a student who came to the countryside to teach with the old professor. I love historical sites and adventure."

With members of the organization present, Zong Qi made up his mind to speak less. If you talk too much, you will lose, and you will inevitably expose information. Anyway, there are senior actors in this group who love to help newcomers. He only needs to play a good role as a newcomer who is making a movie for the first time, and get more information.

For example, the actor forum is a very useful piece of information.

After seeing everyone introduce themselves, the repairman looked around, "Now let me help analyze the limitations of each character."

"Everyone should have played script killing. In fact, the shooting of horror movies is very similar to script killing."

The roles drawn by the actors seem ordinary, but in fact each has its own limitations and characteristics. This limit point needs to be obtained by carefully reading the character card, and important information will be missed if you don't pay attention.

"Since there are newcomers, I will say a few more words. You all know that the level of performance value of a character is related to whether we can survive in this movie. Value requires actors to really substitute for the role psychologically, so I don’t need to say how difficult it is.”

The repairman talked eloquently, "Not to mention more than 80%, the degree of interpretation below 80% can be improved through acting skills. An important factor for the actor system to judge whether we are in the play is our understanding of the role. .”

"For example, Long Aotian, the character you draw is an old man who is over seventy years old, so you have to move closer to the character in terms of words and deeds."

Long Aotian frowned, "Brother, what does this mean? Is it possible that I will have to drag my voice in the future, and I have to touch my non-existent beard if I have nothing to do?"

"That's right, you have to act as a real old man."

Huang Mao added from the side: "And didn't your card say that the old professor suffered a leg injury and had trouble walking? Then you must always show that you have trouble walking during the filming, otherwise your role performance value will not be improved. .”

"And Anna."

The repairman changed the subject: "You have been pregnant for three months on the character card, so as a future mother, the character must pay great attention to maintenance and rest. Of course, you can also use your reasonable imagination according to the card, for example, often Putting your hands on your lower abdomen, this kind of small movement will also increase the degree of interpretation after being recognized by the system."

Anna nodded.

She is good-looking, she doesn't talk much, she is quite a cold beauty, Master Wang and Long Aotian peeked at her several times.

"Then there are workers... Your character is adventurous, full of curiosity and exploration. These can be reflected in the shooting process, and you have to figure out the specifics yourself."

Zong Qi listened to the repairman's analysis of his messy character design, and nodded obediently.

In fact, the repairman felt that the role of beating a worker was probably the most dangerous in this filming. An adventurous character is destined to be in a dangerous situation. Even if there is no danger, you have to explore by yourself, otherwise the performance will not increase at all.

The cards that the repairman draws are like flirting at best. The characters are easy to grasp, and there are almost no difficulties except for one character whose secret is a bit tricky.

"Brother, brother, what about me? Please help me analyze it." Master Wang asked eagerly.

Although he was assured by senior actors, he couldn't help but tremble at the thought of the danger of this shooting.

"You? Your role isn't difficult. Isn't it enough to show your hospitality to Anna?"

For actors, when it comes to matters of life and death, they are willing to pretend to be grandchildren, let alone being wronged and being a licking dog?

"Also, since it's a movie, everyone who has watched the movie must know that there are contradictions between the characters in the movie. That's why the character card issued by the system for us also has a marked secret part, this As long as some parts can be used reasonably, the increase in deduction value is not a problem."

Everyone stared at their screens, thinking silently.

"In addition to these restrictions, you also need to pay attention to the character hints given by the character card. A cowardly character must not rush to the forefront, and a strong pushy person should not be too shy. In short, how to perform well during the shooting process Character is a priority."

The repairman glanced at his watch and quickened his tone of voice: "No matter when you are in a dangerous situation, even if the ghost in a horror movie is standing behind you, you can't forget your character."

"Because improving the interpretation of characters is the only way for actors to survive in horror film shooting. Maybe high-difficulty horror films still need props, but it can't be judged like this. But in low-difficulty horror films, interpretation is everything."

This is no joke. Although it sounds funny, in low-difficulty horror films, as long as there is a high enough degree of interpretation, even if the ghost approaches the eyes, it may let the actor survive due to various unexpected reasons.

There is no strict classification of horror films, and the actors have sorted out a set of classification methods themselves. Generally, what is the lowest level of recruiting actors is the level of horror film.

This movie has four E-level novice actors participating, and it belongs to the simplest E-level movie, and it is properly low-difficulty.

But then again, too high a degree of interpretation is not a good thing.

If you enter the drama too deeply, it will be difficult to get out of the drama. There are many actors who play too high in the movie and cannot break away from the role after the movie is finished. There are even examples of schizophrenia and living as another person.

Even the repairman himself, compared with before becoming an actor, has subtle changes in personality, leaving many sequelae.

But you don't need to say this to newcomers. thought the mechanic.

It is the first time for a newcomer to make a movie. It is not bad if he can finish the performance without being scared to death.

Is it so easy to get a high degree of interpretation? That may require the actor to fully assume the role.

The first step in shooting a horror film is to overcome fear. If fear exists, actors will not be able to act as characters.

Among all the actors, only the S-class actor "Artist", who will always stand at the top of the pyramid, has always maintained the inhuman record of perfect clearance of more than 80% of each movie.

But then again, except for Mr. Wang at the entrance of the village, the other three have good psychological qualities. It seems that the quality of the newcomers this time is very high. You can observe more and see if there is anything special about the actors chosen by Director Q.

"By the way, after entering the movie shooting, the mobile phone will have no signal, so you don't need to waste your energy trying to contact the outside world. Opportunities will be made more difficult by the system alone."

The repairman muttered: "Every time I meet a newcomer, my first reaction is to dial 110. If you have the time, it's better to settle down and study the role."

"What, it will increase the difficulty?!"

After being named, Master Wang, who had already posted several distress messages on Weibo, but had never received a single reply, even though he had hundreds of thousands of fans, turned pale.

He frantically tried to delete Weibo, but the system prompt sounded just right.

[The first act of "Desolate Village" officially started filming]

[After the filming starts, the actors are asked to take the roles, and be careful not to mention related words such as "system", "actor" and "shooting", otherwise the corresponding deductive value will be deducted]

At the same time, the actor's pupils show the degree of role interpretation, and the director has three constant values.

At this moment, the actor's scream value and plot exploration progress are both 0, and the current surviving actor is 6.

Zong Qi was thinking about his passing requirements.

The actor's scream value is 5000, the script exploration progress is 70%, and the number of surviving actors is greater than or equal to 3.

He noticed that his scream value has become an actor's scream value, which means that this value is not calculated from the danger encountered by the director Zong Qi, but obtained from the danger encountered by the actor. Only when actors encounter more difficulties and dangerous situations can Zong Qi get a corresponding increase in scream value. In addition, his task is to dig deep into the core of the movie to explore the background and ensure the safety of the actors.

There is no doubt that compared with impromptu shooting, the difficulty of big scripts can be seen.

As he thought about it, he shifted his gaze to other people, and let out a "huh" in his heart.

After the filming started, Zong Qi could not only see the personal panel of each actor in his eyes, but also see the specific performance of each actor.

Looking at the past, except for the initial deductive degree of Master Wang, which is negative 2%, the others are 0,

A thick white mist gradually spread outside the bus window.

The fog was so thick that it covered everything, almost turning this place into an island.

Soon, after the fog dissipated, a completely different mountain road appeared outside.

This road is built halfway up the cliff, with a cliff at a nearly ninety-degree right angle on one side, and an abyss two meters away from the wheel on the other side. They are driving on such a dangerous steel wire road.


Long Aotian couldn't hold back.

The repairman was speechless for a while.

Old actors shoulder the responsibility of bringing newcomers into the play, otherwise the newcomers are too good at acting or their acting skills are too poor, which will also affect the performance of other actors.

Worry immediately appeared on his face, as if he was really worried about an elder: "What's wrong with Professor Long, are you feeling a little uncomfortable?"

After saying these words, Zong Qi saw that the repairman's interpretation speed really climbed up by 1%.

The crow next to him also changed his silent style before, and took out the water bottle and motion sickness medicine, and handed them to Long Aotian just right, and quickly entered the role that an assistant should have.

"No, nothing."

It was only then that Long Aotian suddenly remembered that it was already in shooting mode.

He squeezed his throat reluctantly, pretending to be old on purpose, but for a while, facing the repairman's face, Long Aotian still couldn't make up a decent line, so he could only accept the water handed by the crow in embarrassment, End this topic.

This kind of sudden stuttering and being unable to speak is quite normal for a newcomer actor.

Because there is no script at all in the middle of filming, everything has to be done freely by the actors.

The repairman ignored this episode and continued to perform on his own: "Professor, as long as you are fine. By the way, the mountain road here is bumpy. Nana, please sit on your seat quickly, and don't lose your tire gas."

"Ah, oh, good."

Anna immediately adjusted the expression on her face, sat down silently and put her hands on her lower abdomen.

"The village where we went to support education this time has many customs and historical sites, and we should be able to capture a lot of good material. I really look forward to it."

Huang Mao skillfully picked up the camera that appeared in front of him after the shooting started, and lowered his head to focus.

Master Wang, who was most afraid of death, quickly ran to Anna, his pupils dilated and his head was sweating profusely, obviously looking extremely terrified. But he still has to pretend to be flattering, and his acting skills are so inconsistent and exaggerated that people can't bear to look directly at him.

Faced with the hard-working performances of the actors, Zong Qi is completely a fish-fishing monster mixed in, and even has the leisure to observe the outside.

"The car is still climbing, but looking at the high terrain outside, is that deserted village on the top of the mountain?"

Just after he said this, the bus turned a corner.

After turning the corner, the scenery in front of him suddenly changed. The huge mountain split in two from the middle, exposing the dense forest belt in the central valley.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Zong Qi's primary yin and yang eyes saw the black mist covering the valley in an instant.

Xiao Hong, who was acting as the spirit behind him, also seemed to be aware of it, and the double image swayed uncomfortably on the dirty ground of the old bus.

Anna suddenly exclaimed: "Look!"

Following the direction her finger was pointing at, the side of the valley seemed to have been cut down by an axe. The incision was extremely hideous and flat, with a height of nearly 100 meters. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a dangerous place.

However, such uncanny natural scenery could not make the actors in the bus relax to watch carefully.

Because what is really amazing is what hangs in the middle of the mountain wall.

About in the center of the cliff, there is a long strip of objects that are connected by chains and hung together.

"Then, is that a coffin?" Master Wang sat down on the ground in fright.

In such a place surrounded by forests, mountains and cliffs on all sides, not a single bird flew in, but there are hanging coffins hanging on the cliffs, which is really frightening.

What's even more outrageous is that the surface of these coffins is either pasted with yellow-backed and red-lettered talisman paper, or cinnabar is poured all over the surface of the coffin. From a distance, it looks like it is bleeding, which is creepy.

"Yes, this is called a hanging coffin. Did you forget, we checked the information before we came here."

Crow took his words calmly: "This barren village is isolated from the world, and the people in the village are all descendants of ancient tribes. It is reasonable to have this custom."

The character Cary does mention deserted villages and ancient tribes, but everything else is made up.

Looking at the cliff in the distance, the expressions of several senior actors were very solemn, and their hearts were cold.

This kind of stickers and cinnabar on the coffin is simply telling them that "there is a problem with the coffin", especially if it is based on the premise of a horror movie.

And coincidentally, the coffin in the center of the mountain wall had the most talismans on it, and the other hanging coffins surrounded it like stars surrounding the moon.

Could the person sleeping in the central coffin be the boss of this movie?

The three thought in amazement.

While others were thinking, Zong Qi frowned quietly.

The actor has never seen the poster of "Desolate Village", but as a director, he knows it well.

Behind the poster are mountains, surrounded by lush trees, and the tone atmosphere is extremely depressing.

Zong Qi was a little strange when the bus was driving on the mountain road at the beginning, but now he saw this valley built between two mountains and suddenly realized it.

If you shoot from the middle, the terrain of the deserted village actually fits perfectly with the poster.

It's just...the poster doesn't show the hanging coffin, nor does it give any shots.

As a student of the directing department, Zong Qi understands very well that movie posters are either on point or on point, and many important clues are hidden in a small poster.

According to the simplest shooting method, the nature placed in the center of the photo is the most emphasized part.

Zong Qi clearly remembered that there was a dry well in the center of the poster, and a strand of wet black hair hung on the dry well.

The author has something to say: 77: Hitting the worker Oye!

Xiaohong: You fake worker, I am the real worker!