Chapter 15: ,fifteen

The summer forest is a paradise for mosquitoes.

But I don’t know why,? It hasn’t rained in the valley for half a month. The weather continues to be hot and dry, but there are more and more bugs. The continuous noise echoes in the valley far away. Intensive to annoying.

"How about it?"

Just when there was some darkness in the sky, a group of farmers hurried through the village.

If the actors were there, they would have discovered that these villagers were the ones who led them into the village before.

They gathered around the well in the middle of the village, holding torches in their hands.

The burning fire illuminates the surroundings and the bottom of the well, and the bottomless well is immediately illuminated, revealing the clear and shallow water inside.

"Sure enough... just as recorded in the village chronicle,? It has a history of hundreds of years."

Originally, there was a lot of sludge in this well, but these days, the villagers worked together to dig out the sludge, and only then did the dented stairs on the wall of the well behind it be revealed.

In the past six months, when the villagers fetched water, they occasionally salvaged some exquisite jewelry. At first it was silver jewelry, and later it was jade. At the beginning, everyone didn't pay attention to it, so they put it on for their own daughter-in-law after washing.

But as more and more things were salvaged, everyone gradually became suspicious, so they got together, wiped the mouth of the well, and asked the only literate sixth child in the village to read the village chronicles, and then the truth came to light.

That's why the farmer got so nervous when he saw the dark-haired kid approach the side of the well. After all, it is the biggest secret in the village. If it is discovered, the consequences will be disastrous.

The leader waved his hand and ordered: "Third brother,? You take a few more people to tear down the coffin from the cliff? Move it to the mourning hall, otherwise, the coffin will not be removed, and the door below will not be opened."

"Okay bro."

The third child responded: "By the way, those few people from other places today asked me about the hanging coffin, do you think it will..."

The leader narrowed his eyes: "Fourth brother, leave a few people with those teachers and watch them carefully."

I didn't come for so many days before, but I came at this time.

Coincidentally, the old village chief went there again a few days ago, and he didn't have time to tell them a lot of news. If the goddess hadn't said that there was indeed a request for outside support, they would have been kept in the dark.

Thinking of this, he gave another order: "Be careful when you monitor, and see if these foreigners come to teach honestly, or..."

There was a trace of sternness in his eyes, and he made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Several other farmers understood immediately.

In this desolate wilderness, away from the plains, it is more appropriate for them to be hunters rather than farmers. Although I have never seen human blood, I have seen a lot of animal blood.

"In the past, no matter what grievances or grievances there were in our village, what is in front of us now is a business that makes a lot of money."

The leader said in a deep voice: "The sixth son who was the first to leak the news is his own fault. If this is known, we will definitely not be able to go around. But if it is done, the brothers will not only be able to get out of the mountains, but also for the rest of their lives. Make sure you have no worries about food and clothing.”

Everyone in the village listened, breathing gradually heavier.

"That's all for now, the rest of the people guard the mouth of the well, second child, let's go down and explore!"

After giving the order, the leader held the torch and took the lead to climb down the dented stairs towards the bottom of the well.

The others took orders one after another and dispersed in the night.

Because this is only the reason for the shooting of the first act, the atmosphere between the actors is quite peaceful.

Since four newcomers were stuffed in, it meant that the difficulty was not as high as expected. After all, the system never told them the difficulty of the movie, and it could only be confirmed from the level of actors cast in each movie.

The only thing to note is that this movie involves the mysterious director, and several senior actors are paying attention.

Countless threads have been opened in the actor forum to participate in the discussion. It can be said that as long as he can get back alive from here, it is equivalent to having the capital to buy and sell information and go to the forum to blow water.

Compared with them, although they were implanted into the actor system, the newcomer actors who not only did not encounter danger along the way but played rather simple roles had to relax a lot.

Among them, Master Wang at the entrance of the village is the most.

He was also an anchor a long time ago. It's just that because of my poor business ability, I still haven't accumulated enough fans, and I saw the newcomers flying fast in the same period, so I moved my mind and opened the microphone to expose the live broadcast routines of my colleagues at the beginning.

Originally thought that this would cause netizens to spray him to pieces, but what Master Wang didn't expect was that this wave of anti-counterfeiting actually made his popularity rise instead of falling. A large number of idle netizens gathered in his live broadcast room and Weibo to pick their feet, and gradually formed an organization, going to other anchor live broadcast rooms to dispatch police every day.

After tasting the sweetness, Master Wang began to focus on cracking down on counterfeiting.

After all, I have also been an anchor before, and Master Wang is indeed more familiar with the industry, and he did make a lot of good-quality and humorous anti-counterfeit videos at the beginning.

However, the good times did not last long.

After the ordinary crackdown on counterfeiting, the audience lost their sense of freshness, and the enthusiasm began to lose, so Master Wang gritted his teeth and embarked on the road of slander and crackdown on counterfeiting.

After all, it was slander. After Pengci's big anchor was taught to be a man by the other's fans, he focused on those little anchors who were not well-known and had no traffic. Anyway, even if the little anchor is slandered, there is nothing he can do, he can only lie flat and let himself be ridiculed.

Zong Qi is one of the unlucky ones.

Master Wang first discovered him at the anchor's popular plaza.

There are not many anchors in the outdoor spirit exploration area, but it is one of Master Wang's favorite areas to crack down on fakes.

First of all, almost all anchors of Tanling have scripts, otherwise it would be difficult for a simple Tanling to reach the level of tension and excitement, making the audience nervous and empathetic.

The second is that no matter how Tan Ling cracks down on counterfeiting indiscriminately, there will be audiences who will firmly support him. After all, ghosts do not exist in this world, this is an indisputable fact. Thinking about it, no matter how slandered it is, it is a lucrative business.

With such thoughts in mind, Master Wang brought disasters to the Tanling District all over the place.

For him, fans like Zong Qi are only in their early 100s, and a small anchor who attracted attention just because of a mistaken report of safety is not worth paying attention to at all. He is considered to be bringing traffic to the other party, so he goes along After stepping on it, I forgot it when I turned around.

Unexpectedly, the little anchor was quite stubborn, not only posted a clarification on Weibo, but also started a live broadcast the next day.

The young anchors who had been beaten by Master Wang before either changed careers directly, or cried and said that they did not cheat.

After watching the other party's live broadcast in the haunted house, he scoffed.

Although the apartment was indeed scary, but Master Wang thought he was a firm materialist, and he blamed everything on the little anchor wanting to be popular and crazy.

"Really, all the young people are now making money from live broadcasts, thanks to me, the Discipline Inspection Committee of the live broadcast industry, otherwise they would have been cheated for nothing."

At first, he had already thought about it, and when this little anchor started broadcasting next time, he would teach this young man who knew nothing about the sky and the earth and wanted to fool the public a lesson. In the end, I didn't expect that before this, I was inexplicably bound to some kind of actor system, and was forced to film in horror movies.

Because he dreamed of his accidental death after not coming to the set, Master Wang was so frightened that he packed his luggage and ran over in the middle of the night.

"That's the end, it's just acting, it's not too difficult... Those senior actors really made a fuss."

This earthen house is not big, and the bed board is also small, Long Aotian alone occupies most of it. And this guy's sleeping position is very bad, with his legs spread out and his hands open, like a piece of fried egg, turning over and over, both sides are the same width.

Originally, Master Wang was kicked to the bedside and wanted to get angry, but then he thought that the other party was playing an old professor. If he got angry, it would be disrespectful to the old, and he would definitely be deducted from his acting value. Cover the quilt, that one is called aggrieved.

The most annoying thing is that the room is extremely hot, and there is always the sound of bugs or mice scurrying around. I really don't know how Long Aotian fell asleep so soundly.

He was restless, and fell asleep hazily, but unexpectedly, he had a nightmare, and he was woken up twitching in cold sweat. After waking up, I felt a rush of urine, so I rolled over and got out of bed.

The toilets in the country are all outside the house, and the house they were assigned to is the same, only there is a small temporary hut behind the yard.

Master Wang pushed open the door, and the layer upon layer of insect noise outside suddenly became louder, sharp and ear-piercing, disturbing.

There is no moon and no stars tonight. The whistling wind is raging in the valley, blowing loudly, and the leaves are dancing like howling ghosts and wolves.

For some reason, Master Wang suddenly remembered the hanging coffin he saw on the road when he came to the village today, and the bright red color on the hanging coffin, which diffused into his chest.

In such a dull night, the dazzling color seems to be lingering in front of my eyes.

"There's no one to start a fire in this dilapidated countryside...Forget it, just pee under a tree."

He suppressed the restlessness in his heart and walked forward, his ankles were extremely itchy, and when he pulled up his pants, he found a big red bump nailed by fleas.


Master Wang took a sip, turned around and planned to go back.

As a result, the moment he turned his head, he saw the scenery in front of him change suddenly. The houses with green tiles and earth walls that stood upright disappeared in an instant, and turned into a dark road with only a flickering fire at the end.

"What's going on?" He rubbed his eyes in amazement.

Just now he was peeing towards the road leading to the center of the village, how could he turn around and still go this way? Could it be that he was sleeping stupidly?

Master Wang shook his head, feeling that he was thinking too much, so he turned his head again.

This time, there was still a deep road before him.

It wasn't until then that he finally realized that something was wrong, and his hands and feet began to feel cold.

"What...what's the situation."

Master Wang made a trembling voice from his throat: "This, this... where is the house?"

He looked around crazily, and when he turned his head, he saw the house behind him, but as long as he walked over, the next second he raised his foot, it would be replaced by the road with the fire at the end.

The darkness that can't be looked directly at is shrouded in this piece of land. Even the disturbing sound of worms just now was hit by the pause button at some point.

Quiet, too quiet, eerie, almost dead.

Master Wang looked around tremblingly, and ran away.

He also didn't care whether he ran towards the house or the road, anyway, no matter where he ran, he couldn't stand still and wait for death.

must escape! escape!


After running crazily for an unknown distance, Master Wang stopped, panting heavily, and looked around.

Strange things happened, and the scenery in front of him reversed again, returning to the previous fork in the road.

The shadows of the trees around were whirling, and the branched branches stretched their teeth and claws like ghosts, making a series of rustling sounds, mocking his overreach.

The ghost hit the wall.

No matter where you run, you will return to the same place.

This scene is familiar to anyone who has seen horror movies.

Master Wang was so frightened that his hands and feet became cold, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he was covered in cold sweat. These are the basic symptoms of people under extreme fear.

In a trance, he recalled the nightmare he had just now, in the shadow of the trees, there seemed to be a corner of a red dress floating by, the empty whites of his eyes were staring at him, and the black hair was flying all over the sky.

"Ah, ah, ah, help—"

He wailed loudly and shouted for help, but he could only hear the empty echo in the valley, which was repeated thousands of times and mixed with countless strange whispers.

"Help, someone help me, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

As a last resort, he could only continue running to the only place with light.

There is the end of the road, and there is a little flickering fire.

It is this faint fire that makes the surrounding environment infinitely extend and creepy.

Master Wang was in a daze, crying while running, fell to the ground several times and was bitten by a dog, and he staggered up and continued running regardless of his skinned knee.

He kept his eyes on the fire until it got bigger and bigger and bigger...

At the same time, what came into view was not the figure imagined by Master Wang, but a coffin placed in the mourning hall.

An unpleasant sound came from inside the coffin, as if the wall of the coffin was being dug crazily with nails, and there was a tearing sound like papyrus.

The chains wrapped around the coffin stopped the lid from opening and closing, and the amulet was stuck on it, but the cinnabar on the paper was soaked, and it melted drop by drop of viscous oil, which fell to the ground. The fire I saw just now was the ever-burning lamp on the coffin.

As soon as the wind blew, thunder rang, and the rain poured down.

The white cloth around the mourning hall flew into the night sky.

Lights went out.

He sat up suddenly from the bed.

The author has something to say: False beating workers: 77

The real worker Xiaohong: Alright, boss, two roast chickens will arrive in the account!