Chapter 16: 、16

The next day Zong Qi got up and pushed open the door, and found that it was wet outside, with water everywhere, and a strong smell of grass and earth floating in the air, he took a sudden breath into his lungs, and his nostrils were filled with fishy smell.

"It rained heavily last night?"

Long Aotian who happened to push the door out from the opposite side: "You don't know?"

As soon as the words were spoken, he immediately clenched his fists and put them on his lips to cough frantically: "Ahem, cough... such weather,? The old man had a nightmare last night."

"You had nightmares too?"

While they were talking, Huangmao and Crow also came out from the other side one after the other.

Neither of them slept well. At first, there was the endless noise from the bugs, and then there was the sudden rainstorm. It's no wonder that I could sleep well.

I don’t know if it’s the reason why I saw the weird hanging coffin on the cliff during the day? The actors almost all had nightmares at the same time.

Last night, the torrential rain was pouring, and lightning bolts landed on the ground like no money, tearing apart the pitch-black night hideously.

Even Long Aotian, who usually sleeps like a dead pig, was awakened, not to mention other people. It was also the loud thunder that woke them up from their nightmare.

A few people chatted casually at the door, and found that everyone's nightmare last night was either clear or vague, but the same thing was that they all had that coffin. My heart skipped a beat, and I was about to discuss it carefully when I heard the black-haired young man speak.

Zong Qi replied honestly: "Not only did I not have a nightmare, but I also didn't feel noisy at all."

He has the exclusive version of the Ligui air conditioner plus insect repellent, and he spent the night in a particularly peaceful manner.

other people:"......"

The repairman stopped the topic, "Have you all had breakfast? Yesterday, you had a rest all night,? It's time to start our teaching mission today."

"Wait,? There's one more person who hasn't come out yet... oh, it's out."

When Master Wang walked out of the room, all the actors frowned.

Without him,? Compared to other people who are at most faintly tired, Master Wang seems to have lost his soul now, his pupils are straight, his face is pale, and his steps are vain.

Long Aotian asked with concern: "What's the matter, Xiao Wang, didn't you sleep well last night?"

The latter didn't answer, just walked past them like floating, and walked straight forward.

The repairman frowned.

As a senior actor, he certainly knows how important it is to obtain the information in the dungeon in advance. Especially since the first act is usually not so difficult, gathering information becomes inevitable.

So last night, after Anna fell asleep, he actually wanted to go out and have a look alone.

But when he opened the door, he found that the door of Master Wang and Long Aotian's room was wide open, Long Aotian was sleeping soundly inside, and Master Wang was missing.

The repairman felt strange and was about to go to the hut to have a look, but he met a crow and a yellow hair on the way.

It's a little strange for two big men to go to the bathroom together, and it's so late at night. Most importantly, the repairman is sure that the two of them are not familiar with each other before filming, so how could they suddenly become warm?

This doubtful point was secretly recorded by him, and he was waiting to report back to the Ouroboros organization.

Zong Qizhu was at the end of the line, and lowered his voice worriedly: "Xiaohong, you didn't eat his soul last night, did you? Although this person is not a good person, he is not guilty of death... "


As soon as he finished speaking, Zong Qi felt that his whole body was surrounded by ice cold, as if being poured with a bucket of cold water from the back of his neck, which was very sour.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I shouldn't doubt you."

The black-haired young man quickly raised his hands in surrender, which made the red-clothed female ghost calm down, snorted coldly, and stopped talking.

He was just asking, after all, there are still 7 surviving actors, and none of them is missing.

The strange thing is that the actor's scream value has inexplicably increased to 300. It is clearly stated in the director's handbook that assisting employees to intimidate actors will not get scream points. I don't know which actor encountered a panic moment last night.

When Zong Qi was secretly communicating with Xiao Hong, the actor walking in front also noticed something was wrong.

Several villagers were stopped at the intersection, each with farm tools in their hands, and when they saw them coming, they blocked the road ahead without comment.

Huang Mao took a step forward: "Brothers, what are you..."

"The classroom is over there, you are going the wrong way."

One of them said viciously, "Aren't you here to teach?"

"Fourth Uncle."

Just as they were confronting each other, a clear and tender voice came in.

Zong Qi raised his eyes and found that standing there was the little girl who came to their house by herself yesterday to deliver food.

"They are all gentlemen from outside the village. They don't know anything. They thought the classroom was going this way."

Behind the little girl was a group of children who looked about the same age as her, all of them were sallow and thin, their ribs could be seen through the holes in their clothes, and they looked malnourished.

Although they were as thin as skin and bones, each of them held a worn-out textbook in their hands, looked over with bright eyes, and said hello to the teacher together.

"Fourth uncle, let me take the gentlemen to the classroom."

The farmer who was called Fourth Uncle exchanged a glance with the person beside him, and then nodded reluctantly, telling the goddess to take him away quickly.

How could a ten-year-old child have such a right to speak in the village?

Several actors memorized the word silently.

It was not the first time they had heard the word "goddess" in the mouths of the villagers, and now they suddenly realized that the girl with the golden phoenix on her head in front of her was the goddess of the village.

This word is easily reminiscent of customs and traditions. It just so happens that their character cards also say that this village was a well-known ancient tribe hundreds of years ago.

The goddess who got the approval breathed a sigh of relief, "Gentlemen, please follow me."

Regardless of the character design or the plot, this is not the time to conflict with the villagers.

But Zong Qi, who was walking at the back, glanced at the cliff from a distance, and his heart skipped a beat.

The group of hanging coffins bound with chains and talismans disappeared!

Several farmers saw his eyes and immediately stopped in front of him, "What are you looking at, go!"

When he got to a place where the villagers could not be seen, Huang Mao pretended to mutter loudly: "Really, I don't know what secrets there are in the village. If we don't let us go there, we won't make it clear earlier."

"Sorry." The goddess quickly apologized, "We didn't make it clear and neglected the gentlemen, but there are indeed major events in the village recently."


The actors didn't have the slightest sense of shame like a ten-year-old girl, and immediately began to sing a big show, one pretending to be red-faced and the other pretending to be white-faced.

"That's it."

"It turns out that there is something important. If we knew it earlier, we would have come later."

"Indeed, otherwise I would take the liberty to disturb Guicun, I'm really sorry."

"Don't say that!"

The goddess flushed with anxiety: "There are teachers who are willing to teach us how to read, and it is too late to thank them, so why not welcome them."

The children nodded timidly.

"Uncle Liu told us that only by reading and writing can we see the outside world. Unfortunately, the village is too poor. It is our greatest honor that the husband is willing to come. The village head and grandpa will write letters to the town every year. It was the only time I got a reply."

Huangmao and Crow exchanged a look without any trace.

The crow said lightly: "So that's the case. By the way, little sister, I want to ask, did you make up the ornaments on your head? We also have a research project to support education this time, and we just need to collect information about it."

This remark is just right, not only reasonable, but also can spy on information. The strength of senior actors can be seen.

Faced with these adults who have other plans, the little goddess has no way of parrying, so she can only tell the truth: "This pair of golden phoenixes is a symbol of the goddesses in our village that has been passed down from a long time ago."

The plot progress suddenly increased by 1%.

"What about other people, can you sell it to us?"

The repairman then asked, "Sister, don't get me wrong, because my girlfriend likes these headgears very much and wants to contribute to the village. If possible, we all want to buy some back."

Anna also nodded in agreement.

When they entered the village yesterday, they found that the women in the village had beautifully woven ornaments on their heads. However, not only from the appearance, but also from the daily attire of the villagers, it is not difficult to get the information that the barren village is not rich. Since the barren village is so poor, why are there these decorations?

Hearing them mention the accessories, the Goddess panicked for a moment, "Sorry, those can't be sold."

She wrung her fingers to change the subject, "Ah, the classroom is here."

The "classroom" in the villagers' mouths is a very simple earthen house, with uneven tiles on the roof, and all the dry grass is soaked by rainwater, dripping wetly to the eaves and hanging like a rain curtain.

The goddess led them to the door and touched each child's head, "You must follow the gentlemen to study hard."

"We will be obedient, Sister Goddess."

The children said in unison, walked in and sat down in a row one by one, and spread out the textbooks in their hands on the table.

The classroom is cramped and cramped. The corners of several desks are padded with stones. There are traces of termites everywhere on the chairs. The blackboard is too small.

But even so, it can be seen that the classroom has been neatly tidied up. The table and podium were wiped clean, the chalk around the blackboard was wiped off, the old books were neatly placed on the table, and beside it was a box of stones picked up by the children that could be used as chalk.

"The sixth uncle in the village is an educated youth. After returning to his hometown, he set up a classroom to teach us to read and write. This used to be our classroom."

Zong Qi asked casually: "What about others now?"

"Two days ago, there was heavy rain in the village, which caused a mudslide. Uncle Six happened to sprain his ankle and was rolled off the cliff..."

The goddess sighed: "Stop talking about this, gentlemen, let's go to class first, the children can't wait."

Stared at by this group of thin children with longing eyes, Anna unconsciously softened her eyes, and stepped forward to pick up the Chinese textbook from the box of books.

"Let's read it with the teacher first."

She subconsciously stroked her stomach and said softly.

Zong Qi saw that at this moment, Anna's role interpretation speed skyrocketed, and she became the one who was far ahead.

Soon, the actors assigned their respective classes, while Huang Mao squatted on the window sill at the door to take close-up shots of the students in the classroom. With a cane, he sat behind his back with a smile.

Zong Qi looked around and called to the goddess who was about to leave: "Aren't you coming to class together?"

He had long since discovered that the students who came to class were all boys and children. When they were stopped by the villagers, several girls with dustpans in their hands looked at them from afar with envious expressions on their faces.

"I have to go back and pray."

The goddess lowered her head and grabbed the corner of her skirt.

"Don't the girls in the village have to go to class?" Zong Qi slowed down his voice.

"They have to learn weaving and embroidery, feed the livestock raised in the village, prepare meals at home, and pray with me... They are usually very busy and don't have so much time to study."

The girl seemed a little embarrassed: "And they will marry soon and leave the village."

No one is willing to pay for the water splashed by married daughters.

This is even more naked/cruel in this remote deserted village.

"It doesn't matter."

Zong Qi said with a smile: "Isn't there an extra classroom? If you finish what you have to do every day and you still have time, you can come here to find me to teach."

"Really?" The goddess almost jumped up from the ground, and stood up flushed after she realized it, " it really okay?"

"It's time to call the teacher."

The dark-haired young man bent down and stroked her hair.

After seeing off the little girl who was brimming with joy, Zong Qi smiled in his heart.

Although he also has the idea of ​​getting closer to the goddess to progress the plot, but more sincerely wants to take on the responsibility of a teacher and do something for these girls who were born in the deep mountains.

He glanced sideways at Master Wang who was still out of his mind under the eaves, feeling strange in his heart.

Xiaohong can't appear under the camera, so it just emits a little ghost, and scares the other party with a ghost hitting the wall in the dream. It's nothing more than a nightmare. But looking at Master Wang's current appearance, it really doesn't look like he was just overly frightened, but really lost his soul.

Time passed quietly and orderly.

According to the role cards, they were indeed sent to the countryside to support education. In addition, it was daytime, and the villagers were obviously very vigilant.

At noon, another girl they didn't know came to deliver food to them.

When they squatted at the door of the thatched cottage to eat, the sky suddenly darkened a lot, and it could even be said to be more like evening than noon.

The repairman turned on the lighter, "Isn't it going to rain?"

Like Zong Qi, he also noticed the hanging coffin that suddenly disappeared on the cliff.

Those hanging coffins gave him a very bad premonition, but now that they suddenly disappeared, this bad premonition doubled.

Sure enough, when everyone collected the basket, there was a muffled thunder in the sky.

It's going to rain again.

Anna turned her head, "You didn't bring an umbrella, did you? Why don't you go home early, it's not good to get wet."

"It's okay, sir. If it rains, we can stay until the rain stops..."

The sky is dark, the village is dark, and the earth is even darker.

While they were talking, there was a sudden commotion outside the village.

"Three, two, one, up!"

From a distance, the sound of footsteps and drinking came.

The long thing that was finally removed from the cliff was suddenly lifted up by the crowd and transported towards the village.

It wasn't until they got closer that they realized that they were carrying gray-black coffins.

These coffins are the ones hanging on the cliff. The talisman paper pasted on it, the cinnabar painted in bright red, and the iron chain wrapped around it that was thicker than an arm... everything was exactly the same as in the nightmare last night.

Why did the villagers drag the hanging coffin down the cliff and put it in the village?

The faces of several actors were dignified.

"Hurry up! It's going to rain heavily! Go all out!"

Coincidentally, not long after the thunderstorm, the heavy rain fell, and in just a few breaths, it went from bean-filled to silk-like, and finally poured down, which also made it difficult for the coffin-carrying team to move forward.

Because the coffin was too heavy, the villagers moved very slowly, everyone was forced to bend over, sweat flowed from their hair to their jaws, and sank deep into the scorched yellow ground.

Before the rain was so heavy, Zong Qi secretly took a picture and sent it to Qi Ningzhou. Nonsense, such a good close-range shooting opportunity, whoever doesn't shoot is stupid.


Huang Mao also clicked and snapped several shots of this scene.

"Over there, what are you doing?"

The villagers who were in charge of carrying the coffin saw this scene from a distance, walked over swaggeringly, and slapped the camera in Huang Mao's hand into the soil.

The expensive lens was directly smashed into stone by this shot, and it was torn apart.

"Don't think we don't know this thing can leave images..."

He raised his voice, cursing, and his voice was mixed with the sound of rain.

At this moment, a scream broke through the heavy rain.


The relentless torrential rain beat on the lid and seeped into the dry wood.

Coincidentally, because there was a heavy rain last night, the mud on the ground was mixed with rainwater, and every foot could step on mud.

The villagers who carried the coffin only felt that the mountain on their backs was getting heavier and heavier.

Until one corner tilted suddenly, the others suddenly lost their balance and could not control their strength.

The coffin fell in response, smashing back to the ground like a silent sharp knife.

The snow-white brain was mixed with red blood, continuously oozing from the gap under the coffin, and there were some pieces of meat in it, which disappeared in an instant after being washed by the rain.


The two on the other side subconsciously let go first, only to be crushed to their legs and fell into the mud.

When they looked back, one of the two people behind them was smashed into a pulp, and the back of the other's head was stuck at the sharp point, and the eyeballs were squeezed out, spinning around on the ground.

Several villagers went up to help, but they didn't realize that the chain in front of the coffin lid slipped quietly due to the heavy blow, and the dense wriggling white insect eggs were washed out by the rain and buried in a small puddle.

In the distance, Master Wang's face was pale, and his black and white eyeballs finally rolled as if returning to his senses.

He suddenly covered his mouth with his hand, and vomited a wriggling worm from between his fingers.

After seeing the worm, Master Wang's out-of-focus pupils finally came back to life, and he screamed shortly, "Ahhhhh, my hand, my hand!"

"Hands?" The repairman wondered, "You don't have anything in your hands?"

Master Wang, who was half-dead in fright, came back to his senses and quickly looked closely.

His hands were clean and there was nothing.

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