Chapter 17: 、17

After witnessing the tragedy at noon that day, the actors were more or less in a trance.

The two living people were crushed into flesh by the coffin. Those who faced this scene in peaceful times had to say that they would not have nightmares, but they would also have to leave psychological shadows.

After all, senior actors have experienced the big scenes of filming, and they can still keep their faces intact. A few newcomers were not so lucky,? Long Aotian leaned against the wall and retched,? Master Wang was even more pale, and acted very reluctantly.

The heavy rain continued for another three days.

Although there is no supernatural situation, every actor has been haunted by the same nightmare these days. Among them, Anna and Master Wang had the most dreams, and their spirits became more and more exhausted day by day. Zong Qi also asked Xiaohong about this. It is said that one of the two people was born in Yin, and the other has a light horoscope. They are most likely to be disturbed by Yin Qi.

Zong Qi didn't know what to do because it directly affected the mental intrusion. Instead, his actor's scream value increased steadily. At least the number of surviving actors remained unchanged. It was a blessing in disguise.

The rain is still falling, the valley is still sweltering, the rain has not dispelled the heat, but the poisonous insects are increasing day by day. The goddess brought them some insect repellent powder, saying that it was made from crushed tobacco produced in the village, and it would be good to sprinkle it on their bodies.

"The ancient tribe in our village was the best at using Gu insects. Although the method of raising Gu has been lost, the method of expelling Gu remains. It is very effective against poisonous insects."

But the weather is somewhat abnormal,

The goddess explained that most of the village hadn't rained before. About seven days ago, the current head of the village, the leader they met when they entered the village a few days ago, asked her to take the girls in the village to dance by the well and pray for blessings.

"Goddesses can communicate with heaven and earth and ask for blessings from ghosts and gods. This is a tradition that our village has inherited from a long time ago. Although the goddesses of my generation have no magic power, they can't compare with the powerful witches hundreds of years ago. I often fail to work, but I am very happy to do something for the village within my power."

Regarding these remarks, Zong Qi was noncommittal.

In the past, even if he accidentally ran into a ghost while walking at night in the middle of the night, he would still catch him and explain the philosophy of materialism to convince the other party that he did not exist.

But now, he was bound to the system, traveled through time, and became a serious director, so he didn't think about it.

After Zong Qi sent the photo of the hanging coffin to Qi Ningzhou three days ago, the other party hurriedly replied that he needed to consult some information before he could give an accurate answer.

The Celestial Master went missing for three whole days without a word from him.

Zong Qi had no choice but to look up information about this Miao village on the Internet.

Unexpectedly, he found nothing. Turn on the location setting, and accurately locate on each app, it shows that the original place is a wilderness. Although the surrounding ponds, rivers and valleys are all right, there is no trace of the village.

Reminiscent of the strange customs and strange rune marks in Huangcun, Zong Qi even wondered whether this village was just a set created by filming, and did not exist in reality at all.

As a last resort, Zong Qi gave up this approach and chose to continue to wait for the off-site assistance from the Celestial Master, and by the way, continued to search for news and clues in front of the goddess.

The more I inquired, the more frightened I felt.

This small village is really backward. In order to maintain the purity of their goddess lineage, every goddess must intermarry with people in the clan, and there is even a tradition of inbreeding.

As an outsider, Zong Qi is not easy to point fingers, especially when the ten-year-old goddess said that she is already engaged to her cousin and will marry at the age of fourteen. He can only use storytelling to try to convey some correct values ​​to these children.

"Let me continue to tell you about the world outside the mountain."

"it is good."

The Goddess' eyes lit up.

Perhaps it was because of listening to the historical stories of the village all day today, Zong Qi slept very deeply when he went to bed today, and when he woke up, he found himself standing outside the door of the house.

"Is it a dream?"

He subconsciously fumbled for the phone in his pocket, only to find that it was empty, but the horror movie system was still running smoothly. "It's the same as Huangmao and the others said, I'm afraid I've entered that mysterious nightmare."

In the past few days, every morning when the actors wake up, they will share their dreams from the previous day. Zong Qi is no stranger after listening for so long.

The black-haired young man was thinking, looked at the deep road in front of him, and decided to take a look without thinking too much.

He walked along this road, and there was a flickering fire at the end, and the land beyond that was dark, and he couldn't see his fingers.

Not long after, Zong Qi reached the end of the road.

The surrounding forest was dead silent, and the shadows of the overlapping trees were reflected on the ground.

The mourning hall surrounded by white cloth was silent, and there were nine coffins neatly placed inside, arranged in the same manner as the nine-dragon locked coffins that Zongqi saw on the cliff that day, and the charms and chains on them were still hanging well.

Zong Qi walked up curiously, not afraid, just touched it with his hands.

Then he found that when he touched it, not only did the plot exploration rate increase by 2%, but there were also dense rubbing sounds from the eight coffins around him, and the coffin in the middle made a loud noise and began to seep from the gap in the coffin lid. Thick, foul-smelling dark brown blood came out, and upon closer inspection, one could still see blue smoke rising from the coffin.

There was indeed something wrong with this nightmare. According to what Qi Ningzhou said before, it was probably the blood corpse in the coffin that pulled him into the dream.

Zong Qi stroked his chin and understood the source of the actors' nightmares these days.

"Xiaohong? Xiaohong?"

Seeing such a spooky and treacherous scene at first glance, any other person would have to scream. The black-haired young man didn't change his face, but called his employees on the spot.

It's fine if the blood corpse doesn't hit him on the head. Now that it hits him, a good director like Zong Qi will of course want to eliminate harm for the people!

Soon, a corner of a gorgeous red dress appeared in the air, which was not much worse than the blood dripping from the coffin.

A female ghost with draped hair appeared above his head out of thin air.

All of a sudden, as if there was an induction, the thing in the coffin in the center was silent for a moment, and began to dig the wall of the coffin with a more crazy and violent sound, mixed with unpleasant grunting and roaring.

Xiao Hong rolled the whites of her eyes, and suddenly stared straight at the coffin in the middle.

I don't know how to describe it, in short, it seems to smell an inexplicable fragrance from inside.

It is even more fragrant than the roast chicken made by Zongqi, so fragrant that it starts to gulp and swallow.

"Ho **** ho **** ho ho..."

Before Zong Qi could say anything, Xiao Hong's black hair began to soar in the air, stirring directly into the blood dripping around the coffin.

The viscous blood soaked the female ghost's hair, but in the next second it absorbed all the blood like a water pipe.

Visible to the naked eye, Xiaohong's long, dry and forked hair suddenly became black and shiny. It was like going to a beauty salon to get a complete hair replacement mask, and the effect was extremely fast.

No, no, no, no? Is the ghost's recipe so wide?

Zong Qi saw that Xiao Hong was so excited that her eyes turned black. More and more black hairs were sticking out from the air to the bottom of the coffin, and some hairs were even greedily trying to get inside along the coffin wall where the blood flowed out. .

Perhaps sensing that the momentum was wrong, the blood flowing in the crack of the coffin immediately stopped, and the blood corpse began to pretend to be dead.

It has coveted Zongqi for a long time, and since the other party stepped into the village, his body has been filled with a fragrant smell, and in the eyes of ghosts, it is almost a existence that would suffocate if he smelled it.

It's just that Zong Qi's yang energy is too strong, unlike Anna in the team who is born with a feminine physique and Master Wang who is light-weight. The other two could be drawn into the nightmare with just a little yin energy, but as soon as the yin energy got close to Zong Qi's body, it would automatically dissolve within a few minutes.

Originally, the blood corpse in the coffin could fight steadily, but it really couldn't resist the temptation—if it could swallow this black-haired human being, its strength would definitely skyrocket to the point where it could ignore the spell formation.

Maybe there is a battle with that woman.

However, when Xiaohong appeared, the blood corpse realized that something seemed wrong.

Where did this ghost come from? There are other ghosts in the village besides it and that woman?

Seeing that the coffin was no longer bleeding, the female ghost in red suddenly made a dissatisfied voice.

Immediately, the dense black hair surrounded the entire coffin, and they threw the coffin around, trying to find a place to pry it open. Zong Qi saw that Xiaohong had fallen into the buff of temporary madness.

"Creak creak creak—"

The blood corpse in the coffin was full of panic, it could feel the red-clothed ghost continuously absorbing its power.

This is really frustrating.

Although there are hundreds of years of practice, the reason why the blood corpse didn't come out to eat people by itself, isn't it because of spells and chains?

I thought it was safe, so I didn't leave myself a way out. Now it has no extra yin energy to send these two out, so it can only pretend to be dead.

At this moment, the ghost in the coffin is very grateful that there are spells cast by the elders a hundred years ago on the outside.

Without the spell, it's like a fat sheep for the slaughter.

Zong Qi watched for a while, then said in an understanding way: "Xiao Hong, let me come."

Xiao Hong couldn't get rid of the spell on the coffin, and the black hair turned from resentment turned into flying ash the moment it touched the spell.

But what Xiaohong can't open, Zong Qi can open!

In horror movies, there are often ghosts coaxing humans to uncover the talisman, because ghosts can't do it by themselves, but humans can.

The female ghost in red regained her sanity a little, and she stepped back a little bit. Seeing the black-haired young man squatting in front of the coffin to study it, she stretched out her hand to pull it, and said, "I'm sorry, let's open the door."

Hearing the sound of three clicks outside, the blood corpse in the coffin: "..."

Daba! !

As soon as the chain hit the ground, the black hair couldn't wait to squeeze in.

At the same time, the human-shaped object full of blood coagulation inside also let out a long roar, and made a feint. The blood scattered on the floor of the mourning hall, creaking and corroding countless holes, lifted the heavy coffin lid, turned around and rushed towards Zong Qi.

If you can eat this black-haired human, if you can eat it, there may not be no chance of turning the tables—


At the moment when this ball of blood was about to touch the black-haired youth. It was too late and then it was too fast, everything happened between lightning and flint, it was suddenly enveloped by an invisible force, and half of the majestic ghost energy covered in it abruptly melted away, it froze in place, and was successfully blocked by flying from behind Xiaohong opened her **** mouth and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Ho ho... hiccup."

The latter swallowed several mouthfuls, rubbed his stomach, and burped bloody.

One second before being swallowed, Zong Qi saw a distorted expression of astonishment on the **** ghost face of the blood corpse.

If it chooses to run in Xiaohong's direction, Xiaohong, who is just a D-level evaluation, may not be able to beat this century-old ghost cultivated with a formation.

Just like the red-clothed female ghost who was forced to sign an employee contract after being forced to sign an employee contract after her power was weakened by a spell, she thought she picked a soft persimmon. It's all food delivery.

The blood corpse couldn't figure out why he overturned on this human who seemed the best to bully until he died.

On the contrary, Zong Qi received a message by accident.

【Your employee "Ghost in Red" has changed】

He opened the staff panel and found that Xiaohong's grade had changed from D grade to C grade. Even the previously split face tends to close together, the effect is comparable to a facelift.


Zong Qi cheered, "It really pays off to eliminate harm for the people! The ancients never deceived me!"

Who made this blood corpse so hard to think about, insisting on bumping into him?

Humans and ghosts colluding together, it feels really good to fight against the mastermind behind the scenes, Modo Modo!

The author has something to say: take advantage of entering v to push yourself to download this pre-received article, and those who are interested can come to the author's column to collect it~

"Can drink without a glass"

After passing through the book, Zong Ye tasted his courage, pretended to be blind, boiled the previous princes to death, and finally entered the Datong.

On the day of his enthronement, he sat on the dragon chair and thought about his own mess.

The old minister with ulterior motives, the enemy's hostage with resentment, and eight hundred miles rushed to send a battle report.

—The soldiers and horses of the King of Qin have reached the city

The previous emperors of the Yuan Dynasty were more useless than each other. I don’t know how many kings with different surnames were entrusted to them, and they were exhausted until the national power declined.

Zong Ye opened the document and found that there were less than 300 soldiers and horses that could be mobilized temporarily.

If he doesn't stand up and resist, he will have to become the king of subjugation on the day he ascends the throne. Zong Ye, who just wanted to take off Bai Ling and announce that he had miraculously recovered his eyesight: …

How many years have I endured humiliation, and once I return to the pre-liberation period, this mess will be given to whomever I like, and it will be destroyed!

In the first year of Taiyuan, the feudal lords came to invade, and the new emperor, wearing a royal robe with white silk wrapped around his eyes, left the city alone.

Facing thousands of troops, he showed no signs of fear, but straightened his back with a dignified and calm appearance.


King Qin was very interested: "Okay, what are you betting on?"

"Within one year, if you break through this city, and Dayuan Yuxi surrenders, I will kill myself on the tower."

"If you don't break through, then retreat where you are, and don't attack again for ten years, is it a bet?"

Yu Beizhou thought, the Son of Heaven is a bit interesting, and it would be nice to leave a whole body.

Zong Ye thought, with the wisdom of modern people, you can't kill your stinky brother.


Yu Beizhou & Zong Ye: Really fragrant

Fine-tuned the settings, the timeline is after the previous copywriting, the stalk has not changed, and generally there will be no major changes

I'm sure to write this next time, it's next yea