Chapter 23: ,23

"Brother, what shall we do now?"

"That's right, big brother, the outside is full of corpses, and our current insect repellent powder and tobacco are simply not enough."

In such a half-sized room, the rest of the villagers huddled together noisy and chattering.

"I told you a long time ago not to move the coffin from the cliff,? That's what the ancestors put on it,? Now it's all right, the bugs have come out."

"That's what you said. You didn't ask anyone to look at it before the sixth son died. You said that unless the formation above was removed? Otherwise, the door of the tomb would never be opened. Since everyone wants treasure, why bother to say so absolute."

"Speaking of which, is life more important than money? Who doesn't want money? But the most important thing is to ensure the safety of everyone in the village?"

"Stop making noise!"

The leader had a gloomy face, and slammed the table, and the earthen house fell silent.

"There are so many corpses out there now,?? Take a step outside and try, you will definitely die!"

Only the people in the village know how terrifying Gu worms are, as long as they get a little bit on, they will quickly penetrate into the flesh of the person being parasitized, and travel along the blood vessels to all parts of the body.

"But,? But my mother-in-law and children are still at home!"

Several villagers stood by the window, listening to the buzzing insects outside, with anxious faces.

The leader pulled up a chair, "Have you ever wondered why the ancient tribe lost? Our village was so powerful back then? Every Goddess has boundless mana, how could it suddenly disappear from a certain generation?"

"Lao Liu talked with me before the accident. He speculated that an accident might have happened to the ancient tribe, maybe it was an irresistible natural disaster, or maybe it was other unavoidable circumstances, which made many inheritances decline. And these things are very It may be hidden in the tomb."

"It's not a matter of course for us to go down to the tomb to get back the things of our ancestors. At the village meeting, none of you disagreed. Now when you encounter something, you will fight among yourself. What kind of brothers are you?"

The words were loud and loud, and the room quickly fell into silence.

"Besides, what's the rush? The goddess is still outside. She will definitely come out to find someone if she finds something wrong."

Indeed, there are goddesses.

As long as the Goddess arrives here in time and everyone gets a little bit of her blood, they don't have to be afraid of corpses.

"If you are in such a hurry, you might as well find a way to block all the cracks in the doorway and the windows."

After finishing speaking, the leader stopped talking and ordered them to close the doors and windows.

The villagers finally felt at ease.

However, the bugs outside did not want to decrease at all.

At the moment of this short speech, several more came out from under the loess door. There are more insects following the smell of flesh and blood, piercing through the soil, trying to get in.

"Scatter the insect repellent powder on the ground!"

Fortunately, everyone in the village has the habit of carrying insect repellent powder and preparing medicine in the house, which temporarily curbed the spread of insects.

But outside, there was still a steady stream of corpses hitting the door, one after another, the green juice spilled all over the ground, it would not die, as if there was no end.

"Ha...damn it, how come there are so many bugs all of a sudden."

More than that, it was almost like locusts crossing the border.

Even if the hanging coffin was accidentally opened two days ago, it would not have multiplied to this extent in a short period of time.

While blocking the door, the villagers prayed in their hearts for the goddess to come quickly.

At this moment, the door was knocked suddenly.

Amongst the sounds of insects, this sound is undoubtedly quite exciting.

"It's a goddess!" "The goddess is here!"

"Quick! Go and open the door!"

Without the leader's order, the villagers ran over quickly, with happy faces, and hurriedly opened the door latch.

However, to their surprise, the one standing outside was not the girl with the golden phoenix on her head, but the pale and crumbling Master Wang.

"Why are you, bad luck!"

The face of the villager who opened the door changed, and he was about to close the door, but he didn't want the people outside to stagger.

", my stomach, well, it hurts..."

Master Wang held his belly, his clothes bulged like a pregnant woman in October, his whole body trembled like a sieve, he was unable to open his mouth, and fell to the ground with a "bang-".

In the next second, his belly swelled densely like sunflower seeds, with pustules bulging out.

White worms came out of the pustule one by one, submerging Master Wang like a tide in a short period of time. Their mouthparts were buzzing, they left the hotbed where they were born, and swam frantically towards humans.

More and more villagers fell to the ground.

In the panic, the goddess finally came running with her skirt in her hand.

"Why did you come here!"

The leader saw it, and pulled her over with red eyes.

Insects were everywhere in his field of vision, he could only step back and cut her wrist with a knife, scarlet blood poured out like a gush, dripping on the ground

"Quick! Come here!"

The moment the goddess' wrist was cut, all the Gu worms around followed the smell of blood, and the villagers showed surprise expressions on their faces.

However, no one could have imagined that these corpses did not stagnate for a moment after they surrounded them, but went crazy and crawled into the hideous wound along the blood.

"what happened?"

"No! How is it possible! How could the blood of the goddess be useless?!"

The ten-year-old girl screamed, the flesh on her arm convulsed and swelled, and she gradually fell silent.

The leader watched all this in a daze, then suddenly threw away the knife, knelt on the ground and cried loudly.

At almost the same time, Zong Qi received a system message.

[Actor "Anna" has been deeply involved in the play]

Zong Qi didn't know what it meant to be deeply involved in the play, but he clearly saw that the moment the repairman pushed Anna down, not only did Anna's interpretation value soar to a jaw-dropping value, but even the value of the repairman's body suddenly dropped. Jumped to more than 70%.

If you switch to another senior actor, you might be able to notice the hints on the character card. But Anna is just a rookie actor, not to mention the repairman also acted as their guide in this shooting.

This is completely normal for an actor. People don’t want to kill themselves. When the secret of an actor’s role card involves the interests of other people, the first task is of course to ensure their own performance and survival.

Humans are not a species with high morals, and the repairman thinks that he is not the type who insists on sacrificing himself for others when there is a shortcut in front of him.

After pushing Anna down, he didn't delay much, and ran straight away. Leaving the latter running to the mouth of the well alone, just as he was about to go down, he watched the current surviving actors on his pupils decrease by one.

Anna is dead.

Zong Qi clenched his fists and told himself to calm down.

Now is not the time to use reshoots permissions.

There are so many Gu insects outside. According to the leader, someone must be parasitized by the mother Gu. According to the current situation, Master Wang is the most likely person to be parasitized. He must stop this matter first again. . But he still has too little information.

If you don't know anything, you can't avoid risks even if you jump back in time.

Now the whole village is full of Gu worms, although there are not many of them, but their reproduction ability is extremely strong, as long as there is one, it will be extremely lethal. They didn't know whether they were afraid of the breath of the black-haired young man or the pair of golden phoenixes in his pocket, and they all flew around him.

Zong Qi's rudimentary yin and yang eyes can see the black air continuously emerging from the ground, and it is these yin air that provide the zombies with perpetual motion-like energy.

Far away, a huge room suddenly caught fire. The fire was so intense that it even set the surrounding houses on fire. When the wind blew, the poisonous smoke from the corpse vomited everywhere.

The villagers who just ran in ran out holding torches and retreated towards the outside of the village.

More people were infected with flames, and while burning the bugs to death, they rolled on the ground in pain, and soon burned into fireballs, and howling in pain filled the sky.

"Ahhhhh, don't come here, don't come here, **** it!"

"It's you who brought the mother Gu!"

The villagers who had been implanted by the corpse voodoo had hallucinations. Zong Qi rushed over to help, but they fell to the ground one by one, their expressions panicked, their pupils turned white, as if they saw something extremely terrifying, and they choked tightly. own neck.

"It's all hair! It's all hair, it's a ghost! The ghost is looking for our lives!"

"I don't know, I don't know where your child is!"

"Where is it?" Zong Qi's heart skipped a beat, and he looked in the direction the villagers were looking at.

At some point, the mouth of the well, which had been dry for a long time, suddenly became wet, and a piece of soaked hair lay silently on it.

At the same time, the black smoke from the bottom of the well became more and more obvious. Where they passed, swarms of insects laid eggs on the corpses, and one corpse after another was born from it.

The earth shook, the loess gradually cracked from the bottom of the well, and the scene was like purgatory.

A pale hand gently grasped the edge of the well.

The sharp sobs echoed faintly in everyone's ears.

"Give me back...give me back my child..."

[Countdown to the end of the third act: 7 minutes]

The last seven minutes, as long as you survive these seven minutes, you can survive!

Huang Mao and Long Aotian gritted their teeth and pressed against the door tightly.

The sound from outside, from the burning beams of the house, to the noise and crying and howling, made people feel hairy.

Now the two thank Zong Qi from the bottom of their hearts.

The golden phoenix he left behind before he left made the Gu worms avoid here one after another, even if there were some that came in, they just stayed one meter away from the two of them, and did not rush directly.

Long Aotian's teeth were chattering: "I... can we go out?"

"It's best not to." Huang Mao closed his eyes and was drenched in cold sweat.

The last seven minutes may seem short, but when they are actually put into this scene, every second is so long that days feel like years.

If the deductive value is enough, Huangmao doesn't need to worry so much.

The scary thing is that both of them have less than 70% deductive value now. Huang Mao has completed his role secret, stuck at 68%, while Long Aotian is only in the 50s.

Huang Mao had read the big guy's analysis on the actor forum before. If the third act did not reach the deduction value, it would generally start in the order of the lowest deduction value, and die one by one.

This is equivalent to drawing a line in an exam. Since this line is drawn, if they fail, they will fail.

With a bit of luck, maybe it can be delayed until the end of the shooting. After all, his deduction value is not much worse, but Long Aotian, I am afraid that he really has to explain here.

Normally, Huang Mao would give him a few words of advice, but unfortunately now he is too busy to take care of himself and has no time to speak at all.

Despair covered the dark earthen house.

Just when the two were counting down and there were five minutes left, there was a knock on the door.

"Boom, boom, boom."

Long Aotian was overjoyed, and was about to get up, but Huang Mao suddenly pulled him back.

He pointed to the window sill outside with a frightened expression on his face.

There was no shadow there, but a woman's erratic voice came from a close distance.

"give me back......"

When they looked at each other, they could see the undisguised horror in each other's eyes.

At the same time, all the gaps in the room turned dry black.

Just when Huang Mao gritted his teeth and was fighting fiercely in his heart, whether he should hold the golden phoenix, push open the door and rush out, so as to get rid of Long Aotian's oil bottle—

In the next second, the system prompt came quietly.

[The director has opened the permission to re-shoot, the time has been suspended]