Chapter 24: 、24

Zong Qi stood where he was, feeling the familiar sense of going backwards in time.

The surrounding scenery receded rapidly like flowing water, condensing into gorgeous spots of light and shadow, spinning and coiling around him.

For Zong Qi, the filming of this big script is just the beginning.

He doesn't know what role the director system can play in the big script, so he has to go into the big script group to follow the filming,? Little by little groping.

Just like this reshoot, Zongqi doesn't have enough information, and he can't guarantee that everyone can be saved. Including the time point when he chooses to reshoot, he is almost blindly selected.

It's just that if there is no reshoot, the movie will be over soon.

【You have returned to the designated plot point】

[Note: You only have ten minutes to retake. After the retake, you will return to the current time period. The subsequent plot will be deduced directly from the script and cannot be changed again, including possible deaths.]

Finally, a cold system prompt sounded, and the rapidly changing scene also stopped.

Zong Qi stood by the well again.

He chose to go back half an hour ago.

At this point in time, he and Xiaohong performed a chase together, just at the moment when all the actors were bluffed out of the well.

At the same time, the system message sounded again.

[The third act of "Desolate Village" begins, and the countdown is one hour]

But the three values ​​on Zong Qi's pupils were all reversed, not only the scream value returned to the one thousand and two at the beginning of this scene, but the current surviving actors also returned to the ranks of 7.

This is the only chance, and absolutely no accident can happen to any of the actors.

Zong Qi took a deep breath.

The frozen scene began to flow.

"What's going on? Why are there Gu worms?! Isn't the coffin closed already?"

The villagers outside held torches and stomped wildly on the ground one by one, trampling the Gu worms that had just emerged one by one to death.

The leader yelled from the side: "It's the mother Gu, quickly find out where the mother Gu is!"

In a panic, Zong Qi put his arms on the ground, turned over and ran outside.

He pulled away the terrified Master Wang who was lying on the ground with his hands bound, and pushed the man towards the villagers: "The mother poison is on him, please feed him tobacco!"

Master Wang backed away tremblingly, yelling: "You fart! Stop slandering people, don't you just look at me and want to kill me..."

However, in the next second, he was slapped with a mouthful of cursing. The feeling of nausea rushed from the stomach to the esophagus, and he vomited out with a wow.

Mixed with the unidentified vomit, it was densely packed with wriggling corpses.

Zong Qi didn't know the follow-up reaction of the villagers. He was now racing against time, running wildly towards the goddess' house.

"Boom boom boom!"

The goddess who had just returned to the house to rest doubtfully put down the book in her hand and walked over to open the door: "What's the matter?"

As a result, before she could finish her sentence, Zong Qi stuffed her with a golden phoenix.

"I'm sorry, but I can't return the other one to you right now. But you must take care of this phoenix, and don't let yourself bleed casually, you understand?"

Now that time is running out, Zong Qi doesn't know, and he can't explain to the Goddess why blood has no effect on corpse gu despite being a descendant of a great witch.

Judging from the attitude of the village chiefs before the reshoots, most likely they didn't know. I'm afraid there is something else hidden about this matter.

But now that Zong Qi returned the golden phoenix to the Goddess, even if her blood was taken by the villagers, the Gu worms would not take a step closer to her, at least her life would be safe.

Goddess: "...huh?"

The vigilance and complexity that appeared on Zong Qi's face when she saw Zong Qi were all replaced by blankness. Looking at his back in a hurry, she hesitated for a long time before putting the golden phoenix back on her head.

On the other side, Huang Mao helped Long Aotian and the two hide in the earthen house.

Their deductive value is not enough, and now they are fighting with both legs when walking.

Long Aotian has never experienced death with insufficient interpretation value, and now he is still hoping to pass the test by luck, but Huang Mao is trembling all over.

He knows too well what kind of death he will usher in if the deductive value is not reached.

Many of the deaths in the third act are as unexpected and irregular as "Death Comes". "us......"

They had just closed the door, and when they were about to close the window, something wrapped in cloth was suddenly thrown from outside.

Zong Qi yelled outside the window, and helped them close the window by the way: "Hold this well, this can prevent Gu worms from getting close!"

The two people in the room looked at each other, recognized the voice of beating workers, and hurriedly opened the door.

However, there is only a gloomy sky outside the door, and no one is there.

The black-haired youth was still running fast.

After he reminded the villagers that the mother Gu might be in Master Wang's body, after returning the pair of golden phoenixes to the goddess and Long Aotian respectively, only the last two minutes remained in the ten minutes.

One last thing left...!

In the distance, Zong Qi saw the repairman crawling out of the well with Anna. The two of them were standing in place. The former put his hands on the latter's shoulders, opening and closing their mouths, as if they were talking.

The repairman whispered: "Anna, I..."

last minute.

Zong Qi rushed up like a tornado, and slapped the repairman: "Let her go!"

He felt that he was now like a hot-blooded heroine, running around the set non-stop, exhausting himself, in order to prevent the originally established fate and turn the world around.

This incident also taught him a truth.

That is, there must be nothing good about the pie from the sky! !

[Hypnotism has been activated]

The repairman instinctively felt that something was wrong, and the force he exerted with his hands froze, and his pupils dilated.

Before that, he subconsciously pushed forward.

At this moment, Zong Qi tightly grasped Anna's hand that fell backwards.

He saw the rapidly rising deduction value on the other party, and at the same time he pulled him up suddenly, the system also sent a reminder.

【It's time for reshooting】

Everything around them solidified again, including Zong Qi's hand.

The place where he was standing turned into a huge video tape, repeatedly rotating forward, moving in and out bit by bit.

The chest of the black-haired young man kept rising and falling, and he stood still and exhaled heavily.

As of the moment the system reminded him, the number of surviving actors was still fixed at 7, without any signs of decreasing.

Fortunately, Anna didn't fall into the bottom of the well. Combined with the hair he saw on the poster and what Qi Ningzhou said, most of the things at the bottom of the well came out.

During the ten minutes of this reshoot, Zong Qi thought he had done his best.

There was Xiaohong watching from the crow, Huangmaolong Aotian got the golden phoenix, and he took care of the goddess and the villagers, so the next step is to see how the system deduces.

In any case, the cause of the mistake this time is his, and his fault is also his.

Zong Qi doesn't want others to pay for his mistakes, but wishes him well.

【You have returned to the correct time point】

The young man took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

There are five minutes left in the countdown to the end of the third act. There are currently 7 surviving actors, a scream value of 3560, and a plot exploration rate of 42%.

He is still holding Anna's hand, but it is different from the sky before the re-shooting, the surroundings are silent, and the light beam projected above the wellhead is cold and dim.

The bluestone road under your feet stretches to the distance, and the door of the tomb is ajar in the darkness.

Although there was a lot of noise above the mouth of the well, fortunately there were no screams or cries of pain. Instead, a few words came from a distance, "Mother Gu spit it out!" "He finally spit it out!" "Hurry up and burn the mother Gu!"

It seems that the mother Gu is really on Master Wang. Fortunately, he paid attention to what the repairman and Huangmao said before.

Zong Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

If the mother Gu is pulled out, at least the rampant growth of corpse Gu outside can be basically controlled. In other words, the village was saved, and it was not completely wiped out because of his and Xiaohong's coquettish operations.


" did I come to the bottom of the well? Could it be that I failed to hold Anna and fell down accidentally?"

Zong Qi was a little puzzled.

Unlike his last reshoot, which was a one-day gap in jumping the timeline, the time elapsed before and after this reshoot was only half an hour.

Just now he urgently hypnotized the repairman to support Anna, but the hypnosis time was only three seconds. Maybe three seconds later, the mechanic came to his senses and pushed them both off?

Zong Qi compared his small arms and thin legs with the burly figure of the repairman in his heart, and felt that this was not impossible. But now is not the time to think about these things, the most important thing now is to get out of the well.

Although Zong Qi was not afraid of the ghost in the well, Anna was still there after all, and he gave away all the golden phoenixes in his hand, so there was no way to guarantee her safety.

"Anna, hurry up, you go up first, we don't want to stay at the bottom of the well, or later..."

He turned his head and greeted Anna, wanting her to go up first.

However, just behind him, Anna stood there quietly, with her head hanging down, one hand on her stomach, her hair disheveled, sad and sad.

She sobbed softly, and her voice gradually changed: "My child, my child."

Zong Qi saw that her deduction value had reached 100%.

Even higher than 92% before the reshoot? ! Capped directly? !

Zong Qi was taken aback.

He remembered that he had received a reminder from the system Anna to enter the play deeply, and seeing the appearance in front of her, he was deeply worried.

This is only his first time making a movie, and it is not clear what impact it will have if he goes too deep into the movie.

But I also know that there may be side effects.

"Anna, Anna. Are you okay, wake up, let's go up first."

Zong Qi put his hands on her shoulders, calling out repeatedly in a state of anxiety.

Before he chose to retake the shot, he clearly remembered Jing Yan's pale hand.

Although he didn't see it clearly, Zong Qi knew that it must be the big guy Qi Ningzhou mentioned, the female ghost who is extremely afraid of blood corpses.

He must take Anna up quickly, otherwise...

Zong Qi turned his head and stared at the light on the well, something flashed through his mind, and his pupils suddenly constricted.

His hands were cold, and he suddenly realized something.

Do not. wrong.

If Master Wang had mother Gu in his body, then the ones who died... should be Anna and Master Wang!

If Master Wang is dead, then Anna—

A cold and mournful female voice sounded, and the woman in the white skirt raised her head and pressed it tightly against the back of his head, as if whispering.

"Give me back...give me back my child..."

The author has something to say: Welcome to today’s new shareholders~