Chapter 47: 、47

Li Goudan is flustered right now, Puchi Puchi.

He's a bit unlucky this time,? It's fine if he didn't get a good character in the character card. He even accidentally sprained his foot when he went upstairs, and now it's a bit difficult to walk.

Wait until a senior actor will understand,? In fact, sometimes not all character cards are drawn randomly.

If there is too much difference in the level of actors in a big movie, the system will sometimes give priority to assigning simpler roles to actors with lower levels. This scene happens to have a C-level actor Crow, and a D-level actor Anna who has just filmed a scene. Li Goudan can only be placed in the middle of the five people,? Can't get any simple roles? .

Then he drew a cult/cultist card.

This card is an ordinary member of the Bloated Sisterhood, who was sent to assist another member, with the purpose of perfectly completing the sacrifice summoning ceremony.

Before coming, the high priest told Li Goudan that two investigators had sneaked into the live sacrifice. Fortunately, the cult/religionists and investigators have many years of excellent undercover traditions, and each other has penetrated each other into a sieve, so the investigator's connection code was easily obtained by the monastery.

"During the second stage of the supernatural game, the staff will help you catch other sacrifices into the cage. You remember to cooperate with another companion, first work together to get one person into the cage, and then incite others Let's go rescue him together, and in the end come back to kill him, and catch him all at once."

"Remember, you must put at least three people in the cage,? Otherwise..."

The high priest held the fan in his hand, the depths of his pupils were dark, and his expression was meaningful.

Working together in a cult/religious organization is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger. How can a person who can dismember his compatriots casually be a good person. Ouroboros looks like a charity compared to them.

The day for holding the summoning ceremony was chosen out of thousands of choices, and the slightest mistake is absolutely not allowed.

Li Goudan patted his chest and quickly replied to promise to complete the task.

The role card of the cultist/cultist is actually not particularly difficult to play, because there are final missions and secrets, so the system relieves him of the pressure of playing as appropriate.

From this, it can be seen that Li Goudan analyzed a wave based on his own experience, and felt that neither Anna nor Crow would draw particularly difficult character cards. His teammates will only appear on A-level red scarves and S-level artists.

Then he successfully used the secret code to connect with an investigator and let the other party reveal his identity.

Since one of the investigators is an A-level red scarf, according to the strength distribution principle speculated by Li Goudan, the other investigator is probably a crow. After all, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible for the system to get the two most powerful actors out of the five into the same camp, so should we still fight?

Li Goudan thought, his teammate must be an S-rank boss!

During the meeting, Li Goudan's expression was extraordinarily exaggerated, just to give the artist a reminder that they are in the meeting, which is equivalent to exposing himself to the bright side. At that time, even if the artist may have misunderstood his identity, he will take the initiative to come to him. At that time, Li Goudan will have another wave of smooth teammates to join forces and work together towards a win-win situation.

Unexpectedly, the S-rank boss was extraordinarily cold.

During the second stage of the supernatural game, Li Goudan even went up to invite the other party to act together, but the other party gave him a cold look, turned and walked into the first room on the second floor.

As expected of an S-rank boss, he has a personality, but he still wants to do it alone to reduce the workload of his teammates.

Li Goudan was moved to tears, and quickly went to the highest building to find a place to hide, ready to wait for his teammates to take him away.

On the way, he happened to meet the red scarf and the crow talking happily in the corridor.

Sure enough, they are a gang!

Of course, Li Goudan didn't dare to go up to head-to-head. After making sure that he didn't attract the attention of the two actors, he tiptoed away.

But he didn't expect that after squatting in the dark and narrow cabinet for more than an hour, he didn't hear a single announcement.

"No? What's going on?"

Li Goudan thought that the high priest must have told the artist the mission requirements.

Does the S-rank boss have any other ideas?

With such question marks in his arms, Li Goudan quietly took the dagger and ventured out of the closet door.

Because his level in the cult/religious organization was not as high as another character card, he was only assigned a cold weapon, but the other party had an anesthesia/drunk gun.

The corridors are very quiet. Li Goudan walked down the stairs wretchedly, walking lightly with his waist down, and went in and searched room by room.

Then when he searched one of the wardrobes, Li Goudan accidentally opened the door and was knocked to the ground by an oncoming heavy object.

After the panic, he took a closer look—

Whoa! Isn't the one lying unconscious on the ground the red scarf!

Li Goudan was taken aback for a moment, and then became ecstatic.

After he connected his head with the red scarf, he understood the identity of the other party's investigator in his heart. It's good now, the other party was fainted and stuffed in the cabinet, and I picked it up for him.

And Li Goudan took a closer look, and found that the unconscious appearance of the red scarf was obviously brought down by the anesthesia gun.

The only ones who can get the anesthesia/drunk gun are his teammates, including the artist.

Li Goudan was in awe, and his admiration for the master artist reached the highest point.

He even imagined that the other party coaxed the red scarf here with a stern face, then shot the man down with a sneer, and finally stuffed the man into the cabinet, waved away, and waited for the staff to come to deal with the aftermath. .

Don't leave your name behind when you do good deeds, you are a role model for me! He is so caring, he is simply a good teammate for planting flowers!

"I don't need to bother my teammates with this kind of aftermath, just let me do it!"

After all, he was taken away, it is impossible for Li Goudan to lie down and not understand.

So he rolled up his sleeves, pulled the red scarf on his legs, and transported the man to the cage in the hall with a bang, and then closed it with a bang, and he heard the prompt from the radio.

"There are still two sacrifices left."

Li Goudan was thinking about Anna and the crow.

He didn't see anyone along the way, but he heard the voice of singing at the highest level, presumably the artists were fighting with them.

There was one hour and thirty minutes left before the countdown to the third act.

After dragging down the red scarf just now, Li Goudan's interpretation speed suddenly increased by completing one-third of the secret part. It is not far behind the 70% required in the third act, and victory is in sight.

"If I don't lock the other two people in before the third act, it will be over. I have to find a way out for myself, and I can't let the boss think that I am a useless piece of trash who only knows how to lie and win."

Li Goudan stayed below, gritted his teeth, and went upstairs again, only to find another surprise in the first room on the second floor.

Four staff members were lying on the ground in disarray, their joints were dismounted and they were incapacitated.

"Yes, it was the white-haired one who beat us like this!"

A staff member who was still unconscious saw Li Goudan coming, and complained tearfully.

Li Goudan hates iron and steel: "You mean the big brother artist? Stupid! He is from our side! You must be so useless that you didn't even recognize the identity of the big brother, so he taught you how to be human."


Staff, you look at me, I look at you, confused.

"Look at you, you haven't reacted yet."

Li Goudan was heartbroken: "Brother is the son of an investor. Without an investor, our swollen convent will become a women's federation in a second. If he is really an investigator, wouldn't he be slapping himself in the face, your brains Don't even think?"

They had sworn that the artist was an investigator, but after hearing what Li Goudan said, they hesitated again.

"Forget it, you all go to the hall with me first, and be ready to stand by at any time."

Li Goudan's calculation was well done.

These few staff members are now incapable of self-mobility. When the high priest said that three people must be put in the cage, his tone was vague, and he did not use any attributive words to modify it.

Li Goudan understood what he meant.

In short, the summoning ceremony must send someone to die, but it is not certain who it is.

Li Goudan would definitely not take the risk if it was changed before.

But now he walked all the way, picking up corpses all the way. First, the red scarf, and then these staff members, it is simply effortless, and the effort of doing it yourself is saved.

Thinking of this, Li Goudan secretly clenched his fist in his heart.

"Brother, I will definitely give you a surprise!"

I want to quietly complete the summoning ceremony, and then amaze everyone! …

On the other side, while Li Goudan was working quietly, several other teammates were still beating me up.

Then the loudspeaker announced the news that the red scarf had been arrested.

After Zong Qi took out the shocking information from the crow's mouth, he quickly ordered the coward to release him, and hurriedly glanced at the map.

On the map, Anna's red dot is chasing after Yu Chenxue, and Yu Chenxue's red dot is about to meet the crow, while Li Goudan's red dot is next to the red scarf in the hall.

Zong Qi started his own analysis.

It is known that Yu Chenxue is a cult member, and the crow revealed Red Scarf's status as a cult member. From this, it can be concluded that Li Goudan, who is connected with the red scarf, is an investigator.

Looking at the situation now, it was Li Goudan who locked the red scarf in the cage in the hall.

Zong Qi is rarely relieved, a child can be taught! Although he didn't intend to connect with this investigator at the beginning, but chose the more reliable Anna, but Li Goudan, an investigator who can see through the identity of the evil/religionist who pretended to connect with him, and silently realized the courage to fight back It is commendable.

So Zong Qi decided to give Li Godan a chance to do it boldly.

He had to connect with Anna first, and then take Anna and the coward to the basement to smash the conspiracy of the evil organization directly.

With that in mind, Zong Qi did just that.

However, ten minutes later, when all the staff gathered and there was still an hour before the opening of the third act, he suddenly received an unexpected message.

The current surviving actors on the pupil are reduced by one.

At the same time, the entire ancient building began to tremble.

The steel cage collapsed suddenly, and the surrounding thorns closed like the Iron Maiden, an ancient European court torture tool, crushing the people inside into blood and pieces of flesh.

The flowing blood was gathered by an invisible force, and a complex and mysterious pattern of summoning circles was drawn on the ground.

Something extremely evil, something unspeakable is about to happen.

[The third act is open, the countdown is one hour]

The author has something to say: Obviously everyone’s logical reasoning is online, why the conclusions are all wrong.jpg


I underestimated you all. Fortunately, I wrote an extra chapter today and added more. I was careless!

It turns out that Jinjiang has recently launched a nutrient solution double activity, so I said why you have so many nutrient solutions.

Really, I feel that every time I open Jiachang, I can bump into the double activity of Jinjiang Kai Nutrient Solution, how could this be the case!