Chapter 48: 、48

The third act is open!

All the actors who were still alive were shocked.

As we all know, the last scene is usually the most dangerous. 80% of the deaths of actors are concentrated in this scene. Even if this scene is the shortest, there must be no slack.

After the system's icy announcement, the entire ancient building began to tremble crazily.

Originally, the foundation of this building was all made of wood, but now the trembling below made the whole building almost crumbling, and the tremor was extremely strong.

The execution mechanism in the iron cage was activated. Li Goudan had just thrown the red scarf and several other staff members into it. When he turned his head, he saw spikes growing from around the iron cage. With a sound of "Boom," he crushed the sacrifices inside. It was broken into pieces,? The screams immediately filled the bottom of the hall, and the unpleasant **** smell overflowed everywhere.


Li Goudan was frightened by these changes, and rushed upstairs staggeringly in a hurry.

At the same time as he rushed up to the second floor, there was a bubbling sound like boiling from the ground floor.

The brown solid wood floor was suddenly dyed a deep dark red. Blood mixed with minced meat was rushed out from the cracks in the iron cage, and was finally hooked together by an invisible force, gradually converging into a huge round shape. Summoning the array, the scene was out of control for a while.


Li Goudan watched this scene, and at the same time received a system prompt that he had completed the secret part of the character card. Seeing that his deductive value had risen by more than 70%, he heaved a sigh of relief and ran upstairs.

The degree of interpretation has reached the standard, and the task has been completed, which means that his life-saving talisman in this big movie has already been obtained. In addition, the organization leaves a retreat for the evil/religionists.

Li Goudan fumbled and took out a golden symbol from his arms.

The evil/religious character card told him that this thing is called the old seal, and each believer has one. After all, after the evil gods were summoned, some of the more brutal evil gods might turn their faces and deny people on the spot.

The Swelling Sisterhood recruits high-quality talents. Of course, there is a reason to believe in the evil gods, but more of them want to get benefits from the beliefs. It is impossible to summon the evil gods for no reason and then send your life away for nothing.

It is said that this thing is a pile of **** in the eyes of the evil gods. Although it is impossible to cause any substantial harm to the evil gods, it will make them feel disgusting and let the **** go.

Having completed the task, with this in his hand, now Li Goudan only needs to retreat to a safe place and wait quietly for the filming to end.

On the other side, Zong Qi quickly realized that something unexpected happened.

But he really couldn't figure out what had happened.

Could it be that Li Goudan was accidentally killed by the red scarf?

He looked at the map worriedly, and found that Li Goudan's red dot was still there, but the red dot on the red scarf was grayed out.

Zong Qi found that he could not understand the development of this situation.

Are all the investigators so fierce now, when they meet a cult/religionist, the secret is to kill him on the spot?

Have the two organizations killed each other so much these past few years?

Zong Qi was worried.

At present, there is one less surviving actor. His director task requirement is to ensure that at least four people survive, otherwise they will be judged as failing.

This means that in addition to smashing the conspiracy of the evil/religious organization, Zong Qi also needs to keep the remaining actors from killing each other.

Anna, who was standing aside, looked serious: "This summoning ceremony must be stopped, that thing on the ground gives me a very bad feeling."

The coward also closed his eyes, and said tremblingly: "A lot of believers suddenly appeared outside the building, and they seem to be performing some ceremony."

It is a ghost living in this ghost building. Although other actors cannot leave this sealed environment, it can see the outside without hindrance.

For example, now, cowards can see that there are cultists with hieroglyphs and big fat women on their arms standing outside, all wearing yellow and black silk robes for formal sacrifices, and holding **** sickles or sickles in their hands. Holding candles, circled around the ghost building, chanting words.

Accompanied by their monotonous mechanical and boring chanting, the candles flickered and the floor trembled more and more clearly in the haunted building.

Something was banging on the ground, and it was about to break through the plank and come out. "Now what?"

"Go to the basement." Anna said, "Araki sensed that something was gathering there, and we had to go and get rid of it."

"You don't want to go, I can go with Araki. She told you to protect yourself and don't run around casually. Leave this kind of trivial matter to your mother."

In fact, it is not a trivial matter.

Anna has noticed the extremely evil aura since she stepped in. With the accident just now, the aura suddenly inflated nearly a hundred times, just like what the cultists said, it was about to be summoned.

It's okay for Araki to take Anna to protect himself, but it's impossible to protect the other four actors. However, the coward is still a useless ghost. Xiaohong's attack method is hair, and Araki's attack method is Gu insects. After the coward turns into a ghost, he still runs on the ground like a person. Even the method of using ghost energy is taught by Zong Qi, which is useless at all.

Zong Qi nodded: "Okay, then I'll drive all the actors up there. That coward—"

"Follow me." Anna glanced at the uneasy coward.

In the eyes of her and Araki, the coward is a Schrödinger gift box, who knows what will come out of it, even if Zong Qi has the director's exemption, he can't keep this time bomb/bomb by his side.

Then Zong Qi watched Anna run downstairs with the coward.

"Huh—why do you encounter some strange situations every time you make a movie, obviously everything went smoothly this time, the teammates are very strong, and they also restrained the actor with the villain card, how could such a situation happen. "

The black-haired young man stood where he was, somewhat puzzled by the Erzhang monk.

He touched his nose habitually, but when he lowered his head, he found that he had touched a hand of powder.

Zong Qi: "..."

He slapped the powder off his hands resentfully, pulled himself together, and ran downstairs.


Coincidentally, there was also the sound of hurried footsteps downstairs.

Zong Qi poked his head into the crack of the stairs and was overjoyed, "Li Goudan—"

That's right, the one who ran upstairs was really a good teammate Li Goudan.

Li Goudan was about to find a higher room to stay until the filming was over, when he suddenly heard someone calling his name, so he held up a flashlight and pointed it upwards.

When he looked up, he happened to see the scorched face, with the skin turned up to reveal the white bones and red flesh inside, and he grinned sinisterly, revealing the white teeth inside.

Li Goudan: "..."

Li Goudan: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!"

This face is definitely his psychological shadow, bar none!

Li Goudan didn't know if this ghost was real or not, but anyway, even if it was a fake ghost, looking at this face, Li Goudan just wanted to turn around and leave, not wanting to talk nonsense at all.

He ran away in a flash, leaving Zong Qi alone.

Yes, he forgot that there was a horrible grimace painted on his face.

The black-haired young man turned around silently, and found that the red dots of the crow and Yu Chenxue had separated, and one of them quickly moved towards him.

It was Yu Chenxue.

The ghost knows how he knew he was here, maybe it was Li Goudan's terrified scream just now.

When Zong Qi thought of Professor Yu now, his legs softened.

So he ran without hesitation.

With such a distance, as long as you run fast, you will probably be fine.

However, the next moment, Zong Qi felt something slantingly brushing past his calf.

In time, the entire lower/half/body suddenly lost strength and fell straight to the ground.

The professor of psychology came in the dark, his face dimmed by shadow and light.

He casually threw the exhausted anesthesia gun on the ground and smiled slightly.

"caught you."

Zong Qi: "..."

He had obviously already put the gun away, how did this unscientific thing come about!

Because of being scratched by the anesthesia needle, half of his body is numb now, and he can't lift a bit of strength. He can only move weakly on the ground, which is extremely miserable.

He has experienced Yu Chenxue's force value, and he can only watch helplessly as the other party walks over step by step. However, the latter's posture is particularly leisurely, no different from strolling in the garden, with a sense of oppression, as if knocking on the heart.

"My marksmanship is very accurate, I won't make you completely faint, don't worry."

I don't know how Yu Chenxue could see the mental activity from the distorted ghost face, he bent down and still had a smile on his face.

This smile is very similar to Professor Yu's smile in Zong Qi's memory, both are personable and refined.

But in today's environment, in this place, in this embarrassing occasion, this smile becomes all the more creepy.

The man's slightly cold fingers touched his face, looked directly at the pair of clear pupils, and said pleasantly: "Why don't you talk?"

The azure blue eyes behind the sunglasses flicked sharply across the young man's neck, pressed his fingertips inch by inch, and finally came to a conclusion.

"Sure enough, you have an Adam's apple."

Yu Chenxue had noticed this abnormality long ago.

He slowly stroked the hot face of the actor ghost in front of him, suddenly took out a bottle of water from his pocket, untied his coat casually, and wiped off the unsightly oil paint on the other's face bit by bit with the water.

The shaking of the ghost building became more and more intense, Yu Chenxue simply pulled the person over and fixed him on the ground.

Zong Qi felt the other party's cold breath, and his heart beat up and down. I understand that Professor Yu is definitely prepared for the second time after being deflated once.

He could only remain motionless, silently thinking in his heart that I am a wooden man and must not move.

The efforts made by several makeup artists on his face could not be easily wiped off, Yu Chenxue took a lot of effort to barely wipe off half of it, revealing the normal human skin underneath.

Unexpectedly, under the paint was a face that he had no impression of at all.

Yu Chenxue raised her eyebrows.

Just when Zong Qi felt that he should be able to escape, he said suddenly: "You started paying attention to me before entering the ghost building."

Not a doubt, but an affirmation.

And what he said was a ghost building, not an ancient building. Literally similar, the meaning is very different.

Zong Qi's heartbeat stopped, and he heard the other party throw out conclusions one by one.

"It's funny how you look at me with unconscious respect and nervousness."

"Of course, these are not important. The most important thing is that you know me. No, we do. Otherwise, you won't stop talking."

"Your expression tightened as I said this, and your eyes widened unconsciously."

He chuckled: "Your reaction has already told me the answer. It seems that I guessed everything right, right?"

The author has something to say: 77: Help!


Happy Tanabata~

Continue to ask for nutrient solution, let this single dog add more, I don’t want to go out to eat dog food today, help _(:з」∠)_