Chapter 52: 、52

The coward who sent it to your door? How could Zong Qi not want it.

Besides, no matter what, it is a ghost of the same level as Araki.

What about B-level ghosts? There aren’t many B-level ghosts now. One of them is one, and they can be enslaved and filmed together in the future.

But if they act too warmly in front of cowards, it will appear that their company is small. Zong Qi would never do that. He has to set a good company example for cowards,? After all, this guy seems to be the most bully and the last to start.

After all, a little red,? An Araki,? He dare not manipulate at will.jpg

"Our company is very strict. At that time, two seniors will take you to do employee induction training."

"Okay,? I will be obedient and promise to obey the order,? The boss will do what he says."

The coward nodded hastily, and pulled in the small box he was dragging along.

There are not a few tassels in its whole body, except for some salvaged participating rouge and gouache powder, only those silver dollars that were not burned by him are left.

These things are worthless, and the cowards sneaked a look at them in the building before,? Now that the outside world has entered the modern society, there are high-rise buildings with reinforced iron frames everywhere. Even if it becomes a ghost, it is still a poor ghost.

Fortunately, the boss wants it,? And it also includes three meals a day, and the most important thing is that the boss is still its Bole. The coward made a fist in his heart and decided to work his life for the capitalist director Q.

Zong Qi was also very satisfied. After arranging a room on the first floor for the coward, he lay back on his sofa and went to sleep.

After filming for a day and a night, the whole person was tense. However, he is still worried, he urgently needs a rest time now.

Editing movies or something, let's talk about it when he wakes up.

So the coward sat obediently on the sofa by himself, quite restless.

It sat for a long time, and there was another knock on the door.

"That, is, who is it?" It jumped up from the sofa and jumped to the door.

However, in the next second, the locked door was suddenly blown open by a gust of wind.

Standing outside was a beautiful woman with draped hair, a long red dress, and delicate makeup.

She glanced at the coward slowly, walked straight in from the corridor, threw the high-heeled shoes on her feet aside, and floated comfortably into the air, then turned her head, looked it up and down, and narrowed her eyes. Eyes revealed a lazy smile.

"Hey, where's the boss' new younger brother?"

Even if the coward didn't feel the ghostly aura before, seeing the other party flying into the air as if no one was around, he could realize that the other party was just like it, a non-human being.

So it immediately stood up straight: "Yes, senior!"

The boss is so powerful, and his employees are all ghosts!

Xiao Hong got excited, "It's not bad, it's very good, boy."

"Yes!" She immediately patted her chest boldly: "I will cover you from now on!"

Xiaohong is in a particularly good mood today.

When Zong Qi and Araki went to film "Ghost Building", she also accepted the invitation of "Deep Valley" in the actor system to play the ghost role in it.

Pretending to be a ghost is much easier than acting as an actor, and an actor has to work hard to increase his deductive value. To pretend to be a ghost, you only need to follow the system prompts to scare people. As long as the actor's scream value can be frightened up, then the performance value will also increase.

Xiaohong pretending to be a ghost is simply acting in her true colors. After a movie, she had a lot of fun.

The most important thing is that after the end, she got an S-level evaluation from the system and restored the previously burned vocal cords. Although the vocal cords have been burned for too long, even if the voice is restored, the voice is a bit hoarse, and it is infinitely biased towards the smoke voice.

But at least I can talk, can't I?

"You can just call me Miss Hong from now on."

So Xiaohong started to introduce herself again, "I am the first employee under the boss. Don't look at Araki, she also entered the door after me, and she is still my good ghost."

Senior Araki's ghost honey! The coward immediately stood in awe.

Although Sister Hong's ghostly aura is a bit worse than that of Araki-senpai before, the hostility contained in it is enough to make a coward tremble.

In short, it was the kind of coward who had a higher level, but if the two really fought, Xiaohong would definitely win.

"You are the third one to enter the door, so you will be ranked third, will the third child know?"

The coward nodded obediently: "Understood, Miss Hong."

This is the same as the seniority of their Liyuan children, which is easy to understand.

"Not bad, by the way, why did the boss go?"

The more Xiaohong looked at this good baby, the more satisfied she was. She floated from the door to the kitchen, skillfully took out two cans of iced Feizhai Happy Water from the refrigerator, and threw a bottle to the coward: "Here, go on."

"The boss went to rest, and before he left, he said not to disturb him."

The coward took the Coke in his hand, turned the tin can over and over again, and stared wide-eyed.

"You don't know how to drink?"

As soon as Xiaohong took a sip of ice-cola, she turned her head and saw the coward staring at the can, " didn't come out of the mountains like Araki, did you?"

After all, Xiaohong was born in modern times, and she is a fashionable ghost.

As a ghost born in a deserted village, Araki knew nothing about the modern things outside. The main reason for the noise that night was that Xiaohong was teaching Araki how to use various electronic products correctly. Every time she teaches one, she will stop, wait for Araki to demonstrate again, and then coax Xiaohong to say that Xiaohong is really amazing, and then move on to the next one.

Coward: "Bad, should be about the same?"

It remembered the era in which it lived, and it was decades away from now.

Xiaohong waved her hand, ghost energy appeared in the air, condensed into the shape of a hand, and pulled off the cap of the soda can in front of the coward, "Try it, see if it suits your taste?"

Because ghosts do not have a digestive system, cannibalism can also absorb essence, and eating is how to eat and how to pull it out.

However, Xiaohong was greedy, and after knowing that Zong Qi's cooking was delicious, she pestered him to cook three meals a day, and then collapsed in the middle of the night. In contrast, Araki, who possesses Anna and can share his senses, is much happier.

Fat House Happy Water is simply a blessing for ghosts, because the water vapor can be absorbed, and Xiaohong can drink it whenever she wants, without any worries. There are two large refrigerators in the apartment, one is filled with all kinds of vegetables bought by Zong Qi, and the other is filled with all kinds of drinks bought by Xiaohong.

The coward took a sip, "It smells like traditional Chinese medicine."

Xiaohong nodded and tried her best to Amway: "Yes, if you drink it a few times, it will taste better."

The coward said good, took the Coke in his hand, and watched Xiaohong turn on the TV and ask him something.

Since Zong Qi taught Xiaohong what hr is, as the first senior employee to join the company, Xiaohong has consciously assumed this responsibility. Araki, who was signed later, also went through her inspection all night, so she nodded with confidence.

If a coward can sign it, he has already passed Araki's level, but Xiaohong has not passed this level.

"How did you die?" "Where did you die?" "How did you become a ghost?"

"What did you do when you were alive?" "What skills does Ghost Qi have?" "Can you do housework?"

The coward answered conscientiously, and answered honestly in front of Xiaohong, not daring to make mistakes at all.

"The ones who were killed by the little Japanese died in the ghost building, and they killed a lot of little Japanese and became ghosts. They were singers in life, and ghost energy seems to be able to ignite a fire, and they can do housework. That's what I used to do in the building. "

Xiao Hong's eyes lit up, "Then we will leave the housework to you from now on."

Zong Qi is in charge of cooking, so Xiao Hong has to obediently do the housework.

"Oh, by the way, you said you can sing?"

Xiaohong threw the remote control in her hand, "Yes, this is an important skill."

Before making a movie last time, Xiaohong and Ana Araki discussed how to make money together.

The initiator of this topic is Araki, and the original words are "My child is working too hard. He is obviously in charge of the director system, and he has to worry about daily necessities. Since we are employees, we are idle, so why don't we help make money."

Xiaohong thought for a while, and felt that this was not a good idea. It is not easy for the main boss to make money, and he has to exchange precious director points, which is really a loss.

It's just that because the schedule is relatively full, they only discussed it superficially and did not put it into action.

After filming "Deep Valley", Xiaohong felt that she was a natural filmmaker. Even the actor system gave her an S-level evaluation, which affirmed her acting skills and increased her remuneration for the next film.

Become a popular star in the ghost world!

So Xiaohong's path was decided.

She didn't know about Araki, but when she heard that the new youngest in front of her could sing, Xiao Hong had an idea, "You are good at singing, you have a skill, and you can make money."

The coward scratched his head: "Really, then I'll find a stage to go to work?"

"What opera stage? Now that nine-year compulsory education is popularized these days, there's not much to say about opera stage. If you want to sing, the conventional method will definitely not work. We can only find another way."

Xiaohong thought for a while: "Yes! Do you know what our boss used to do?"

She gave the youngest a popular science about what is called webcasting.

"The boss said that it is very profitable to do this, and the big anchors can earn tens of millions of dollars for one broadcast. You look good, and you are from a major, so you will definitely beat the same type of anchors on the Internet."

The more Xiaohong talked, the more excited she became, "Hey, that's great. I'm entering the entertainment industry, and the youngest is entering the anchor industry. From now on, we will be director Q Media Company."

As she spoke, she took out her mobile phone from her pocket and skillfully registered an account for the coward.

"Come on, let me show you first, this is our boss' account."

She clicked on Zong Qiqi's homepage, clicked on the live broadcast replay, and showed it to cowards, "He is the anchor of Tanling, you should be considered a talent anchor, you don't need to run around like him, you just need to sit in the apartment and live broadcast Enough."

The coward was dumbfounded, feeling that his three views had been refreshed, and murmured: "Modern people are really smart."

"That's right, when the boss wakes up, remember to ask him to apply for a mobile phone. By the way, you have to film a scene with the boss before the live broadcast, and earn points to buy your body, otherwise the camera will not be able to find your ghost."

Xiaohong was perfunctory, and it happened that there was another sound of opening the door at this moment.

Anna was wearing slippers, holding a bag of freshly bought green vegetables in her hand.

She put the vegetables in her hand aside and waved at the entrance.

"Comrades, come live."

"On the way back, I felt that someone was following me from behind. Who of you wants to watch the excitement?"

The author has something to say: I received a reminder from the editor yesterday that Jinjiang can no longer use Thriller as its title, and Thriller, Horror, Supernatural Escape, and Ghost cannot be used. In desperation, I had no choice but to change the name of the article, including the horror trainee next door who also changed its name to infinite trainee, please don't admit it wrong.

After all, this is required by the entire network platform, and it is not the only one in Jinjiang. In order to pass the review, the overall situation is still the most important.


Continue to ask for nutrient liquid duck! There are only a few hundred bottles left to harvest today's plus change! ok~