Chapter 53: 、53

After the filming of "Haunted House", Anna appeared on a busy street.

The cheongsam hairstyle and makeup on her body also automatically changed back to the previous long-sleeved trousers after the filming ended, and she wore a single ponytail.

Except for a special temperament, it looks like everyone else.

Ana and Araki made a deal with the actor system together.

Like Xiaohong, as long as they can bind the system to shoot, and get a certain level of evaluation and meet the system requirements, Araki can have a new body.

Zongqi's two previous employees were extremely enthusiastic about their work.

It's just that Xiaohong wants to make her debut by herself, but Araki wants to be an assistant employee, helping her child remove obstacles.

"The boss said that there is no food at home, how about going to the supermarket to buy something when we go back?"

Anna whispered to herself.

Although she and Araki can communicate in their minds, Anna still likes to open her mouth to talk most of the time, otherwise there will always be a strange feeling that the cerebral cortex is activated.

"Okay, the child is still too thin,? Let's buy him some more meat. Don't you like celery, remember to bring some."

One of her eyes turned gray, and she continued to speak: "There is a supermarket right in front of you."

So Anna walked into the supermarket, proficient in pushing carts, while Araki picked and picked on the shelves, saying that this one was not fresh, while that one seemed to have bugs on it.

When pushing past the potato chip section, Araki was silent for a moment: "Buy some potato chips and go back,? Xiaohong likes it."

Anna took a few packets of tomatoes and barbecue and threw them into the basket.

When checking out, the checkout clerk took a look at the cart full of goods, and finally packed four big bags, and couldn't help being a little speechless: "Little girl, can you carry these back by yourself?"

Anna nodded, with two in her left hand and two in her right hand, she walked out of the supermarket with ease, leaving behind a crowd of stunned eyes.

She was walking on the street, and when she turned a dark corner, Araki spoke in her mind.

"Someone is following us."

Anna frowned: "The Ouroboros man?"

Apart from Ouroboros, she couldn't think of any organization capable of paying attention to her head.

"Maybe." Araki paused.

In an instant, a cold ghostly air rolled up from the ground, wrapped Anna's whole body, and blended silently into the shadows under her feet.

About half a minute later, the person leaning against the wall in the alley not far away suddenly rubbed his eyes, staring at the mobile phone in front of him, quite surprised.

"Strange, where are people?"

He looked at the figure that suddenly disappeared from one of the small grids on the screen, and muttered to himself.

Qian Guangyuan was quite puzzled.

Here, the world's top organization issued a task involving high-tech electronic surveillance, which happened to be Qian Guangyuan's business scope. So he directly accepted the reward, went to the location provided by the other organization, hacked into all the surveillance cameras in the neighborhood, and transferred the screen that was originally placed at the surveillance central station to his mobile phone without anyone noticing it.

Generally speaking, there is no danger in this kind of task that is done behind the scenes. If there is a problem with bad words, it will be reported to the superior immediately. It is so easy and there is a lot of bounty, of course Qian Guangyuan will not shirk it.

What's more, everyone in the other world knows that that organization is extremely generous, and it's just the money he makes dozens of orders, so it's strange that such an opportunity will be missed.

The places circled by the organization were limited to this fast place. Qian Guangyuan compared the clues and found five suspicious people in total. He had been staring at the phone just now, but unexpectedly, the person on one of the screens disappeared.

"What a ghost."

He shook his head, took out another mobile phone from his pocket, and was about to send the message.

At this time, Qian Guangyuan suddenly saw the street lights at the entrance of the alley flickering for a moment.

He thought it was because the street lamp was broken, so he didn't pay much attention.

Then, after that, the street lights flickered more and more frequently, dangling over people's eyes like stage flashes.

Suddenly, the street lamp stopped for a moment, and there was a sudden "bang-" sound, and the shiny pieces were broken all over the ground.

In the way of death that no one noticed, under the cover of darkness, something flew out together with the mist, and sank into Qian Guangyuan's arm accurately.

"Grass, this garbage device."

Qian Guangyuan cursed, and suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing behind him.

The wind was very cold, not as warm and pleasant as ordinary wind, but very cold, cold to the bone marrow, so cold that Qian Guangyuan shivered.

For some reason, at the same time as there was a sharp pain, he felt that his mind began to groggy, and his vision became hazy.

Qian Guangyuan didn't think much about it, thinking that he had suffered from the old problem of night blindness, so he continued to move his fingers.

‘No, you have to send the message first. '

Thinking so, Qian Guangyuan lowered his head and tried his best to bring his eyes to the screen of the mobile phone in front of him.

In the next second, the phone screen went black.

Suddenly, a bloody, bluish-white, extremely hideous grimace appeared on it.

Two pitch-black eyes just stared at him on the phone. Seeing Qian Guangyuan's gaze, the corners of his slashed mouth curled up slightly, and he grinned towards him outside the screen.

"Ah ah ah!"

Qian Guangyuan screamed and subconsciously threw the phone out.

The phone drew a parabola in the air, as if it was cut off by something, and hit the wall next to it in a very unscientific manner, and the screen cracked and shattered.

Qian Guangyuan stood there in shock, feeling cold all over.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that something was wrong with his surroundings.

The alley where people were coming and going suddenly fell silent, extremely abrupt, as if something abruptly pressed the rest from it.

At the end of the alley, there was supposed to be a bright and spacious street running across. But now the street is empty, and there is no one in sight.

The shadows of the old locust trees danced, and the fine black reflections scattered around the alley, gradually swaying with the cold wind.

Somewhere farther away, or perhaps in all directions, the desolate and beautiful female voice is speaking from her heart, crying blood every word.

"Why don't you look at me more? Why do you throw out the things in your hands? My house hurts so much."

Qian Guangyuan was so frightened that his soul was about to come out, and he yelled sternly: "Who! Get out! Don't play tricks!"

It was at this moment that he felt something icy and cold hanging down from his head.

The strands were soaked, piercingly cold, ticking and winding on the back of his neck, like being scraped by the scales of a snake, which made people's hair stand on end.

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee......"

Sen's sneer, which was hoarse like being scraped by gravel, passed by his ears.

Qian Guangyuan was so frightened that his legs trembled and he couldn't even stand upright.

He didn't dare to raise his head, and out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of a blood-stained red dress hanging down in the air, with a pale white leg hanging from it, dangling faintly in the air. Immediately, he was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were torn apart, he sat down on the ground, his crotch was gradually soaked, emitting an unpleasant fishy smell.

"Help! Someone! Ghost! There is a ghost!"

He finally couldn't take it anymore, and collapsed on the ground with both hands and feet, ignoring his current situation, he stumbled and ran out of the alley.

After about an incense stick, Qian Guangyuan felt that he ran out, stopped at the spot and held his hands, exhaling heavily, panting.

When he looked up, the walls of the alleys on both sides closed towards him as if embracing him. The darkness in the depths was still deep, and the abyss giant opened its **** mouth, holding a knife to drive people's sanity to a dead end.

Qian Guangyuan couldn't tell whether it was the environment or the reality.

When he turned his head, he saw an unrecognizable corpse on the ground, festered all over, covered with dense white wriggling maggots, and his face was split open.

It is exactly the same as him.

Qian Guangyuan finally couldn't hold it anymore, and fell to his knees on the ground with a "plop-".

"I beg you, aunt! Please let me go, and next year my grandson will burn paper for you to go to the grave, so that you will have a lot of money to spend underground."

Under extreme fear, his face was bulging with veins, his facial features were distorted, and his ugliness was revealed.

The female singer's voice paused for a moment, and began tactfully: "Young master, I knew this before, so why bother? Doing shady things here, you will naturally get into trouble with people you shouldn't be messing with."

Qian Guangyuan finally knew why this ghost came to him.

Excited, he opened his mouth and shouted: "I'm wronged! I'm really wronged! I saw this big deal on the dark web in the underworld, so I took it directly. I really didn't think so much at the time!"

"You should know that this kind of work is will mess with people you shouldn't, and I won't do it no matter how much money the Ouroboros Organization asks me for!"

Qian Guangyuan became more and more excited as he spoke, and even knocked his head on the ground a few times.

He is really a serious and ordinary person who usually uses his hacking skills to do some gray industry things. What he knows the most is only Ouroboros' status as the boss of the inner world, and he doesn't know anything about the actor system or the director system.

After all, the actors have props for self-defense. Except for some limited functional props, other props can be used directly in the real world. For example, amulets, charms, etc. for self-defense against ghosts. After all, there are metaphysical organizations and ghosts in the real world, but the probability of encountering them is much smaller than when shooting horror movies.

Araki manipulated the hallucinogenic Gu, and after confirming again and again, he shook his head towards Xiaohong and the coward who was singing.

This time the three of them can be regarded as all out. After all, being bored at home is also boring, and everyone wants to come out and watch the excitement. Let's see who is so bold that he dares to follow a ghost.

For this, Anna directly pinned the blame on the Ouroboros organization. Of course, arresting the person now and questioning him carefully did not wrong the wrong person.

"Miss Ben is in a good mood today, hurry up!"

Xiaohong said sullenly: "You should know what to tell them when you go back, otherwise...we don't guarantee whether we will look for you under your bed next time."

Qian Guangyuan quickly kowtowed in thanks: "Okay, I'll get out, I'll get out now."

He wished he could swallow this whole thing in his stomach.

As he said that, Qian Guangyuan rolled out of the alley in a very unsightly posture, and disappeared in a flash.

Only Anna watched his back from behind: "The question is, how did Ouroboros know our exact location?"

The author has something to say: it is today’s nutrient solution plus more_(:з」∠)_