Chapter 54: 、54

Anna hit the point right away with this question.

Logically speaking, they have just come out of the filming of "Ghost Building", and the gap between them is only two hours at most. And what method did the Ouroboros organization use to accurately determine that the person playing Anna in "The Ghost House" is her?

Anna pondered: "The boss added a scene to us at the beginning. The only person who saw this scene was the S-level artist."

After "Ghost Building" started, they knew that the artist was Zong Qi's professor in the real world. At the beginning, I also doubted whether the Ouroboros buried the dark thread here, but after Zong Qi confirmed that the other party did not have the Ouroboros logo on his hand, he dismissed the suspicion.

"Not necessarily an artist."

Araki replied: "The red scarf is a senior member of the Black Council. Since we are participating in the film directed by Q for the second time, we will naturally attract a lot of attention."

When Anna decided to join Zong Qi in the ghost building, she was already ready for this. She and the crow are bound to be targeted because of their second appearance.

Since it was expected to be targeted, and the high-ranking members of Ouroboros were among the actors, then this result is not particularly surprising.

The only surprise is why the other party came up so quickly, so precisely bypassing the inherent sequelae of blurred faces in the movie to lock the target.

"If it is within the scope allowed by the rules, it should be the use of movie props."

Xiaohong floated down from the air, reached out to take her bag from the coward's hand, took out her high-heeled shoes from inside, and slipped them on.

"In short, this matter still needs a long-term plan,? Don't make a definition so quickly. Everyone should pay attention when going out in the future, use ghost aura to cover your figure when you go out, and go to the alley bathroom to repeat the old trick when you come back,? Don't get caught on the trail."

Araki sighed: "Don't tell Xiaoqi about today's matter."

As she said that, the whites of her gloomy eyes suddenly climbed up to countless dense red bloodshots.

"How dare you bully my son. Heh... You should also be careful not to scare the snake. Hit the snake and hit seven inches,? Next time, if there is such a situation, remember to notify each other as soon as possible. When the time comes, we will release one Go back, Little Worm, then follow them to the headquarters of that organization..."

There is no need for Araki to say anything later, Xiaohong was the first to jump out: "Okay!"

"It's best not to let us get hold of this organization. My sister's boss dares to mess with me. There must be a big scene,? Otherwise, I really think we are easy to bully!"

She gritted her teeth and her voice was extremely cold.

Of course, this kind of miscellaneous work has to be handed over to the employees, who makes the boss an idiot.

Anna: "I have no problem."

The eyes of all ghosts and people shifted to the coward, and the coward immediately stated: "I will hit wherever Sister Hong and Sister Huang point out, and I will never say anything else."

"Okay! Then let's...well, tidy up ourselves first, so that the boss won't see the traces."

The three ghosts remained silent for a while, and then began to skillfully clean up the scene.

Araki put away the insect fog, Xiaohong combed her hair, and the coward silently started a flame, burning the pile of mobile phone wreckage on the ground into a puddle of molten metal.

"Not bad, have done it before? His hands and feet are quite nimble, and a child can be taught."

Even Araki took a surprised look.

The latter stood there alone and laughed awkwardly.

In fact, it was because a coward became a ghost, and sometimes he couldn't bear the greed. Occasionally, he would go out to roast a mouse in the dead of night, and he was very handy in destroying corpses and eliminating traces.

So the three ghosts threatened them one by one, one Shark saw no blood, the other helped to clean up the scene, and finally restored perfectly to the appearance that there was no trace on the whole body. They looked at each other and went back to the apartment tacitly.


When they came back, it was dark in the high-end apartment, and the lights were not turned on.

The four big bags at the entrance were all taken away. Those that should be put in the refrigerator were put in the refrigerator, those that should be thawed out were thawed, and the unwashed dishes for tonight were also put in the kitchen sink.

"Boss is up?"

Xiaohong raised her hand and pressed the master switch of the whole apartment, and flew to the kitchen. After seeing the empty chopping board and table, he couldn't help showing an expression of hopelessness.

Anna walked to the door of the master bedroom on the first floor and knocked on the door.

After a long time, there was a sound of kicking footsteps inside.

The young man drooped his head and opened the door listlessly: "Ah, you are back."

Araki immediately opened the whites of his eyes and appeared: "What's the matter, who made you unhappy?"

Zong Qi glanced at her sleepily: "No, Mom, I'm not unhappy."

Li Gui in front of him was stunned, stiff all over, and then stood still shaking like a sieve, almost unable to stand still.

Xiaohong behind her silently pulled the coward to stand a little further away, and opened a ghost barrier by the way.


Araki screamed, almost piercing through the well-responsive wall and floor at the same time, resounding through the living room of the apartment.

Zong Qi's reaction was very calm.

He sighed, didn't say anything, turned and walked back to the house, and continued his work.

With this appearance, no matter how happy Araki is now, it is impossible not to see the problem.

She calmed down and moved over silently.

Zong Qi opened the laptop placed in front of him—it was an old second-hand product he bought from the second-hand market.

It's just that this computer is now covered with the horror film director system, and its speed has suddenly rushed up, comparable to any most advanced large-scale computer in the world.

That's right, Zong Qi is now doing important work after the filming of "Ghost Building".


Editing is the soul of film post-processing production, and it can also be said to be the most important part.

In the past, Zong Qi could act as a hands-off shopkeeper, paying 10% of the salary and letting the system handle it by itself.

But he is too stingy. To him, paying 10% of the salary is tantamount to killing someone, and he doesn't even think about it.

So Zong Qi rolled up his sleeves and decided to fight himself.

The things directors learn are very complicated, and they are more versatile, and they are also good at editing.

In addition, the horror film director system is particularly black technology, using a nearly holographic shooting method. As long as Zong Qi thinks, which camera he wants to call out, he can call up any camera, and the system can make him any camera position he wants.

Such a system is simply the gospel of all directors.

Zong Qi sighed with emotion and was full of energy.

Back then, his graduation design microfilm was used as a sample for public display, and the evaluation of editing related courses was very high. Now that there is such a heaven-defying system to help out, wouldn't it be the icing on the cake?

"System, show me the plot line of this movie and everyone's ID card first."

So he decided to follow the usual trend, starting from the basic background setting of the movie, go through the entire plot line, select important plots and branch plots, and then select relevant scenes.

The system displays the corresponding material on the computer screen as promised.

Zong Qi slowly began to look down.

Before looking at him, his expression was relaxed and happy, full of confidence.

Halfway through, his expression was sluggish, unbelievable.

At the end, his expression was only in a trance, and the philosophical question of who am I, where am I, and what have I done echoed in my mind.

"What the **** did I do!!"

He collapsed in front of the desk, covering his face with his hands, wishing he could leave this beautiful world.

Kui Zongqi had always sworn that Yu Chenxue was a cultist, but he never thought that his logical reasoning from the beginning was wrong!

Of course, I have to cue others here.

Li Goudan thought Yu Chenxue was his teammate, but accidentally killed the red scarf who was actually his teammate.

The red scarf thought that the crow could be recruited through the relationship of ouroboros, but unexpectedly, the crow turned back halfway.

The crow is an old and unlucky guy. He was oppressed by three forces in the whole movie, which is extremely miserable.

Yu Chenxue is the best, he only intends to do it alone at all, Zong Qi checked his personal network only to find that he almost provided 40% of the plot exploration value of the whole movie by himself.


This movie let him know that Professor Yu is the crow's boss and belongs to the secret mobile team.

Zong Qi breathed a sigh of relief, not knowing why he cared so much about this.


He muttered to himself, pulling his hair into a chicken coop: "This movie will definitely not work as a normal horror movie."

Have to find another way.

According to the system, this is a Greek horror story that took place in the Eastern Land.

However, there are too many Chinese elements in it, and it is difficult to use the lens to show a sense of restraint, but the Chinese elements are also difficult to make people feel cowardly and scary. The history of cowards can be cut out, but this guy is timid, and he followed them all the way, and never took the initiative to show up.

Zong Qi clenched his fists, with a sad and indignant expression, "If it really doesn't work, that's the only way I can use it."

That's right, he has another way.

That is... to highlight the spy war factor of this movie as the main part.

After all, he looked at it from the beginning to the end, and he felt that the only thing worthy of praise was the spy war factor, amen.jpg

Or this movie should be renamed, it should be called "Mission: Impossible" or "Who is my teammate in the haunted floor" and "The Bourne: The Bourne".

After adjusting his mentality, Zong Qi began to devote himself to the editing work.

First of all, he deleted all the scenes and plots that should not appear in it. Take the part where he was held in a small black room by Professor Yu as an example.

Next, he sorted out the character lines, and used editing to create a few plots that can enrich the character design and perfectly blur the organization's meeting.

In this way, Zong Qi didn't close his eyes almost all day and all night.

When Araki reminded him later, he realized that he had already fallen asleep leaning on the stool.

Then I woke up and continued liver editing.

After almost a week of intense work, the perfectionist Zong Qi sent the film to the system and asked it to add background music and opening subtitles to "Ghost Building" for free.

In the end, Zong Qi blankly filled in a few large characters in the column where the movie was released.

Suggested genres: Comedy/Spy/Horror

Slogan: A combination you have never seen before!

The author has something to say: 77: I'm a director, I'm so tired, it's obviously a serious subject, why did it become a bad movie after my hand?