Chapter 66: 、66

After seeing Xiaohong, Zongqi's first reaction was to see Qi Ningzhou's reaction.

Fortunately, now Xiaohong has a real body, learned to restrain ghost energy, and swallowed blood corpses in the horror of the deserted village. Now it is a whole level higher than when it was only rampant in the apartment. It has evolved into the category of a century-old ghost within.

This category, if it were Qi Ningzhou's master, he would definitely see through it at a glance. But fortunately, the Celestial Master's Taoism is very shallow now, and he has not yet reached the point where he can see through it at a glance.

Zong Qi gave Xiao Hong a wink, and Xiao Hong immediately understood and walked past them without looking sideways.

Qi Ningzhou trembled even more.

His physique is actually the most sensitive to all kinds of spiritual energy, otherwise he would not have been accepted by the master at the beginning,? Or is it because his talent is too outstanding.

This also led to Qi Ningzhou being able to sensitively capture the ghostly energy in the air. But he couldn't see through Xiaohong's true face at a glance, so he just felt terrified.

At this moment, Zong Qi suddenly said: "It is too time-consuming to search together,? The hospital has more than 20 floors in total, why don't we search separately? After all, it takes a certain amount of time for a ghost baby to move and move, and what happened just now,? It was probably seriously injured, and it found a place to hide."

Qi Ningzhou thought for a moment: "Alright,? If you have any news, be sure to send me a WeChat message as soon as possible."

After coming out to practice for so long, Qi Ningzhou's proficiency in electronic products is getting higher and higher.

After Zong Qi nodded with him,? He got into the elevator, but Zong Qi shirked that he was too lazy to take the elevator, and went upstairs first to check again.

After the elevator door closed, Zong Qi ran back to meet Xiaohong.

Xiaohong's expression was particularly disgusting: "Why doesn't this Taoist make any progress? He lingered outside my door several times before and dared not come in. I remember it."

As soon as Zong Qi heard it, he knew that Xiao Hong was talking about the time when she was irrational and only knew how to make trouble in the apartment. Qi Ningzhou obviously went to investigate several times at that time.

"Just be content with it. If someone invites Master down the mountain, how can you be as beautiful as you are now? By the way, how was your audition?"

Xiaohong raised her head triumphantly: "Of course it was done easily. Who am I, Miss Hong? I am the first senior employee of the media company under Director Q!"

As she said that, she put back the sunglasses and posed for the camera: "Boss, do you have a superstar fan? Sigh, you didn't know that the producer actually fell in love with him during the audition today." My beauty still wants to rule me unspokenly, my old lady has left a trace of ghost on him, just waiting to crawl out of their TV at night to scare him to death..."

Zong Qi: "..."

As expected of you, the more you find your ghost life goal, the more you will let yourself go, Xiaohong.

The two of them chatted for a while, and Zong Qi briefly recounted the story of the baby figurine, and expressed his own thoughts and conjectures.

"Xue Youqing will have to go into the operating room in the middle of the night. I am always worried that if I continue to abort like this, it may cause some bad consequences. After all, Qi Ningzhou has confirmed with me that the ghost baby is probably the same as Araki after being blessed. level."

Xiaohong: "Cleaning up the brats? I'm good at this."

As soon as she heard that there was a new little brother who could be enslaved, she became excited, but she felt a little regretful: "When we catch this kid, boss, you plan to treat him as an employee. It's a pity."

"Really, no matter how random ghosts come out now, they are all superior to me... Even the third guy is, which makes me, the eldest sister, very embarrassed."

Although her rank is higher than Xiaohong's, Xiaohong, who has personally experienced her boss' director authority, is not panicked at all, and is even eager to try to make the next ghost who knows nothing about it follow suit.

Zong Qi felt that Xiaohong's schadenfreude was very real, and she had the nature of a ghost.

"Okay, now it's almost nine o'clock in the evening. Let's search floor by floor. Once there is news, send me immediately. Don't rush up by yourself. It's about these things to pay attention to. We'll meet again at twelve o'clock. "

Seeing that Xiaohong was still looking at him eagerly, Zong Qi added cruelly: "I will cook for the whole seafood feast when I catch the ghost baby! Of course, you have to provide the funds for the purchase of ingredients."

Recently, I don't know who started to take the lead, but all the ghosts have paid the company's food expenses on time. Zong Qi felt more and more that he was not a formal media company, but a capitalist who exploited women textile workers.

How can there be employees who pay the boss, not the company where the boss pays the wages? Of course, but then again, the recent food expenses are indeed a bit high, especially the seafood feast that Xiaohong has been talking about for a long time...Zong Qi has absolutely no money.

Xiaohong cheered: "Yeah!"

She calculated that the film she had just signed got a lot of advance payment, and she handed over the secondary card of the salary card to the boss when she returned home.

As for things like money, sister Hong is going to become a big star in both the human world and the ghost world in the future, would she care about such extraneous things? Isn't that as much as you want?

So Zong Qi looked at Xiaohong, who was brimming with happiness, and ran towards the safe passage on the side, her footsteps were a little wandering, and she stared blankly at the security guard behind her.

"She was floating in the air just now, right?"

Zong Qi replied calmly: "No. She uses ghost steps. Have you heard of them? It's a technique in opera. When she uses them, she floats like a ghost."

"Is this so?" The security guard was shocked: "It's true, just now this lady looks like a big star..."

While the security guard was immersed in his own thoughts, Zong Qi quickly slipped away and ran downstairs.

Unexpectedly, an hour later, Zong Qi met another acquaintance in the elevator.

"The landlady's grandma?"

He rubbed his eyes to make sure he recognized the right person before walking over.

Sitting in a wheelchair, the old man opened his squinted eyes. When he saw him, he froze for the first time, and then waved: "Hey, it's Xiaoqi."

The landlord's grandmother is the landlord who lived in the tube building where Zong Qi lived in before. She is very kind. She knows that Zong Qi has been taking care of him intentionally or unintentionally after she sold her house to treat his illness. Dishes are also common.

Zong Qi was embarrassed, so he could only help the old man carry water and some coal to burn.

"Has grandma been hospitalized here all the time?"

"No, I'm going back today. My son and daughter-in-law will pick me up later."

The landlord's grandmother smiled and said, "I was recuperating in the country for a while ago, and I feel that I have recovered a lot. It just happened that I came to the city to see my legs in the past two days, and I made an appointment with the doctor today. It's not serious."

Zong Qi helped her push the wheelchair over very naturally: "Then I will help grandma push it downstairs."

In fact, he has been to the Central Hospital many times.

When Zong Qi's own grandmother was hospitalized before, he also wanted to transfer her to this hospital. After all, this is the best hospital in Jiangzhou, so he traveled many times. Later, I chose to give up because the cost of hospitalization and surgery here was twice as expensive as that of the Second Hospital.

The elevator door opened with a "ding-".

It was already night, close to late at night, and the whole hospital was quiet. Because of energy saving, the lights were turned off by nearly half, and the corridors were empty.

On the first floor, except for the paparazzi who have not given up hope and want to make big news, ordinary people who see a doctor have been transferred to the night emergency department.

Zong Qi pushed the landlady's grandmother to the door, saw the car driven by her son and daughter-in-law from a distance, and was swiping the card at the door to measure the body temperature.

"Grandma, I have something else to do, so let me put you here first?"

The landlady's grandmother was surprised: "Aren't you going back with us? It just so happens that my son is driving, so we can go back together by the way."

Zong Qi smiled bitterly in his heart, and waved his hands again and again: "No grandma, I haven't finished my business here, so I'll go up first."

Just having a conversation with the landlord's grandmother, Zong Qi realized that the landlord's grandmother didn't seem to know the fact that he had been kicked out by her daughter-in-law.

However, he was also at fault in this matter, and Zong Qi didn't want to embarrass the landlady's grandma in this situation, so he hurriedly said goodbye and turned around to run away.

When I got back to the hospital, it was almost ten o'clock.

All the lights dimmed, and fewer and fewer people walked around.

Zong Qi rubbed his temples, suppressed his slight sleepiness, and ran to the side retail machine to buy a bottle of coffee.

There are reporters in the hall calling: "Yes. We haven't received the first-hand information from Xue Youqing yet, but with the promise of the manager, even if there is no press conference tomorrow, we can still visit Ms. Xue's ward. .”

"Staying up late at night and drinking coffee is bad for your health."

Just as Zong Qi bent down to pick up the coffee from under the vending machine, unscrewed it and was about to take a sip, a faint male voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Professor Yu? Have you gone back yet?"

Zong Qi choked, coughed twice in embarrassment, and then turned around.

Behind him, Yu Chenxue, who was rarely wearing a long windbreaker today, put his hands in his pockets and looked at him with a smile.

When Zong Qi was in the elevator just now, Professor Yu hadn't noticed that Professor Yu had changed his white shirt and trousers, which had remained unchanged for thousands of years, into a formal suit and long trench coat, looking very serious.

The air has turned cooler recently, and autumn is about to transition into winter. Zong Qi's few winter sweaters and jackets that were so dusty were all ruthlessly pressed to the bottom of the box by Araki. Anna went out with her to pack the latest clothes for Zong Qi.

Here I have to mention by the way, the two of them seem to have recently discovered the new joy of changing clothes for Zong Qi, and the one with the most clothes in the family is not Xiao Hong, who is keen on shopping, but him.

"I was going to leave, but was delayed by something."

Yu Chenxue said lightly, and watched several members of the National Security Bureau rush out with the locked combination box behind him.

These agents all looked cold and serious, and nodded to Yu Chenxue as they walked out, it was not difficult to see their respect.

Zong Qi was curious: "Is Professor Yu an agent of the National Security Bureau?"

Yu Chenxue replied: "No, it's just a psychological counselor who occasionally assists in handling cases."

He glanced at the time: "By the way, I have something to tell you. Although it doesn't seem like the best time now, Xiaoqi has been hiding from me recently... If you don't say it, I don't know when I will meet you, so I am a little bit distressed."