Chapter 67: 、67

The hall was empty. The National Security Secret Service agent who was carrying the suitcase just now got into a low-key black van parked at the entrance of the hospital.

There are only Zong Qi and Yu Chenxue on this side.

On the other side of the hall, a paparazzi noticed this young man whose appearance and hair color stood out from the crowd, but he only glanced at him briefly, and looked away after realizing that he was neither a celebrity nor a well-known Internet figure.

"Xiao Qi has been avoiding me."

The psychology professor's tone was low, with a downcast expression on his face, and he looked particularly aggrieved.

"I, I don't."

When Zong Qi saw it, he couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

He has indeed walked around Yu Chenxue for the past half month. Although in the final analysis, it was Yu Chenxue who...did some strange things in the bathroom first, which made him feel uncomfortable, so he quickly packed up and ran away. But now, he really couldn't show any displeasure in front of Yu Chenxue.

"Okay,? Xiaoqi said no, then there will be no."

Yu Chenxue affirmed his feeble rebuttal with a smile: "But I have something to ask Xiaoqi."

Zong Qi raised his hand: "Wait,? But I still have something to do."

He quietly raised his eyes, looked at Professor Yu's face, and quickly added: "The very important one."

It is indeed very important, and it is related to a human life.

If the trio didn't find the ghost baby before the operation, the consequences would be disastrous. Who knows if the doctor can successfully take out the ghost baby that was tightly tied to Xue Youqing's body to absorb nutrients?

Yu Chenxue's smile subsided slightly, "Is that so."

Zong Qi's conscience was aching again, so he quickly raised his hand as a pledge: "And Professor Yu also said that this is not a place to talk? So,? I promise that I will go to the professor immediately after I go back, and I will definitely keep my word. "

"Since Xiaoqi has said so, how can I have the heart to refuse."

The professor of psychology sighed, "But it's really worrying not to go back so late. May I ask, is Xiaoqi here to see a doctor with a friend? Just now I saw you walked in... . Obstetrics and Gynecology?"

Zong Qi petrified in place.

He suddenly remembered that when he met Yu Chenxue in the elevator just now, it was indeed when he and Qi Ningzhou went to the obstetrics and gynecology department to find the ghost baby.

He quickly explained: "No, no."

So far, Zong Qi can only reveal part of the truth in order not to be misunderstood.

Although he didn't know why he subconsciously wanted to explain it clearly in front of Professor Yu.

"My friend is Qi Tianshi. He recently received an order, and the client of the order is in the hospital. I was asked by him to help me because of my special constitution."

Zong Qi stammered and explained: "In short, there is really no strange reason for us to go to the obstetrics and gynecology department."

Yu Chenxue smiled, "Can Xiaoqi also see ghosts?"

Zong Qi suddenly heard this question, and was taken aback for a moment: "Ah, it's not really, it should be said that I saw it after an accident..."

Indeed, it was after the first employee was bound that the director system gave him the yin and yang eye permission. However, it seems that this permission is quite rare among actors. There are few people who are congenital. They are obtained by accident in the middle of filming the day after tomorrow. Call a psychic.

"That's it."

Yu Chenxue didn't speak.

Just when Zong Qi thought that he also wanted to say a good coincidence, yes, I am also an actor, he suddenly heard an amplified voice.

"Xiao Qi looks like she is in a hurry to leave?"

In the next second, a flawless face suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

The man put his hands in the pockets of the windbreaker, bent slightly, and approached the face of the black-haired young man.

A strand of silver-white hair just swept down from his forehead, almost touching Zong Qi's face.

Suddenly shocked by such beauty, Zong Qi's eyes widened, and he opened his mouth to speak, but he didn't say a word for a long time.

However, Yu Chenxue didn't do anything, he just helped Zongqi sweep back the forehead hair that fell to the side.

Slightly cold fingers swept over the young man's hot ears: "Why are you so careless, something got on your hair, okay."

He straightened up again, opened the distance, and still maintained a refined and decent smile: "Then I will wait for Xiaoqi to come to me, go home early when it is late, and keep a distance from other boys."

"Don't break your promise, or I will get angry and maybe even jealous."

"If Xiaoqi can do it, next time I come, I will give you a surprise."

After finishing speaking, Yu Chenxue smiled at him, handed him the bag in her hand, turned and left without any intention of explaining.

"Wait, what do you mean...?"

Hearing the phrase "Keep a distance from other boys", Zong Qi was at a loss.

Does this mean that Qi Ningzhou is not a good person? No, Qi Ningzhou treats him very well!

He thought about it for a while, but he didn't come up with a reason, and he only had time to say: "Then professor, pay attention to safety on the way back."

The latter didn't look back, the long windbreaker drew a sharp angle in the air, his back looked a little lonely for no reason, the hand in his pocket stretched out and waved in the air, indicating that he heard it.

The black-haired young man lowered his head, and found that this high-end-looking bag contained some freshly bought instant bread, packaged cakes, and even milk and soy milk, which can be eaten at any time, and it is still for multiple people. kind of.

Zong Qi followed Qi Ningzhou to the hospital in the afternoon, but he really didn't have dinner. I just felt a little hungry when I was drinking coffee, and I wanted to go to the hospital next to the hospital to see if there was a convenience store open, but Yu Chenxue brought it to him.

Moreover, these breads are freshly heated, and you can feel the temperature on them when you put your hands over them, which is extra warm in winter nights.

"Professor Yu is also very kind."

He sighed, "I'm just jealous... Could it be because I have a good relationship with Qi Ningzhou, so I'm worried that I'll be cheated?"

I have invited him to dinner several times, and this time I am still so considerate.

Zong Qi was really sorry.

"Or... cook him a meal when we go back to his house next time?"

Zong Qi began to stand still and struggle, "Anyway, I have to send a message to ask if Professor Yu is there before I go."

What he didn't know was that on the other side, Yu Chenxue, who was leaving, happened to walk to the entrance of the hospital.


The butler opened the door for him and waited for him to get into the car before sitting in the front seat.

"Go to the headquarters, people will continue to stare here."

The psychology professor casually pressed the baffle between the front and rear rows of the car.


The slowly rising baffle in the limousine isolates the sound in the two spaces.

The man turned his head and looked at the side window.

There, the dim night street lights blurred his uncommonly handsome appearance.

Hearing the explanation about "jealousy", a little bit of astonishment rarely appeared on his grim face.

After being stunned for a moment, Yu Chenxue put his hands on his forehead again. At the end, he laughed lowly.

If he was a child, he didn't even understand such obvious hints.

It seems that the strategy needs to be changed, and the next time it needs to hit a straight ball.

"Cooking? Hmm... I don't know what Professor Yu likes to eat. Is there still time to learn?"

Listening to the voice coming from the invisible headset, Yu Chenxue curled the corners of her mouth.

The expression of the black-haired young man just now flashed across his mind, scrutinizing every slight change as coldly as an outsider.

Maybe he guessed wrong. That day in "Ghost Tower" was just an illusion.

The man's slender fingers tapped rhythmically on the car handle, hiding his inner thoughts.

To be cautious, Yu Chenxue decided to observe again.

His blank paper will soon be netted.

Zong Qi sent a message to Qi Ningzhou, asking him to come down for dinner.

Qi Ningzhou got off quickly, obviously he was also hungry.

There were a lot of things in the handbag, and the two of them swallowed a lot without finishing it.

Qi Ningzhou asked as he gobbled it up, "This bread is delicious, brother, where did you buy it?"

"I didn't buy it, but the professor brought it to me."

Zong Qi unscrewed the cap of the soy milk, raised his head and took a sip.

"Your professor is really kind to you. Look at the food in this bag. There are hot and cold, sweet and salty, food and drink. If you want to change my master, I will definitely let me go to the kitchen and start a fire."

"Yes." Zong Qi took a bite of bread: "Professor Yu is very powerful. He is an artist and a professor of psychology. He is also very easy to get along with and gentle. It is strange to say that when I saw him for the first time, I I also feel like the type who is very cold and hard to talk to."

"This is not very normal. My master looks like a fairy on the outside. Only when we get along with him can we know how violent he is. He speaks a native accent and swears 300 times without repetition."

The two groaned for a while, and expressed their emotions again on the deliciousness of the dinner.

"By the way, did you see the ghost baby just now?"

"No, but there are a lot of residual ghost aura on a few floors, but this aura is too normal in the hospital, and people die here every day."

Qi Ningzhou frowned: "The client called me just now, saying that if Xue Youqing had surgery in the second half of the night, then he would have to go ahead and prepare for anesthesia in the first half of the night. We don't have much time left."

Zong Qi nodded, his eyes still full of thought: "Actually... I always feel very strange."

Facing the doubtful eyes of the Celestial Master, he finally said: "The baby spirit seems to be plundering nutrients from other mothers several times, think about the old man we saw before, and the pregnant woman we saw for the second time. "

"But... there is one thing that I find very strange. Why doesn't this ghost baby absorb Xue Youqing's vitality? Obviously Xue Youqing is its host and breeder."

Qi Ningzhou suddenly opened his eyes wide: "That's right!"

He said he seemed to have overlooked something. Suddenly thinking about it, it turned out that he had overlooked Xue Youqing's appearance when he was lying unconscious on the bed.

Because her stomach is too big, people subconsciously ignore other abnormalities. Thinking about it now, except for her stomach, Xue Youqing's whole body didn't look abnormal, and even her face was very rosy.

This is very strange.

Anyone who raises little ghosts, once they encounter a backlash from the little ghosts, first of all they have to toss themselves to death. How can they torment others? It's quite strange to think about it.

Zong Qi's WeChat suddenly heard a "ding", interrupting his meditation.

He quickly took out his phone and saw the message from Gao Mu.

[Gao Mu]: Come up, come see Grandpa Wang for the last time

The author has something to say: Lao Yu continues to walk on the road of pitting himself ignorantly_(:з」∠)_