Chapter 68: 、68

Zong Qi and Qi Ningzhou hurried back to the ICU ward, and checked repeatedly at the door before being let in.

It's almost midnight now, and the hospital is almost silent. Looking across a corridor, only the lights of the nurses' station are still on, and occasionally there will be regular patrols by night shift nurses, and occasionally the sound of flat shoes hitting the marble floor can be heard.

The door of one of the wards was open, and Gao Mu was standing at the door, his eyes were rarely red.

Seeing them, she looked over: "You are here."

"Grandpa Wang is inside, if you have anything to say, hurry up and say it."

Qi Ningzhou stood at the door, Zong Qi handed him the bag of bread in his hand to help carry it, and walked in alone.

Lying on the bed in the ward was a thin and dry old man. His scorched yellow face was covered with dense age spots, his sunken eyes were closed tightly, and occasionally he trembled a little, obviously showing a sickness.

His breathing was already very weak, and the value displayed on the instrument at the side also began to drop slowly.

Zong Qi was a little dazed, and looked around carefully. After not seeing the ghost baby's umbilical cord, he was relieved.

But while he was relieved, he couldn't help but feel a little sad.

He remembered that not long ago, Grandpa Wang was still talking to the driver on the bus, but now he looked old and dying.

"Grandpa Wang, can you hear me?"

He squatted down, moved to the side of the hospital bed, and lowered his voice, as if he was afraid of disturbing the old man on the bed.

The old man on the bed did not respond. In other words, Gao Mu has said such things, so there must be not much time left. In a situation like Grandpa Wang, it is not because of serious illness, the most likely death is due to natural aging.

For human beings, passing away safely without suffering from illness is already considered the least painful way to die.

After a pause, Zong Qi continued: "I'm sorry to bother you, I'm a visitor entrusted by your friend, and they are very worried about you."

The system prompts that the current small script has been switched from "Ghost Baby" to "The Last Train on Route 44". The scream value has not increased at all, but the plot exploration rate has been jumping up.

"It's like this. On the last train you've been taking, there was actually an accidental ghost on it. It's also a coincidence. I once had a relationship with you, old man. When I saw you last time, you He even discussed with the driver that the air conditioner of this bus is too high."

Thinking of such a scene, Zong Qi couldn't help showing a wry smile.

"I happened to meet them on the bus this time. They said that you haven't been here for a long time, and the ghosts on the bus are all concerned about your safety and health. They also said that you felt cold several times because of the summer. I'm afraid that you will be hot, and they will surround you one by one."

"They also said that you raised your mouth a few times while chatting with the driver, and you may have noticed something. They also remembered to burn paper for them during the Ghost Festival this year. They all thank you very much and wish you good health and all the best Shoubi Nanshan..."

Zong Qi Nian babbled, and didn't know what he said. Finally, the instrument made a sound, and all the twisted lines on it were smoothed out. Gao Mu and the nurse came in, and he stood quietly aside, watching the medical staff cover the old man on the bed with a white cloth, and slowly pushed him out.

Standing in the empty ward, Gao Mu sighed.

"No matter who entrusted you to come, one of the two immediate relatives of Grandpa Wang died in the line of duty, and the other did not retire at all, and there are no closer relatives alive now, so it would be good for one more person to send him off. "

She seemed to want to say something, and spoke several times.

Gao Mu would definitely not say it if it was the usual way. But today, after all, the relatives of the old man passed away, so he scribbled out a few words under the hurt of the scene.

"Mr. Wang's only daughter used to be my colleague in the State Security Bureau. Our relationship is very good, it can even be said to be very good, but in an accident, she died on duty, and I was demoted because of it. Let go."

Gao Mu didn't want to recall that accident.

She just looked at Zong Qi steadfastly: "For two years, I have been trying to get back the truth of the original incident from the hands of the Ouroboros Black Council, and give justice to my colleagues."

"I know that this organization is huge and has a long history, and they have even sent people to watch Mr. Wang secretly."

Goosebumps rose from Zong Qi's back.

He also knows something about this.

The Ouroboros people did not let him go, but it was strange to say that since he moved to the high-end apartment here, those people who had been staring at his online and real accounts disappeared. It was as if he had been ordered to evacuate, but Zong Qi was sure that his director Q's identity hadn't been revealed.


Gao Mu repeatedly emphasized: "For your own safety, you must stay away from this organization."

Zong Qi nodded sharply.

He said why Gao Mu was so nervous when he heard that someone entrusted him to find Mr. Wang. It turned out that this matter was related to the Ouroboros organization, so it was no wonder.

"Okay, if you have nothing else to do, you should go back early, it's too late for fear of being unsafe on the road."

Gao Mu raised his hand at her, expressing that he was going to call Mr. Wang's unfilial son to inform him of the incident. In any case, as the last family members, at least they have to come to take care of the funeral.

"You keep looking at me, what's wrong?"

Zong Qi stood where he was, staring blankly at her back.

Hearing the question, he quickly waved his hands: "No, no."

Gao Mu glanced at him suspiciously. Although she felt that he was not telling the truth, she didn't find anything behind her when she turned around, so she took her mobile phone to make a call.

After the female police officer left, Zong Qicai greeted the old man standing behind Captain Gao, "Grandpa Wang...?"

"Hey, it's me. I heard what you said just now beside my hospital bed."

The benevolent old man was floating in the air over there, looking at him with a smile on his face.

"I just said that I always feel that there is air-conditioning in the car. It's not just that the driver told me that this car has been in an accident before, and I didn't expect it to be helpful."

After turning into a soul body, the old man looked much more energetic, and his old sickness faded away. He looked at Gao Mu's back, "Oh, I didn't know that it turned out that Gao Wawa helped me pay for the medicine in the hospital."

Qi Ningzhou also came over.

He also has yin and yang eyes, so he can see Grandpa Wang naturally, so he wants to remind him to go to the underworld to reincarnate as soon as possible, and not to stay in the world for too long.

"Understood! Wait for the old man to take another look at the unfilial son. I'll go with you to find old friends on the bus later when you finish your work."

Grandpa Wang’s face showed no sadness or sorrow of ordinary people turning into ghosts. Instead, he proudly raised his legs in the air and manipulated himself to float around skillfully. You have to go for a long time, but now it's easy.

"Oh, you young people should also be happy. Birth, old age, sickness and death are not the most common things. Just don't pretend to be an old man when you get old, and let Gao Wawa help me with my funeral."

With such an interruption, all the sadness that was still lingering just now was broken up. Zong Qi and Qi Ningzhou smiled and watched Grandpa Wang with his beard curled up, scurrying around, sometimes touching the ceiling twice, and sometimes trying to stuff himself into the jar.

"Let's go, wait for us to capture the ghost baby, and then leave with Grandpa Wang."

Only this time, Zong Qi had time to look at his phone.

I don’t know if I don’t look at it, but I’m startled when I see it.

[Xiaohong]: Boss, I found out where the ghost baby is, come to the fire escape on the 13th floor! excited.jpg

There are also a few photos taken inside, and the background color is extraordinarily dark.

From the looks of it, Xiaohong seemed to have transformed back into her real body, and fought with the baby ghost in the corridor for 300 rounds.

Zong Qi: "..."

Sure enough, he couldn't ignore the attraction of the seafood feast to Xiaohong.

So, taking advantage of Qi Ningzhou not paying attention, he quickly lowered his head and typed.

[Zong Qi]: I will go down with the celestial master, you just drive the ghost baby to a place, don't show your face

[Xiaohong]: Received received

So Zong Qi pretended to take Qi Ningzhou and ran down a few floors, and arrived at the meeting place agreed with Xiao Hong.

As soon as he stepped into this floor, Qi Ningzhou frowned: "This floor is so full of ghosts."

Can it not be rich? Just now Xiaohong had a fight with the human infant spirit.

Zong Qi immediately took advantage of the situation: "Maybe it's here? Would you like to take a look?"

Qi Ningzhou nodded, took out the compass from behind, stood on the spot and turned around, and walked towards the place pointed by the pointer.

There didn't seem to be many people on this floor. The incandescent lamps were extremely dim when viewed from a corridor, and the surrounding two sides were not displayed like wards.

As they walked, they felt the air around them drop suddenly.

When he reached a certain step, the light that was on in the distance suddenly went out.

The corridor ahead suddenly darkened.

The celestial master reacted extremely quickly, the talisman in his hand burned out of thin air, and the air flow pierced towards the distance like a thorn.

"This way—"

He pointed at the mahogany sword, and the flames burned out of thin air, sizzling the ghostly energy that was so thick that it couldn't be avoided.

Zong Qi said very kindly: "I'll go ahead."

Ever since they stepped into this corridor, the scream value on his pupils has been continuously rising, and every time he takes a step forward, the scream value will rise a little more, which shows the danger.

Qi Ningzhou didn't insist either. After all, when he asked Zong Qi to come over, he also knew that he could not cope with this sudden situation in his own condition.

So the two of them got together like this, walking in the corridor of the hospital where ghosts were raging.

When walking to one of the wards, a sudden change occurred.

The black mist in the air turned into countless gray-black umbilical cords, engulfed in a dark wind, and pierced towards them in the corridor.

Qi Ningzhou reacted extremely quickly, muttered something in a low voice, and a faint golden light was attached to the sword, cutting off several umbilical cords on the spot.

The moment the umbilical cord was cut off, the cries of thousands of babies overlapped, making one's hair stand on end.

Zong Qi was about to step back, but caught a glimpse of the red skirt at the end of the corridor at the other end.

In order to prevent Qi Ningzhou from discovering that besides one ghost, there was another ghost here, and they belonged to the innocent people who broke into the fight between ghosts, he brazenly stretched out his hand.

Seeing those umbilical cords that were lacking in nutrition and desperately in need of nutrition, they wrapped themselves around the hands of the black-haired young man like crazy.

Then in the next second, a dense circle of umbilical cords suddenly stopped, and began to shatter from the very end.

It wasn't until the umbilical cord was broken that the ghost baby behind him who hadn't reacted to the situation was revealed.

It finally realized with shock that this person was poisonous.