Chapter 69: 、69

Zong Qi has seen such an expression on too many ghosts.

Earlier, there was the ghost I met in the hotel, and later, there was Xiao Hong who had suffered a big loss in the apartment, and later, I mistakenly pinched him as a persimmon and dedicated my own blood corpse,? The immune Gu worms mistakenly thought that they had harvested such a big piece of Araki.

In short, almost every ghost in Zong Qi's job will go through this experience, except for cowards, after all, this guy is even afraid of people.

So this time the victim was replaced by a ghost baby, and it was not wronged.

After the ear-piercing scream, the gray-black umbilical cord shattered into the air, and the ghost aura was torn from the middle out of thin air, revealing the true face of the ghost baby behind it.

Ignoring the other party's blue-gray skin and black eyes that can't see a trace of light, there is only a small ball around him, and he is wearing a dark yellow baby dress, which looks not much different from ordinary babies .

Zong Qi turned on the director's authority and caused a lot of damage to it. The surrounding skin shriveled and his expression was painful.

"Don't run! Qi Ningzhou, hurry up!"

Zong Qi saw that the ghost baby wanted to turn around and run away, so he turned around and called for assistance from the Celestial Master.

Soon, a talisman brushed past him, the burning talisman on the tip of the mahogany sword, firmly fixed the ghost baby in the air.

Zong Qi also took a step forward immediately, and accurately grabbed the baby hat on the back of the ghost baby, and picked it up like a chicken with one hand.

"Strange, this ghost baby hasn't been born yet, why is it wearing clothes?"

Qi Ningzhou was out of breath: "Maybe Xue Youqing put it on for him. Didn't we see that the baby figurine was wearing the exact same clothes?"

As soon as it fell into Zong Qi's hands, the ghost baby who was so arrogant just now immediately languished, drooping its head, and remained silent for a long time.

This person is really fragrant, so fragrant that it makes it lose its mind, so just now the baby spirit transformed into countless umbilical cords, trying to extract the nutrients of the mother's body from the black-haired youth. However, it was taught to be a ghost before the horoscope was written. Now, just holding its baby hat, the baby ghost seems to feel the tingling sensation just now, like being pricked by thousands of needles, and dare not move at once. Quiet as a chicken.

Zong Qi picked it up, looked at it again and again, and sneered: "It's you, who caused trouble in the hospital these days and killed many people. Why are you pretending to be innocent now? I'll call this little Taoist priest to give me a hand." You send it away, let's see if you will still harm others in your next life."

Qi Ningzhou looked at him holding the ghost in fear, he hesitated to speak.

He wanted to say that a ghost of this level, even if its vitality is seriously injured, has escaped the reincarnation of heaven and earth after all, and it cannot be purified at his level.

But since Zong Qi said so, Qi Ningzhou would not come out to dismantle his brother's platform face to face, so he chose to take back the mahogany sword, pretending to be cold and deeply convinced.

After this time, Qi Ningzhou really fell in love with Zong Qi.

He even wanted to ask Zong Qiyuan if he would go to their mountain gate as a guest. When the master sees such a gifted physique, he will probably be happy with Lie Xin.

"Haven't you told me the truth?"

Guiying gritted her teeth and didn't say a word no matter how much she asked.

Zong Qi didn't believe that it couldn't speak. He had consulted Xiaohong, unless her vocal cords were burned before turning into a ghost like her, otherwise she wouldn't be unable to communicate.

Qi Ningzhou: "It's not too late, it's almost here now, let's go upstairs first, otherwise Xue Youqing will push into the anesthesia room in a while."

"Okay." Zong Qi nodded, grabbed the ghost baby and walked up the elevator.

Obviously, after hearing the name Xue Youqing, Guiying reacted extremely violently.

Especially when it walked to the VIP ward and heard the voice from inside, it actually tried to struggle and escape. Zong Qi hurriedly asked Qi Ningzhou to make up Zhang Fuzhuan again, and warned it with his backhand: "If you are still disobedient, I will stop pulling your hat and hold your hand instead."

Ying Ling shrank twice, his pupils were full of resentment, and finally fell silent.

It's late at night now, so it goes without saying that the sound insulation effect of the VIP ward is good.

However, such a sound insulation effect can't stop the sound coming from the door.

Liu Baifang raised her voice: "What did you say?"

"Do you know how important tomorrow's press conference is? All major news media and reporters will come. Don't you know how many commercial endorsements you have on your back? You just signed a contract to join the team. How did you get this role? You don't know? You didn't fall hard enough in those few months, do you still want to climb the investor's bed again?"

Perhaps he was so angry that the crisp sound of a lighter came from inside.

Liu Baifang lit a cigarette, her chest heaved and she couldn't speak for a long time.

This time, her voice softened a bit, "Youqing, didn't you beg the brat for the sake of becoming famous and reaching the pinnacle of this Vanity Fair? Back then, there were so many wine games, dinner games, unspoken rules... We have overcome all difficulties, why are you unwilling to kill this child now?"

The ghost baby held by Zong Qi closed his eyes tightly.

Another female voice that I had never heard before finally spoke: "Sister Liu, no matter how this child came about, as long as it is born from my stomach, it is the seed of the Liu family, and Liu Boda can't ignore it."

"Liu Boda's child, even if it is an illegitimate child, you should know what it means."

The woman lying on the hospital bed lowered her head, stroking her swollen belly with complicated eyes.

"The doctor said long ago that I had too many miscarriages and took abortion pills. In my life, it was impossible to get pregnant again."

She already knew that she was pregnant with a ghost!

Zong Qi and Qi Ningzhou stood outside, neither knocking on the door nor backing away, they could only exchange a shocked look.

Liu Baifang's teeth were shaking, and for the first time in her life, she felt that Xue Youqing's face was so terrifying: "You took advantage of the kid's tricks to get pregnant with Mr. Liu's child? But do you know that Mr. Liu doesn't want this at all?" Son, he just signed a check two days ago, and asked me to watch the doctor abort the fetus!"

"You don't understand again, Sister Liu, I thought you knew more or less after being an agent in the industry for so many years."

Xue Youqing's voice was very indifferent: "If you follow me and beat this fetus, what will you get? Liu Boda will always have a new love outside, and I will always have a day when someone will grow old. There are so many newcomers in this circle, who can do it?" Guaranteed to keep growing red?"

She touched her face: "In the three months since the notification was stopped, I figured it out. All I have is this face."

"This kid is a male fetus. As long as he has absorbed enough nutrients, he doesn't need to be pregnant for so long. We can give birth to the baby first, keep it from the Liu family, and wait until he grows up to blur his birth time."

Taking advantage of Liu Baifang's loosening, Xue Youqing added again: "I have been with Liu Boda for so long, so it is clear that his body has been hollowed out a long time ago. If we don't borrow special means, it will be very difficult to have any more children. The same goes for my child. The test tube that was secretly implanted, and then settled down by the kid."

"Back when I begged for this baby figurine, what I was looking for was glory and wealth. Being a star in the entertainment industry, how can a rich wife who is as expensive as a mother be comfortable? No matter whether Liu Boda gives me a title or not, it is impossible for the Liu family not to want this child .If Sister Liu is willing to help me, I guarantee that Sister Liu will follow me in the future. "

Zong Qi shook his head at Qi Ningzhou, and the two of them grabbed the ghost baby and slowly retreated from the door to the dark stairwell.

The conversation they overheard by accident just now really gave them a great shock.

Originally, they all thought that Xue Youqing had fallen in love with the little ghost and was bitten by the little ghost. Now it seems that people don't want to get rid of this ghost fetus at all, and even want to give birth to it.

Qi Ningzhou couldn't understand: "What is she thinking... If the ghost fetus can be born, the price is that the original child in her womb will be swallowed up by the ghost baby. And let the ghost get a new body , I have never heard of such a situation before, who knows what will be born."

"She should have tried it long ago before taking the risk."

Zong Qi sighed, "And our previous guess has also come to a conclusion, why Yingling tried so hard to plunder nutrients from others but didn't absorb the nutrients from her, most likely she was instigating behind her back."

Thinking of how many innocent people were killed by Xue Youqing's selfishness, he couldn't help feeling angry.

"So... what do we do now?"

The two of them fell silent while looking at the silent ghost baby.

They were originally entrusted to get rid of the ghost babies, and Liu Baifang was on their side before, but now that Xue Youqing promised money, they would most likely rebel. If these two people are unwilling to have an abortion, they can only stare blankly.

After all, the figurine of the ghost baby is still lying beside Xue Youqing's bed, if you want to seal the little ghost, you have to get the figurine. In the current situation, it's no wonder she would give them the baby figurines. It's impossible to grab them forcefully, otherwise Zong Qi would have to enter the game to drink tea again when the other party made a backhanded phone call.

Taken together, they find that they now seem to be unable to do anything, nothing at all.

"People are really complicated."

Qi Ningzhou squatted on the ground with a depressed expression: "How could someone want to give birth to a ghost? I really don't understand."

"Maybe it's because the human heart is scarier than ghosts."

Zong Qi also squatted on the ground with him, looked at the ghost baby in his hand, and suddenly felt that this brat was also quite unlucky.

It has just opened up its intelligence, and before it understands anything, it was calculated by the host and instructed it to harm others.

"Stupid or not, your karma for harming people is on your head. The more ghosts kill people, the harder it is to be tolerated by the world. She can become a rich wife as long as she gives birth to you, and you have to be paid back." Yin debt."

Guiying drooped her head dejectedly, but didn't speak.

Zong Qi spoke more and more vigorously: "Really, if you are a little brat, if you are placed on my... uh, if I meet you, I will beat you."

In the dark stairwell, it was extremely quiet, only the two of them were holding the ghost baby, and you taught me one by one.

Soon, time slowly passed.

At three o'clock, Zong Qi woke up Qi Ningzhou who was about to fall asleep.

"Xue Youqing should have entered the operating room. Let's go to the VIP ward first. If we can find the baby figurine, no matter what the consequences are, we must seal the ghost baby so that Xue Youqing cannot give birth to it."