Chapter 70: 、70

In the past few hours, Zong Qi thought and thought, and felt that they really couldn't just sit here and do nothing.

Although they seem to be unable to do anything now, if they really do nothing, he and Qi Ningzhou will definitely be held accountable when the ghost baby is born to cause disaster to the world.

Besides, Xue Youqing didn't want to give birth to the ghost baby for good deeds. If it was for doing something good, Zong Qi and the others would not interfere, but she was only doing it for her own selfish desires, and most importantly, the result was uncontrollable.

"Okay! I also think this is a good way, you can't just sit still!"

Qi Ningzhou agreed with his idea very much.

Just now, the Celestial Master was still distressed because he couldn't help much, and because he saw that he didn't understand human nature. Now he cheered up and jumped up from the stairs. There was no sleepiness on his face, but he was full of energy.

If the entrustment is done here, the entrustment fee will definitely not be paid, and if one is not good, it may enter the game and drink tea. But neither of them has the character of looking forward and backward in doing things. One person expresses his opinion, and the other thinks it makes sense, so he does it.

"Don't you think it's a lot of meddling?"

In order to be sure, and not to cheat his friends, Zong Qi asked one more question: "If Xue Youqing finds out that we are the culprits that caused her not to have a baby, she might get into trouble."

"I don't think so." Qi Ningzhou said: "Isn't the job of a celestial master just to cast down demons? Besides, even if no one entrusts me with such ghosts, I can't just sit on the sidelines. .”


The celestial master hesitated: "Actually, brother, you don't have to be afraid. If we are really caught in, there is a way to get out. My master still has a few reliable friends outside the mountain. After all, he was also a powerful old man."

"I remember that Master has a friend who seems to be organized by some kind of snake. He is quite powerful. It is said that he was one of the high-level members established in the revival."

Zong Qi: "..."

He had a bad premonition, and was silent for a while: "It can't be the Ouroboros organization?"

Qi Ningzhou patted his thigh: "That's right, that's the name. But my master told me to avoid contact with people in this organization now, saying that only his friend's faction is slightly better, and the other two factions are not good things."

"Furthermore, Master also issued a death order, telling me to rely on myself after leaving the mountain gate, and not just rely on external forces to solve the problem, so I will not take the initiative to contact them unless it is absolutely necessary."

Unexpectedly, Qi Ningzhou was also obliquely related to the Ouroboros organization.

Although it sounds like the relationship is relatively distant and the content is relatively normal, Zong Qi is still a little worried. But now time is running out, and it is obviously not the time to talk about these things, Zong Qi can only hold back, and is going to ask Qi Ningzhou what is going on in detail after returning home.

The two trotted all the way to the outside of the VIP ward.

The door here is locked and cannot be opened from the outside.

Just when Qi Ningzhou was at a loss, Zong Qi raised the ghost baby in his hand and threatened in a low voice: "Open the door with ghost energy, or I will touch your head."

Thanks to several employees in the family, although Zong Qi is now an individual, his use of ghost energy is comparable to that of ghosts. Just waiting for when to die.

Qi Ningzhou: "...?"

So he just watched Guiying swallow his anger, and under the threat of Zong Qi, a devil who knows how many layers of skin will fall off if he touches a ghost, he sticks out a piece of umbilical cord from the air, and help them open the door of the ward.

After playing with Zong Qi, Qi Ningzhou's world view has been refreshed again and again. After tearing up Li Gui with his hands, he can now maintain a normal mind.

Normally, the slightly more powerful ghosts would run after their celestial masters. The more it complements this refreshing feeling of absolutely oppressing a ghost with physical force, even his patriarch can't do it!

"Yes, very good. You might as well be more obedient."

Zong Qi walked into the ward, implying something: "The days to come will be better."

Although it is not advisable to employ child labor, it is clear that ghosts do not have ghost rights protection laws.

And later? Guiying was very heartbroken.

Not long after it was born, it felt fear for the first time. He even would rather be sealed back as a baby figurine than stay in the hands of this terrifying human being for one more minute.

The two checked the inside and outside of the ward, but they did not see any trace of the baby figurine.

Qi Ningzhou frowned: "Xue Youqing wouldn't bring it into the operating room, would he?"

"It is true that things are not allowed in the operating room, but if Xue Youqing wins over Liu Baifang, then the abortion operation may be changed to a caesarean section or delivery."

These can be done, and it is obviously not difficult to bring a baby figurine in.

At this moment, the ghost baby who was held in the hands of Zong Qi all the way finally spoke.

Its face was convulsed and painful, and it stammered out a few words: "Mom...Mom..."

problem occurs!

Zong Qi and Qi Ningzhou realized this immediately, and shook the ghost baby's body: "You quickly reveal the umbilical cord, and we will follow your belt to find your mother."

This time, the infant spirit was quite sensible, so they, who possessed yin and yang eyes, saw a withered gray-black umbilical cord appearing in the air at the same time, floating forward faintly.

The two ran wildly in the corridor, from this floor to the floor where the operation was performed.

The lights above the operating room were on, and there was no one at the door. The umbilical cord penetrates the door of the operating room and extends inside.

After opening the door again, a corridor filled with cold incandescent lights greeted the eyes. Zong Qi grabbed Qi Ningzhou, and the two of them hurriedly sterilized themselves with disinfectant at the door, then put the bag of bread on the ground, and hurriedly continued to walk in, towards the end of the room where the only light was still on in the middle of the night. Operating room for work.

"Uh ah ah ah ah—"

Just after they took two steps, there was a shrill scream from the closed door ahead, which almost tore through the night, and at the same time, it was mixed with several other voices.

Zong Qi felt that his hair was about to stand on end: "What's the matter, didn't you take anesthesia?"

This has all been sent to the operating room, so it should be ready for anesthesia.

Qi Ningzhou still wanted to move forward, but Zong Qi suddenly stopped him: "There is real-time monitoring over there!"

Just enter here after simple disinfection, and you can't go any further. Besides, the door of the operating room was still closed, so it was not appropriate for them to break into the delivery scene of pregnant women like this.

Fortunately, there is a monitoring room here, and the operation site can be seen, so the two sneaked in with the ghost baby.

They were all taken aback when they saw the surveillance above.

Xue Youqing's current situation is very bad.

She was lying on the operating bed, holding the baby figurine with one hand, her head was covered with sweat, veins burst out on her neck and hands, and her face became extremely hideous due to the severe pain, as if the underworld came to ask for her life evil spirits.

But visible to the naked eye, the end of the umbilical cord hanging on her stomach has turned red uncontrollably, and nutrients are gradually being transferred from the mother's body to the body of the ghost fetus.

The red color dyed the red, gray and black umbilical cord a little, and Xue Youqing's face turned pale, but only a small part of it was dyed red, and her face began to haggard, with fine wrinkles appearing out of thin air.

Qi Ningzhou was stunned and stunned: "No wonder Xue Youqing asked this brat to absorb other people's vitality before, and it was not enough to harm so many people. If she provided it herself as nourishment, she might not be able to give birth to this baby even if she exhausted her vitality."

Qi Ningzhou was still curious before, and it's not that he has never heard of the legend of ghost babies for so many years, but there are very few ghost fetuses that can really be born again through the womb, especially Li Gui, who has almost never heard of successful cases.

Now it seems that the way of heaven is permanent, and such a violation of the rules will naturally require a huge price.

"This is the first time I've seen a ghost baby that suppresses its own instincts and doesn't plunder the mother's nutrients, but obediently makes plans for others."

Looking at the baby ghost who was still twitching in pain on the table even though Zong Qi let go, trying to suppress his instinct to plunder nutrition, Qi Ningzhou sighed.

Zong Qi: "What will happen if this continues?"

"If it had been earlier, maybe it could have been forcibly separated from her stomach, but now Xue Youqing sacrificed the embryo in her stomach as a nourishment to the ghost fetus, allowing the ghost fetus to take root in her stomach."

Qi Ningzhou's tone was dignified: "On the contrary, the ghost baby has increased the hostility in its body because it has harmed too many creatures. The more hostility, the less it will be tolerated by the world, and the more difficult it will be to be born."

"If this goes on... the best outcome is that Xue Youqing is sucked into a human body and the ghost baby is born smoothly, or Xue Youqing dies and the ghost baby doesn't get enough nutrients to be born."

But no matter what, Xue Youqing's fate will not be much better.

The main reason is that if they want Xue Youqing not to die, they have to let the ghost baby go out to plunder other people's vitality. But - how is this possible?

"There is another way, that is to get the baby figurine, and seal the ghost baby in now."

But they could clearly see from the surveillance that Xue Youqing was holding the baby figurine tightly in his hands, and even Liu Baifang who was standing beside him could only watch.

"Ah—" There was another scream.

"How about...we'd better destroy it, Youqing."

Seeing this scene, the gold medal manager in the vertical and horizontal entertainment industry for many years was shaking his teeth.

Now she looked at Xue Youqing with horror and fear, as if she was looking at an unreasonable lunatic.

Liu Baifang has been in the circle for so many years, and he has never seen any big storms, but this is the first time he has seen this kind of feeding ghosts with his body, just for the sake of glory and wealth, and being so cruel to himself.


Xue Youqing almost gritted her teeth and roared, her temple hair near her forehead had already been dyed white, but she didn't realize it, she looked like a madman.

"Just give birth to him, just give birth to him..."

Her eyes were bloodshot and she was dying, as if she had seen her own future glory.

The blood on the umbilical cord was drawn little by little, and finally, when it was nearly halfway drawn, the ghost baby whimpered suddenly.

It called "Mom" in its mouth, and large drops of ink-like tears dripped from its black eyes, which suddenly became transparent in the air.

The gray-black umbilical cord was cut off suddenly, and the extracted red nutrients were sent back to Xue Youqing's body.

And the ghost baby, like a handful of shadows that cannot be grasped in the dark night, disperses out of thin air.

At the same time, the baby figurine in Xue Youqing's hand also shattered into pieces, blown by the wind blowing from nowhere, and disappeared without a trace.