Chapter 71: 、71

The change was so fast that Zong Qi and Qi Ningzhou couldn't even react.

In just a few short breaths, the ghost baby had already turned into powder and disappeared, completely dissipating in the monitoring room. At the same time, the baby figurines tightly held by Xue Youqing also shattered, never to be seen again.

"no, do not want!"

Xue Youqing seemed to realize something? His expression froze all of a sudden, and he tried to grab it tremblingly, but he only caught the dust with one hand.

At the same time, the doctor also informed her that the fetal heartbeat had stopped.

Like a magic spell, the tall belly deflated in an instant, returning to the flat figure that a female star should have.

In the monitoring room at the other end, Zong Qi dragged Qi Ningzhou away quickly.

Along the way, the Celestial Master remained uncharacteristically silent. He didn't speak until they reached the stairwell.

"I never thought that not only would Li Gui listen to the host, but he would choose to kill himself because he didn't want to hurt the host."

Qi Ningzhou found it incredible.

Li Gui was originally born from resentment. Looking at the state of the ghost baby, the master in Nanyang must have provided it with dead baby corpses. This kind of corpse has the greatest resentment, and there are so many of them, the power of gathering together has to be overwhelmed.

The sources of dead babies are almost all failed births, or baby girls abandoned by their biological mothers. Most of them are resentments left after abortion.

For such ghosts made of resentment, one can imagine how obsessed they are with birth. There are so many examples of stars in the entertainment circle raising kid and being backlashed, everywhere.

But that's the case,? The ghost baby still chose to return the nutrients to the mother, and chose to let himself perish.

Zong Qi sighed: "Did you forget that Xue Youqing used her own child as a sacrifice to raise little ghosts? This is something ordinary people really can't do. Maybe little ghosts really regard her as their mother."

Even though Xue Youqing used it as a tool to plunder other people's vitality, the part of the ghost baby that was born as a child really loved its mother. It is even willing to sacrifice the opportunity to transform itself into a human form, and is unwilling to hurt its mother.

Qi Ningzhou choked, and finally said in a low voice: "I'm just curious, I didn't expect Li Gui to have the ability to love."

"Aren't ghosts also changed by humans? Ghosts have what humans have, not to mention that most ghosts are still killed by humans."

"you are right."

The Heavenly Master rubbed his hair: "I don't know how to describe my current mood, but I'm a little bored. Obviously, the ghost baby also killed many innocent people before, although we met the elderly and pregnant women in time, we didn't let It kills people outright, but it's kind of sad to see it die voluntarily for a mother who just wanted to take advantage of him."

"It's like..." Qi Ningzhou racked his brains to express his feelings: "It's like last time, when that little girl grabbed the corner of my robe and asked where her mother went."

"It's normal. There is no distinction between right and wrong in many things. All in all, it's better to be honest." Zong Qi said, with a troubled expression on his face, "Actually, I have a question I want to ask you."

"Huh? What's the problem."

"That is, if you know that a ghost has done bad things, but you can forcibly restrain them to do good things in the future without destroying them, will you choose to restrain them, or choose to destroy them?"

Qi Ningzhou looked at him strangely: "Is this a problem? In Journey to the West, not many gods and spirit beasts descended to earth and became monsters. Didn't the Japanese Onmyoji subdue evil spirits to protect the safety of Kyoto? People should be punished if they do something wrong." Paying for your life, switching to a ghost is also feasible."

Zong Qi suddenly realized.

The problems that had been troubling him earlier disappeared in an instant.

Tianshi patted him on the shoulder: "Brother, you have always been the one who enlightened me, now it's me. Don't get too entangled in some things, just do it according to your own heart, from the heart."

"You're right. In fact, if you think about it carefully, those bad things can be avoided."

Zong Qi nodded, turned around and opened the director's authority without hesitation.

The surrounding scenery froze in an instant.

He's still in improv mode, with one retake count left.

Thanks to the upgrade of the director's level, he has now increased the reshoot time to fifteen minutes, which has greatly improved his advantage.

Just now when Zong Qi saw that the ghost baby chose to kill himself, he immediately realized that he could actually use the reshoots to try to get the baby figurine back.

If the baby ghost can be sealed back, there will be no follow-up for Xue Youqing.

Zong Qi has already made up his mind. After catching the ghost baby, the first thing to do is to let it return the life force it plundered before.

There is no such thing as stealing life force and dissipating it on the spot. Whatever you say, let it peel off the skin, and then catch it and let Araki educate it well. The child laborer who gets it can't fly anymore.

[The re-shooting permission is enabled, please select the re-shooting time period]

After opening his eyes again, Zong Qi returned to the VIP ward.

【You have returned to the designated plot point】

【Countdown starts】

He went back to yesterday afternoon in the VIP ward.

Chen Baifang was still eloquent: "It's only been half a month, and my belly is bigger than someone who conceived in October..."

Zong Qi interrupted her: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but if I take the liberty to ask, where is that baby figurine now?"

Chen Baifang stopped with some dissatisfaction, and pointed to the head of the bed.

There was a suitcase filled with yellow-backed and red-lettered talisman seals, surrounded by a gray-black baby figurine in the middle, and a doll costume on the baby figurine.

Qi Ningzhou was about to speak, but he saw Zong Qi stepping forward: "Since this is the case, there is no time to delay this matter. We need to use baby figurines to confirm the location of the baby spirit when we remove it. Miss Chen, look... ?”

Chen Baifang hesitated for a moment, but closed the suitcase and handed it to them.

Xue Youqing hadn't woken up yet, and she didn't have the persuasion later, Chen Baifang accepted the money from the Liu Group, so naturally she had to find a way to get rid of the child in Xue Youqing's stomach.

Although Xue Youqing valued this baby figurine very much, but she is not awake now, Chen Baifang still has the ability to make decisions.

After giving them the suitcase, she added worriedly: "You better be careful, this thing is very evil. After Xue Youqing fainted, I once threw this suitcase together with the baby figurines, but in a blink of an eye it came back It reappeared on the head of the bed, showing no signs of being dirty at all, it was horrible."

"Okay." Zong Qi nodded, and pulled Qi Ningzhou, who was hesitant to speak, out of the VIP ward quickly.

"Brother, why did you take out the baby figurine? Aren't we going to catch the ghost baby first?"

After walking out of the ward, Tianshi asked him in a low voice.

"If we catch the ghost baby, don't we have to seal it into the baby figurine? I'm afraid I'll forget it later, so let's mention it first. What if we can use the baby figurine to find the exact location of the ghost baby?"

Zong Qi started his own way of deceiving, coaxing and deceiving, and immediately bluffed Qi Ningzhou.

Two people carried suitcases containing baby figurines and took the elevator down.

"Let's go to the ICU first to see separately."

Knowing where the ghost baby will arrive early this time, Zong Qi first went to the ICU to meet Gao Mu, then quickly rushed to the Geriatrics Department, dragging Qi Ningzhou to bed No. 56.

It seemed that the family had just been out of this ward, and the door was not locked. Fortunately, ordinary wards were not like the ICU where visitors were not allowed at will, so the two slipped into the ward without any danger.

The old man was sleeping, and they tiptoed aside, looking around nervously.

Although Qi Ningzhou didn't understand why Zong Qi looked like a prophet, but seeing his confident appearance, and remembering Zong Qi's yawning appearance before, he obediently obeyed the command without any hesitation.

After Zong Qi started re-shooting, there was a lot of time in between.

Before the re-shooting, the elderly in the fifty-six beds of the ICU were rescued at a critical moment of life and death. Even if such elderly people are rescued, they may only live a few more days.

Now Zong Qi knows the ghost baby's activities in advance, he only needs to arrive at the destination in advance, and then get ready to stay and guard the ghost baby.

Even if the ghost baby wanted to run out of its head, it would never have occurred to someone to predict its prediction.

The 15-minute countdown says whether it is long or not, and whether it is short or not. After such a pass, there is only one minute left in the end.

Just when Zong Qi thought he couldn't catch the ghost baby, a gray-black umbilical cord suddenly trembled and hung down from the ceiling, sneaking towards the old man lying on the bed like that.


Zong Qi and Qi Ningzhou looked at each other, one opened the suitcase and took out the mahogany sword, while the other grabbed the umbilical cord and yanked it down viciously.

The ghost baby who hadn't figured out what was going on was caught off guard, and he was ripped off from the upper floor to this floor. Before recovering from the stimulation of Zong Qi's directorial authority, he was safely caught by Qi Ningzhou Captured by the talisman seal, it was directly pressed back into the baby figurine.

Ghost Baby: "...?"

【It's time for reshooting】

The crimson number quickly returned to the original point from fifteen minutes.

After re-shooting, because the events in it have been changed, the subsequent things will also produce unpredictable changes like the butterfly effect.

For example... Zong Qi tamed the ghost babies in advance, preventing the elderly and pregnant women from being nourished, and the next situation was beyond his control.

Zong Qi has also experienced so many reshoots, and has already touched some of the rules of reshoots.

The more he changes the past, the more people involved, the more unpredictable the future becomes.

For example, this time, it should be the reshoot he changed the most.

Fortunately, after opening his eyes, Zong Qi found that he was lying on the bed at home.

Calculating the time, if they had solved the ghost baby problem last night, then they should go back to their respective homes and find their own mothers now.

The suitcase was gone, the baby figurine was gone, and the employee list was an entire page longer.

This page contains B-level employee ghost infants, as well as several D-level employees, large and small. If you look closely, it turns out that the ghosts of the last train on No. 44 were all surrounded by him.

Zong Qi turned on his phone in a daze, and found that Qi Ningzhou had sent him a message.

[Qi Ningzhou]: Brother, I told my master about the baby figurine. Just leave the matter to my master.

Zong Qi rubbed his hair in distress, "It's over, why did Qi Ningzhou take away the newly signed employees?"