Chapter 72: 、72

The newly signed employee was sealed by Qi Ningzhou, and soon his master would come out from the mountain gate to meet old friends and get rid of the ghost baby by the way. There is nothing more troublesome than this.

After all, Zong Qi rescued the ghost baby? Zong Qi had saved them all at the beginning, so he must have thought in his heart that he wanted the other party to work for nothing. Otherwise, why would he go back in time and spend so much effort?

But now,? Qi Ningzhou has taken away the baby ghost's body and sealed it. Zong Qi can't come to the door so he tells Qi Ningzhou hey brother, this ghost has agreed to work for me now, so you just leave the baby figurine for now. Give it back to me.

In this way, first of all, he will expose his identity as a director. Secondly, whether Qi Ningzhou believes it or not is one thing. In short, it is definitely not feasible to come to the door directly,? No matter how good the friendship between brothers is.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaible this can fly! "

The black-haired young man was pulling his hair and rolling around on the bed, with a sad expression on his face.

He was paralyzed on the bed, and couldn't think of a solution for a long time, so he had to turn on the phone again and browse the information he had accumulated.

For example, Yu Chenxue sent,? There are actually several more.

[Yu Chenxue]: [Picture] [Picture]

[Yu Chenxue]: I saw Xiao Qi, Xiao Qi didn't seem to see me, so he just left

[Yu Chenxue]: Are you avoiding me on purpose these days? There are still some things I want to talk to Xiao Qi,? A little distressed

Zong Qi clicked on the picture and found that it was the back of him and Qi Ningzhou walking out of the hospital side by side, and one of them was holding a safe. It should be the scene where they successfully sealed the ghost baby into the baby figurine after the reshoot, and then left.


Zong Qixiang, according to the normal timeline, he should have met Yu Chenxue on the elevator to the obstetrics and gynecology department with Qi Ningzhou.

But after the reshoot, they caught the ghost baby in the geriatric ward and sealed the ghost baby in the figurine, so instead of going downstairs, they went upstairs to tell the client and Liu Baifang that they had completed the commission, and then they left.

After such a toss, I didn't meet Professor Yu, let alone eat the delicious bread sent by Professor Yu. There was also no conversation that made Zong Qi feel inexplicable.

After thinking about it, he still replied a message.

【Zong Qi】: Ah! I'm sorry, I didn't see Professor Yu before, I didn't mean to hide from your orz

[Zong Qi]: To express my apologies, I will cook you a dinner for the professor in two days. Do you have any taboos or food preferences?

Unexpectedly, after Zong Qi finished sending the message, a reply popped up half a minute later.

[Yu Chenxue]: I don’t have any taboos except coriander. As for my favorite long as it’s made by Xiaoqi, I like it^_^

Zong Qi lying on the bed looked at the time silently.

five o'clock in the morning. Seconds back. Good guy. It's all night.

[Zong Qi]: Is the professor still up so late?

[Yu Chenxue]: I just woke up, this time point is more inspirational

Zong Qi remembered this incident.

When Araki and Xiaohong were arguing before, it was around five o'clock in the morning, and Yu Chenxue said at that time that he was working.

Get up at five o'clock to paint, what kind of perseverance is this? !

Zong Qi was in awe.

He figured that when he was cooking, he should give Professor Yu more nutrition, otherwise he would wake up so early and suffer from lack of sleep all year round, and he didn't know if he would suffer from kidney deficiency.

Zong Qi doesn’t know how to cook complicated dishes. The seafood feast promised to Xiaohong before (now no longer available) is just a casual remark. When he really wants to do it, he has to follow the recipe tutorial on his mobile phone step by step. He usually cooks home-cooked dishes at home, such as scrambled eggs with tomatoes, mapo tofu, etc., are his specialties.

While he was thinking, a message was sent from the other side.

[Yu Chenxue]: Did Xiao Qi wake up in the middle of the night? At this time, you can sleep for a while, it is good for your health, good night

It's really a boring conversation. If it were someone else, Zong Qi would probably be too lazy to talk nonsense. For example, the conversations between him and Qi Ningzhou on the Internet were very businesslike, and it was only when they got together offline that they became two chatterboxes.

Zong Qi stared at Yu Chenxue's portrait of the elderly group, feeling a strange feeling in his heart.

He has yet to say goodnight to anyone on social media.

But not annoying. [Zong Qi]: Professor too, good night

On the other side, Yu Chenxue stared at that good night, and casually put the phone aside the easel.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows is the sky that has just been a little bit bright, and the wisps of morning glow will render the end into the color of twilight.

A painting was erected in front of the white-haired man.

A painting that Zong Qi had never seen before. But the protagonist of the picture is him.

The black-haired young man was wearing a shirt, his hands were tied behind his back, his eyes were covered with a white cloth, and paints of different colors were dripping from his body. He knelt on the ground helplessly with his head raised up, like a dying swan.

The picture is full of white, only the black on the young man's hair, and the colorful paint, which has a strong conflict.

Holding the paint tray, Yu Chenxue happily added a touch of scarlet to the young man's lips.

"It's so beautiful, the appearance of pure white paper after being stained."

He looked at the painting happily, expecting more and more in his heart.

This is just painting, which can make Yu Chenxue feel emotional.

Zong Qi didn't know that Yu Chenxue had painted many pictures of him.

In other words, in the past six months, after he met Yu Chenxue for the first time, the protagonists of all the portraits drawn by the latter were replaced by the same person.

Normally, Yu Chenxue might not make a single move for half a month, but this time half a year later, the portraits with Zong Qi as the main character almost filled the dark room of this high-end apartment.

Last night, Yu Chenxue happened to be entrusted by the National Security Bureau to go to the Central Hospital.

He knew that Zong Qi had also come here, so Yu Chenxue waited patiently, waiting for a premeditated encounter.

He was well prepared, telephone monitoring, bugs in the interlayer of bread bags, and a system that can locate anytime, anywhere.

However, none of these were useless, because Yu Chenxue only saw the back of him and that celestial master leaving.

After seeing Qi Ningzhou next to Zong Qi last time, his life history and information were sent to Yu Chenxue's workbench the next day.

Unexpectedly, this turned out to be an old acquaintance.

Things are getting interesting.

Yu Chenxue put down the pen with a smile, moved the painting aside, brought a cup of tea, and quietly stared at the rising sun in the distance.

On the other side, Zong Qi slept until almost ten o'clock in the morning before getting out of bed again.

After washing up and eating breakfast, he began to urgently summon the company's employees, intending to hold the first general meeting.

There were a large number of participants this time, and the last train on No. 44 gave him a total of twenty new ghosts, and they sent a representative ghost to attend the meeting.

Now the conference has a total of four ghosts and one person, and the coward arrives first, turning off the live broadcast and sitting obediently at the table. Anna just came back with two bags full of vegetables in her hand. Xiaohong was lying on the table, holding the game console in her hand. Only Fatty Li, who was on the last bus of No. 44, was the most cautious, trembling in front of all the ghosts and bosses.

After Zong Qi brought Grandpa Wang to the car, he didn't know what the ghosts on the last bus on No. 44 gathered together. Anyway, after everyone watched Grandpa Wang dissipate in the air and go to the underworld to reincarnate, the system would prompt Zong Qi I pray that I can sign a contract with all car ghosts.

Even though the ghosts on the last train were only D-class, they could not be regarded as ghosts, they could only be regarded as wraiths, and the quality of each was worse than that of Xiaohong back then. But at least the number is very good. There are dozens of people with their families and mouths, and they all attack with one order. It will take a long time for Araki who is two levels higher to get out.

"We gathered here today because a newly signed employee was taken away by my best friend Qi Tianshi Qi Ningzhou."

Zong Qi narrated what happened in the central hospital from the beginning to the end in a sad tone, emphasizing on how they sealed the ghost baby into the baby figurine after they caught the baby ghost in the end, and how they went wrong He was taken away by Qi Ningzhou by mistake.

Fatty Li on the side was stunned when he heard this, feeling turbulent in his heart.

Originally, they just wanted to help to repay a favor, but for some reason, they were forced to sign an employee contract. Although he has good intentions towards Zong Qi, once he becomes an employee, it is impossible to say that there is no gap in his heart.

As a result, as soon as Fatty Li entered the door, he was greeted by three giant Buddhas.

Others don't know, as a ghost, doesn't it know that it is the only dish on this table, and the others are serious ghosts! The ghostly aura on his body can be released casually, the kind that can kill it with ease! The last bus on No. 44 can be regarded as an old-timer in Jiangzhou Ghost World. The incidents of murdering demons on rainy nights and ghosts in taxis have all been watched in the past.

Ghosts like Li Gui are mostly irrational, unable to restrain the resentment in their hearts, if they step on their minefield, they will kill even ghosts.

Now, a human being can actually drive so many ghosts!

Fatty Li secretly went to see Zong Qi who was sitting on the main seat.

The latter was wearing pajamas, his hair was down, and there was a mark on his face from sleeping with a pillow last night. In its eyes, it is the hidden temperament of a proper boss.

No amount of dissatisfaction has become convinced.

Just imagine, all these rebellious and fierce ghosts are willing to work under the boss. Wouldn't it be just around the corner to join the gang as soon as possible and wait for the boss to wipe out the ghost world?

Zong Qi knew nothing about the psychological activities of the new employees, and he continued to talk endlessly: "To sum up, we need to send all the elite ghosts to Qi Ningzhou's house to steal the safe overnight. Of course, because Qi Ningzhou is my last Good friend, so you must not be discovered by him halfway, and you must not scare him."

Fatty Li's pupils quake again.

Not only does he rule the ghost world, but the celestial master is also his best friend. What a terrifying and dominant means of making connections! So scary!

"...The ghost who is the first to steal the baby figurine will be rewarded with a feast of seafood."

Xiaohong threw away the game console, and was the first to slap the table: "Who but me!"

"Or complete a condition within the scope of my permission."

Araki and Anna nodded silently. They bought a lot of clothes for Zong Qi when they went shopping last time. Unfortunately, the latter was too resistant to wear them properly. Now the opportunity finally came.

"There is also a one-day trip to the amusement park carnival."

The coward's eyes lit up.

It stays at home all year round, and few people take it out to play. After being planted by Amway on the Internet, it has been fascinated by the amusement park for a long time.

"Of course, new employees don't need to be so risky, just help out."

Fatty Li nodded tremblingly, and resolutely boarded the thief boat.