Chapter 73: 、73

After Qi Ningzhou came back today, he was busy going around. First, he tidied up and down the flowers and plants in the yard, and then moved the quilts and cleaned them up. He was extremely busy.

Many Taoist boys were puzzled, and there were some who helped him, but on the other side, Daoist Ding ruthlessly brought them all back: "Don't worry about it, let him go by himself."

"His master is going down the mountain? What happened to the apprentice?"

So the Taoist boys only found out when they were chatting in private.

Daoist Ding and Daoist Wu from the Taoist school on the mountain used to be brothers. It's just that one entered the world and the other escaped from the world. Because of their different ideas, the two are usually extremely at odds, and they have to fight when they see each other.

But this is only on the surface. After all, they are still brothers. Daoist Ding also often sends talented Taoist boys to the mountains for exchange and study. The disciple of Daoist Wu in the mountains also lives in Daoist Ding’s Taoist temple. inside. Although it seems to be difficult to deal with,? When the other party's apprentice came to practice, he didn't accept everything he ordered.

Only Qi Ningzhou worked hard all by himself, from morning to night, and finally tidied up the yard, laid out the mattresses, and put things in order.

The land price in Jiangzhou City is very expensive. This Taoist temple is an old Taoist temple. It leans against the mountain on one side. There are several courtyards that are not inhabited all the year round, and the cobwebs are thick.

It took Qi Ningzhou a whole day to tidy up one room to live in, but now he has to tidy up two for his master and brother, isn't it just free coolies.

Of course, he doesn't have to.

But Qi Ningzhou didn't do anything when he went down the mountain this time. He didn't earn much money, and he didn't even find the old friend his master asked him to find. If you want to come, you should be obedient and tidy up.

After finishing cooking, Qi Ningzhou went to the Zhaitang to order some steamed buns and a bowl of clear porridge, slowly watching the sky dim outside, and the number of tourists coming to offer incense gradually decreased.

The Taoist temple is not open at night. The Taoist boy closed and locked the door of the temple, and took a broom to sweep the front of the main hall carefully again.

"I don't know when Master and the others will arrive..."

There is no mobile phone signal inside the mountain gate, and all year round contact has to be sent by disciples who purchase materials.

Qi Ningzhou only reported that he was going back last month. He got permission from his master half a month ago, and only yesterday he received a letter telling him not to go back. They have already left the mountain and rushed over here.

Their mountain gate is in a deep mountain and old forest. When they come out, they have to take a bus and then transfer to the railway. It takes several times to reach Jiangzhou.

After eating, Qi Ningzhou walked around the entire Taoist temple three times as usual, reciting the mantra in his heart while walking, and went to the study to write a few talismans. Seeing that it was getting late outside, he turned off the lights and left.

It was winter now, and the Taoist temple was not happy to take a bath every day. He went to the shower room to wipe off his body casually, changed into his pajamas, and strolled back to his yard.

Yesterday, he successfully sealed the kid in Xue Youqing's stomach. After Qi Ningzhou and Zong Qi carried the safe on the road, Xue Youqing's stomach collapsed. He only needs to wait for the former to wake up, and tomorrow's press conference can proceed as usual.

After solving such a major matter, the client and Liu Baifang were in a good mood, and the manager waved his hand and wanted to transfer high fees to Qi Ningzhou's account. As a result, he was repeatedly dissuaded by the client.

"Sister Liu, don't, please don't. This expert has rules, and he only charges this amount."

The client hurriedly pulled him aside, and mysteriously stretched out five fingers. Liu Baifang suddenly realized: "Only fifty thousand?"

She felt incredible.

The well-known masters in the circle often sell around seven figures, even if they ask the masters to calculate the start date or location of the crew, it is more than 50,000 yuan. Now that such a major matter as Xue Youqing has been resolved, the checks signed by the Liu Group are all in seven figures, and the master only received 50,000, which is too cheap, right?

"No, no, this is too much money, it simply tarnishes the temperament of an expert."

The client snorted, and took out a red envelope from his pocket: "Forget it, I will pay for this money for you, Sister Liu. If there is still business in the future, please help take care of it."

Liu Baifang watched in a daze as the client filled in five red notes, and handed them to the young celestial master respectfully with both hands.

The latter opened his eyes, didn't speak, just nodded.

"As expected of an expert, the attitude of treating money like dung is different from that of ordinary people."

Looking at their backs, Liu Baifang was in awe. Turning around, Qi Ningzhou showed an arrogant smile of having received a huge sum of money, and hooked up with Zong Qi, went to the barbecue stall for a meal, served a dozen oysters, and ate until he couldn't bear it.

Before going to bed, Qi Ningzhou lay on the bed, still thinking about the barbecue last night.

There is nothing delicious in the Taoist dining hall at all, and it looks like vegetarian at first glance. The chef probably didn't sprinkle salt, and the vegetables were just boiled in hot water and then fished out.

Qi Ningzhou is not a Taoist priest of the Quanzhen sect, he can eat meat, why should he be a vegetarian?

Thinking of this, he sighed again.

During this trip down the mountain, Qi Ningzhou felt that he had learned a lot that he could not learn before. Whether it's the ghosts you meet, or the people you meet.

This kind of thing is something that he can't get out of after three to five years of cultivation in the mountains. He must enter the world to taste the suffering of the world, and those who suffer are always ordinary people.

In the past, Qi Ningzhou only thought that he could just cast down demons and slay demons, but now he realizes that most of the ghosts are children and women, because from ancient times to the present, they are vulnerable groups who are most likely to be killed by innocent people and cause resentment.

"It's no wonder Master said that cultivating the Dao is cultivating the mind until the end."

He muttered, wrapping the quilt tighter around him.

Just when Qi Ningzhou felt a little drowsy, he suddenly felt a gust of icy wind blowing through the air, lifting the broken hair on his forehead, and then falling down lightly.


Tianshi woke up in a jerk, propped up half of his body on the bed, and looked around vigilantly.

At that moment just now, Qi Ningzhou seemed to feel a ghostly aura of deep resentment erupting in the narrow courtyard.

"It should be an illusion..."

Looking left and right, he didn't find anything wrong, so he slowly lay back.

Although the Taoist temple is small, there are quite a few large formations around it. The surrounding earth-bound spirits can't get in, unless they are extremely ferocious ghosts.

Of course, if Li Gui broke in, the entire Taoist temple would be alarmed, how could it be so quiet?

As a result, just as Qi Ningzhou closed his eyes, there was a sudden noise outside. It was also mixed with "what's the matter, the guarding formation was activated", "in the middle of the night, which Taoist priest provoked the ghost and didn't deal with it cleanly", "what's the matter, this is".

Qi Ningzhou: "..."

Wouldn't he be right?

He hurriedly got up and put on his Taoist robe, turned his head and took his mahogany sword and compass, and rushed towards the door.

What Tianshi didn't know was that just a second after he left the house, a shadow cruising silently fell from the beams of the house.

The red dress hangs down from the wall, hooking the safe on the table with ease, just about to yank it lightly, and drag the box into the range of the ghostly envelope.

As a result, the moment the red dress hung down, something seemed to burn in the air, burning off a corner of the red dress.

"This Taoist priest is actually making formations in his own room."

The skirt was torn, but Xiaohong repaired it with her ghostly spirit and could still wear it.

But when the formation is touched, it's not that simple.

"No, you have to hurry up, or wait for that kid surnamed Qi to come back..."

Remembering that the boss said not to scare his friends, Xiaohong immediately untied her hair, blowing it lightly, and the three thousand black hairs spread out in the air, and the ghost mist transpired, piercing through like thousands of sharp needles. Invisible enchantment. Several of them deftly bypass the safe's levers, lifting the heavy box with ease.


Xiaohong climbed up the beam again, and was about to make a gesture of ok in the distance, but unexpectedly, she was hit by a spell.

"Bold monster, where can you escape!"

This spell is different from the ones that Qi Ning Zhou played at the door of the apartment before. The power on it brushed Xiao Hong's scalp dangerously, and immediately burned a piece of her hair to ashes.

Below, Qi Ningzhou shouted in surprise: "Master! Why are you here!"


Wearing a Taoist robe, with his hands behind his back, Daoist Wu, who looks like a master in the world, snorted coldly: "I came out to experience a trip, and you were broken into your house by a ghost. The more you learn, the more you go back!"

Xiaohong, who is half bald: "..."

She stood on the roof silently for a while.

The people in the Taoist temple below were all nervously staring at the actions of the red-clothed ghost, for fear that she would suddenly get violent and hurt others.

The ghost with such deep resentment appeared in the Taoist temple in the middle of the night, and no one would believe that he did not come to seek revenge. But since we met, Daoist Ding and Daoist Wu are all here at the moment, so I must perform a live ghost hunting for other students.

Just when everyone was waiting in full force, Xiaohong suddenly cried "Wow", she turned into black mist and escaped from the air while crying.

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo and these stinky Taoist priests! These stinky Taoist priests are bullying me! I just went to the store two days ago and spent a lot of money on new hair, and this broken Taoist priest burned half of my baldness. Sister, I am ashamed to see people! Woooooooo, I'm not alive! I'm going to die again!"

other people:"......?"

Just when they wondered that this ghost seemed to be sane and able to communicate with people, another ghostly aura, which could be called overwhelming, suddenly overwhelmed, and the color of the world suddenly changed.

If they met Xiaohong, Daoist Ding and Daoist Wu looked dignified, but they were more than capable. After all, this kind of hundred-year-old ghosts, as the leaders of the Taoist sect, can be saved by sealing them and reciting the mantra tens of thousands of times.

But after the second wave of ghost energy covered from the air, both of them changed their expressions, and their hands holding the spell were trembling faintly.

"How is it possible? There are thousands of ghosts born in this year?"

As soon as the words fell, a third group of ghostly aura that was not inferior to the darkness of the world broke out on the other side. In addition, there are dozens of large and small ghosts equivalent to ten years of ghosts rising into the sky, and the scene is like dead silence for a while.

"Damn it, which traitor is this who caused trouble and stabbed the devil's nest? If I find out, I must beat him up!"

Daoist Wu cursed secretly, no expression could be seen on his face, the long sword in his hand was out of the sheath, and stopped the other Taoist disciples behind him: "Personal grievances are coming to me, these boys who have not yet entered the Tao are all innocent!"

Daoist Ding on the other side also regarded death as home, swept away his Taoist robe, and made the same decision.

Two thousand-year-old ghosts, one century-old ghost, and dozens of imps. This kind of battle is called Hundred Ghosts Night Walk in the little Japan next door. Not to mention them, even their ancestors may have never seen such a battle.

At the same time, their hearts are also desolate. It seems that there must be a fierce battle breaking out here today. The two important figures of the Taoist sect are here. No matter what, at least the classics in the Taoist temple and these disciples must be preserved. They are the hope of continuing the incense in the future.

Just as the two Taoist priests were preparing for the worst and waiting for the worst, suddenly a black mist blew past, flying sand and rocks, blinding everyone's sight.

"Hold on! Don't fall into this monster's trick!"

When everyone opened their eyes again, the courtyard was empty, and there was no ghost to be seen.

Looking back, Qi Ningzhou suddenly coughed violently. Immediately afterwards, everyone coughed one after another, resounding through the entire Taoist temple.

"What's going on? These ghosts ran away?"

Daoist Wu looked around vigilantly, and after confirming that there were indeed no ghosts around, he patted his head belatedly. Suddenly, I felt a cold piece of ice in the center of the hand, and there was no shadow of hair.

The author has something to say: Xiaohong: Wow—I’m dead—