Chapter 74: 、74

Zong Qi slept soundly tonight,? When he woke up, he found that his employees hadn’t come back yet, so he got up and made some breakfasts. By the way, because he didn’t know the taste of the ghosts on the last bus of No. 44,? After all, ghosts ate food and ate it. Whatever they spit out is what they spit out, so he only prepared simple milk and soy milk for them.

"It's strange, so I went to steal something,? Why haven't you come back all night?"

Zong Qi was very puzzled, and while bringing his breakfast to the table, he began to swipe his phone.

Ever since he knew such a good place as the Actors Forum, Zong Qi often went up for a walk from time to time.

To be honest, this place is just like an anonymous forum, everyone is wearing a vest and talking, Zong Qi checked and found that this place is also managed by the horror film system. Everyone has only one code name. Except for Zong Qi, who can change it at will, everyone else's user name is fixed.

And the most interesting thing is watching the various analysis of the director in the forum.

Zong Qi found that these actors are really rich in imagination.

Some say that director Q wants to dominate the world,? Some say that director Q wants to rule all mankind,? Some say that director Q wants to enslave their actors? Some say that director Q wants to enslave their actors? Call on all actors to unite to fight against director Q, and some even fast forward to the point It is said that director Q is actually an alien, and Zong Qi is called a subway grandfather to watch his mobile phone.

In addition,? Actors Forum also brings together people from different walks of life in different industries. There are many big names among them. They often open posts to discuss matters in their own industries when they have nothing to do.

For example, this morning, Zong Qi posted a post on the forum.

[Surprised, there was a big incident in the Taoist sect last night, a hundred ghosts besieged the Taoist temple in Jiangzhou, this kind of big scene is really rare in a hundred years]

Zong Qi asked three question marks above his head.

He made it clear to his staff, as low-key as possible, why is it that the actor forum knows about the trouble now?

The host of the post is obviously a Taoist, and knows a lot of inside information.

1L (host): I just woke up today and found out that something big happened in the Taoist sect last night. Two thousand-year-old ghosts and one hundred-year-old ghost brought a group of little ghosts to make trouble at the Taoist temple in the north of Jiangzhou City.

2L: Damn, is this serious?

The actors in the actor forum are actually very superstitious. After all, they were all dragged to make horror movies, and no one has ever seen a ghost with their own eyes, so everyone often goes to temples and Taoist temples to worship during holidays. The Taoist temple in the north of Jiangzhou City is well-known, and it is indeed one of the representative bases of Taoism. It is said to be very spiritual, and many actors have gone to incense.

3L (Landlord): Seriously, absolutely true. I have a fellow Taoist who is on duty there. The scene last night was extremely thrilling. The two leaders of the Taoist sect were there. It is said that there is no way to take these big ghosts

4L: Fuck, isn’t Li Gui irrational? How could he come to you suddenly?

5L (host): I don’t know. Generally speaking, Taoist exorcists may get entangled if they are unlucky and fail to drive away ghosts. At first, everyone thought this was the case. Later, several big ghosts appeared one after another, and it is said that the first ghost still spit out people's words in a clear and clear way, obviously able to communicate.

6L: oh my god...this is too scary

7L (Original): That’s right, you don’t know. When I first saw the century-old ghost, the two masters felt stable and wanted to show how to subdue the century-old ghost in front of the disciples. What do you guess? What's the matter, two thousand-year-old ghosts popped up

8L: Jue Jue Zi, if it weren’t for the realistic plot, I wonder why I would make a horror movie

9L: This is an S-level horror movie. How can there be so many ghosts in a horror movie? Do you want the actors to live?

32L (Original): Good guy, I just heard the latest news from a friend. It is said that this group of ghosts came and did nothing. They just took away a little ghost who was sealed by the Taoist leader a few days ago.

34L: It is reasonable to suspect that the Daoist sect did something, and then a group of ghosts came to show off

36L: Am I the only one who is curious? Didn’t I agree that the ghosts are irrational, incapable of thinking and obedient? Why does it sound like a group of organized and disciplined ghosts are attacking the Taoist temple?

40L: If ghosts listen to people, the world will not be far from being destroyed 41L: Indeed, I just hope that they can stop director Q from ruling the world

Zong Qi browsed down, and then quietly turned off the phone.

In Taoism, the division of ghosts is based on ghost energy.

Generally speaking, the longer a ghost survives, the greater its resentment, and the deeper its ghostly aura.

Therefore, the thousand-year-old ghosts and hundred-year-old ghosts they said in their mouths actually have nothing to do with the specific year. The main meaning is actually a ghost with a thousand-year cultivation base, or a ghost with a century-old cultivation base equivalent to ghost aura. A thousand years and a hundred years are not used to describe time, but to describe the depth of ghost aura.

Coward and Araki are ghosts of the same level, Xiaohong is a little bit worse, and ghost with a car at the end of the 44th bus is even worse. It just perfectly matches the description in the post.

After a few ghosts came in from the door, this was what they saw.

The black-haired young man was sitting at the dining table, with his hands crossed over his chest, expressionless, looking like he was waiting for the teacher to ask him for a crime.

"Tell me, what happened last night? Didn't you agree not to make a fuss and leave as soon as you get your things?"

Anna rubbed her head in distress: "We originally wanted to do this, but..."

Xiaohong, who was standing at the back, finally couldn't hold back anymore.

She rushed to Zong Qi with teary eyes, and the latter realized that she was wearing a cloth scarf on her head, wrapping her whole head in it, wishing she could imitate Arab women and only show a pair of eyes.

"Boss, look at my hair, woo woo woo woo!"

While sobbing, Xiaohong took off the cloth scarf on her head.

What caught my eye was the bald head that was burnt off on one side, clean and clean like the forehead of my elder brother in the Qing Dynasty, while the hair on the other half grew there in good condition, very smooth and lush.

Bald on one side and long on the other, it was ridiculous to look at.


Zong Qi just took a sip of water, and almost spit it out when he saw it, so he stood up and patted his chest.

Facing Xiaohong's mournful look, you dare to laugh and you're dead, Zong Qi tensed his face tightly with all his strength, which caused his face to twist and look extraordinarily ferocious.

"That Taoist priest came over and knocked out my hair!"

Xiao Hong wrapped her scarf again, and sat down on the sofa angrily.

Anna and the coward on the side expressed their helplessness.

Now what Zong Qi saw was Xiao Hong who had calmed down. They had comforted Xiao Hong who lost her hair and ran away for most of the night. Now that she had barely stabilized her emotions, they brought them to Zong Qi.

Zong Qi asked curiously: "Can't this hair be restored with ghost energy?"

"No way."

The coward said: "Our ghost energy has a source. Sister Hong's hair is the source of her strength. The Taoist obviously guessed this, so he hit the hair with precision."

That's right, Taoist priests specialize in dealing with ghosts. No one knows the weakness of ghosts better than them. If Wu Daochang doesn't make a move, it must be a precise strike, which is not in the same order of magnitude as Qi Ningzhou.

Anna also said: "Araki has already avenged Xiaohong, and she asked the coward to burn the hair on the top of the Taoist priest's head."

"So that's the case. Since Xiao Hong's beautiful hair was hurt, it's not wrong to treat her body in the same way as her own. I don't blame you for making such a big commotion."

Zong Qi immediately changed his words and quickly slid on his knees, "Well, let's forget about these unhappy things and have a seafood dinner tonight! Let's go to the playground together on weekends!"

"Yeah!" The coward cheered, and other ghosts also acted as atmosphere groups. On the contrary, Xiao Hong, who was happiest with the seafood feast, had a weary face. Even Zong Qi said to bake her more oysters did not make her happy.

"By the way, where are things?"

After comforting Xiaohong, Zong Qi sat back and watched the coward put the safe in his hand on the table.

He first introduced it to others, saying that what was contained in the box was the fifth-ranked employee, and by the way, the name of the fourth employee belonged to all the ghosts of the last bus on No. 44. In the future, everyone will be working together. The big guy will let out the ghost first, create a good company atmosphere, and give new employees a surprise (dismissal).

After the ghost baby finally escaped from the baby figurine, what he felt was the scene in front of him.

Two ghostly auras no less than it pressed towards its head, during which there were some gazes and dry applause.

Anna rolled her eyes, revealing the whites of her eyes: "It's a cute's a kid...cute child is so caring, you know Mommy loves little kids...hehe."

Yingling who was about to run away to find his mother: "..."

At this time, it still doesn't understand that it has been reduced from a free body to a migrant worker.

But under the gaze of two big ghosts of the same level, Ying Ling really didn't dare to run away.

Especially after it still saw that terrifying human being with a smile on his face.

Yingling: "Wow wow!"

Thinking of my umbilical cord being pulled suddenly by someone before, and the severe pain of being broken inch by inch. It jumped up in fright, frantically trying to run behind the dining table, but Araki accurately carried it back, and pressed it into the embrace full of suffocating motherly love.

Zong Qi sighed pretendingly: "Stop struggling, your mother doesn't want you anymore, and wants to kill you. You see, even the baby figurines are here. If we didn't save you, you would be gone. So I I advise you to be honest and work hard, otherwise—"

He made a gesture to reach out to catch the baby ghost, who immediately cried out in fright, and hurriedly responded.

Zong Qi didn't care.

He is not the kind of person who restricts the freedom of employees. Besides, Yingying has severed ties with Xue Youqing. Even if Guiying goes back to find her, the latter will not be able to see ghosts. There is no way to instruct the ghost baby to do bad things.

The most important thing is that the ghost baby has been bound to the actor system and has become a full-time employee of Zong Qi, so there is nothing to be afraid of. It was followed by an energetic Araki watching it, Zong Qi was very relieved.

I just hope that Araki and Anna can pay more attention to this little baby so that they don't have to torture him. Zong prayed.

"In short, we welcome our fifth employee to officially join the company, and everyone applauds!"