Chapter 83: 、83

Zong Qi was taken aback, subconsciously turned his head and wanted to run. In the middle of the action, I suddenly remembered that I had closed the secret door just now, and there was no need to act like a guilty conscience.

The most important thing is,? Yu Chenxue has painted so many pictures of him, and he hasn't asked this guy for copyright fees,? Why did he become cowardly?

When money was involved, Zong Qi immediately took courage and straightened his back.

"No,? I just can't sleep."

As he said that, he patted his chest with lingering fear: "Why is Professor Yu still up so late? It shocked me."

Yu Chenxue took great interest in seeing the black-haired young man's small expression from being frightened to suddenly realizing to being confident in a short period of time, and then he lowered his eyebrows and opened his mouth slowly.

"I didn't get a reply to my confession last night,? So I lost sleep."

Zong Qi: "..."

Now when he saw Yu Chenxue's gentle and elegant face, so flawless that he seemed to have no desires, he remembered the scene he saw in the dark room just now, and he felt goose bumps.

Mom help! Such a good-looking person, why is he a pervert!

Zong Qi said dryly: " that's the case,? Then I'll go back first."

His intuition told him that if he continued, something might happen beyond his control.

It's a pity that Yu Chenxue didn't give him this chance.

"Since you can't fall asleep, why not follow our original plan and let me teach Xiao Qi to hypnotize you." The professor of psychology seemed to be making suggestions, but in fact the strength contained in the words was undeniable.

Also hypnotized!

Zong Qi even began to think about the last time he fell asleep unexpectedly? Did Yu Chenxue put him on the mat, pose him in various shameful play poses, and then draw him all night? Did he move him in the morning? Back to the bedroom.

Otherwise, how to explain the oil paintings on the entire three walls! !

Seeing that Zong Qi still wanted to refuse, Yu Chenxue changed the topic: "Hypnosis is more practical. Today I will teach you first, and then I will demonstrate it to Xiao Qi."

Zong Qi paused, and saw the man looking at him with a smile: "How about it, do you want to learn it? After you learn it, you won't have insomnia."

For a moment, Zong Qi even felt as if he had become a transparent person, and those azure blue eyes hidden behind the lenses could see through him completely with just one glance.

Including his hesitation, his fear, his inexplicable escape, including the little thought in his heart now.

But I have to say that the temptation to Zong Qi was too great.

Because when he heard that Yu Chenxue was going to demonstrate hypnosis, Zong Qi couldn't help but think of what he said before.

Yu Chenxue said in the introduction last time that when a person is in a hypnotic state, it is especially easy to tell the truth.

So the black-haired young man hesitated: "You didn't lie to me?"


"How could I lie to Xiao Qi?" Yu Chenxue blinked innocently, looking extraordinarily innocent.

Therefore, Zong Qi still couldn't resist the temptation, and decided to trust him again, and was half pushed and half coaxed to the master bedroom by the psychology professor.

The last time Zong Qi wandered here by accident, he knew that this bedroom is not only spacious, but also the interior decoration is almost the same color, deserted and not very popular.

Yu Chenxue pulled him to the bedside and briefly explained the main points of self-hypnosis.

The most important part of self-hypnosis is to deceive yourself. As long as you can deceive yourself, hypnosis will be more than half successful.

Of course, in order to avoid falling into a hypnotic state, usually the hypnotist will set a safe word for himself, so that after triggering the safe word, he can automatically wake up from the hypnotic state.

But of course Yu Chenxue didn't plan to have Pope Qi's advanced hypnosis method, not to mention that this kind of self-hypnosis requires years of self-suggestion, and it doesn't happen overnight. The most important thing is that Zong Qi cannot learn it overnight, and it is also different from his plan.

Yu Chenxue only intends to teach the simplest sleep aid.

"Lie down on the bed first, then relax your limbs and breathe evenly."

Zong Qi unnaturally climbed onto the oversized bed and lay side by side with the professor of psychology, stiff like a corpse.

He was already regretting it, and wanted to sneak back to his room now.

However, the man's gentle voice interrupted his thoughts: "Xiao Qi, please listen carefully, or I will find out about insomnia later, and I will punish you tomorrow."

Depend on.

As soon as Yu Chenxue mentioned punishment, Zong Qi thought of those paintings in the secret door.

Some of the paintings inside are really performance art. If Zong Qi hadn't made sure that he didn't act as a model for Yu Chenxue with that kind of strange posture, he would have wondered if his memory was messed up.

"Then conceive a simple picture in your mind, which can be a quiet mountain forest, a valley covered with snow, or a Nordic village with narrow can be any environment that makes you feel relaxed."

"Of course, some people also like to do the opposite. For example, constructing painful, uncomfortable, or unforgettable scenes in their minds makes it easier to fall asleep. In addition, hypnotists also like to construct themselves and The scene of your own dialogue, or the reasonable control of your dreams."

Zong Qi: "..." He thinks that Shaking M is most likely to build the latter.

Without Yu Chenxue to guide him to sleep, he couldn't conceive pictures in his mind, and he couldn't walk into these scenes like last time.

Yu Chenxue's voice continued, narrating the techniques of self-hypnosis in a straightforward manner.

Zong Qi felt like he was listening to a high school history class. It was boring, and the more he listened, the more sleepy he became.

"Next, I will demonstrate it to Xiaoqi."

The deep and magnetic voice easily outlines a peaceful and peaceful picture.

The strange thing is that this time it was clearly a demonstration, but Zong Qi seemed to follow Yu Chenxue into the scene he created, and his consciousness gradually faded away.

Snow, very big snow, each piece is as big as goose catkins, eloquently.

Zong Qi saw a plain white house in front of him.

He walked towards the house in front of him uncontrollably, leaving deep and shallow footprints on the snow.

"Tuk tuk."

After three knocks, the door was opened from the inside.

Suddenly, the snow field outside shattered, and the field of vision was expanded to the room.

A warm bonfire is burning in the room, and the firewood is crackling in the fireplace. The slightly drunken smell of wine is sprinkled here, accompanied by the empty reverberation of the music box, which is very pleasant to hear.

Inside is a half-grown boy. With white hair and blue eyes, she looks extremely delicate, like a doll that has been carefully crafted and beautifully placed in a glass window.

Consciousness suddenly returned.

Zong Qi knew that he was brought into his self-hypnosis by Yu Chenxue.

Didn't it mean that self-hypnosis can only hypnotize oneself? Professor Yu has never said that in this situation!

He knew that Yu Chenxue was lying to him. Where in this world does a psychology professor hypnotize himself and then be picked up by others?

Zong Qi roared in his heart, but he couldn't get out of the hypnosis, so he could only greet the Yu Chenxue who looked like a child version in front of him.

Professor Yu said just now that in this situation, not everyone's self-hypnosis is a simple scene. Scenes with a little more depth can even build a dialogue between yourself and yourself.

So Yu Chenxue chats with the miniature version of herself every day?

Zong Qi didn't understand, maybe artists have their own ideas.

"Uh...Professor Yu?"

The shrunken version of Yu Chenxue didn't even lift her eyelids, she continued to sit on the only seat in the room, her immature face was cold and unkind, and the artist's aloof and arrogant temperament began to take shape.

Zong Qi: "..."

Is this Yu Chenxue when he was a child or himself?

So he squatted down, and started to put on his hand in a friendly manner: "Little friend, what are you doing alone?"

After the eyes were even, the miniature version of Yu Chenxue took a condescending look at him.

"Do you know the Sphinx?"

Zong Qi nodded.

Sphinx is the sphinx in Egyptian mythology.

In Greek mythology, the Sphinx is described as a monster who likes to sit on the edge of a cliff and ask passers-by puzzles. Once passers-by fail to answer its questions, they will be eaten by the Sphinx.

"I hate you." Little Yu Chenxue said condescendingly: "If you can change my impression within a minute, I will let you go out. Otherwise, you have to stay here with me forever."

Good guy, is it so bearish at such a young age?

Zong Qi still can't tell whether the juvenile Yu Chenxue in front of him is the real juvenile Yu Chenxue, or the adult Yu Chenxue pretending to be a juvenile Yu Chenxue. But he felt that if he wanted to get rid of hypnosis, the key point might still be the hypnotized person.

"Well, I usually don't argue with kids."

Zong Qi said: "But your first impression is different from mine. I like you."

The young Yu Chenxue sneered, "Do you think I will let you out like this?"

The next second, he froze.

The black-haired young man suddenly took a step forward, picked up the little boy sitting on the stool, and said with a smile: "Since you can hate me for no reason, then I can also like you for no reason."

Xiao Yu Chenxue was stunned for a moment, with an extremely complicated expression on her face, obviously shocked by his answer.

Zong Qi didn't intend to stop, he reached out and stroked the white hair.

The young artist's hair is fine and soft, which is very comfortable to touch.

In the next second, Zong Qi found himself out of the hypnotic state and got up from the bed.

Beside him, the adult version of Yu Chenxue closed his eyes tightly, breathed evenly, still whispering softly, obviously still in the state of self-hypnosis.

This is a great opportunity.

Zong Qi's eyes lit up, and he was about to move over, but hesitated.

When Yu Chenxue said before that he demonstrated hypnosis, Zong Qi's first thought was to ask Yu Chenxue if his confession last night was sincere while Professor Yu was hypnotizing himself.

But when Yu Chenxue really hypnotized himself, Zong Qi didn't want to ask anymore.

One is that it is not good to take advantage of others, and the other is that he is so concerned about this matter that he has already hinted at the result.

So Zong Qi tiptoed over, stretched out his hand like a thief, and quickly touched the man's long silver-white hair scattered on the bed sheet, and helped him take off the glasses on his face, and covered the quilt to prevent him from falling asleep. It was cold by the air conditioner at night.

"It feels so good..."

He sighed, and for some reason felt an irresistible drowsiness coming, so he slowly sank into a dream.

What Zong Qi didn't know was that just a second after he fell asleep, the entire hypnotic illusion shattered. Yu Chenxue opened his eyes, and there was no sleepiness in the blue pupils.

The man propped up his upper body, looking down at the unconscious black-haired young man on the bed, his expression was indifferent and complicated.

As a master of psychology, he has given himself very strict anti-hypnosis training, and set up safe words that can wake up from hypnosis at any time. As for self-hypnosis, except for making movies, Yu Chenxue would not easily use it.

Even when shooting movies, Yu Chenxue will only maintain about 80% to 90% of the interpretation, and will not rush to a higher level. Because of his desire to be in control, he won't allow things to get out of hand.

In fact, after stepping into this master bedroom, after lying on this bed, when Yu Chenxue explained the key points of self-hypnosis, Zong Qi was quietly hypnotized.

From the young Yu Chenxue to Zong Qi getting up to touch his hair, all this is not reality, but a hypnotic illusion carefully created by psychology professors.

Zong Qi slept soundly and peacefully.

Yu Chenxue stretched out her hand, and with slightly cold fingertips, she swept away the black hair between the young man's forehead, in exchange for the other party's subconscious rubbing in his sleep.


As if being scalded by an electric shock, the psychology professor quickly retracted his hand.

When he pulled away, his fingertips were still slightly warmer than his own.

Yu Chenxue set up this situation and created a double hypnotic illusion.

He thought that Zong Qi would ask if his liking was real, or if he was an actor, or about the paintings in that dark room.

But neither. He didn't ask anything.

Such a once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity, Yu Chenxue carefully calculated, deliberately exposed the flaws and opportunities to Zong Qi, the other party only touched his hair, and then gave up.

It's a bad feeling.

Yu Chenxue is conceited that he can calculate everyone's reaction, but he only finds that this point is gradually out of control and elusive in Zong Qi.

He looked at the black-haired young man on the bed in disbelief, and finally covered him with a quilt stiffly.

Just like Zong Qi helping him cover the quilt in the hypnotic illusion.

The author has something to say: ask for nutrient solution! !