Chapter 84: 、84

Early in the morning, Zong Qi woke up in a daze, and was about to get up from the bed when he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Slightly cold arms were around his waist,? His forehead was pressed against another person's chest, and his whole body was surrounded by cold hormones. It was like an oversized doll that was easily held in his arms.

Silver-white hair fell from the top of his head,? Tangled around his neck,? Intertwined with black hair,? Intimate. Zong Qi could still clearly feel the breath sprayed by the other party from top to bottom, hitting the top of his hair, it was numb and itchy.

Most importantly, Zong Qi was still wearing the enlarged version of Professor Yu's white shirt from last night. The lower two legs are not wearing anything,? One of them is still on the other side.

The black-haired youth's complexion suddenly turned red.

He froze for about a full minute, and then began to move this arm tremblingly, trying to escape from the man's arms.

Just when he moved this arm away with a flutter, and wanted to retreat desperately, a chuckle suddenly came from above.

Yu Chenxue didn't know when she woke up. She was propping her head on her other hand, her white shirt was loosely spread out, revealing her well-textured chest, and she was looking at him with a smile on her face.

In the dimly lit room, there was only the skylight sneaking in from outside the white curtains, which slanted across the sheets and bedding of the same color, illuminating the laziness of the man after waking up even more hatefully.

Zong Qi froze for a moment, and was about to say something, but was suddenly pulled into his arms by Yu Chenxue.

Relying on his physical advantage, the man easily pressed him on the bed, put his hands on the sides of the black-haired young man, bent down/body up, and said with a smile: "Good morning."

"Last night, Xiaoqi not only rolled into my arms, but also hugged me all the time. She was so enthusiastic that my shoulders were numb."

Zong Qi was dumbfounded: "Impossible! I sleep well!"

"Huh?" Yu Chenxue raised her eyebrows: "Has Xiao Qi slept with others before?"

Sensing the dangerous jealousy in the man's tone, Zong Qi paused.

When he was in school, everyone slept on a single hard bed, and it was the same at home. After all, he had never slept on the same bed as anyone else.

The psychology professor's implication is obvious. Since Zong Qi has never slept with anyone else, how can he know that he sleeps well?

Zong Qi choked.

Seeing him speechless, Yu Chenxue was satisfied.

He rubbed the young man's fluffy black hair, and lowered his head maliciously.

Just when Zong Qi opened his eyes wide and almost touched the tip of his nose, Yu Chenxue stopped and looked at him jokingly.

After taking off the glasses, the gentleness and elegance of the professor of psychology seemed to disappear, and his demeanor became strange, cold and aggressive. Even when he squints his eyes and smiles, it gives people a sense of arrogance.

"It's so cute." He said with a smile, "When will Xiao Qi agree to me?"

Zong Qi snorted, pushed his hand away, and quickly got out of bed to brush his teeth, but accidentally touched a hard object under the pillow.

"What is this?" He took it out casually to have a look, almost frightened most of his soul.

Yu Chenxue said lightly: "It's just a gun."

Zong Qi was so frightened that he put the gun back with his hands and feet, fearing that it would go off by itself.

"Don't worry, it won't go off without pulling the insurance."

"Ah, oh." Zong Qi walked frivolously to brush his teeth, but he still couldn't recover from touching the real gun.

Ever since he saw the portraits on three walls in the secret door last night, Yu Chenxue's image of a little fairy in his heart has been completely shattered, and he has become more and more shameless.

The strange thing is that Zong Qi doesn't find it annoying, but feels that the inexplicable sense of isolation before has disappeared a lot.

Thinking of this, he suddenly paused while brushing his teeth, and his previously heavy heart suddenly became lighter.

Zong Qi had been hesitant before, looking forward and backward, thinking about this and that.

But after what happened last night, Zong Qi figured it out. He felt that what Yu Chenxue said was right, some things were really clear to the authorities.

Zong Qi couldn't remember his grandfather very well. After so many years, even his face and voice were blurred, but he still remembered what his grandfather said.

If you figure it out, do it instead of procrastinating. If you are like you when you lead troops to fight, then it's a fart.

Thinking of this, Zong Qi wanted to laugh again.

He arranged the toothbrush neatly, took off his clothes, put on his yesterday's clothes, and walked out of the bathroom.

The little robot is busy in the restaurant.

This morning's breakfast is relatively simple, with porridge and side dishes, served with a variety of cut fruits, various side dishes and steaming soy milk.

Zong Qi froze when he saw the little robot. Fortunately, the robot doesn't have any self-awareness, and only knows how to use the mechanical arm to place the dinner plate.

"I'm done eating, thank you for the hospitality."

When Yu Chenxue approached the restaurant, Zong Qi had already finished his breakfast quickly.

The black-haired youth wiped his mouth with a tissue and quickly got up from his seat.

Yu Chenxue raised her eyebrows, stretched out her hand and pressed twice on the screen of the small robot, pretending to be casual and said: "Huh? What's going on, the robot recorded a warning video after midnight?"

Zong Qi, who was walking out, paused.

He turned his head abruptly and swallowed: "Huh?"

"Don't Xiaoqi know?"

The professor of psychology picked up the black coffee on the dining table and took a sip: "I have set permissions for the robot. It can not only clean and arrange hot dishes, but also conduct regular patrols in the apartment every night."

Yu Chenxue looked at Zong Qi with a smile, as if she didn't notice the latter's stiffness.

"During this time period, if you encounter suspicious things or people, it will take pictures, and the pixels are very clear."

As if in response, the signal light on the robot's head flickered twice, and the figures of Zong Qi and Yu Chenxue sitting in the kitchen appeared on the screen, highlighting the high-definition level of its camera.

Zong Qi: "..."

He thought of the secret door he accidentally opened last night, and now he just wanted to dig out a Barbie princess dream mansion on the spot.

"No, this..."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Yu Chenxue glanced at him over the coffee cup, with undisguised teasing in her pupils: "Why is Xiao Qi so nervous, did she secretly do something bad last night?"

Zong Qi immediately realized, "Wait, you already knew!"

Thinking of the paintings that filled the room, Zong Qi exploded in embarrassment, wanting to rush out the door.

"What do I know?" Yu Chenxue was still pretending to be innocent: "Didn't Xiaoqi do something bad and didn't want me to find out?"

The black-haired young man stomped his feet angrily: "It's obvious that you violated my right to portrait and drew so many paintings without my consent."

"It was my fault, sorry."

The professor of psychology apologized kindly and sincerely: "Xiao Qi is so cute."

This small mouth is like smeared with honey. It is as if he is Yu Chenxue's inspirational muse, and he can't stop when he picks up his pen, so he can only express his excess love on the drawing paper.

Zong Qi, who was upright just now, suddenly lacked confidence.

He glared at Yu Chenxue: "I'll go first."

Hearing the sound of the black-haired young man running out and quickly changing and putting on shoes at the entrance, Yu Chenxue mercifully let the little robot go, and turned to continue tasting his coffee.

The bitter taste blooms from the tip of the tongue to the taste buds, and then haunts the whole senses.

Too much is too late. Yu Chenxue understood this truth.

From the completely unfamiliar professor to the kind teacher who lives upstairs, to the occasional friend who can joke around, to the charming suitor who gradually reveals his true nature.

He blurred the boundary between the two step by step, like a seasoned hunter, waiting for the prey to step into the trap.

In addition, Yu Chenxue is also keen to reveal part of her truth in front of Zong Qi.

He is like an excited child, revealing his dangerous side, and then observing the other party's reaction and evaluation with great interest.

He found that Zong Qi could always bring him surprises.

Like the gun under the pillow this morning, dangerous yet reassuring.

This feeling seems to make Yu Chenxue a little addicted.

The professor of psychology bowed his head to sip, and after hearing the door opening not far away, he heard a rush of footsteps from far to near.

"Why are you back?" Yu Chenxue didn't raise her head, "Are you reluctant to part with me?"

The black-haired young man ran in, his face was flushed, and he looked at death like home.

He rushed to Yu Chenxue who was sitting on the dining table, and snorted coldly.

"The scheming ghost is so perverted, he took advantage of it and didn't pay the copyright fee. But since I've been chosen, I'm not allowed to flirt with the kids outside, do you hear me?"

Zong Qi spoke fiercely, then suddenly tiptoed, quickly kissed the man's face, turned his head and ran away.

However, the moment he turned his head, a powerful arm suddenly stopped his waist, pulling his whole body behind him.

Zong Qi: "..."

Gan! He was thinking of running away just now, but he ignored the huge difference in force between them, and he didn't even consider that the car overturned!

A low and smiling voice came from behind his neck, crisp and numb.

"But, I only have you as a child."

Yu Chenxue easily hugged him in his arms, and weighed him up: "Little friend, your strength is too weak, and you're still so thin, don't you usually eat well?"

Zong Qi said again: "..."

Even if he eats and sleeps well, he still can't beat an S-rank actor!

Thinking of Yu Chenxue's feat of picking four, one and five in the copy of the ghost building, and pressing the crow to the ground to beat him, Zong Qi felt that unless he was lucky enough to extract Schwarzenegger's special medicine from the director mall in his life, Don't even think about hitting your boyfriend.

"Also, kid, that's not the way to kiss."

In the next second, Zong Qi's rebuttal was submerged in his lips and teeth.

The tall, white-haired professor lowered his head, put one arm around his waist, and held his face in the other, gently and forcefully opened his lips and teeth, and drove straight in, giving him a warm and A lingering deep French kiss.

Zong Qi was kissed so badly that he could only cater to the man's strength, tightly clutching Yu Chenxue's white shirt, raised his head helplessly, and continued the plundering of the air.

After a long time, the man mercifully let him go, brushed the young man's black hair to his cheeks, looked at the pair of pupils that were covered with mist and hadn't recovered from the hypoxic state, slightly With a smile, his voice was low and hoarse.

"Have you learned it? Kid."

The author has something to say: 77: Learning is useless