Chapter 85: 、85

Zong Qi came down from upstairs in a trance, opened the door in a trance, and floated into the room in a trance like a wandering spirit.

The coward who just finished the live broadcast happened to come out, and was a little surprised after seeing this scene. But seeing the unconscious smile on the boss's face,? So he didn't come up to ask more questions.

"Maybe it's something happy to meet."

He watched Zong Qi close the door with a "bang," and shook his head in his heart. He continued to walk to the small refrigerator with ease, and took out a bottle of iced Coke from the neatly stacked compartment inside.

Now it’s not just Xiaohong who likes Coke,? Coward has also become a loyal fan of Fat House Happy Water,? Even the newly joined ghost baby has abandoned yogurt,? He secretly drank several bottles in the past two days,? After Araki's mother found out, the outside of the small refrigerator is now forced to be locked. It can only be opened by entering the password. It is quite miserable.

On the other side, Zong Qi, whose blood was surging, didn't notice the coward's whereabouts at all.

He closed the door, quickly threw himself on the bed, covered himself with the quilt, and twisted into a maggot on the bed.

In fact, that moment just now,? At first, it was just born out of resentment, thinking to go back and play tricks on Professor Yu.

Zong Qi worked so hard to close the secret door with trepidation. What he saw were all his own paintings, and he still looked guilty. Turn around and tell him that Yu Chenxue already knew about it! Still waiting here to see his jokes!

The problem is that Yu Chenxue's bad intentions are not once or twice, and Zong Qi will never forget the Crayon Shin-chan underwear incident last time. So under such new and old hatred, he wanted to catch Yu Chenxue by surprise.

Then Zong Qi also succeeded.

He could clearly see, after he kissed Yu Chenxue, the astonishment on Yu Chenxue's face.

At that time, Zong Qi was called proud.

He knew that Yu Chenxue was an expert in expression management and control, so he felt more accomplished.

Originally, according to the idea, Zong Qi should run away after flirting.

Unexpectedly, under the difference in force value, he was pressed by the man at the dining table and kissed for a long time. In the end, the kiss was so dazed that he didn't even realize when he straddled the other party.

"Ah ah ah ah ah I can't think about it anymore!"

Zong Qi touched his hot face, lying on the bed still felt unreal.

Does he have a boyfriend now?

The boyfriend is not only an S-level actor, but also a cutting-edge artist and professor of psychology. At the same time, he also leads the double salary of the National Security Secret Service and the Secret Mobile Team, and may be an undercover agent in the Ouroboros organization. In comparison, Zong Qi, who has just started his career as a director, is simply a primary school student.

After knowing that Professor Yu works so many jobs by himself, Zong Qi never envied him.

Talented and powerful, as tired as the donkey of the survival team, whoever has money if he is not rich!

The only thing Zong Qi needs to worry about is that he can't hide anything from Yu Chenxue in the future, otherwise the humanoid polygraph will find him out in minutes.

Although it is the first time to fall in love, Zong Qi's attitude is very serious.

No matter what the future holds, since it is now a boyfriend relationship, Zong Qi feels that Yu Chenxue has the right to know his secret.

For example, Zong Qi's identity as a director, and another example of Zong Qi, an employee and natal family member of a big family.

But he doesn't know when to say it yet, and he doesn't know if Yu Chenxue really minds being taken away from the director system, so he has to press first.

"What?! Have a boyfriend?!"

When eating in the evening, Zong Qi mentioned a sentence on the table.

At the moment, the entire restaurant seemed to be pressed to a halt. The chopsticks for picking up vegetables stopped in the air, the spoon for scooping up soup hit the air, and the rice that contained the rice accidentally fell out of the bowl, and there was a dead silence for a full ten seconds.

Arakawa's screams tore through the kitchen, and almost choked to death the ghost baby who was being force-fed: "Someone actually tried to take my baby away from its mother!"

Xiao Hong pulled her wig together, and pretended to ask casually: "Boss, who is it?"

On the contrary, he is a coward, and after being surprised, he suddenly realizes.

"No wonder the boss was in such a good mood when he came home from upstairs this morning. It turned out that he fell in love with that S-level actor."

As he spoke, he sighed again: "It's only been a few decades, and the society is so open now. If it were in our time, although we could go to the Xianggongtang, we would never be able to get on the stage."

The eyes of the entire restaurant were turned to the coward.

As soon as the coward looked up, he saw everyone looking over, and almost fell off the stool in fright: "What, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just found out that you are actually quite smart, and you guessed it right."

Zong Qi said kindly.

In order to prevent Araki from overreacting, Zong Qi originally planned to tell them who he fell in love with after a while. I didn't expect to be exposed by a coward all of a sudden, embarrassing.


It shivered, and quickly finished the rice in the bowl.

Araki thought for a while, then said quietly: "Is that the S-level guy in the filming of "Ghost Building" last time?"

Zong Qi did not hide Yu Chenxue's identity from them, and he also sent them messages when he stayed upstairs or had dinner several times. Over time, the employees all knew about the existence of someone like Yu Chenxue.

Of course, knowing is knowing. Now that he knew that he was here to **** his son from him, Araki's expression immediately turned cold.

"No, even though you are a boyfriend, your mother must also check on you."

She made a final decision: "By the way, isn't there a new movie to be made recently, and it's that "Changming Middle School"."

Zong Qi secretly thought it was bad.

He just announced the recruitment of "Changming Middle School" last night.

Because this time is an experimental film designer's gameplay, Zong Qi specially chose a group of recruits and actors. All of them are E-level and D-level, so that he can play better. Otherwise, if he recruits high-level actors, he will not get much salary, and they have all kinds of special props in their hands. The probability of following the script he designed Greatly reduced, isn't this adding difficulty to yourself for no reason?

Araki continued to talk to himself: "It's better to recruit artists, and then let my mother check it out."

Zong Qi: "..." He really wanted to wail when he could give him a friendship discount of 50% of the salary of his boyfriend, but on the other hand, under the watchful eyes of all the ghosts, he shrunk his neck very hard , said "good".

Seeing Zongqi's agreement, all the ghosts were satisfied, and those who looked away looked away, those who ate and ate, and those who educated their second child educated their second child. The atmosphere of the restaurant became happy again.

Zong Qi, who finally passed the hurdle of his natal family, lowered his head and picked up the rice in the bowl with sweat profusely, realizing that he was the boss.

It should be fine. After all, Professor Yu is an S-level actor, and he is also proficient in self-hypnosis techniques, so he can perfectly substitute for the role. If it doesn't work, Zong Qi can also give him director permission to cheat. It is reasonable and reasonable to give him permission to his family members, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Zong Qi thought that he still had to cover his vest to avoid being angered by his boyfriend.

After the meal, grandma and grandpa enthusiastically contracted the dishwashing service, and said that they are used to working with their hands in exchange for wealth or food, otherwise they would feel sorry for staying at home and eating and drinking for free, so everyone had to let them go. After all, the atmosphere of the old couple staying together is particularly good, and they are happy to work, without any reluctance.

While swiping his phone, Zong Qi re-clicked on the actor recruitment list to modify his recruitment conditions.

If he was still a junior director, he would not be able to do this job. Fortunately, he is now an intermediate director. Among other things, it is still possible to add a few people temporarily.


Almost at the same time, Yu Chenxue upstairs received an unexpected call.

"Hi, is that Xiao Yu?"

The voice on the other end of the phone was full of air and sounded particularly enthusiastic.

Yu Chenxue paused for a moment: "Wu Daoist."

In fact, as early as more than ten days ago, the secret mobile team handed him the news of Daoist Wu going out of the mountain.

Most of the actors who participated in the filming of the copy of Pisces Jade Pendant more than ten years ago have died due to various strange reasons. Among the remaining people, except for the black speaker who holds great power, only Daoist Wu who possesses unique skills is the only one.

In this case, it was strange that Yu Chenxue didn't stare at him.

Obviously, although Daoist Wu is good at drawing talismans to catch ghosts, he still has a little understanding of various modern investigation and tracking techniques. If he found out about his violent temper more than ten years ago, he would definitely take all the disciples of the teacher to fight with Hei Fang The speaker tried his best again, otherwise he would not have found any clues.

"Hey, it's me. After you sent me a message last time, we haven't been in touch for a long time. I think when that guy brought you out of the movie, you were only as old as a boy."

Daoist Wu talked to him about the past, and then he got to the point: "By the way, I have something to ask you, do you have time recently, is it troublesome?"

"Where is the Daoist, you are an elder who saved me before, and nothing is troublesome." Yu Chenxue said with a smile: "If you have something to say, just tell me, I will definitely arrange it as soon as possible."

Of course, how could Yu Chenxue push such an obvious message.

However, Daoist Wu's first sentence below made him sit up straight from his laziness.

"It's like this. About half a year ago, I accidentally discovered an important clue left by the craftsman."

The craftsman was one of the participants in the Pisces Jade Pendant drama more than ten years ago. His code name was Craftsman, and he was the only S-level actor among the A-level actors.

Originally, he was the one most likely to get the director system, but he accidentally fell in the Pisces jade pendant in order to protect others.

After this, the Pisces Jade Pendant is permanently closed.

Later, after the survivors narrowly escaped from the movie, they all gradually came to their senses.

I am afraid that before entering the Pisces Jade Pendant, the craftsman had obtained the director system, no matter how bad he was, he would have obtained the trial qualification of the system. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why after his fall, all the other actors joined forces again, and the Pisces Jade Pendant could not be opened for the fourth time. It was even impossible to explain why all the actors who escaped from Pisces Jade Perry were all unbound from the horror film system.

Daochang Wu was the senior actor who had the best relationship with craftsmen at that time.

"Before the craftsman died, he once entrusted me with a prop. I have kept it safe for many years. It was not until half a year ago that I discovered the mystery inside the prop."

"He left a note with his home address, please take good care of his family."