Chapter 86: 、86

The director opened new recruits again, and many actors are looking forward to it.

【Published in Director Q: Actor Recruitment】

Recruiting film: "Chang Ming Middle School"

Number of actors recruited: unknown

Recruitment conditions: unknown, not displayed

As soon as the recruitment came out, discussions in the forum suddenly sprang up like crazy. Some discussed the background of the script, and some discussed which actors the director would choose this time.

Long Aotian, an E-class actor who made a movie with director Q before, has now successfully transformed into a C-class actor. It is said that after filming the film recruited by the director, the actors can get a salary, and a lottery mall will be opened in the system. If you are lucky, you can directly draw rare and special props from the mall.

Who wouldn't be moved by this?

The director recruited twice, the first recruited all new actors, and the first recruited mostly senior actors. Although there are endless conspiracy theories in actor forums,? But it is really time to recruit, and many actors are still willing to work in directing Q movies.

Both movies have only one death,? The death rate is not high,? The rate of return is good. Low-level actors don't have delusions, and high-level actors are gearing up.

However, this time, Zong Qi set a very different restriction.

The horror film director system is quite user-friendly, because this time the script design is done by guinea pigs, so Zong Qi specially chose the kind of actor who is not a good person,? The actor who has done bad things and escaped the law. The good kind.

Except for Yu Chenxue and Anna who kept going through the back door, the other three actors are not good people.

In the past two days, Zong Qi carefully read the intermediate director's manual, and unlocked a lot of content about film designers.

First of all, the film designer means that Zong Qi must take full responsibility and design the film. These include but are not limited to the specific development form of horror films, the general direction and planning of the script, including how to improve the three major values ​​​​of the actors.

Like a simulation game, Zong Qi writes the story line, and then throws different ghost employees into the movie, and let them be responsible for scaring the actors to increase the scream value of the actors. Then let the actors explore the background story according to the direction to improve the exploration of the script. Finally, ensure the safety of the actors and each other, and ensure the direction.

Zong Qi thinks that film designer is much more fun than acting as an actor or NPC before. This identity is the closest to the real director’s identity. He doesn’t need to end the scene in person, he just needs to eat melons and watch the show.

Thinking of this, Zong Qi opened the script of "Changming Middle School".

Generally speaking, even if the director brings his own staff, he still needs to reach a friendly agreement with the ghosts in the script. If it doesn't work, even employees are required to take action to protect the safety of the actors in an emergency.

This script, however, is very different.

There is no real boss in "Changming Middle School".

In other words, there are only a few remnants of the grudges of the dead here, and no real ghosts.

For a serious horror film, this is really a bit of a slant.

As we all know, although the creation of the atmosphere is scary, the existence of the ghost itself accounts for the bulk of the horror in horror movies. If there are no ghosts, but only resentment, it means that the difficulty of shooting is greatly increased, and it is difficult to shoot good works.

However, after Zong Qi read the script carefully, he still chose to use this script as a spearhead for him to wash off the bad film label on himself.

It has nothing to do with horror. The main reason is that he likes the idea of ​​this script and it is very educational. If the shooting is good and the theme can be highlighted, the follow-up will definitely not be bad.

Just do what you say, Zong Qi carefully selected a group of employees to increase the screaming value.

This time, a lot of group performances are needed, and Zong Qi can change the copy anyway, so all his employees can participate in the performance, which is quite lively.

The most important thing is that the shooting time of this big script is not long, it only takes one night, it can be described as a quick solution, and it will never take up too much time.

So early this morning, Zong Qi packed up the script, dragged his family and planned to go to the filming location in advance.

The filming location was an abandoned school on the outskirts of Jiangzhou. Before Zong Qi came, he searched the Internet as usual, but he didn't find any information about the school. Presumably, he had to wait until the filming of the movie was finished before he could interfere with the reality.

By the way, he also searched for information about the Pisces Jade Pendant in the Death Valley of Kunlun Mountains.

The information that can be found on the Internet is very little, but there is some, and it is roughly the same as what the captain said in the dungeon. That is to say, there seems to be a mysterious incident there. The country sent a scientific expedition team and army over more than ten years ago, and they are still stationed outside the valley.

The copy of the Pisces Jade Pendant that Zong Qi entered is probably from the timeline more than ten years ago. No wonder the system told him to be cautious about his every move in it, because any slight change may cause a storm like a butterfly's wings and affect the future. .

Interfering with reality, reversing time, changing the past.

Zong Qi didn't think much about it before, but now he realizes the horror of the horror film director's system authority.

If it were someone with a bad intention, I am afraid that he would have reached the top of the world with this system. Unlike Zong Qi's current situation, every penny and tenth of the salary has to be calculated clearly, and he even wants to calculate the general ledger of his that day's salary with his new boyfriend.

"Let's go, it's time to go."

The advantage of having a large number of employees is that now Zong Qi does not even need to take a bus to travel, and there is a driver in the ghost of the last bus of No. 44. It just so happened that the original driver switched back to his new electric energy vehicle, so the old car, which had been in service for more than ten or twenty years, was thrown back to the bus terminal and left unattended.

So, in the middle of the night, the ghosts of the last train worked together to put a ghost on the car, and the driver ghost drove it, and parked it downstairs of the high-end apartment.

As long as the ghost is trapped, no camera can capture this car. When encountering a traffic jam, it can directly transform into a spirit body and pass through. It can be said to be infinitely useful.

Zong Qi boarded the last train with Xiaohong, Araki, Anna, Guiying and grandparents. As for the coward, because this guy is too timid, he was kept at home as usual.

The last bus, carrying a car full of people and ghosts, headed for the suburbs in a mighty way against the bright morning sky.

"Here we are."

The bus stopped at an unoccupied intersection, and the door creaked open.

What came into view was a very dilapidated school, the iron railings were covered with yellow rust, the surrounding weeds were overgrown, and the plastic on the playground was rolled up after being exposed to the sun. On the wall of the teaching building, there are blood-red "demolition" characters written on it. From a distance, only circles of black crows and sparrows are willing to stop.

Zong Qi touched the lock of the door, and the system sent a reminder.

[The film designer of "Changming Middle School" is in place, and the shooting scene is being opened for you, please wait...]

[The designer panel and permissions have been opened for you, please check it on the screen]

The thick iron chain snapped and fell to the concrete floor with a clatter.

Like an old-fashioned horror movie, the school gate with the iron fence that was in disrepair moved slowly and opened towards them without any wind.

"This scene has the inside flavor of a horror movie. Write it down. When the actors arrive later, we will open the door for them according to this specification."

A scaled-down model of Changming Middle School appeared on Zong Qi's pupils, in which he could clearly see everyone's activities without affecting his vision.

10 o'clock tonight is when the movie will officially start filming, so they don't have too much time to prepare. After everyone walked in, Zong Qi began to make arrangements.

"The last train on No. 44 needs to act as a group performer, everyone should change into school uniforms!"

He turned on the permission, and a neat row of school uniforms appeared out of nowhere, with movie props marked on them, which was amazing.

"Xiaohong, the dance studio is mentioned in the script, and I will leave it to you. Remember to arrange clues and props to scare the actors. Don't go too far. Make sure they get the props, otherwise the script will be delayed." not go down."

"Okay, but boss, can you let me be the main force in the chase later?"

Xiaohong nodded. She felt that there was unresolved resentment in this scene, her eyes lit up, and she was in a particularly good mood now.

The amount of these grievances is almost equal to a quarter of a blood corpse, which is a great tonic for Li Gui, especially for Xiao Hong who is half bald.

But now that the scene is being arranged, the flow of time tends to be static, and she can only swallow it after the official shooting starts.

"Yes." Zong Qi readily agreed.

Next, he arranged the task of the ghost baby.

After a period of severe beatings, Guiying is now very obedient and honest, from a rebellious son to a twenty-four filial and pitiful little boy, Zong Qi does what he says, without any second thoughts.

Then there are Anna and Araki. "This time you are still acting as actors, but Anna, this time you may need to pretend as much as possible to drive the plot forward."

Zong Qi handed the script to Anna, who nodded in understanding.

Pretending to be a play means that Anna has to pretend that she is possessed by the ghost of "Changming Middle School" in order to promote the plot. This is also an opportunistic method that Zong Qi thought of. After all, horror movies can have no ghosts, but if they don't even have a messenger, that would be too much.

In addition, Anna and Araki mentioned twin souls, and Zong Qi's inspiration still came from her. When the time comes, pretending to be possessed will not be seen through, because she is really bound to a ghost. Even when Yu Chenxue came, she couldn't tell anything was wrong.

As for Araki, he still has his own ideas, such as how to test the son-in-law Yu Chenxue, Zong Qi lit a wax for Professor Yu in his heart, and Quan pretended not to know.

Finally, it is Grandpa and Grandma.

When it was the turn of the two old men, Zong Qi was in a bit of trouble.

It is impossible for him to let the two old people do too difficult physical work. This time, he brought them here only because of the temporary contract, and because he wanted the two old people to fulfill their wish as soon as possible and return to the underworld for reincarnation.

"Well, kid, don't worry about us. The old man and I are just hanging out here with brooms. If we meet someone, we'll just scare him. We won't cause you any trouble."

Grandma was very reasonable, she saw Zong Qi's thoughts at a glance, and smiled kindly.

Zong Qi thought about it and felt that he had no better idea.

Regardless of the effect of the filming, even if the filming is not good, he can cut it out when editing later, and it will not hinder the main plot.

So the black-haired young man nodded: "Okay, then I will trouble you."