Chapter 91: 、91

"What's wrong?" Anna's voice came from behind his head.

When Song Yangqiu wasn't paying attention, a gray-black Gu worm shot out from her rolled up long sleeve, hooked Song Yangqiu's clothes easily, crawled to the back of his neck, bit through the flesh and got in.

Ever since he was recruited for fighting alone, Araki has been very measured in doing things.

She would not easily use those powerful Gu worms, but often used hallucinogenic Gu worms. This type of Gu insect has no lethality, but it will infinitely magnify the weakness of the human heart.

It is especially useful on Song Yangqiu.

If he is a good person, the Gu worm will not have any influence on him. But if he is a bad person, then the Gu worm will infinitely magnify his greed,? His fear, and finally hallucinations.

It's just that Araki didn't want to do too much.

Her children are good at everything, but they are too soft-hearted. Obviously let the system pick out the heinous villains among the actors,? Didn't plan to kill them in the movie? Thinking of the worst thing you can do, you just scare them.

Zong Qi signed every employee, and did not give them other restrictions, only that they were not allowed to kill people or do bad things in the future. Since Araki promised her child, she would never break the law.

But Araki was born out of injustice, so he despises such a frivolous woman the most, a waste of lust. Although she didn't know exactly what bad things Song Yangqiu had done, she knew that he was full of five poisons, and planned to rectify it.

No one expects this kind of evil person to change themselves,? It can only use physical or chemical methods, literally.

Most importantly, she had to deal with Song Yangqiu quickly.

The real goal of Araki's trip is the artist, not this coward.

"Yes, there are ghosts!" Song Yangqiu wanted to cry, but his whole body shook like a sieve.

He hastily raised his hand, but was shocked to see that all the dripping blood on his palm had disappeared and returned to a white color. He couldn't see anything, not even a wound.

"How is it possible...?" He murmured, "It was obviously full of blood just now."

Anna said rightly: "We are here to investigate the case. Since we are all private detectives, we should believe in science. How can we talk about gods and ghosts?"

She earnestly began to educate Song Yangqiu: "As a socialist successor who grew up under the red flag, you can't do it like this. You can take more party classes and accept ideological influence when you go back. When encountering such a thing, you should calm down and don't worry about it." Think about everything in the direction of supernatural beings.”

This set of theories was also learned by Anna and Zong Qi. After learning it, they found it to be very useful, and it can greatly improve people's thinking style and height.

She and Araki also planned to arrest the actors who ran away when they saw them when they applied for the boss next time, and give them a good ideological and moral education.

Song Yangqiu is now in a state of shock, hearing her words, the Gu worms in his mind have worked, and he even feels that there is some reason for being in a trance. Most importantly, the national anthem rang in my mind, as if I wasn't so scared anymore.

"Since you're not so afraid anymore, let's get up quickly, we have to continue looking for clues."

Oh yes.

Song Yangqiu got up in a daze, and looked around nervously.

The lights in this dance practice room are not too bright, even a bit dark. The wooden floor on the ground is smooth, and the curtain of the dressing room is lifted, rolling in the air, which looks extremely creepy.

Song Yangqiu looked around suspiciously for several times, but he couldn't find anything wrong, so he was relieved.

However, Anna has already passed him, slowly checking other facilities and equipment in the dance practice room.

These devices have been restored to clean and tidy after Zong Qi's background operation, and they don't look like they had been abandoned for a long time when they came yesterday morning.

Song Yangqiu followed behind her, so they had no choice but to check together.

I don't know why, but he was obviously playing himself along the way, but his performance didn't increase very much. Just now, when Anna said that she would continue to investigate the scene, her interpretation speed increased instead.

Also, he remembered that although the character Cary said that his character was the same as the actor's real character, he fabricated a detective identity for them after all. The detective came to Changming Middle School, didn't he just accept the client's commission and come to investigate the case? Naturally, if you don't investigate, you won't improve your interpretation.

After figuring this out, Song Yangqiu was not in the mood to flirt with Anna anymore.

Although he is ignorant, he also understands the importance of the speed of interpretation to an actor's shooting, so he hastily followed behind, and he pretended to look at the places that Anna had checked. This not only ensures safety, but also improves the degree of deduction. It is also known as being afraid of missing any key clues, and helping to check again.

Xiao Hong, who was hiding in the dark, almost sneered.

It can avoid risks and get deductive value. How could she not know about such a good thing?

So when Song Yangqiu reached out to look through the clothes in the closet beside him, suddenly, a strong force came from behind him, pushing him straight into the closet, and the closet door slammed shut in response.

"Help! Let me out, let me out!"

Song Yangqiu was taken aback for a moment, and was so frightened that he rushed to hammer the door.

But no matter how hard he beat, the wardrobe door wouldn't budge.

In extreme panic, he felt something hanging down from his head, wrapping around his neck like life, slowly tightening.


The feeling of lack of oxygen came, and Song Yangqiu desperately tore at the thing wrapped around his throat, tears and snot flowing wildly.

Xiaohong was really disgusted, she cursed secretly when she saw his snot coming out, quickly removed her hair, and kicked him out of the closet.

Anna who was outside the door slid sideways lightly, just in time for Song Yangqiu to roll face down on the ground.

"Oh, what's the matter, Mr. Song, are you okay?"

Although she said concerned words in her mouth, she didn't have any intention of coming up to help her physically. She still looked down like this, "I just checked this wardrobe, is there any problem?"

Then this is too wicked.

Why is it okay for Anna to open it, but he has something in the past?

Song Yangqiu became angry for a while, and was about to accuse Anna of letting her die, when she heard the other party speak slowly: "It's really because I was too negligent, just now when Master Song was sleepy, he accidentally found a big clue."

"Big clue? What clue?"

Originally, he thought it was a bit eerie to follow this woman, but Song Yangqiu, who was retreating, was suddenly distracted.

He touched Anna's back a few times just now, and his deduction speed was over 10%. If he could find better clues, wouldn't it be...

Anna pointed to the dressing room: "I found the client's daughter's dancing shoes inside. She used to be the chief ballet dancer here."

Song Yangqiu was overjoyed when he heard that, "Then what are we waiting for?"

As he said that, he ignored the weirdness just now and walked towards the locker room.

Sure enough, there was a pair of red ballet shoes in the dressing room. From the sole to the upper, including the laces are red.

At a glance, Song Yangqiu began to feel chills in his heart.

"Why is the color of these dancing shoes so creepy? Do you want red for ballet?"

Anna said instead: "Red is good, red is beautiful."

For some reason, Song Yangqiu felt that the coldness in the dance practice room seemed to have risen a little as soon as he said this sentence.

He rubbed his arms, he just wanted to find an excuse to leave here quickly, just as he was about to speak, he was suddenly blocked in his throat by the scene in front of him.

There are huge and spacious floor-to-ceiling mirrors on all sides of the dance practice room. When you turn your head, those mirrors will brightly reflect the figures in the dance room.

Song Yangqiu felt chills, like being struck by lightning.

Because he saw in the mirror that the dancing shoes were white, but there was a shadow on them out of thin air, wearing a white tutu with disheveled hair.

The most frightening thing was that this shadow was right next to the mirror, and the exposed arms were covered with fine and dense scars. The upper body was half-tilted, and it looked like it was about to come out of the mirror.

"Ah, ah, ghost, ghost!"

He couldn't bear it any longer, and subconsciously pushed Anna. After being easily avoided by the latter, he stumbled and ran for the door.

Looking at Song Yangqiu's back, Anna was also a little speechless.

But she can't destroy the arranged script, at least she must control the general plot, so she can only run out with a scream, deliberately choosing the opposite direction from Song Yangqiu.

Among other things, Anna's acting skills are still very online, at least her frightened reaction is very fake.

After she and Song Yangqiu ran out of the dance practice room together, they changed into a white ballet skirt, and Xiao Hong, who was wearing ballet shoes on her feet, also floated in the air, and chased after her in the form of a ghost.

She watched a well-known horror movie recently, and decided to adopt the method of a certain colleague, lying on the ground like a spider, and went straight to chase Song Yangqiu.

Compared with Anna, Song Yangqiu, who treats scum, Nyarlathotep bullies ghost babies, and the manager disappears, Yu Chenxue is really conscientious and makes people feel distressed.

The entire teaching building was powered off just now, and he saw a figure running past in the corridor, so he immediately chased after him.

Generally speaking, with Yu Chenxue's physical strength, he would not consider the possibility of being lost at all, but due to the power outage in the teaching building and the fact that the other party is very familiar with Changming Middle School, he really lost him. As a last resort, he had to go to the first floor to reconnect the meter, and then walked around the playground.

Yu Chenxue remembered clearly that the figure was wearing a basketball uniform with the serial number 18 printed on the back.

So he made a quick decision, went directly to the playground, and found the sign board left over from that year in the training base where the sports students often train.

Number 18's name is Xu Jingshan.

He memorized the name and was about to leave, but turned his head sharply.

Along the way, Yu Chenxue felt an obvious sense of prying eyes. He looked for it without any trace, and very simply locked his eyes on the ubiquitous surveillance cameras in the school.

Yu Chenxue didn't know where the monitoring room was, but he learned in the classroom that the dormitory had a fire escape plan for the entire school. As long as you find the floor plan, you can determine the location of the monitoring room.

However, it was too quiet here, and even the manager who had been following behind him before was nowhere to be seen. This is wrong as long as the individual can see.

"come out."

Standing in the empty gymnasium, he folded one hand neatly, and said in a deep voice.

A black shadow appeared around the corner, "What a coincidence, we meet again."

It was Anna who had thrown Song Yangqiu away.

She smiled lightly, but with a slight flick of her finger, she released a Gu worm.