Chapter 92: 、92

Song Yangqiu was running in front of him desperately.

If it was an accident to see blood before and was dragged into the closet, then this time it is not an accident to see a ghost in a tutu with disheveled hair clearly in the floor-to-ceiling mirror, right?

What's more, he saw it when he was running. The female ghost in the mirror was looking out, and her hair was floating out of the mirror. If he didn't run again, wouldn't he have to splatter blood on the spot?

While running, Song Yangqiu cursed in his heart.

It is clearly stated on the actor forum that the first act is generally not dangerous. The danger is concentrated in the second and third acts,? Why is it only now in the first act, and he meets a female ghost? Is this still abiding by martial arts?

"You must run towards that woman."

After he ran out, he heard Anna's exclamation in the dance room from a distance, and seemed to run in the opposite direction.

Song Yangqiu is now looking forward to the female ghost coming out of the mirror to find Anna, and give up chasing and killing him. The principle of dead friends and poor Taoists is applicable everywhere.

Of course,? If Anna and he ran to the same place, then the female ghost must be the first to catch up with Anna,? It can also delay him.

Thinking so, Song Yangqiu looked back boldly.

It was just this one look,? It almost frightened him out of his wits.

Not far away, a white figure lying on the ground with its limbs on the ground, and disheveled hair was quickly approaching him. The speed is like a ghost, extremely fast, just a dodge, and climbed several meters,? While crawling, you can still see the rotten and sore face behind, as well as the weird sound from the depths of the throat.

"Cluck cluck—"

Song Yangqiu's face was pale and pale, and he screamed in extreme horror.

He had never seen a ghost face to face.

During the first filming, I saw a ghost face all of a sudden, but at that time the actors happened to act together, and it was also the first scene, so I saw it when I saw it, and there was no follow-up after Flash was frightened. Later, when I hid in the closet and pushed my colleagues out, I only felt cold and cold, and I couldn't see how the ghosts killed people and cannibalized them.

This time, there was a real ghost chasing after him.

After messing with her appearance, Xiao Hong, who put on a ballet costume, is not in a hurry.

She chased Song Yangqiu unhurriedly, and when she got close, she would intentionally make loud noises to scare him, directly scaring Song Yangqiu into a jump three feet high, and ran even harder. Then she let go of the distance a little bit, giving the other party a little hope of running out. Like a hunter teasing its prey, it is easy to handle.

Although Song Yangqiu is useless, but after chasing all the way, I don't know how much scream value it will bring to Xiaohong. In addition, Araki used chemical means to infinitely magnify Song Yangqiu's fear. After chasing two floors of the teaching building, her scream value surpassed that of grandpa and grandma, and she rushed to the first place.

For such a tangible benefit, Xiaohong naturally has to slowly hang on to this hen that can only lay eggs.

But Xiaohong thought so, Song Yangqiu who was being chased didn't know.

He only knew that there was a female ghost chasing after him, no matter where he ran, it could catch up, and the sound of clucking was far and near, and sometimes it even stuck to his scalp. God knows when he looked up and saw the female ghost What is it like to chase after him while lying on his stomach against the ceiling? It is really psychological torture.

The most annoying thing is that some roadblocks have been placed by someone along the way.

There are mineral water bottles, brooms, books, and even banana peels. If you accidentally step on them, you will have to row a few meters or fall.

Song Yangqiu was hit several times, rolling and crawling, almost cardiac arrest. Xiao Hong was behind him, and seeing him fall, she had to slow down, thinking that this man was clumsy, she was so full of water, she couldn't run fast.

"Hoo... hoo... hoo..."

Song Yangqiu usually doesn't like other sports except in bed/exercise. He can't do it after running three or four floors. His calf muscles are extremely sore, and he is completely relying on fear to push him forward.

In a daze, he saw a figure in the corridor in front of him. He was startled and was about to take a detour when he suddenly realized that it was an old man holding a broom and lowering his head to place a water bottle on the ground.

Song Yangqiu was furious immediately: "Damn it! Is it you who littered the ground?"

In the past, he was the type who threw **** on the street and spit outside after rolling down the window of the Lamborghini. Today, after encountering countless obstacles, he was surprisingly angry.

He ran up, and was about to walk over with a punch, but he actually pulled the old man behind him as a scapegoat. After walking two steps, he saw the face of the person opposite him clearly under the light.

About a year ago, Song Yangqiu was having fun with his friends one night, and he didn't return until he was half drunk. Several other friends called a surrogate driver, but Uncle Song Yangqiu had just given him a new red Ferrari, and he hadn't got it for a few days, and he liked it so much, he didn't want the surrogate driver to touch his new car, so he drove back by himself up.

He still remembered what he had said back then.

"Who can be on the road in the middle of the night? Even if you get hit and killed, you just need to pay some money. It's not like you, everyone is careful. Didn't you just drink a little wine? Master, I can take off my pants and get a few more shots." .”

Then, Song Yangqiu bumped into the person and killed him.

People were crushed by wheels, and the noise was not insignificant. At least at that moment, Song Yangqiu was completely awake from the alcohol.

He glanced hastily.

The front of the car was stained with a large amount of red blood, and the person was knocked away like a broken sack, his limbs were twisted into impossible arcs in the air, his skull rolled to the side of the street, and the old face still had the innocence left. The astonishment faded away, and she stared straight at him behind the car window.

Song Yangqiu's liver and gallbladder were broken immediately, and he drove away from the scene without even thinking about it. When walking, the wheels ran over the old woman and broke into several corpses.

Although things were settled, this scene still left a big shadow on Song Yangqiu.

The family hired a psychiatrist for him to provide him with psychological counseling and hypnosis, and he was fine in the follow-up.

But now, Song Yangqiu saw an identical face.

It's hard to describe the fear of this sudden climb, it's even more frightening than facing the female ghost just now.

Araki's Gu worms rooted in Song Yangqiu's mind sensed this negative emotion and emitted hallucinogenic factors happily.

"No, I didn't kill you...I didn't kill bumped into it yourself."

He muttered to himself, and took two steps back hastily, but felt a cold breath suddenly sweeping towards his back.

Song Yangqiu didn't pay attention, rolled his eyes and rolled down the corridor.

Xiaohong, who was catching up, just turned around, and saw the screaming value that had climbed rapidly after meeting her grandma just now, and immediately surpassed the points that Xiaohong had just gained from chasing desperately, and rose back to the first position .

She glanced at the harmless grandma in disbelief, doubting herself for the first time.

Could it be that her current outfit is not scary enough?

But how is this possible! She has learned from the seniors in the ghost movies, why can the grandma be able to KO as soon as she comes up?

Grandma rolled her eyes: "Miss Xiaohong, this comatose person... I seem to know him."

On the other side, Nyarlathotep was carrying the ghost baby with a look of disgust, and was quickly heading towards the teaching building from the dormitory.

Anyway, Gui Ying is also Zong Qi's employee, so he can't help his own employee if he is caught by others, right? So Zong Qi signaled the ghost baby to bring Nyarlathotep to the teaching building. If there is no other way, he can take it upstairs.

Along the way, Zong Qi tried various methods.

For example, recalling ghost babies, or using authority to forcibly expel Nyarlathotep, an uninvited troublemaker, or trying to mobilize the value on the doctor's role card.

But it didn't work.

According to the system, Nyarlathotep sneaked in normally, the process was very formal, and he became a glorious D-rank actor, and the system couldn't find any mistakes.

After the filming starts, actors cannot be expelled at will. As for the deduction degree on Naia's character card... the evil god's emotions are a mess in the system, so the deduction degree is still zero.

But to be honest, not to mention that this movie only has three scenes, even if there are 300 million scenes, it may not be able to keep the old man Naia, this performance is just a decoration for him.

Zong Qi gritted his teeth secretly and scolded the system a hundred times in his heart.

[He is an S-level evil god, the kind with the ability to act independently, unless you can fully sign him, otherwise he will not listen to you]

[Of course, you may not be obedient if you sign him, it depends on how much fun you can bring him. When you choose to release him at the beginning, you also consider that he is actually the most friendly evil **** to human beings—if you have enough fun In the case of watching]

To be reasonable, Zong Qi felt that this evil **** really seemed to have such a serious illness.

So he opened the authority and directly borrowed a loudspeaker from an empty classroom to have a conversation with Nyarlathotep.

"Hello, Your Majesty the Evil God."

The dark-skinned doctor showed a hearty smile: "I finally found you."

Zong Qi: "..."

Alas, how did he know that the real mastermind in the last movie was actually Naia?

But then again, of course, even if you know, the summoning ceremony cannot be performed.

Unexpectedly, the ensuing conversation went smoothly.

Nyarlathotep is not very aggressive, at least on the surface. Zong Qi decided to ignore the encyclopedia saying that he once instigated mankind to create nuclear weapons.

This setting has been modified and polished by many ugly country writers, and it can only be said that it is a joint effort to become what it is now.

Naia showed a kind smile: "Oh, my interest in humans is obvious to all. Most of the time I am quite friendly. Of course, there is also that strange switch on you."

"Although it's not very good to say so, you may need to pay attention to that switch. This may be the last chance for mankind."

After he finished speaking mysteriously, he looked like it was not a big deal to fight the fire.

Zong Qi was also speechless, "Then what are you doing here? Is it just to watch a play?"

Doctor: "I mainly want to sign a contract with you."

Do you want to pick up an S-level employee for nothing?

The expectation in Zong Qi's heart was broken by the evil **** before it had time to rise, "Temporary contract."

"This world is not complete yet, but the switch on your body is very interesting."

Nyarlathotep smiled: "I like to see human beings struggling in despair."

Oh, I got it.

Zong Qi was expressionless. It turned out that he was looking for him to open a back door, and enter the filming scene anytime and anywhere to watch the fun.

The system is right, iron-blooded fun man.