Chapter 100: 、100

When Zong Qi heard the sound of the door opening, he stood up from the sofa mountain with a "bao", hurriedly trotted to the door of the entrance, and immediately saw a person and an evil spirit staring at each other at the door.

Nyarlathotep showed an inexplicable smile, and Yu Chenxue also had a smile that was not a smile.

The two of them just stood here, looking at each other. I don't know why, just watching Zongqi can imagine lightning and thunder in his brain, a blockbuster movie with a strong smell of gunpowder in the air, just like the scene of catching rape.

Seeing Zong Qi approaching, Yu Chenxue shifted his gaze: "Xiao Qi."

He sized up the black-haired young man, and praised sincerely: "Xiao Qi looks really good today."

Zong Qi:! !

Zong Qi: "Really? It's actually just random clothes found in the closet hahahaha."

The professor of psychology nodded with a smile, and turned to the black-skinned man very naturally: "This is...?"

Zong Qi was about to speak, but Naia spoke, "Are you going out later?"

The black-haired young man frowned twice, and when he turned around, he saw Naia skillfully put his arms on him, as naturally as rehearsing thousands of times.

Rao is Zong Qi, no matter how straight he is in love, he also sensed something was wrong at this moment, and while trying to tear off Naia's hand, he looked at Yu Chenxue anxiously.

The latter is worthy of being a master of facial micro-expression control, and he didn't even blink his eyes.

But for some reason, Zong Qi could intuitively feel that Yu Chenxue was angry.

Nyarlathotep, with an expression of watching the excitement, didn't think it was a big deal, continued to fire: "You have friends coming,? Pray, you didn't tell me in advance."

As he said that, he let go of his hand very graciously, and by the way, he helped Zong Qi straighten his collar, and his smile became more intense: "Remember to come back early at night."

Zong Qi was stunned by Nyarlathotep's coquettish operation.

He suddenly recalled a few days ago when the coward was watching the video, there was a whining sound coming from it.

"Giegie,? You stood with me and your boyfriend saw him, wouldn't he be angry? Giegie, if your boyfriend knows we live together, won't he be jealous? Giegie, if your boyfriend knows me The relationship between the two is so good, why don't you beat me up?"

"It's scary, your boyfriend, unlike me, only loves giegie~"

He shivered violently, bent over to change his shoes, didn't notice what Nyarlathotep and Yu Chenxue said, picked up the key and looked at Naia rubbing his hair with a smile, Turned and closed the door.

Zong Qi: "..."

There was an awkward silence in the corridor.

Zong Qi really wanted to resist on the spot, but he couldn't beat Naia, and he was afraid that this guy would turn his back on him, so he really couldn't explain it well.

"Well, he is actually a relative of mine." Zong Qi's voice was as weak as a mosquito.

Yu Chenxue said lightly: "Xiao Qi doesn't need to explain to me."

Although it sounded the same, Zong Qi still felt that Yu Chenxue was angry.

Don't ask, just intuition.

So he immediately hit a straight ball: "I don't mean to disbelieve Professor Yu, it's just that his character... often does some inexplicable things."

After Zong Qi finished speaking, the professor of psychology finally looked down at him from behind the lens, his eyes were condescending, with scrutiny and inexplicable coldness.

Zong Qi felt goosebumps all over his body when he was stared at by this gaze.

He felt that his previous guess was not right. It wasn't that Yu Chenxue was in a bad mood after seeing Nyarlathotep, but that he was in a bad mood today.

However, it only lasted for a moment, and after a few seconds, Yu Chenxue curled the corners of his mouth, and regained Zong Qi's familiar elegant appearance.

"I have no doubts, after all..."

He chuckled lightly: "How could Xiaoqi lie to me?"

This sentence is very low, pressed into the lips and teeth, as if with a little irony. For a moment, Yu Chenxue smiled: "Does Xiao Qi usually live with him?"

Zong Qi scratched his head in distress: "Yeah, he just moved here recently, and he doesn't live here often. Today is just a good time. Sometimes there are other friends or relatives at home."

It is true to say that, in Zong Qi's heart, although he calls those ghosts employees, in fact, everyone is more like a family, and they get along with each other in this direction on weekdays, so they don't feel restrained.

Yu Chenxue said nothing.

They went up and down the stairs side by side from the elevator. Zong Qi's hands were suddenly grasped by another pair of slightly cold hands. When he turned around in shock, he saw the man smiling at him and saying, "Since it's a date, let's start by holding hands." Bar."

The slightly hypothermic hand clasped the hot five fingers of the young man.

The artist's hands are slender and beautiful, a circle larger than Zongqi's, and when they are held together, they just surround his whole hand, which fits perfectly.

At first, Zong Qi felt uncomfortable holding hands so intimately, but later he got used to it.

Zong Qi finally made up his mind when he walked out of the apartment door.

Professor Yu is very wrong today. It's hard to say what's wrong, anyway, everything is wrong. Although he was smiling, his whole body exuded low air pressure.

So Zong Qi began to think about whether he had done something bad recently that made his boyfriend unhappy.

He was the first to admit his mistake: "I've been busy these days, so I forgot to send a message to the professor."

Yu Chenxue understated: "It's okay. I know you're busy, so I didn't bother you."

This sentence made Zong Qi startled.

He remembered that when he was looking for Professor Yu yesterday, when he deleted and deleted in the chat box, it was Yu Chenxue who sent him a message first.

Is it really a coincidence that I have not contacted for so many days, but I sent a message at the same time?

But after thinking about it, he felt that he didn't expose anything during the filming of Changming Middle School. Although he almost fell off in public later, at least he used his re-shooting skills to fool him, didn't he? If it had to be counted, Yu Chenxue would probably be able to confirm his identity before the reshoots in the ghost building, and it was not all right in the end.

Maybe I thought too much, Zong Qi thought.

Yu Chenxue didn't mind his sudden silence, instead she changed the subject understandingly: "Since we are already in a relationship, will Xiao Qi still call me Professor Yu?"

"Eh?" Zong Qi reacted: "Then...Axue?"

Satisfied with this intimate address, the professor of psychology opened the car door in front of the black-haired youth with his backhand: "Let's go."

This car looks very low-key, the whole body is black, but the interior space is unbelievably large, the seats are spacious and comfortable, and there is a soundproof panel in the middle. As for the car logo, it is a brand that Zong Qi has never seen before.

He looked at it curiously, then politely looked away.

"Go to the trade center."

Yu Chenxue pressed the soundproof panel, gave instructions to the driver and closed it again, pulled out a flat panel from the back of the car, and asked casually: "Is there anything you want to eat tonight? There is an authentic restaurant on the 90th floor of the business center." French food, the Huaiyang cuisine in the hotel downstairs is also good, choose one?"

"Hmm... Huaiyang cuisine?"

Zong Qi has never eaten French food, but his taste is still more inclined to eat, so he chose Huaiyang cuisine.

Yu Chenxue clicked a few times on the tablet, and the butler sitting in the front seat of the car started to call and make reservations. Generally speaking, this kind of restaurant has to order food one or two months in advance, but of course, as long as the price is right, it is not a problem to temporarily jump in line.

"Then... what movie does Xiao Qi want to watch?"

When it comes to movies, Zong Qi immediately cheers up.

He glanced guiltily across the movie poster displayed on the tablet.

There weren't many movies released during this period, and Changming Middle School took a good position in the top three, so I saw it at a glance.

In addition, he just edited and sent it to the system yesterday, and the official release date is actually twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, so it's not even a day.

"No eh? I haven't paid much attention to movies recently, Yu Jiao...does Axue have any movies she wants to watch?"

Zong Qi had already prepared for the worst.

Since Yu Chenxue is an S-level actor, she will definitely go to Changming Middle School. Coupled with the fact that today is the first day of the movie's release, the possibility of choosing this one is quite high.

Sure enough, as soon as Zong Qi finished speaking, the tablet in front of him was handed over.

On it is an enlarged poster with an abandoned school in the background and four large characters "Changming Middle School" written next to it. "The ratings of this movie seem to be pretty good. There's a new horror movie released today. Try it?"

Zong Qi: "Ah, good."

He thought to himself, instead of watching other movies, it would be better to contribute to the box office by himself, and he could also raise the system score, and it’s not using his own money, so why not do it?

It's the finished movie, which he has watched over and over again in the past half month.

But watching clips at home is different from watching my own work on the big screen in a movie theater, at least the latter has a certain sense of accomplishment.

The business car sent them to the entrance of the business center, the butler opened the door for them, and Yu Chenxue took him directly to the direct elevator from the side entrance of the mall.

Because he had never had such a travel experience before, Zong Qi seemed extremely cramped. Coupled with Yu Chenxue's unique and outstanding appearance, the rate of turning heads along the way was so high that he became more cautious, and the place where his hands were clasped became hot.

Zong Qi breathed a sigh of relief when he stepped into the cinema.

He and Yu Chenxue separated, he went to get the ticket, and the former queued up to buy Coke popcorn.

After Zong Qi got the tickets, Yu Chenxue came over with a glass of Coke in his hand, and handed him a bucket full of popcorn.

Zong Qi stretched his neck: "Axue won't eat?"

Yu Chenxue: "I don't like to eat this kind of food."

Zong Qi was surprised, and recalled the fruits and fresh bentos in the refrigerator in Professor Yu’s house. He usually drinks afternoon tea, and there are people freshly making it. Although there are many choices of drinks, most of them are coffee and black tea. junk food.

"There are still ten minutes, and you can enter the venue early."

So Yu Chenxue helped him hold the Coke, and stood sideways in front of him, while Zong Qi was holding popcorn, obediently holding one hand behind his back by the psychology professor, and followed the flow of people into the giant screen auditorium.

"The seventh and eighth in the eighth row, ah, it's here."

After taking his seat, Zong Qi also became nervous for no reason.

He brought his boyfriend to watch the movie he made, wouldn't it be embarrassing if it didn't look good!

After a few minutes, the lights dimmed completely.

There are also some noisy theaters that gradually quiet down, and they concentrate on watching movies.