Chapter 101: 、101

Zong Qi was sitting in the movie theater, drinking Coke and eating peanuts, feeling a little out of sorts.

Everyone else was concentrating on watching the movie, but he was the only one who had nothing to do to observe the reactions of other people watching the movie, and listened to the comments from all directions.

It really can't be blamed for Zong Qi's inability to concentrate.

In the Changming Middle School movie, he can say the next line with his eyes closed, and he knows the next scene without looking at the screen.

It took half a month to make an edit,? For a director who has watched the semi-finished film countless times, it is really torture to watch the movie carefully again. Even if you have a sense of accomplishment, it's almost enough to see the beginning.

The black-haired young man quietly leaned back on the movie theater seat, watching Yu Chenxue sitting next to him from the corner of his eye.

The profound facial contours of the professor of psychology flickered under the projection of the dark light of the film, and the blue eyes behind the lenses were staring at the screen in front of him without blinking, looking very focused.

Zong Qi thought that he was secretly staring at Yu Chenxue's face, and sighed once again how could there be such a good-looking person in the world, who could beat all the celebrities, his temperament was so extraordinary that he was like a fairy descending to earth. It was really lucky to be kidnapped by him.

"What's wrong?"

Just when Zong Qi was staring at Yu Chenxue's face in a daze, the latter suddenly turned his head and asked indifferently.

"It's okay, you can continue watching the movie."

Peeking and being caught, Zong Qi coughed lightly, and quickly picked up an ice-cola to cover it up.

Just after taking a sip, he suddenly felt something fragrant approaching his lips. When I looked down, I realized it was a popcorn with caramel.

Yu Chenxue, on the other hand, rested her head on one hand, stared straight at the movie screen in front of her, and let her white hair slip down her shoulders in a string, with a careless expression, as if this matter was as common as drinking water and eating.

Professor Yu should be in a better mood now. Zong prayed.

Now that the popcorn was handed to his mouth, he didn't have to worry about it. After thinking for a while, he lowered his head and ate it stiffly.

As a result, Zong Qi hadn't finished eating the one in his mouth, and Yu Chenxue took out the second one from the popcorn bucket very naturally and handed it over.

Zong Qi: "..." He had the illusion that he was being fed.

Looking at the beautiful fingertips and the blue eyes that he looked at with some doubts after he hadn't moved for a long time, Zong Qi still lowered his head and ate.

So one feeds and the other eats. The movie has only played for less than 20 minutes, and Zong Qi is forced to finish half a bucket of popcorn by himself.

Most importantly, he has to be very careful, careful not to let his lips touch Yu Chenxue's fingers while eating popcorn.

This is really a very difficult thing.

For example, this time, Zong Qi accidentally rounded the artist's slender fingers.

Sensing the wet touch on his hands, Yu Chenxue looked down at him.

To be honest, as casual as he is usually, he is as rigorous as he is at work.

For example, painting, Yu Chenxue can sit for several hours and focus on it, even if the surroundings are noisy and noisy, she can stay still. Or during reading, it is common to look at it all day long.

On weekdays, when Director Q's movie is released, Yu Chenxue must watch it immediately, and concentrate on analyzing every shot or the metaphor behind it.

However, in the 20-minute screening time of Changming Middle School just now, it may be that he knew that Zong Qi was hiding behind the clumsy concealment, or it might be the anger after being fooled that could not be calmed down for half a month, or seeing the other party. It was the first time in Yu Chenxue's life that it was difficult for Yu Chenxue to concentrate on the movie that was being shown in front of him because of his intimate posture with the dark-skinned man.

In other words, he was in a bad mood. very bad.

Yu Chenxue knew that Zong Qi had sensed that he was in a bad mood, because that was what he showed on purpose. With his personality, even if he knew or suspected something, he would not show the cards he got in the open.

Obviously, although a certain director's intuition is on the line, his nerves are still strong, and he didn't realize that he was the culprit who caused Professor Yu's bad mood.

Zong Qi had already noticed his carelessness, but now that the professor of psychology saw him, he became even more flustered, and quickly took out a tissue from his pocket: "That, I'm sorry!"

Yu Chenxue stared at his flustered appearance, suddenly turned the young man's face, and lowered her head unexpectedly.

If the movie theater was brighter, Zong Qi could see the man's expressionless face at the moment, just like the other's slightly cold lips and teeth.

It's a pity that Zong Qi was interrupted by this sudden kiss again, and could only obey the other party's movements, unable to say a word for a long time.

As it happens, the movie screen in front of me at this moment has just advanced to Nyarlathotep walking into the dormitory, and the result is a wonderful high-energy shot of mummies and umbilical cords hanging from the ceiling.

I don’t know how many times this scene has been reshot. Zong Qi gave Naia a play by hand. Fortunately, the evil **** can cheat and directly manipulate his facial expressions, so he reluctantly passed this scene.

But the horror is also really scary. I saw the doctor walk into the dormitory, and when I looked inside, I found that it was dark inside. After a quick glance, there was nothing abnormal. But the camera shot was behind him, which was half a pale grimace hanging down.

In the huge projection hall, many audiences were frightened and screamed.

After the kiss was over, Zong Qi turned around and saw the horror scene on the screen that he had cut by himself.

Zong Qi: "..."

It feels a bit weird to kiss in such a background.

He stammered: "That...can you tell me in advance next time."

Yu Chenxue curled the corners of her mouth, finally feeling warmer: "I'll think about it."

He glanced at the screen indifferently, turned around and helped the young man sweep his forehead hair behind his ears, and continued to feed. After hearing Zong Qi say pitifully that he was full, he patted his head, messed up the hair he had just arranged, and watched a movie in leisure before Zong Qi protested.

So Zong Qi also retreated into his seat, honestly watching the movie with peace of mind.

The movie is not long, less than two hours.

At the beginning, it was cut from the perspective of commissioning and detectives. When exploring in the middle, I added some scenes that should be in horror movies, and screamed from time to time. Especially when seeing Xiaohong's spider girl ghost, the girls sitting in front of them were so frightened that their faces turned pale and they hugged each other, which gave Zong Qi a particularly sense of accomplishment.

After all the clues were assembled, everyone went up to the rooftop, Xu Jingshan told them the truth, and the camera switched to Wen Fanmeng's memory.

In the last scene, the girl jumped down from the rooftop, her figure was light and beautiful, and she happened to be in the same frame as the bird flying in the distance.

Zong Qi cut a long shot for this segment, coupled with the excellent background music kindly provided by the system, which immediately mobilized the audience's emotions.

When the theater lights came on and the curtain call appeared on the screen, Zong Qi could still hear the comments of several viewers.

"It's not bad. The scary place in the front is quite scary, but there's even a reversal in the back."

"Yes. At first, I thought that the girl died because of school violence, or committed suicide for other reasons. After all, the client's words are too misleading, and the previous clues are preconceived... Who would have imagined that parents who love their children so much are actually the murderers who brought their children to a dead end?"

"Indeed, there have been too many movies with the theme of school violence in recent years. When it comes to school in horror movies, they are basically piled up with this element. Occasionally, it is a bit novel to see one that does not have this element. And the teachers and teachers who appear in this movie The classmates are very heart-warming and nice, and the homeroom teacher not only didn’t tell the parents about Wen Fanmeng’s puppy love, but also taught her a physical hygiene class.”

"I was really scared in several places, and it was quite interesting. The theme of kidnapping in the name of love is impressive."

Zong Qi made an excuse to go to the bathroom, finally mustered up the courage to open the movie ticketing app, and carefully browsed the reviews about the movie.

Unexpectedly, Changming Middle School's score on a certain petal was good at the beginning. It rushed to 7.8 points on the first day. According to this trend, it will definitely be stable at above 7 points at the end. According to the good law of a movie with a score of 7 or above, it can already be counted in the ranks of good dramas, which is even more rare for horror movies.

Excluding the content of praise below, there are also many critics.

"I'm still not right with what the class teacher did. Isn't this just encouraging students to fall in love? Propagating wrong values, don't teach my children badly, this kind of film should be banned as soon as possible!"

"This little girl is too hypocritical, I can't understand it at all. Her parents obviously love her so much, but they have eaten less snacks and drinks than her since childhood? She committed suicide when she turned her head around. It's better to give birth to a piece of barbecued pork than to give birth to her."

"It's this director again. The last time I made a bad movie, this time it's not so good. There are too many school-themed haunted movies, and the branches are very messy. Except for the actor named Artist who has been searching for information, the others The roles of several actors are negligible... An excellent movie should dig deep to portray the characters. I don’t know what this is. It only represents myself, at most two stars, and the extra star is dedicated to the movie Soundtrack."

Zong Qi read these comments carefully, then put away his phone and washed his hands.

In any case, it was a surprise to get this result.

He is in a very good mood now, and he has learned a lot from the bad reviews just now. In any case, director Q finally got rid of his reputation as a director of bad movies, congratulations, congratulations! !

In addition, he caught up with a good time for the release, and the movies screened at the same time were basically bad movies, and the short ones were overshadowed by the high ones. What's more, in recent years, the horror film market in the domestic market has been sluggish. A large number of horror film lovers have reached the point where a horror film above the pass line can make it a masterpiece. I hope that the capital market will pay more attention to investing in unpopular themes. .

Such evaluations are polarized, and there are more and more discussions on the Internet. Open Weibo, the most searched Weibo is Changming Middle School, and many film critics have analyzed that this opening advantage should gradually increase the box office in the next few days.

For the first time in his life, Zong Qi also had the trance feeling that he was actually a director.

Walking out of the bathroom, he walked to Yu Chenxue's side: "Okay, let's go."

He stretched out his hand very consciously, and got into the broad palm of the professor of psychology.

Yu Chenxue lowered her eyes and did not express her opinion.