Chapter 109: 、109

A dinner? It was a happy meal, and the host and guest enjoyed themselves.

No matter what he thinks in his heart, at least on the surface Araki will not show his dislike for Yu Chenxue. This also made Yu Chenxue, who originally wanted to make use of the problem and sell miserably in front of Zong Qi, feel very regretful.

Xiaohong is the easiest to buy.

She was filled with righteous indignation after hearing Araki's words, but after seeing Zong Qi's obsession with falling in love, she thought it was okay. Anyway, they have so many ghosts, can't they protect the safety of a boss?

Not to mention that even S-level actors have to make a living under the director's command,? Just one of the staff under his command is enough for Yu Chenxue to drink a pot.

She was vacillating in the beginning, and she immediately turned against him after eating the food from Yu Chenxue's house.

If it wasn't for Araki who was still here, she was thinking of her ghostly love,? Otherwise, she would have to try her best to follow Zong Qi to eat.

The other ghosts also ate happily.

Because the stomach of a ghost is a bottomless pit, eat as much as you want, and pull out as much as you eat, so Yu Chenxue specially ordered the chef to increase the serving size.

Obviously, Yu Chenxue also knew that Araki belonged to the category of the elders. After Anna finished eating, she wiped her mouth with a tissue. After saying that she was full, he immediately followed.

"Miss Anna, is this meal still to your liking?"

The taste is of course suitable. After all, this dinner includes a variety of Chinese cuisines, ranging from sweet to spicy. The chefs are all executive chefs who line up for half a year and may not be able to eat once. In the end, Yu Chenxue was fine, so he asked the chef to cook in the apartment.

Even Araki couldn't pick out any thorns from the full table in front of him.

She put down her handkerchief, and nodded lightly: "Mr. Artist, you are interested. My family Zong Qi is always grateful for your care."

"Where is it, you are too polite."

Yu Chenxue said with a smile: "With Xiaoqi's relationship with me now, it's also my duty to take care of him."

It's a matter of one's duty, and the sense of gunpowder is full at once.

This sentence can be regarded as touching the limit of the old hen protecting the calf.

These two are confronting bloodlessly here, Zong Qi is buried in his meal, and occasionally looks up, and finds that everyone at the table is getting along very well, even Araki's mother is also getting along with her boyfriend, so he feels relieved again bow your head.

After eating, Yu Chenxue naturally turned her head to him: "Are you going to sleep upstairs tonight?"

His eyes briefly glanced at Anna who was about to speak, and he added slowly: "It's only one time before I can finish the painting."

In an instant, Zong Qi who was almost wiped out last morning appeared in his mind: "..."

He was determined to refuse at first, but when he heard Yu Chenxue said that there was one last time to finish the painting, he couldn't help hesitating a bit.

Zong Qi is a fast-paced and impatient person, and he can finish one thing as soon as possible. Especially this is what he promised Yu Chenxue before.

So he nodded: "OK."

It just so happened that tonight all the employees went out to investigate the Ouroboros organization at night, and there was no one at home, so they might as well come up and sleep with Yu Chenxue.

Seeing the child agreeing, Yu Chenxue naturally hugged him on the shoulder, and nodded towards the ghosts with a smile: "I'm sorry. Since it's downstairs, I won't send it off."

He didn't have the consciousness of being missed by a thousand-year-old ghost at all, and he still went his own way.

Araki: "..."

She stared at Yu Chenxue gloomyly with those white eyes, and turned around without saying a word.

Originally, there was another Gu that she planned to leave for Yu Chenxue, but even if this guy didn't make movies, he never lacked props. One was broken in Changming Middle School last time, and it was replaced immediately after returning, and the Gu worms couldn't get close to him at all.

For this reason, Araki was very upset.

Seeing that all the ghosts had left, Yu Chenxue pulled Zong Qi into her arms very smoothly, and nestled on the sofa, like a lazy white lion, pampering Zong Qi casually.

Since Zong Qi moved in from time to time, the layout of Yu Chenxue's apartment has also changed greatly.

Originally in a minimalist style, there is not much furniture, and there are many concave decorations, such as the Roman columns and white sculptures in the corners, which are all decorations that are not useful.

Zong Qi often couldn't find anything interesting in his apartment, so he went downstairs to find cowards to play with.

For this reason, Yu Chenxue has been brooding about it for a long time, and added a lot of furniture schemingly. For example, a super comfortable sofa that you don’t want to get up when you sit on it, a huge theater-level screen that you can watch movies anytime and anywhere, a computer equipped with top-end hardware, and a newly moved snack cabinet full of various snacks and a small refrigerator. He also promised Zong Qi to take him to a private shooting range to learn guns. After this operation, Zong Qi's eyes brightened, and he couldn't think of leaving. If it wasn't for Araki who would often send an employee to tease him after a while, he probably would have forgotten the way home.

When Zong Qi came out after taking a shower and changing clothes, he couldn't help but ask.

"Speaking of which, Ah Xue is not afraid of ghosts?"

Originally, Zong Qi asked his employees to come upstairs as guests. Apart from really wanting to introduce his boyfriend to his family, he also had some evil intentions in his heart. For example, he wanted to see Professor Yu's usually perfect expression collapse.

In the end, what Zong Qi didn't expect was that with so many ghosts gathered together, Yu Chenxue was not only not afraid, but also didn't even blink his eyes, and chatted and laughed happily at the dinner table. Chat with Xiaohong about the latest trends in entertainment movies and various resources, chat with the coward about the four famous actresses, you can easily get anecdotes about famous celebrities, and even recommend Guiying a pacifier that is highly rated at home and abroad.

Zong Qi:? ? ?

Really, it's strong.

"What? Let Xiaoqi down?"

Yu Chenxue didn't pierce his small thoughts, and grabbed Zong Qi with a smile, and squeezed his **** very suggestively.

Well, it feels good, very sensual.

"Hello!" Zong Qi is now out of the shower, wearing a pair of underwear instead of trousers on his lower body. The man's slightly cold palm covered him, and he flinched, his neck immediately turning red.

Yu Chenxue looked at him with raised eyebrows, her azure blue pupils were obviously dull: "If Xiaoqi doesn't go and sit down, I don't guarantee that I can hold it."

"After all, I'm not a gentleman."

Zong Qi glared at him viciously, and trotted all the way to sit on the mat.

In the past, Zong Qi always felt that Yu Chenxue was cold and indifferent, with an abstinent appearance. Now it seems... what a ghost!

Originally, Yu Chenxue wanted to paint well, so she tried not to delay the time today.

But the child's cramped expression is so cute that he can't concentrate frequently while drawing.

Unable to bear it any longer, Yu Chenxue put down the paintbrush and directly pressed the person onto the mat.

Zong Qi: "...what are you doing?!"

The professor of psychology traced his fingertips along the young man's tense neck, and lifted his white shirt with his other hand: "Do something that makes you happy."

The air conditioner in the studio is turned on at 20 degrees all the year round, which is the most suitable temperature for the human body.

But when Yu Chenxue posted it, Zong Qi only felt a little cold. However, soon, this coldness was dispelled in the next actions.

"Huh? No, you draw first, and then do it after you finish drawing!"

Of course Zong Qi would not reject Yu Chenxue, even he felt very comfortable, but he was thin-skinned. Every time Yu Chenxue teases him, he curls up from face to toes, like a boiled shrimp.

However, Yu Chenxue is full of vicious tastes, the thinner the skin, the more teasing him, "Okay."

So he took out a new paintbrush from the clean pen holder as expected, and even touched his chin and thought for a while: "Little Qi has worked hard to provide paint."

Zong Qi suddenly had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, when the water-stained paintbrush brushed across his chin, the young man trembled uncontrollably, accompanied by the unhurried trembling of his slender fingers, arched his back weakly, and was easily held by the man's arms , panting violently.

Before he regained consciousness, Yu Chenxue dipped some paint provided by Zong Qi, and the moment he swept it, he got another exclamation stuck in his throat, and slowly began to draw circles.

The professor of psychology hugged him from behind, put him on his lap, leaned close to Zong Qi's ear and smiled muffledly: "Xiao Qi really looks like a pen holder."

Before Zong Qi could refute, the brand-new paintbrush pushed him away, and the soft hairs began to explore everywhere.


Around a certain point, the young man suddenly trembled violently, trying to escape with all his hands and feet. He was grabbed by Yu Chenxue's waist again.

Zong Qi had experienced Yu Chenxue's superhuman physical fitness when he was filming the movie "Ghost Building" before, and he could be pinned down with one finger. Don't even think about running now, you can only be explored obediently.

"You, ha, what are you doing!" Zong Qi just wanted to resist, but as soon as he said the words, he changed into a limp tone, which made him extremely ashamed and indignant, and he immediately closed his mouth.

Yu Chenxue took out the paintbrush and took off the glasses casually.

After losing the glasses, those azure blue pupils were also completely exposed to the eyes, and the indifference that was evident on weekdays sank quietly under the eyes at this moment, like an impending snowstorm.

It was obvious that Zong Qi was uncomfortable sitting, but the expression on the man's face was still forbearing and restrained. He stood up in the next second and could continue to hold his lecture on criminal psychology in the university lecture hall.

"I'm helping Xiaoqi massage the prostatitis." Yu Chenxue was innocent: "Regular massage can effectively prevent prostatitis and help your health."

His voice was also a bit hoarse than usual. If you didn't listen carefully, you might think he was doing some high-level academic analysis.

Zong Qi: "..." I believed you!

Half an hour later, Zong Qi was carried into the hot tub by him.

The man washed his hands, and suddenly realized that his obsession with cleanliness seemed to have no effect on this child, and he couldn't help laughing.

Zong Qi buried himself in the water slowly, with a twisted expression.

Yu Chenxue unbuttoned his white shirt, looked back at his expression, and immediately understood what he was thinking.

Only then did the man pat the young man's black head: "Wait for a while and then do it to the end. Massage a few more times first, I'm afraid you will get hurt."

Yu Chenxue recently consulted a lot of information, and finally came to the conclusion that because of the fragile mucous membrane of the human body, even if there is enough development, it is easy to bleed for the first time.

For the sake of long-term **** and happiness, he has to make a good impression on the child, and he has to prepare well.

Zong Qi's emotion didn't last even a second, when he watched the man step into the bathtub, he suddenly turned off the fire and swallowed.

He compared it with himself from the corner of his eye, and came to a conclusion unwillingly.

Yes, really big.

No wonder he was afraid of getting hurt.