Chapter 110: 、110

On the other side, while Zong Qi and Yu Chenxue were having fun, Araki led all the ghosts and approached the building of the Ouroboros organization under the cover of night.

As a result of the last impulsive investigation, many little ghosts were damaged in front of the outer wall of the building.

At that time, the coward took advantage of being a thousand-year-old ghost, so he went in and wandered around, and found that this building, which looked like an ordinary financial building on the outside, was actually full of things inside.

"There may be some special props brought out from the movie shooting,? The aura at the top makes me feel a little uncomfortable."

In the last train of No. 44, all the ghosts are discussing the final action plan for tonight.

In the past few days, many little ghosts in Jiangzhou have also been inquiring about the news, and finally confirmed it.

It turned out that the Jiangzhou ghost's raid on the Taoist gate caused a sensation in the whole world. Even those with active thoughts have already guessed that maybe this is the result of the Pisces Jade Pendant's failure to complete the filming back then. After all, the imbalance of yin and yang in the human world has become more and more serious in the past two years. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, they were not allowed to become spirits. Now big ghosts and little ghosts emerge in endlessly, but Taoism is declining visible to the naked eye.

The Ouroboros organization obviously knew something, so after an internal meeting, they quickly upgraded the security of the entire building again.

Originally, some mystic rituals were held in the organization building, not only amulets were posted, but also a pentagram altar was made, combining Chinese and Western. Nowadays, many actors who have props sign agreements with organizations, and put their props in the organization in their spare time. Of course, the Ouroboros organization will also pay corresponding money to members.

The organization of Ouroboros has a deep foundation and a wide range of businesses.

The dark blue council is in charge of finance, business and entertainment; the dark green council is in charge of biopharmaceuticals and cutting-edge technology; the black council is in charge of gray industries.

The addition of several parts and the accumulation of years have created this behemoth.

The sky is very dark tonight, with dark clouds covering the sun, and the moon is hidden from sight.

The lights of this financial building were also turned off, only the security guards below were still standing guard.

This area is the financial center of Jiangzhou City. During the day, a large group of white-collar elites with an annual salary of one million and one hundred thousand came in and out with handbags, and in the evening, a large number of them left. Compared with the migrant workers in 996 and 007 in the Internet industry next door, they are much happier. Even the security guards who stand guard need to pass the physical examination, and the salary is several times higher than that of security guards in other places.

The security guard who was standing guard yawned.

For some reason, he always felt that it was extraordinarily cold tonight.


After putting down his hands, the security guard suddenly saw a figure appearing at the end of the road in front of him.

It looked like a woman, with a slim figure, wearing a cheongsam, walking straight here.

It was already past twelve o'clock, and the financial district at night was the quietest, with almost no one there. Such a sudden appearance of a person, still wearing a cheongsam, holding nothing in his hand, is really a bit weird.

The security guard stared at the woman with a cold heart. When the other party came to the area covered by the lights of the building, he breathed a sigh of relief.

There are shadows, but the faces of normal people can be seen clearly.

"Really, I've watched too many horror movies in the past two days, and I've been thinking wildly."

He muttered, and stopped the other party: "Hello, lady. People are usually not allowed in the building at night. If you want to go in, please show your ID."

This building is one of the top investment banks in China, and the top people in the industry go in and out every day. In addition, there are several floors upstairs that are occupied by a mysterious rich man to set up private clubs that are not open to the public. . The security guards all signed a strict confidentiality contract when they entered the job, and they could not tell about the clubhouse built on the top floor.

Although I wonder why it is so secretive, but after all, the wages here are so high, and those who can pass the interview are the best ones who have passed five levels and cut six generals. No one will do this kind of self-defeating thing.


Anna shook her hand, making a gesture to take something out of her small handbag, but actually hid her hand in the darkness, and lightly flicked a Gu worm out.

Taking advantage of the darkness, the Gu worm quickly sank into the security guard's head, causing his eyes to become dizzy.

He took the ID from Anna's hand, his mind was in a daze, and he didn't understand what was written on it, "Please come in." Anna put the white card back into the handbag without changing her expression, and walked into the room without looking back. glass building.

Behind her, there seemed to be other things tumbling in the shadow, a double image dangled for a while, and a section of umbilical cord accidentally protruded for a while.


Coming to the elevator, on the only way to the bathroom, all the ghosts showed their figures one after another.

There is no direct elevator on the first floor of the headquarters of the Ouroboros organization on the upper floors, and you need to swipe your card to enter another passage to go. Therefore, these investment bank elites who usually sit in the office and drink coffee do not know what is on the upper floors of their heads.

"Then according to the plan, you go up, I will wait for you here, and help you by the way."

Anna took out a small mirror from her pocket, and the other ghosts followed suit.

There is a mirror ghost living in the mirror, which can travel in its own mirror. Cowards discovered its magic, inventing an artifact that ignores electromagnetic signals and can be used to communicate with each other simply.

Because Araki and Anna share the same body after all, although they can temporarily cover up the body with ghost energy, it is still a human body in essence. The Ouroboros organization also seems to be involved in the underground arms trade. If hot weapons are used, it is still possible to cause harm to Anna's body. It was impossible for Araki to let Anna take this risk, so they took the task of stationing and responded below.

"Okay." After nodding to each other, the three ghosts turned into a puff of black mist and crashed into the ceiling.

Ghosts can only be seen with yin and yang eyes, and the various cameras hidden up and down in this building can't capture them. But if you use the elevator, it is obviously very strange that the unmanned elevator is pressed.

In order to prevent the Ouroboros organization from reacting, the Specters chose a very simple and crude method - through the wall.

Put it on layer by layer, and when you are halfway through the rush, everyone is almost exhausted. Xiaohong even transferred her tiredness and hatred of working overtime in the middle of the night to the Ouroboros organization, wishing she could rush to their territory and make troubles like crazy.

The Ouroboros police officer who was monitoring in the monitoring room saw the situation on the first floor, so he cut the monitoring screen. It was found to be a woman wearing a cheongsam, and she stopped observing after she just walked into the bathroom.

Maybe she just happened to pass by and came in to use the bathroom, after all, she wasn't close to the hidden elevator.

The policeman lowered his head and lit a cigarette, and continued to cut screens one by one.

At the same time, several ghosts finally arrived at the door of the Ouroboros Hall.

As soon as you enter here, it's like going through a membrane. Let the ghost aura overflowing around them stagnate for a while.

It was this diaphragm that caused several little ghosts to break here, and it also aroused the vigilance of Ouroboros.

The three ghosts decided to divide their troops into three groups. One was responsible for sabotage, the other was responsible for finding clues, and the other was responsible for holding back all the guard members guarding the organization.

The organization is equipped with a lot of high-tech, and it is self-evident how difficult it is to intercept the spread of warning information, so it must be resolved quickly, and there is not much time left for them, at most an hour, they have to retreat, otherwise it will be very difficult. It's easy to get caught.

If the black speaker is really the informer, he must not startle the snake. At least it can't be discovered that he is the son of an old friend more than ten years ago, and the current director Q came to him.

"Go, act!"

They looked at each other and turned into black mist and swept away.

As the youngest of the three ghosts, Xiao Hong was assigned to a clerical job of finding clues. At this moment, he rushed directly towards the file room on the highest level of Ouroboros, and disappeared from sight after a while.

The other two are on standby immediately.

After about twenty minutes, when the alarm sounded, it was time for them to act.

The higher-ups have special props against ghosts, and once triggered, an alarm will be issued. What the two of them have to do is to procrastinate and buy time for Xiaohong.

The coward was pushed into the position of causing destruction because of manipulating the flames. Seeing that the ghost baby had let go of the umbilical cord, it also tremblingly released the flames.

This was a plan that was made at the beginning, first use the fire to attract attention, and when the staff ran to put out the fire, the ghost babies would be wiped out.

Although the surveillance cameras can't capture ghosts, there are also actors who are resident here. If there is a yin and yang eye or special props that can capture ghosts, there is no guarantee that the news will be leaked.

As soon as the coward threw out the fire, the whole thick carpet burst into flames, from one end to the other. The automatic fire extinguisher was activated at once, but under the fanning of the ghost, it was just a drop in the bucket.

"Quick! Quick, it's on fire!"

The police officer who was just leisurely planning to make a cup of coffee and came on duty accidentally knocked over the cup, quickly contacted the walkie-talkie, and called inside: "The fire is very big. It was very big from the beginning, and it can't be controlled. All relevant personnel immediately bring fire extinguishers. To the L1 floor!"

In the end, he said loudly: "Be careful to bring your weapons, it is not accidental, there is a high probability that it is an enemy attack!!"

It caught fire for no reason, and it jumped so high all of a sudden, no matter how you think about it, it's impossible.

The police immediately reported this information to their superiors.

The Ouroboros organization has a strict internal hierarchy, and the lower-level staff cannot decide on specific major events, so they must report to the upper-level staff for a decision.

Ana sat on the toilet lid in the toilet stall, waiting for the time.

About fifty minutes passed.

The fire upstairs was still under control, but the coward deliberately controlled the fire to delay Xiaohong for more time. Ouroboros seems to have noticed this, so he decisively called the police.

She heard the voice of 119 coming, but there was no news from Xiaohong yet.

119 is completely useless, because although the coward lit the fire, as a ghost that can manipulate the fire, it can put the fire out at any time. So although the fire was huge, it burned the infrastructure of the organization and did not harm other people's lives.

It has been a while since the ignition, and the members of the organization may have discovered this, so they will be confident.

As a last resort, Anna switched out of Araki, wrapped herself in ghostly aura, changed back to the appearance of the big boss when the village was frightened, took out a folding parasol from her bag, and walked towards the door.