Chapter 111: 、111

Xiaohong stopped outside the door of the highest level of the Ouroboros organization, floating in the air restlessly.

There are only ten minutes left before the one hour they set, and the members of the Ouroboros organization have almost seen the flaws in the bluffing fire downstairs. After all, whoever’s house has been on fire for so long has burned down the wall on the first floor. ? Didn't even burn the guards? It is strange enough that such a big fire was inexplicably burned at this point in time.

Just when Xiaohong was thinking this way, a guard ran up along the fire exit.

Her face turned serious, her black hair broke through the air, and she tangled directly around the guard's body, throwing him back to the first floor below.

When throwing it back, Xiaohong heard the guard shouting into the walkie-talkie: "There are also supernatural creatures on the top floor! It is preliminarily determined that it will not harm human life. Maybe it is not a ghost, but a group of organized beings!"

Very bad.

With a gloomy face, she looked up at the door in front of her.

The top layer is the archives of the entire Ouroboros organization,? But in fact, the level of confidentiality in the archives is also different. For example, the level of encryption of the archives of the lowest-level employees is not so high, and then it gradually increases, and then there is the archive with the highest confidentiality level in front of Xiaohong.

There are special props for the actors, but I don't know what the specific props are. In short, as soon as Xiaohong's ghostly aura approaches this room, it will disappear without a trace, and it will be useless. There is no way to turn into a misty ghost and rush in.

Of course, with the wealth and wealth of the Ouroboros organization, it has also done a good job in technology. If you don't use ghost energy, you can use Xiaohong's strength, let alone push open the door, and just push your hand up, you will be shocked to a piece of dry carrion.

Even if she doesn't feel pain after becoming a ghost, it doesn't mean that Xiaohong won't be upset.

It is said that this door needs the presence of the three Supreme Speakers in person to open it.

I don't know exactly how to open it, but it is said to be safer than a Swiss bank vault. Not only is it equipped with super-first-class technology, but even supernatural means are also prepared.

After Xiaohong came to the archives room, she barely spent time in the front rooms. Instead, she spent more than half an hour here, trying everything, but she couldn't open it at all.

Some confidential documents of the Ouroboros organization are stored in the highest-level archive room, as well as what they are looking for, the personal files of the Black Speaker. Among them is the record of the Ouroboros Organization on the filming of the Pisces Jade Pendant more than ten years ago.

It can be said that if this door cannot be opened, the efforts of their group of ghosts today will be in vain.

"Damn it, is the first group mission going to fail? This is too much for the prestige of Hongjie, so many little devils worship me!"

Xiaohong let the black hair throw off the police officers who came up, and in the end she just kept going and blocked the way up with her ghostly aura.

Anyway, only the last room is restricted, and the passage is not equipped with such advanced special props.

Because of the resentment in her heart, Xiaohong ran away for the next few minutes.

Seeing that the time was about to come, there was even the sound of a helicopter outside, and when they had to retreat, a cloud of black mist suddenly appeared on the ground in front of them.

Nyarlathotep casually walked out from the inside, put his hands in his pockets, and raised his eyebrows: "Such an interesting event, why didn't you invite me to participate?"

The evil **** was a little dissatisfied.

He remembered that he had told the little director that if there was anything interesting to do, he must call himself. It's a pity that I missed the disturbance in Jiangzhou Daomen last time. How could such a fun dark night attack not call him.

Xiao Hong, who knew the other party's true identity: "..."

Who dares to really call this uncle, doing things when you are in a good mood is called doing things, and when you are in a bad mood, the ashes will be thrown away for you.

But obviously, the old man is really in a good mood today.

Nyarlathotep turned his black leather shoes on the ground a few times and said, seemingly unintentionally, "Is it impossible to get in?"

Xiao Hong nodded aggrievedly, and then suddenly her eyes lit up.

Wait, even Le Ziren came to the door by herself, so can she use the other party's hand to break through the door?

Anna, who was on the first floor, held an umbrella and controlled all the elevators and corridors on the first floor.

A high-rise fire is very difficult for firefighters to rescue. The highest rescue ladder is only more than 100 meters, which is far from enough for this building.

What's more, just now Anna sent a message to Gui Ying to ask him to cut off the power supply of the whole building. Now it's pitch black, only the flames from the high-rise windows bursting out.

"What's going on? Can't go up the fire escape?!"

Listening to the commotion on the first floor, Anna sent a message, signaling the ghosts to prepare to retreat.

It can't be delayed any longer, armed special police have surrounded here. To put it more exaggeratedly, the Ouroboros organization has dispatched several armed helicopters, and now the sound of helicopter blades is hovering over the glass building.

In the final analysis, this is the grievance between Zong Qi and the Ouroboros organization. Apart from not harming the lives of innocent people, I also don't want all the ghosts to dominate the headlines of major news websites tomorrow, causing panic among the citizens of Jiangzhou.

After making such a big commotion and retreating now, it can still be called a fire.

A little later, after the SWAT and helicopters opened fire, it would not be a fire issue. It is likely to be characterized as terror/attack.

Just when Anna couldn't wait for the news and was burning with anxiety, she suddenly heard Xiaohong's voice from the mirror: "The family members are settled! Get out!"

As soon as the words fell, the four ghosts turned into black mist at the same time, and slammed directly towards the wall of the building. The coward put out the fire before he left, and then jumped down from the hundred-odd floors without looking back, making a shrill voice: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh—"

Although it has been a ghost for so long, it has never done such an exciting thing.

In the end, the ghost baby was still floating in the air, entangled it with a few umbilical cords, and fled quickly.

Among other things, Li Gui's running speed is still very fast.

After returning to the apartment one after another, the four ghosts began to sit together to summarize the results of this operation.

Xiaohong was the first to take out a camera, which was a gadget that Zong Qi had picked up in the director mall before. It was not particularly useful, but it could quickly convert paper documents into electronic versions.

Although we have entered the high-tech era, the truly top-secret things are still kept in the most traditional paper-based way. Electronic mode is convenient, but there are never any secrets on the web.

"Thanks to Nyarlathotep, otherwise today's actions would have been in vain."

While talking, Xiao Hong breathed a sigh of relief: "But when I left, He was still there preparing to continue watching the show."

There is no doubt about Nyarlathotep's strength. None of the ghosts present were worried about him. Instead, they continued to light a piece of wax for the Ouroboros organization.

Being targeted by an S-rank evil **** is much more terrifying than being targeted by a few of their ghosts.

She adjusted the camera to the projection screen, and analyzed and consulted with the ghosts one by one.

Ever since Zong Qi got rich overnight at the movie box office, the furniture in the high-end apartment has been changed a round. It's a pity that this apartment is leased and cannot be bought directly, so the contract has to be renewed for another 20 years.

But now that Xiaohong is entering the film industry, her family is indeed not short of money. Completely bid farewell to the first moment, Zong Qi only had Xiaohong as an employee, and they had to worry about how many catties and taels they went out to buy vegetables.

These files contain a lot of information, including the information of the three party chairpersons and the information of Pisces Jade Perry.

After reading the information about the chairman of the black party, all the ghosts felt their fists harden.

It has to be said that the artist really did not wrong him. This old man has indeed committed all kinds of crimes for so many years. Not to mention organizing serial killers to carry out criminal clean-up activities, he has even done things like trafficking children and raising killers. He is simply an outlaw lunatic. Get a death sentence.

"Wait, skip to the previous one."

When they were looking up the information, Anna suddenly caught a glimpse of a word and immediately asked them to tune it forward.

The previous one is the profile of the Deep Blue Speaker. This speaker is in charge of finance and business plus politics, but he hasn't done anything bad, and belongs to the ostensible identity of the Ouroboros organization. It's even cleaner than the other dark-green speaker. At least the dark-green speaker has done bad things like human experiments in the ranks of bioengineering, so everyone didn't pay much attention.

It wasn't until Anna said it that the coward turned back to the previous one.

Black and white words appear on the projection screen.

Several ghosts glanced at each other, and they all saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

After waking up the next morning, Zong Qi yawned and wanted to sit up from the bed, but was pulled back by Yu Chenxue, who was waiting for the rabbit.

Yu Chenxue woke up early. Because he doesn't need Zong Qi to sleep for such a long time, five hours of sleep a day is enough, and the rest of the time is spent in bed with/sleeping.

He recently discovered a new hobby, watching Zong Qi sleep.

Although this hobby may seem boring, it really kills time.

To be honest, Yu Chenxue never expected this situation.

In the beginning, Zong Qi was just regarded as a prey, as a blank paper that could be cultivated.

Later on, maybe she was attracted by the purity and kindness of the other party...these beautiful qualities that Yu Chenxue did not possess, unconsciously blurring the boundaries.

It's really ironic, Yu Chenxue always sneered at this kind of statement before, but he didn't expect to fall into it when he encountered it himself.

According to the normal situation, Yu Chenxue should immediately use hypnosis to reduce Zong Qi's influence on him, but he just didn't want to, just like pampering a mischievous cat. After getting along as a normal boyfriend for more than a month, not only did it not weaken, but it deepened.

He even suspected that Zong Qi was sent by God to restrain him.

However, it is also very interesting.

...sounds like a hard mouth.

Zong Qi always looked awake in the morning, Yu Chenxue rubbed the person over and over again, flattened and rounded him, and managed to make mist out of the person's eyes. Then he kissed his forehead, carried him to the bathroom, and helped him squeeze toothpaste to brush his teeth, which made Zong Qi lose his temper.

Yu Chenxue takes a bath every night, and also takes a bath when she wakes up early.

After taking a shower, he wiped off the drops of water on his neck and walked outside.

Today's breakfast is the morning tea that the child said he wanted to have again last night.

But when he walked to the restaurant, the surroundings were quiet, and no one could be seen.

Yu Chenxue raised her eyebrows, and looked back at the porch, Zong Qi's shoes were gone.

For some reason, he had a bad feeling.

After breakfast, Yu Chenxue's phone vibrated. He picked it up and saw that there were only five words on it: Let's break up.

The author has something to say: The best assist in this wave: Naiyazi