Chapter 1653 The First Step

Name:Divine Path System Author:
Chapter 1653 The First Step


[Dragon: 51/100 (+6)

Titan: 51/100 (+6)

Phoenix: 51/100 (+6)

Order: 51/100 (+6)

Chaos: 51/100 (+6) Geett the latest novels at

Space: 25/100 (+4)

Time: 25/100 (+4)

PS: Even though Space-Time are lagging behind, congratulations for entering high rank 1 in all other paths.

How do feel achieving progress in a week that even geniuses take centuries?]

'It's a bit slow.'


But honestly speaking, Varian did realize that his relative progression speed accelerated after reaching the divine ranks.

It made no sense as this was supposed to be where everyone slowed down.

Perhaps it was the synergy of the paths, linking together in the avenue or perhaps it was the Primal Union Body finally showing its talent or maybe it's something else or everything coming together.

Regardless, he was grateful.

And greedy for a bit more.

"Alright, Hand'sum, I'll contact you to fine-tune the materials!" Samantha clapped her hands.

"It's my pleasure." Varian bowed deeply. "That man is the luckiest person in Eden."

His farewell brightened her face even more and Princess Samantha unexpectedly stood up. "Hey, tell your boss you should be rewarded or I'll use his intestines for the orchestra."

"I-I understand." Varian feigned to be tense and hurriedly left the room.

And while he did, something flew his way.

Without even needing him to catch it, it landed in his palm. "My token. You'll get help if it's a small issue." Samantha waved her hand and the doors shut.

Back in the hallway, the four team members looked at Varian with a complicated expression.

Especially Markus, the team leader. He's supposed to take charge. But he knew that he wouldn't be able to replicate this exchange even if given a thousand tries.

A token...

Even if the princess said it's only for a small task, small was relative.

Killing a pseudo divine was an impossible thing for someone like them. For a divine ranker, it's not even worth mentioning.

Varian noticed his gaze and said with a polite but strong smile. "Sorry, Boss. I've met a lot of people and when I met her, I knew what she's like. You see, she's worried. She wasn't in need of art description, she just needed a good talk about an undead orchestra."

Markus nodded stiffly. Even if he wanted to refute, he had no way to do so. The results spoke for themselves.

"Well, let's head to the next client. Prince Jacob!" With a cheerful smile, Varian led the way.

Markus gritted his teeth, wanting to retake his position. But with a sigh, he followed.

It should've been easy for him to keep a newbie in place. But somehow, the aura radiating from this newbie forced him to submit.

Markus didn't even feel that he was forced. He just felt that it was natural for him to follow.

Under Varian's lead, the team quickly won praise under five clients.