Chapter 1654 Plan B

Name:Divine Path System Author:
Chapter 1654 Plan B

Word of Varian's excellent performance reached Adsher.

The boss was busy coordinating the whole teams. He's already feeling overwhelmed trying to cater to the whims of unreasonable princes and princesses.

'They're more spoiled than young masters and young ladies! Haah! No, thankfully God Emperor looks over us or these weirdos would've discarded the empire because they're not feeling like it. Huh, feeling like it. Fuck your feelings!'

For the man who was under severe stress, the news about Varian's performance was like finding an oasis in the desert.

He summoned the team right away and praised him to heavens.

It didn't matter that he didn't mean most of what he said. But it's not his fault! His high running emotions made him say things he usually wouldn't.

And that's where Varian found the window of opportunity.

"My Lord, if you do not mind, I wish to coordinate the teams, fill in wherever and whenever there are gaps."

It was absurd request, one that was tantamount to standing as his equal. And how dare he ask for a position that could easily lead to mishaps and put everyone in danger?

Adsher's smile vanished and he glared down at Varian. There's no way he'd agree to such reques—

It was absurd request, one that was tantamount to standing as his equal. And how dare he ask for a position that could easily lead to mishaps and put everyone in danger?

Adsher's smile vanished and he glared down at Varian. There's no way he'd agree to such reques—

"Oh, and Princess Samantha wanted you to award me or she'd chop, well, she would be angry." Varian shrugged.

Adsher glanced at the team and they all nodded helplessly.

If he said yes, he might die. But if he said no, he'd definitely die.

"Haaa~" With a defeated sigh, the man raised his arm. "Then do as you please. But if you piss anyone off, the company won't hesitate to sacrifice you."

He gave a crystal medallion which Varian swiftly grabbed. "Thanks, Boss!"

With a cheerful smile, Varian left.

Adsher waited for the news of arrogant newbie pissing off some eccentric prince and getting killed.

But even for three full hours, there's no such thing.

"Well, you did your job by serving me. Now that you're useless, get the fuck out."

This prince might seem like an asshole, but he's one of the better ones in the ranked group.

"Ah, yes, yes. The prince will surely do great in the competition." Varian kept a smile plastered on his face to stop himself from punching the arrogant bastard's face.

[Mark implant: 98%...100%]

The moment Logos notified him, he could sense a very faint mark on the prince's aura, formed by the slivers of order and chaos.

These were marks he painstakingly designed to remain hidden from the princes. They had but one function—tell him the location of their host.

"Thank you for blessing us with your presence."

With those words, he left the room.

'I'll punch your face before I kill you.'

Those words were spoken within.

{The ranked duels will begin in one hour!}

Varian looked out of the building, into the far distance where duels occurred on a well built stage.

Most of these unranked princes were in mid and high rank 1. They weren't bad, honestly. But since he entered high rank 1, none of them were his opponents.

All the ranked princes seemed to either at the very edge of high rank 1 or in peak rank 1s.

Since only a portion of them allowed the appraisers in, Varian missed a significant portion of them.

After the competition ends, he could hunt down the marked princes quietly and take away the shards.

He wanted as many space-time shards as possible. And losing even ten ranked princes was painful.

'I've chosen the safe method. I should implement the dangerous method.'

He didn't need to defeat the ranked princes, he just needed a chance to come into contact with as many of them as possible. No, it's better if he could contact the strongest.

Dealing with them needed more precaution, so he needed longer duration of contact.

'For that to happen, one person is needed.' {Princess Eshala Starlight has arrived}