Chapter 727: Tyron Rogerst, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Zhang Yuwenyan smiled indifferently, saying, "It's okay, Mr. Lange! In fact, your daughter's personality is quite straightforward! It's better than those who don't have their own personality. Right! Since you and your wife are both music Master, then your daughter should also learn music? "

Paul Lange shook his head and smiled bitterly when he heard the words, "She wasn't a student of music! She hated music since she was a child and learned everything. In fact, she studied art!"

When Zhang Yu and Jiang Chenxuan heard the words, they also showed unexpected expressions ... If both Lange and husband were big musicians, why did they give birth to a daughter who didn't like music but loved to study art? That sounds weird.

At this time there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor ... Several people turned their heads at the same time and looked towards the door.

Anna Lange walked in with the elbow of a bearded man.

When Anna entered the room, she cried out happily: "Dad! It's Teacher Tyron."

Paul Lange hurriedly stood up, greeted the crowd, and smiled at the comer: "Tyron! You're here! Great, come on, let me introduce you to two new friends."

Paul Langer brought Tyrone Rogers to the sofa ... Zhang Yu and Jiang Chenxuan also stood up at this time.

Lange introduced them to Zhang Jiang and met Tailun. Several people shook hands, and Zhang Jiang returned to his seat and sat down again.

Tyron Rogers also sat on the sofa ...

Anna smiled at Tailun's side at this time, and laughed, "Teacher Tailun! I will apply for the National Academy of Fine Arts next year! Now I have started to prepare the portfolio for the exam. After you finish eating, but I have to go to my room to help me with a good staff. "

Tyrone Rogers laughed and said, "No, Anna! Usually you don't have confidence in yourself. How can you apply for such small things as the Academy of Fine Arts and use me to help the staff? It's not like you!"

Anna heard an indifferent expression, saying: "Confidence is confidence! The staff is the staff! There is no logical relationship between them. Teacher Tailun, I'm one of your favorite students anyway, so you use me as a snack. , Is also the duty of a good teacher, right? "

"Hehehehe!" Tyron and Lange both shook their heads and smiled almost at the same time.

In order not to belittle Zhang Jiang, Paul Langer explained to them with a smile: "Tyron and I are old friends! He is a professor at the Hungarian National University of Fine Arts. And he is also my daughter Anna's art teacher!"

After hearing this, Jiang Chenxuan laughed: "Actually, I also like art when I was a kid! I also studied for a long time in the middle, but my talents were average. Later I did not take this major, but now I think it is quite regrettable."

Tyron Rogers laughed and then said, "In fact, music and art have similarities! It can be said that both are exploration tools for the abstract description of human inner emotions. The pursuit is the same, but the basic elements are not Same. Since Ms. Jiang is already China's premier musician, you can see that your musical accomplishments and talents are much higher than those of fine arts. Now it seems that when you chose music, you should be the right choice. "

Jiang Chenxuan smiled and said, "Mr. Rogerst, you are so good! In fact, I'm still very young and I can't talk about any leading musician! Now I'm just studying and exploring!"

Tyron nodded with a smile and said, "China has a long history, vast land, and a vast population. I believe that no matter what kind of business there is, the competition should be very fierce. Since your country can choose you to represent China and go abroad to perform I do n’t think it ’s an accident. But anyway, people have a little humility, and there are always more benefits to growth than disadvantages. I believe that in the future, you should achieve more than that. ”

Jiang Chenxuan smiled and said, "Thank you Teacher Rogerst for your compliment!"

Anna Lange suddenly interrupted at this time, saying, "Teacher Tyron! What do you think of my future development?"

"You!" Tyron said with a smile, and said, "I think you'll be admitted to the National Academy of Fine Arts! Let me evaluate you! In case you can't pass the exam, what I'm saying now isn't for nothing . "

"Ha ha ha ha!" Several people around laughed at the embarrassing expression on Anna's face.

Anna Lange heard a few people laugh at him, sulking with anger ... but the people around were mostly older than themselves, and it didn't matter if they laughed. But the guy in the middle who was younger than herself dared to laugh at herself, which made her feel a little out of breath. She immediately looked at Zhang Yu and said, "You are also a student of the Conservatory?"

Zhang Yuwenyan smiled and shook his head ...

"Then you are a college student?" Anna Lange asked again.

Zhang Yu smiled and shook her head again ...

Anna Lange deliberately frowned at this moment, and said, "You are younger than me! My education is not as good as mine. I said younger brother, I want to laugh at my sister, waiting for you to be admitted to our country on your own ability Let's talk about it at the Conservatory! "

Paul Langer saw his daughter go to Zhang Yu again, the smile on his face disappeared, and his brows frowned again.

Zhang Yu smiled indifferently, and said, "Why should I be admitted to the conservatory of your country! I am qualified to laugh at you. Is it not possible that I am admitted to the conservatory of our country?"

Anna Lange said proudly: "The Chinese Academy of Music is not internationally accepted at all! So if you want to prove your ability, you can of course be admitted to our Hungarian Academy of Music to explain the problem. Isn't it? ! "

"Anna! How can you tell me!" Paul Lange couldn't help it anymore, saying: "Zhang Yu's talent in music is ten thousand times yours. You are so embarrassed to educate people!"

Anna Lange glanced at the corners of her mouth and said indifferently, "What about his musical talent that is 100 million times mys! I am not a music learner. I have the ability to make you compare with Allen Bibi. Even if he's a little better than Allen, I will serve him. "

"You!" Paul Lange was furious.

"Okay! Alright! Paul! Anna is still young, you don't need to train her." Tyron Rogerst said this and turned to Anna, saying: "Anna! Go and call Allen down, If I haven't seen him in a long time, see if he has grown up recently. "

Anna Lange always respected Tyron, so she had to stand up and go upstairs ...

Paul Langer sighed and said, "This child! It wasn't like that when I was a kid. Who knows how his character has been so rebellious in recent years."