Chapter 728: Strange Jiang Chenxuan, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Tyrone Rogers smiled and persuaded: "Paul! It's just a trivial matter, how can you be mad! Besides Anna's age, it's time for her rebellious personality. When she is a little older, very It ’s almost stable! Anyway, her talent in art is still very rare in China. You should be happy to have such a baby girl in your family. "

Paul Lange had to turn into a wry smile. In fact, he was very satisfied with the daughter's talent for painting, but this character sometimes really made him feel very awkward.

The doorbell at Lange's house rang again ...

Paul Lange apologized to several people, got up and opened the door ... Following the artistic director of the National Orchestra, Roy Foster also came to Lange's home.

Zhang Yu and Foster had already met each other, and after a brief greeting, they sat down to chat again.

Anna Lange was walking downstairs with a boy at this time.

When Paul Lange saw this, he immediately asked his son Alan Lange to greet Zhang Yu and Jiang Chenxuan.

Allen Langer seemed to be a very obedient child, and immediately greeted Zhang Jiang and his two as instructed by his father.

Of course, the two Zhang Jiang felt a huge contrast in personality between the younger brother and the younger brother. At the same time, the son of Paul Lange was very impressed.

Alan Lange was sitting there very quietly, just quietly listening to a few people chatting, at first glance he was from a high-quality family.

Roy Foster talked with a smile and looked at Alan, and said, "Alan! How's the piano?"

Alan Lange said: "I practice every day as instructed by the teacher."

Roy Foster nodded when he heard the words, and said, "Okay! Wait a minute after dinner, give Uncle Roy a stretch, and let Uncle see how your level is."

"I see! Uncle Roy!" Allen Langer said.

Roy Foster looked at Paul Lange again, and smiled, "Paul! Allen's character is really quiet. Compared with Anna, it is two extremes!"

Anna Lange frowned immediately when she heard the words, and said, "Uncle Roy! What do you mean? Is my character so bad?"

Roy Foster smiled and said, "I didn't say that! But Anna! If you keep the personality of this little pepper, do you have boys like you in your school?"

Anna Lange froze and said, "Of course! It looks like I'm such a good and beautiful girl! People who like me can form a team."

"Oh!" Roy Foster smiled and said, "Since so many boys like you! Why not bring one back! Meet Uncle Roy?"

Anna Lange said, "Uncle Roy! Someone likes me and I like others. These are two concepts. Okay. Besides, I'm still young, and I don't want to have a boyfriend before going to college. And, There are no boys in our school that I can see. There is no way. Do you think Sister Jennifer brought you back a boyfriend before high school? "

"Then I don't want to!" Roy Foster heard this, and immediately shook his head like a rattle, and said, "Anna! If Jennifer secretly makes a boyfriend at school, you have to Come back and tell Uncle Roy! I'll buy you a set of high-end board paintings.

"No, Uncle Roy! Don't you think I'm the kind of person who betrays her sister for a set of artboards?" Anna Lange said in a similar fuss.

Roy Foster smiled bitterly: "How can this be confused! And tell her father about her daughter's affairs, shouldn't it be a betrayal?"

"Why not!" Anna Lange said earnestly: "This is not a matter between daughter and father! It is obviously a matter between sister and sister. Anyway, I will not tell the sister's secret, tell It ’s not good for other people ’s fathers! If you want to know, it ’s best to hire a private detective, and it wo n’t be clear by then. Of course, in the face of my father, I will tell you when to start hiring. But that's my bottom line, and a little more, I won't say. "

"Hehehehe!" People inside the house laughed at the same time when they heard this. It's just that Roy and Paul smiled bitterly, and the rest just felt a little fun.

Then everyone chatted for a while! It didn't take long for Lange's wife, Nicole, to come out and tell everyone that it was time to start dinner.

Hearing this, Paul Lange got up and led the crowd to his own restaurant, and instead sat down in a separate order. As important guests for dinner, Zhang Yu and Jiang Chenxuan sat in a more important position on one side.

When Zhang Yu was in Beijing, he ate two Western meals, so it wasn't a bit of experience. After everything was prepared properly, we started serving. Because this was a more formal feast, Paul Lange prepared very delicate meals.

Lange prepared a bottle of good local wine as an aperitif.

After Zhang Yu passed through, he never drank wine once, but this time considering that others entertained himself with such a formal banquet, he did not refuse to pour the other person to drink wine. From his body type, it is not a problem to drink a little Big.

The meals are all traditional Hungarian dishes. From appetizers, to soups, to cold cuts, and main dishes, it can be said that judging from the dishes, Paul Lange and his wife attach great importance to Zhang. Yu's visit this time.

Zhang Yu and Jiang Chenxuan were all very happy, and some of them drank some wine again. To say this feeling, Zhang Yu hadn't experienced it for a long time.

On the table ... Then order some wine, whether it is Tyron Rogerste or Roy Foster, opened the conversation box and talked about it. Of course, most of the content of the conversation is something that some Hungarians can understand.

Jiang Chenxuan's English is usually a conversation with each other, but if you listen to others, his English is a bit weak. Maybe before drinking, a few people were polite and could talk in English, but after drinking, occasionally there was a little Hungarian in the middle of English, anyway, in the end, Jiang Chenxuan was getting more and more incomprehensible.

Zhang Yu's situation was similar at the beginning, but fortunately, he had a heavenly artifact. He found it in Hungarian and clicked it, and soon most of Hungarian could handle it easily. I heard a few people talking in the middle, and they could also laugh with them, which is better than sitting awkwardly.

Jiang Chenxuan was curious when she saw this. Could Zhang Yu understand this kind of dialogue between the land and the ocean? Thinking of this, I went to Zhang Yu and whispered, "Zhang Yu! Can you understand them?"