Chapter 733: Self taught, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Nicole Rodham Lange was basically furious at this time. When a guest came to visit her at home, her daughter actually said such an excessive expression in front of the other person, she almost felt her face dull. His face was equally ugly: "Anna! Did you hear what your dad said? If you don't apologize! Don't want to go any further this holiday season."

People around me felt embarrassed when they heard this. Originally, Tyron Rogerst was a little unhappy and wanted to have an attack, but when the Lange and his wife got angry, they said nothing. Of course, my heart's dissatisfaction with Anna was also written on her face at this moment, her face cold.

When Anna Lange started, she felt a little guilty. What she said was a bit excessive, and she regretted it. But after being reviled loudly by his parents in front of the guests, the sullen temper in his heart surged up again immediately. He also said with no worries: "What did I say wrong? It was he who didn't understand anything clearly, and he pointed at Teacher Tailun, and he was impolite. I just pointed it out straight. Did I have this too? wrong?"

"You!" Paul Lange flushed with anger, slaps the table angrily, and cried, "You roll me back into the house! I'm not allowed to go out recently."

Anna Lange heard a hum, and turned away without fear ... Anyway, she would rather be punished than apologize.


"You wait!" A voice came, interrupting Anna who had turned to leave.


Anna Lange looked back at Zhang Yu who was talking, and said unpleasantly, "What do you want?"

Zhang Yu said calmly, "You talk! How can you apologize to me?"

When Anna Lange heard this, she slipped her lips and said, "You must apologize to my teacher first! I apologize to you! However, even if I apologize to you, I apologize for the improper use of words, but this does not mean that I'm wrong. Even if you are wrong, you are wrong first. "

Zhang Yu sneered and said, "You are really arrogant! Can you think that Europe is the first place in painting in the world? Well! Since you don't think we Chinese will not paint! Then I will Let you open your eyes and see how the Chinese paint. You can bring your drawing board! "

Everyone around me heard this was a stun! I don't understand what it means to look at the expression ... what do you mean? Could it be that this kid wants to show his hand to everyone!

Anna Lange was stunned when she heard the words, she blinked and her eyes widened, she seemed to understand what the other party meant.

"Why are you still standing there? Is it so unclear what I said!" Zhang Yu said, "Hurry up and get your drawing board! When I draw, there will be time for you to be dazed. If you think I will draw It ’s not good! I can apologize to your teacher. If you think I painted well, I want you to officially apologize to me. "

Anna Lange heard this, and of course understood the other party's meaning, although the other party wanted to draw a face-to-face to see for herself, which made her feel a bit surprised. But to say that I am better than the other, maybe not, but better than painting, I think I have not served anyone among my peers. Thinking of this, immediately loudly said: "Okay! This is what you said. Don't draw too badly when you don't come down to the stage, and then blame yourself."

Zhang Yu smiled and said, "Can you step down? It depends on how I draw, not on what I say. If it is useful! What else to do. Hurry up and get it! Have time to think about it What vocabulary to use when apologizing to me, so as not to be embarrassed and unable to speak. "

When Anna Lange heard this, she was so angry that she said loudly, "Hum! Your boy is waiting! I don't see what you can do when you can't draw!" After that, I turned and ran upstairs to get my own drawing board Already.


People around this time feel a little incredible! Zhang Yu actually paints, is it true? This kid is not a genius of music and language. How could he still paint? Is he also a painting genius? If that's the case, it would be a strange story.

Tyron Rogerst couldn't hide his curiosity and said, "Zhang Yu! Do you really paint oil?"

Zhang Yu smiled and said, "It's a little bit!"

"A little!" Tyron Rogers was stunned when he heard this, would the other person just dare to spit out such arrogant words! Thinking of this, he groaned for a moment and said, "Zhang Yu! Is your painting teacher a master-class painter in your country?"

Zhang Yu smiled: "Actually I don't have an art teacher! I'm a self-taught artist. It can be said to be a personal interest!"


People around me heard the words "self-learning", and their expressions were embarrassing. Self-taught painting, there is no teacher, what monster can it be drawn!

Although the people around were only Tyron Rogers, who was born in the field of painting, but the rest of them are also in their own professional circles. They have a good reputation and naturally know that the professional path is very difficult. Someone must lead the way, and ordinary people have no talent to achieve certain achievements.

Painting, as one of the hallowed treasures of the art world, has always been looked forward to being. An ordinary person may paint a little fur without the guidance of a professional teacher, but it is absolutely impossible to reach a very high standard. In the eyes of most professionals, it is impossible for a person to draw the level of a student in an academy without the guidance of a professional painting teacher, let alone in front of a master such as Tyrone Rogers. Saying that his paintings are self-taught, it's just kidding!

Everyone around me felt a little awkward! But in this case of Zhang Yu, others were still embarrassed to say something. After all, the other person's talent in music is very exaggerated. This is certain. In addition, the other person is really clever and horrible, but also a language genius. It may be that the kid usually feels that he is exceptionally talented, and he is a bit too arrogant! Now think about it. People want to say that they are too clever and not very good. They feel that they can go up and down in all things. They do n’t know a lot of things.

The atmosphere in the room has become a little weird, and no one is talking anymore ... I feel that this farce is becoming more and more unbearable, until a footstep comes from the floor.

Anna Lange carried her drawing board down while carrying her oil painting box. In the end, she took these things to Zhang Yu and said, "Everything is here! Let's get started! Let us also see your level of this master painter from China!"