Chapter 734: An unprinted painting, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

When everyone around Anna heard that, they basically showed some weird expressions ... In the eyes of everyone, if Anna knew that the other party was born from a wild path, even the enlightenment teacher who painted did not have it, only I was afraid that I would be able to take my drawing board back upstairs, and never care about the other person again.

Zhang Yu said calmly, "What's the hurry! I draw quickly. I think you might as well use this time and think about how much you want to apologize to me after I finish painting."

"Huh!" Anna Lange snorted. "Wait until you can draw a level that makes me apologize!"

Zhang Yu smiled and said nothing, opened the drawing board, arranged the canvas neatly, and squeezed the oil paint he was going to use on the palette in advance. It seemed that from the moment he already had his own idea ... When everything was properly prepared, Zhang Yu also picked up the pen and drew it on the canvas.

Zhang Yu basically painted directly, without any advance preparation. According to the general traditional painting method, most of the painters need to draw the sketches on the canvas first, and then gradually paint and render according to their own drafts. And Zhang Yu didn't make any manuscripts on the canvas at all, so people around did not know what Zhang Yu wanted to draw. In fact, for ordinary master-level painters, it is not a big problem even if they do not make a draft, but it must be created over the years and years, and it is definitely a state that requires sufficient time to settle. This phenomenon is rare among beginners. Of course, there is one exception. If this beginner has not been taught by a professional teacher, this kind of thing is quite normal.

Seeing that Zhang Yu didn't even play the manuscript, Tyron Rogerst knew that he was a self-taught man, and at this time he could only shake his head secretly ... It seems that Zhang Yu, even a beginner, is also a semi-deaf among beginners. It seems that this bet can only end with Zhang Yu's apology to Anna.

Anna Lange drew directly after seeing Zhang Yu, her expression also showed a bit of unscrupulous, secretly under the heart, at the level of the other party, she dared to speak loudly in front of herself, almost beating her own behavior .

Zhang Yu is still expressionless. He constantly changes several brushes in his hand and constantly flashes on the canvas ... Zhang Yu's painting is very fast. From the professional perspective of Tyrone Rogers, he has never seen him. Someone has painted, and this is fast. You should know that in the industry, your own brushes are already relatively fast, and even some people have given themselves the nickname of Quick Tyron. But the speed at which he and the other party are writing is not a level at all.

Tailun is very strange. If you say Zhang Yu's first few strokes, she really paints with scrutiny, not like the level of an amateur artist. Especially when using a pen, the movement of the wrist is almost the level of a master-level painter. It seems that only the teacher of his year can compare with the other person in gestures. Is it possible for the other person to learn such a professional only by self-study? gesture? This seems too weird!

Of course, Anna also found that Zhang Yu's gestures were very professional, and seemed to be more professional than herself. But after all, she hasn't reached the professional level, so she is not the same as her teacher. In her opinion, even if the other person is more professional in gestures, it is not a big deal. Good gestures do not mean that the painting is good. In particular, the method of drawing directly by the other party without drawing a draft is basically the performance of a layman. If it is said that the other party is already a painter in his 40s and 50s, and his fame in the painting world is like his teacher Tyron, he does not need to make a drawing. It is almost the same. But the other party is just a younger man than himself, and he has never even attended a professional academy, and now he does n’t draw any drafts, which is simply too arrogant. I believe that if this guy draws it for a while, it is absolutely ugly and dying. It seems that he has won. Thinking of this, it is inevitable that there is a little smug smile on his face, and he even starts to imagine that when the other party finds that he loses to himself, what wonderful expression will he have.

As for the other people around, in fact, I do n’t know much about painting ... Although Paul Lange often watched his daughters painting, but he only knew a little about these details, although he also felt that It may seem strange that Zhang Yu didn't make the draft, but he didn't think too much. After all, he also thought that Zhang Yu's paintings should not be possible to make his proud daughter bow her head and apologize. It seems that this matter has developed to a more troublesome side.

When Tyrone Rogers saw Zhang Yu's professional gestures, he looked more carefully than before. When he saw Zhang Yu's canvas, the outline of a person gradually appeared, and he frowned and groaned immediately. You should know that when a painter usually paints a character, he usually uses a photo to paint it, even when he is painting a character. Except for those who are an Impressionist or an abstract person, they use exaggeration. Realistic or imaginary methods for character creation. When drawing portraits of people, few people generally draw so abstract, and even if they are abstract, they must be exaggerated artistically in contrast to the photos of the original characters. And Zhang Yu started to paint portraits without using any photos. Is he planning to use his most familiar paintings for self-portraits? To say that an old painter who often exercises, when painting abstract himself, maybe the problem is not big.

Anna Lange certainly did not have as much as her teacher thought. Although she can also see that this is a portrait of a character, she feels that if the other party uses the work she has painted before, to reproduce it, it is not surprising to say that the picture is not compared with the picture.

With a lot of suspicions ...

On Zhang Yu's canvas, the figure's outline gradually became clearer. Although it is not clear who is being painted for the time being, looking at the proportions of the characters seems to be a bust of a person, and the bust is becoming clearer and clearer.

Zhang Yu's strokes are moving fast. It seems that he is not like an ordinary painter. In the process of painting, he needs to stop and meditate, especially on the issue of color matching. It seems that he doesn't need to think about the proportion or the hue at all. He doesn't even look at the palette, but just keeps flashing on the palette's oil paint, and then transfers those oil paints to the canvas.

Tyrone Rogers had already observed this detail long ago, and looking at this scene surprised him. Now he has two standards for Zhang Yu. One is a super painter and the other is a big joke. There is no third possibility.