Chapter 2008: carry out, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God-level star system!

Everyone looked at the title of the work and wrote it down on the contract.

To everyone, the name of the work is not important at all, the most important thing is that one million is real gold and silver. For most people here, they do n’t often have the opportunity to earn such a large sum of money. They originally thought that this performance, but it was just a political task for the public. A lot of money is about the same as picking up.

Signed the contract!

Zhang Yu checked it one by one, and finally smiled with satisfaction, and said to everyone: "Thank you for your support! After the performance is successful, I invite you to have a big meal."

"You're welcome! Supporting Zhang's work is what we should do!"

"That's right! Whatever Mr. Zhang tells us to do, even if it is said, we will definitely implement it to the end."

I have to say that eating others is soft-spoken and short-handed. Some people used to hate Zhang Yu before. But now I took the other one million, naturally seeing each other more and more pleasing to the eye.

Zhang Yu looked at Song Xuerong and said, "Director Song! I don't know if you have any place that is not suitable. I can rent it for a while, and we will concentrate on creating here."

Song Xuerong hasn't spoken yet!

Cao Qingsheng laughed: "We have a creative room in the opera department! If you can, go to ours. Renting is not necessary, it is the task of the meeting, just use it."

Song Xuerong said: "We also have a composition room in the composition department. There are all kinds of musical instruments in it! It is convenient. I think I will write it here!"

Zhang Yu nodded and said, "Let ’s hurry up! Time is short and the task is heavy! I booked a room at a nearby hotel and ate everything for me. Do n’t go back these days. Be sure to come back within a week Within two works. "

Everyone heard nods! In their opinion, if so many people really want to get two works in one week, it is not impossible. But I am afraid that the time is too short, and the quality of the work cannot be guaranteed. But since Zhang Yu insists so, they can't say anything, this time they are just a wage earner, it's all up to the boss.

Decided everything! The crowd was alive again.

The first is "Phantom of the Opera"!

As a modern classic musical opera, this work is quite difficult to create. Because this work is a foreign work, the story background, plot, actors, and settings are all foreign goods. If you want to transplant to China, you need a lot of revisions. Not only the plot, the lyrics, the characters, the basic settings, everything.

Zhang Yu had already thought about the background setting of the domestic version before.

Zhang Yu first explained the background of the story to everyone!

Everyone thought that Zhang Yuhui would create an opera that reflects modern life! I didn't expect it to be a dog-blood love drama during the period of the Republic of China. Is this interesting?

However, with the increase of Zhang Yu's explanations, everyone began to be gradually attracted by the plot. It seems that this bitter drama of the Republic of China is not so **** after hearing it. In particular, the love and hatred of the protagonist and the ghost of the opera house and the heroine, as well as their boyfriend and young warlord, are even more irresistible.

Set the plot summary! Then it is to divide the plot into several scenes, and then make a creative plan one by one.

Everyone who was present thought that Zhang Yu would divide them into several groups, one in charge of a scene, and then exchange and modify until the complete work was completed. After all, from a creative point of view, this is the most efficient way to do it, and it is most likely to complete two works in a short period of time. But what everyone didn't expect was that Zhang Yu was going to play in person, complete the big box independently one by one, and then let them fill in the words, touch up, add harmony, and then make a score sample.

In the eyes of everyone, doing this is simply a laborious task! Not only wasted time, but also energy. In case Zhang Yu didn't feel it, wasn't the team dozing off!

But when Zhang Yu started to write, the crowd was stunned. Because the other party's creation was very fast, in a short period of time, a dozen chapter sheet music samples were created. In the eyes of everyone, this is what is being created, which is basically a good copy of the human body.

Everyone was a little speechless when they saw Zhang Yu being so crazy. In their opinion, Zhang Yu's creative approach that seeks to fight chicken blood can not guarantee the quality of creation at all! Not as good as their previous group creation plan!

However, when a few people played a sample of the score created by Zhang Yu in front of the piano, they were all stunned.

Because this song is written too fucking! All I know is an opera! I didn't know that it was a super-symphony!

The crowd only reacted at this time. The other party not only created opera jesters, but also composed large symphony fate symphonies. That song is so compelling that all composers who have heard it have to kneel and scratch their heads, which is basically a non-human work.

In fact, it can be seen from that masterpiece that the other party is a superb composer! Although young, young is also a master. This is a gift that no one can match.

Of course, Zhang Yu did not look for the crowd to see it lively.

With the tune, there is more work to do. If these tasks were to be done by Zhang Yu alone, it would not be impossible, but it would be too time consuming.

In the next few days, everyone plunged into the work.

Many of them have previous experience in opera creation, but most of their previous works are a main theme, with a few variations, and basically the work is out. However, the phantom of the opera is not so simple. In the middle, not only is there a large section of vocals, but it is also mixed with independent opera works, thinking, style, music, and dance. Almost all are involved. According to everyone, the seven days It is crazy to create such a huge opera.

Fortunately, there are many people and powerful people. What everyone says is also a large composer with rich domestic creative experience. With the continuous discussion and modification, and even the whole-hearted investment, the phantom of the Chinese version of opera has gradually taken shape and finally completed.

Four days later! Everyone was holding this great book, and they all felt like dreaming.

In fact, at the beginning, they occasionally talked about that one million, but after everyone was attracted by the work, no one mentioned a million things at all, all stuck in the work, Constantly exploring and researching, it can be said that everyone has devoted all their energies and almost considered the work word by word to complete this impossible character.

"Hahahaha! Too great. Is this really what we created in four days!"

"I can't wait to put such awesome work on the stage!"