Chapter 2009: Became director

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"Such awe-inspiring works were actually created by us, and it seems like a dream."

"I didn't expect that I could create such a good work in my life!"

"Ah! But no matter how good this work is, Zhang Yu's work has nothing to do with us."

"Yes! We have sold all copyrights and signature rights to Zhang Yu for one million."

Everyone was shocked at the same time! Looking at each other, to tell the truth, they are all contradictions. In fact, although the price of one million yuan is quite a lot, it seems a pity that such a great work cannot be signed.

Everyone will naturally have mixed taste!


However, when the score of "Wisdom Tiger Mountain" came out three days later, everyone's regret actually doubled, and all of them seemed to have some facial cramps.

At this time, people already feel a little regret. Such a good work is not eligible to be signed, and I don't know whether it was earned or lost.

However, this is also a matter of joy and distress for several people. For the three people who did not sell copyrights, they were somewhat happy. Although there are not many copyrights, the most precious of them is the right to sign. After all, such awesome works will be affirmed in the future. As one of the participants is eligible to sign on it, it is also a great honor.

What the three people did not know is that the gold content of these two works after they were put on the market shocked everyone.


Get two works!

Song Xuerong hurriedly called Li Junshan and Yan Bo to rejoice.

The two heard that Zhang Yu had really used them for seven days to get the two works out, which was also unbelievable. Although Zhang Yu said before, at the time, the two thought that he was only talking, and naturally he did not take it seriously.

Since Song Xuerong took both works to the sky on the phone, Li Junshan and Yan Bo felt itchy in their heart, so they took Lu Ping, the dean of the dance theater, together to the Conservatory of Music.

Before the three came, I thought Song Xuerong was blowing too much!

Two works were produced in seven days, and the quality is definitely not guaranteed.

But when the three came to the scene, read the scores and listened to the demo, they were all stunned!

The two originally thought that "The Phantom of the Opera" was a bit too foreign! But that "Wisdom Outlaw Tiger Mountain" is a politically correct model work.

Li Junshan was still a little worried, because he was afraid that his work would be too bad if it was too western or too central. This is just great! With this "outsmarting Tiger Mountain", all problems are not a problem.

Yan Bo is also very happy!

Of course, the most happy is Lu Ping. After all, the National Opera and Dance Theater hasn't had any powerful works for so many years. This is good. With this "Phantom of the Opera", I believe it will definitely make the Opera House a hit.

Finalized the work! Followed by the preparation for rehearsal.

Originally according to Zhang Yu's meaning, he already had the work, he could pick the picks, the rehearsal was almost the same, and just look over with him. But Lu Ping said nothing. Zhang Yu was not only a composer, but also a conductor, and at the same time the chief director of opera jesters. He was so talented and created such a brilliant work that he wanted to pick a pick. , Naturally there is no drama.

At the repeated requests of Li Junshan, Yan Bo and Lu Ping, Zhang Yu could only be speechless as the director of "Phantom of the Opera".

That day, Lu Ping went to prepare for the performance.

Yan Bo also contacted Lu Jinglong, the dean of the National Peking Opera Theater, hoping that he would come and see the work.

Lu Jinglong heard that the Music Association created a Peking Opera, but of course he felt a little surprised. Although the two sides sometimes have some intersections in their work, most of the time, they are still busy. After all, the main work of the Music Association is music, and Peking Opera is a opera. There is still a big gap between the style and genre of music.

However, because Yan Bo is the vice chairman of the Music Association and the old principal of the Beijing Conservatory of Music, when it comes to influence in the domestic music circle, few people can surpass him. Naturally, Lu Jinglong was not easy to refute his face, so he planned to come and take a look at it.

However, Lu Jinglong did not come by himself. He also brought two colleagues from the Beijing Theater's director room. Although he didn't know what was wrong with the music association, he suddenly wanted to create Beijing opera. However, considering that he and Yan Bo are relatively familiar, it is often inconvenient to talk, so when the time comes, let two colleagues sing black faces, he sings white faces, I believe that it will be much more convenient.

After entering the academy, I met Yan Bo, and the two said a few words of laughter. Lu Jinglong introduced the two to the other party.

But when Yan Bo introduced Zhang Yu to Lu Jinglong, he was a little surprised. Because Zhang Yu's age is too young, I don't know who the niece and junior of his family brought to meet the world! Unexpectedly, the other party was actually the creator of this Beijing Opera creation.

This made Lu Jinglong cry and laugh! A child's teeth can create any **** Beijing opera. If it weren't for Yan Bo's senior qualifications, he was just afraid to turn around and leave. But still looking at Yan Bo's face, he intends to walk through the scenes and ask two colleagues to pick something wrong, and to say something else.

But when the two picked up the score and planned to pick something wrong, they were all shocked. Because the Peking Opera called "Wisdom Tiger Mountain" in their hands is not so dazzling, but rather unimaginable.

Lu Jinglong was also suspicious when he saw two colleagues looking at the music sheet with an expression that looked like hell.

Could it be that the work is too scum, the two guys can't find anything to describe?

But when the two handed over the score to Lu Jinglong and asked him to comment. His expression can be said to be worse than the two, and even his chin fell to the ground.

real or fake! Such awesome works, really created by the music association? When the level of cross-boundary creation of the Music Association is so high, people's cross-border work is so good, and they can still play together happily in the future.

Yan Bo saw Lu Jinglong's expression, and was also very funny in his heart, saying: "Dean Lu! What do you think, this work is not qualified enough for you Beijing Theater to rehearse."

A hint of wry smile flashed on Lu Jinglong's face! If such awesome works are not qualified, then the Peking Opera House is too good.

Of course Lu Jinglong dare not say anything! At that time, I decided to agree to the joint performance.

As an author, Zhang Yu was naturally invited to become one of the directors, although not the chief director. But for Zhang Yu, a sheep is also rushing, and a group of sheep is also letting go.


Lu Ping took the score back to the Opera and Dance Theater. The senior officials saw the score. All the problems were solved. The dance theater also mobilized all its strength and began to prepare for the performance.

Zhang Yu as the director! Naturally, we must participate in the whole process.