Facing the ferocious Qin Hongyi, Han Chen raises the death sword and kills him as if he were dead.

To Han Chen's surprise, although it was only ten years ago, Qin Hongyi has now reached the level of Emperor Wu, and his accomplishments are even better than him, which makes Han Chen very surprised.

Of course, Han Chen, who has rich experience in leapfrog killing, does not pay attention to Qin Hongyi. As long as he is willing, Qin Hongyi will die today.

"Sister yue'er, what should we do now?" Looking at the battle in front of her, Jiuwei Xuehu Lang says in a voice that she is hesitating whether to help Han Chen in the end.

From her point of view, if you use invisibility at this time, you can kill Qin Hongyi unconsciously, but you don't get Han Chen's order, so she is very contradictory.

"This is a grudge between them. It has been more than ten years. None of us can intervene. Let them solve it by themselves. I think Han Chen should know how to do it."

Ruyue was very sensible and didn't intervene by force, although they had the ability to change the situation.

In the void, Qin Hongyi and Han Chen fight heartily. Both of them try their best. The difference is that Han Chen has both attack and defense. Looking at Qin Hongyi, she completely forces herself into a desperate situation, only attacking but not defending.

It can be seen that she has made up her mind that if Han Chen is not killed today, she is not going to live.

The needle tip to the wheat awn, because the cultivation difference is not big, so in a short time, no one can do anything.

However, people who are familiar with Han Chen can see that from the beginning to the end, Han Chen has some reservations. He has not even displayed the hand of destruction, the fingerprint of subduing demons, and the flaming Yanyi, so he even has no use in singing with Qi and using xuanhuang bumie Jue.

No one knows what he is thinking in the end, but they believe that Han Chen has his reasons for doing so.

In the twinkling of an eye, three incense sticks passed.

Han Chen and Qin Hongyi are still fighting. It is obvious at this moment that Han Chen lets Qin Hongyi, because she can't hold on.

"Qin Hongyi, do we have to kill each other today?" Dancing the death sword, Han Chen forced to ask.

"You and I are mortal, I dream to kill you! Don't talk nonsense and die

His blood colored pupils exuded a strong anger. Qin Hongyi refused to let go, so he didn't mean to stop.

Know this is not a way to go on, immediately, Han Chen moved the real style, directly put out the gas to sing.

In an instant, Han Chen seemed to be a different person, full of energy and fierce swordsmanship, and blocked all the retreat routes of Qin Hongyi, making her fall into a desperate situation.

In fact, Qin Hongyi knows that Han Chen has always let herself, but what she didn't expect is that Han Chen's cultivation is so much better than herself. If he really wanted to kill himself, I'm afraid he would have died.


"Bang Bang..."

Qin Hongyi couldn't resist because of all kinds of sword Qi. After only ten rounds, the death sword was put on Qin Hongyi's neck, which made her lose her resistance.

"You should understand that if I really wanted to kill you, you would have been dead!" Looking at Qin Hongyi coldly, Han Chen said coldly.

"If you want to kill me, I'm tired of living anyway!" With her eyes closed, Qin Hongyi showed disdain on her face. It seemed that there was no big difference between living and dying for her. She even preferred to die.

"What are you hesitating about?" See Han Chen tardy did not start, ZuLong's voice in his mind ring up.

"She is innocent."

"Don't forget, she is the enemy of your Han family. The reason why you Han family was bloodwashed has a great relationship with her."

"You're right. But at the beginning, our Han family also bloodwashed the Qin family. She is the only one left in the Qin family. What if I killed her today? What's more, it was I who defiled her first, though it had nothing to do with me. " Very calm, Han Chen argued, can see that he did not want to hurt the killer.

"If you let her go today, she may still kill you tomorrow."

"You can't do what you want, but you can't be ashamed of yourself. I won't regret what I did today. "

Determined, Han Chen put down the death sword, and said indifferently: "Qin Hongyi, you go, I don't want to kill you."

This words, Qin Hongyi Jiao body trembled, blood in the eyes showed a look of disbelief, it seems that Han Chen should have let himself.

Ruyue, xuehuang, Jiuwei Xuehu and others are also surprised, especially xuehuang. She knows how badly Han Chen has been harmed by Qin Hongyi, but Han Chen does not kill her, which is unacceptable to her.

"Master, what are you doing? She is the enemy of your Han family. She tried to kill you several times! Why did you Han family get blood washing? Why is your grandfather Han Zhen implanted with super golden silkworm venom? She did it all! If you can't do it, I'll do it! "

In a word, xuehuang can't stand Qin Hongyi. When Han Chen can't get rid of it, she plans to finish it for Han Chen.

"Xuehuang, don't you stop talking to me? Give it back to me. " He glared at xuehuang fiercely, and Han Chen roared.He is one track minded. Once he has made up his mind to do something, no one can change it.

Han Chen's fury makes xuehuang stop talking. She knows Han Chen's temper, so after a stalemate, she finally has no choice but to walk behind the moon.

"Well, do you think I won't hate you if I let me go? In my heart, you are my forever enemy! You let me go today, and if I see you again, I will kill you as well! " Looking at Han Chen sarcastically, Qin Hongyi laughs at him. He doesn't mean to be grateful at all.

"If you really have the ability to kill me and die in your hands, I have nothing to regret!" His face was calm, Han Chen said calmly, and at the same time he collected the death sword.

When he spoke, Han Chen glanced over his face and took a look at Liu Ruyan and other five martial gods. Immediately, he was moved and tried to force them to swallow the sky stone.

The main reason why they dare to do this is because they are controlled by the super golden silkworm bug. They lose their self-consciousness and don't know how to resist when facing the external dangerous stimulation.

Of course, Han Chen was just trying, but to his surprise, the attempt was successful. All the five martial gods headed by Liu Ruyan were included in the stone of swallowing the sky, which cut off the contact with the outside world.

As a result, even if Qin Hongyi or Feng Yutian wants to kill them with super jincangu, it is impossible.

Qin Hongyi saw all this, but she did not put it in her heart. Instead, she looked at Han Chen without expression and said, "next time I meet, I will kill you, and I will never forgive you!"

After leaving this sentence, Qin Hongyi carries her bloody sword and rushes out of the Jade Maiden palace.

"Boss, do you really let her go? Now, if you regret it, there's still time to do it! " Red

looks at Han Chen with her eyes, and xuehuang clenches her fist. She just doesn't want to let Qin Hongyi go.

You know, Han Chen could have killed her today, and never had such a good chance.

If you miss today and try to kill her in the future, I'm afraid it will be very difficult.

"I've missed it once, and I can't go on with it."

"Sister yue'er, you should persuade Han Chen to let Qin Hongyi go. It's like letting Qin Hongyi go back to the mountain. You've heard what she said when she left. Even if we meet again next time, she will still hurt her killer!"

Heartbroken, xuehuang can't think how Han Chen is? Why let Qin Hongyi go?

It's not reasonable at all.

In the face of xuehuang's plea, Ruyue took her hand and said, "we should believe in Han Chen. Since he does this, there must be his reason." If the moon, let the blood Huang speechless, directly leave.

Worried about xuehuang's accident, Ruyue quickly winks at Jiuwei Xuehu. Jiuwei Xuehu immediately catches up with xuehuang. Ruyue goes straight to Han Chen, takes his arm, and says in a soft voice, "are you ok?"

"Moon, thank you for understanding me." Looking at the moon gratefully, Han Chen sighed gently, feeling thousands of things.

With a smile, Ruyue said calmly: "in fact, I can't understand the same as xuehuang, but you are my man. I believe every decision you make."

After a pause, Ruyue intended to change the topic, so she asked curiously, "what are you going to do with Liu Ruyan? I remember you once told me that she almost killed you at the beginning, and she broke you up with sister Xueer

"That's the past. Let's take a look around to see if there are any other people in the palace besides the five of them. " Holding a small hand like the moon, Han Chen calmly said.

To be honest, when Liu Ruyan broke up by force, Han Chen wanted to kill her and even wipe out the whole Jade Maiden palace.

But since he became the emperor of Shanghai imperial palace and the head of Tiandi gate, Han Chen's mentality has changed a lot.

Internally, killing is not the only solution. It may even hurt yourself.

Only external, concerted killing can solve the contradiction. Therefore, if he can not kill Han Chen, he will try not to kill him. What's more, he has a devil in his heart, and he doesn't want to be possessed by himself.

"Master, there is a heap of corpses here!"

When Han Chen and Ruyue were walking in the beautiful Jade Maiden palace looking for others, suddenly, the immortal sand devil came out, his face tense.

Look at each other, immediately Han Chen where dare to hesitate, immediately follow the undead sand devil together to see what is going on.

Soon, they came to a palace. What shocked Han Chen was that there were nearly 100 people in white, all of them fell on the ground, and their bodies kept twitching. At the same time, disgusting black insects came out of their ears, mouths, noses and eyes. They were extremely bloody and intolerable.

"Han Chen, they are..." Miserable, such as the moon instinctively turned his face, did not dare to look directly at the brutal scene, let people feel cold.

"It seems that we are still a little late. Feng Yutian must have noticed that Liu Ruyan was taken into tuntian stone and killed all the others. Super golden silkworm bug in their mind, eat brain marrow, and then drill out, this method is really cruel With a black face, Han Chen's brows wrinkled tightly, and his murderous spirit is awe inspiring."Don't you have flowers of past life and immortality? Can the flowers of the past and the immortal grass not save them

Ruyue is kind-hearted and can't bear these people to die in vain, so she wants Han Chen to save them.

"It's no use. The super jincangu directly devours their spirits. Even if I have the flowers of the past and the immortal spirit grass, I can't go back to heaven."

Speaking of this, when he saw the super jincangu that came out of the corpse and was ready to escape, Han Chen stretched out his hand and directly put out a strange fire and flaming Yan. He burned the super jincangu and those corpses together, and soon everything was destroyed.

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