After all the bodies of the jade lady palace were treated, immortal shaman, blood Yuhuang and nine tail snow fox gathered in front of Han Chen. They wanted to know how to go next.

"Master, there are no other people in the jade palace except the five martial gods and sister xue'er you saved?" "He asked softly, leaning his head.

"I had been to the jade lady palace a few decades ago. At that time, there were fewer than 300 people in the palace. But at present, we only deal with the corpses of more than 100 people, that is, there should be more than 200 people under the control of Phoenix gate. If I don't guess it wrong, fengyutian should take more than 200 people to Phoenix gate. "

"Now what should we do now? Would you like to go to Phoenix gate to rescue them? "

"No. I think after the last time she had paid for the job, fengyutian should have done more in terms of defense measures, and she would not make the same mistake again. So even if we go, we won't get any. "

Han Chen is very calm and has no impulse to act.

After all, the nine star rush is imminent once a million years. As the master of tiantianmen gate and the emperor of the sea emperor hall, he does not want to make any mistakes. His burden is too heavy.

Because Xuanwu mainland has no medical information about iron arrogance, this makes Han Chen, eager to drive away the super golden silkworm insects in linxiaoxue, has no way to do it. However, he can only stay in Han's home, while practicing and waiting.

This is ten years.

For ten years, Han Chen never left the Han family again.

What makes Han Chen helpless is that the medical doctor iron arrogance still does not return, no one knows where he is, even no one knows whether he is alive or dead, whether he still lives in this world.

In the past ten years, Han Chen's cultivation has made great progress. He was only one of the Emperor Wu. After ten years of practice, he has grown into a master of Wudi with five Heaven.

The breakthrough speed has slowed down a lot compared with the previous five levels in the past decade. However, it is a bad day to compare with Han Zhen and Han Wu.

On average, two years have broken through a realm, which is impossible for many talented people to achieve.

Of course, Han Chen's cultivation speed is so fast, a large part of the reason is related to his crazy devouring power.

In these years, he devoured ten level monsters and martial gods, such as the death god green shark and sharp front. The devoured wusheng and Wudi were countless. The spiritual power of these people's cultivation life has been transformed into the source of his breakthrough, so it is not difficult to imagine why he can improve so fast.

Because Han Chen is sitting in town, and nine tail snow fox, blood Yufei and immortal shaman are all escort with Han family, the development speed of Han family is also very fast.

Today, Han family is not comparable with that of ten years ago. In the vast Xuanwu mainland, Han family can not call the first family, but there are few families that can hold down the Han family.

Even if the Han family is at its peak before the bloody wash, it is only strong.

"Han Chen, you want to go?"

Han family hall, when Han Zhen, Han Wu listen to Han dust said to leave, all surprised.

In Han family, although Han Zhen is the head of the family, everyone knows that Han dust is the soul character of Han family. Without him, Han family has long been destroyed.

"Grandpa, father, I have been staying in the Han family for more than ten years. You know, I am not only the descendants of the Han family, but also the emperor of the sea emperor and the gate of heaven and earth. Now more than ten years have passed. I must know how the Tiandi gate and the Royal Palace are." Sincere words, Han Chen calm way.

"But dust son, Lin Xiaoxue their body super gold silkworm insect is not yet dispelled?" Subconsciously, Han Zhen questioned.

"I have been waiting for iron Ao bone in Han family for ten years, but I have not come back. In fact, we all know that whether he is alive or dead is uncertain. It is not a way to wait like this all the time. Maybe I should start to find other solutions. There is no way for people. I think, since they have been saved, there will always be a way to drive away the super golden silkworm insects in their bodies. "

Confident, Han Chen confessed, after all, there are many excellent doctors in the royal palace. Maybe they can get rid of the super golden silkworm.

When closed, death and change will be easy. It is always impossible to hang on a tree. It will only be a waste of time to drag down.

"Well, the situation is very delicate. We have no other requirements for you. We just hope you take care of it. If you have time, come back and see more, and my grandfather will wait for you."

Han Wu spoke with a kind smile on his face.

Now that only such a son is left, he is sincerely not hoping to have any accidents.

Nodded, Han dust knew that his father Han Wu and grandpa Han Zhen were really concerned about themselves, these words were their heartfelt words.

The world is big, no matter where, it is necessary to go home. Because the peace of mind is home, only home, can make people feel comfortable.

With endless reluctant, Han Chen, Ruyue, xueyufei, nine tail snow fox and immortal shaman left Han family directly, heading east and heading for the sea area.As the emperor of the sea, he has been away from the sea for ten years. Han Chen really feels a little uneasy. After all, the orcs in the Dead Sea are always a great threat to the Hai Huang palace.

Before exterminating the orcs, no one knew what kind of disaster they would bring to the sea.

He stayed in the Han family for more than ten years, but now he has to leave the Han family. Everyone is in a good mood and has a lot of fun.

It took only a month to get to the sea from Han's home, but it took Han Chen and his party half a year to get to the edge of the sea.

What Han Chen didn't expect was that when they came to the sea area, the God of the sea appeared, which surprised Han Chen.

"See the emperor!" More than ten years later, he was very excited.

"Oh, come on, how can you be here?" Hastily to pick up, Han Chen subconsciously asked.

He had an ominous feeling that something bad should have happened in the hall of emperor Hai.

"Sea king, the orcs are back If you want to go straight, you should be straightforward.

In this regard, Han Chen was quite calm and said: "so what? Now the strength of our Haihuang palace is far stronger than that of the orcs. Even if they kill the sea of blood, they can't do much! "

"Hai Huang, you don't know. The orcs who were sealed in those years untied the seal and came out. Now, under the leadership of him and the orc emperor, the orcs are invincible, and we can't stop the sea monsters in Haihuang palace!" His face was tense, he sighed helplessly, and his eyes were filled with unwilling look.

After a pause, he went on to say: "three months ago, the sea god huxiong and Huwei led the territorial sea monsters to fight against the ancestor of beasts. All 50000 sea monsters were killed, and even huxiong and Huwei were killed by the ancestor!"

Originally, he was very calm, but when I heard that huxiong and Huwei, the two sea gods who were conferred by themselves, were killed, the look on Han Chen's face suddenly became ferocious.

"What are you talking about? Tiger and tiger are killed by the ancestor? What's going on? Who was the ancestor of the beast? Why is it so powerful? " Aware of the bad, Han Chen asked solemnly, his face tense.

"Ten thousand years ago, when the demon Kingdom and the demon Kingdom ravaged the Xuanwu continent, the orcs also walked out of the sea of death and under the leadership of the ancestor of the beast, they besieged our Haihuang palace. At that time, the orcs were in a great momentum, especially the ancestor was invincible. No one was his opponent, and our Haihuang hall could not survive. Fortunately, at the last critical moment, a group of immortals at Tiandi gate helped us to seal the emperor's hall. But I didn't expect that, ten thousand years later, the seal of the ancestor of the beast was lifted. " He was very depressed and his face was deep.

"The orcs don't stop. Hum, I want to see what they can do. Go back to the palace of the sea

With a big hand, the furious Han Chen exudes incomparable hegemony all over his body.

Although he knew that the ancestor of the beast was not a good stubble and was not easy to deal with, as the emperor of the Hai Huang palace, Han Chen had no way out. The only thing he could do was to kill and wipe out the whole Orc family.

Haihuang palace.

When Han Chen returned to China, the sea god xuangui, the five clawed golden dragon, and the ape with open arms were all excited.

Although their time in the sea is much longer than Han Chen, Han Chen's existence is the soul for such a large Haihuang palace. Without him, the whole sea area will be complete.

Especially when the orcs wreak havoc in the sea, he is a soul character. Now that Han Chen is back, everyone is at ease, and has the strength to fight with the orcs.

"Lord Hai Huang, you are back at last Excited looking at Han Chen, five claw Golden Dragon is very excited, excited incoherent, do not know what to say.

"I've worked hard for you all these years. I already know something about the beast ancestor, but you don't have to worry about it. Since Han Chen is back, this day will not collapse! " Eyes firm, Han Chen throwing a voice, impassioned.

"Sea king, we are waiting for you to lead us to kill the orcs back to the sea of death again." Ambitious, the great ape is full of expectation.

"Don't worry, I won't let you down."

Speaking of this, Han Chen looked at the sea god xuangui and asked, "master xuangui, I want to know how powerful the ancestor beast is? Take your accomplishments and fight him with all your strength. Who is stronger and who is weaker? "

This is what Han Chen is most concerned about. If no one can control the beast ancestor, the two armies will be opposed, but it will hurt their morale.

"Ten thousand years ago, I had a fight with him. I have to admit that his cultivation is really strong. Even the ordinary experts of Tiandi gate are not necessarily his opponents. Now ten thousand years have passed, I don't know how his strength is now, but if I really want to fight with him, I can only say that I should not be defeated! "

Calm and calm, xuangui flattered or humiliated, always gives people a feeling of being in control.

"You are enough. Where are the orcs now? " He nodded with satisfaction, and Han Chen was confident."Hai Huang, they are in the west sea now, and they are assembling now. They are ready to kill the emperor at any time!"

"Well, pass on my order. All the sea monsters in the Haihuang Palace are ready to fight. This time, I must let the orcs learn the lesson of blood A sharp light flashed in his eyes, and Han Chen's voice was fierce.

More than a decade ago, Han Chen thought that the orcs would stay on their own feet for a while, but it was only ten years before and after that, and they made a comeback.

Now the orc race is the heart disease of him and the whole sea people.

If not, it will lead to disaster. , the fastest update of the webnovel!